Continued From Page 3
THE OZARK ED REPORT–I finally got my Shovelhead on the road. I took it to hot springs HOG rally for its inaugural voyage, and had just a few tiny little issues to deal with. Some guy took a photo and gave me a card with It will be a few days before it’s up but let me know how you like it. –Ozark Ed

THE RED BARON ROLLS– Joel Wilson built the Baron. His email is = His Business is = S. I. C. Motorcycles – 512-203-0641
You should see the new creation he has started attached is a picture of his LOGO as well as a few pictures of the Baron – (he beat Jessie James in several Bike Shows)
NEVER ENOUGH BLONDE JOKES–To prepare for his big date, a young man went up on to the roof of his apartment building in order to tan himself. Not wanting any tan lines to show, he sunbathed in the nude. Unfortunately, the young man fell asleep while on the roof, and managed to get a sunburn on his “tool of the trade”.
He was determined not to miss his date, so he put some lotion on his manhood and wrapped it in gauze.
The blonde showed up for the date at his apartment, and the young man treated her to a home cooked dinner, after which they went into the living room to watch a movie.
During the movie, however, the young man’s sunburn started acting up again. He asked to be excused, went into the kitchen, and poured a tall, cool glass of milk. He then placed his sunburned member in the milk and experienced immediate relief of his pain.
The blonde, however, wondering what he was doing, wandered into the kitchen to see him with his johnson immersed in a glass of milk. Upon seeing this, the blonde exclaimed, “So that’s how you guys load those things!”
–from Rogue

THE MILLER REPORT–One down and four to go.
–Ken Miller
CHOPPER OPS SPECIALS–Over here at Chopper Ops, we know what it’s like to work for a paycheck. We do it everyday. We know what it’s like to be a small business looking for a break. We know what it’s like to have to put shoes on our kids feet, and take care of our families. Like you, we take great pride in all of these things. Call Chopper Ops and find out for yourself why were a company you should consider. Chopper Ops: 1.562.795.0294 THE FERRYMAN PROJECT–Well here is my scoot with Part 2 of the customizing.Stage 1 was Stage 1 and Screaming Eagle slash cut and the Thunderstar wheels. Stage 2 is the paintwork. and Stage 3 well who knows.All suggestions will be considered. Ride Safe –The Ferryman WEEKLY PARTS SEARCH–Hey Bandit, I look forward to your web site. Keep upthe good work bro! I’ve been trying to get a line onthe Rigid Air Ride System that Indian Larry used onthe Great Biker Build-Off vs. P. Yaffe. I’ve e-mailedthem (Gasoline Alley)and no response. Do you knowsomeone or website I can contact for information? Thanks man! INDIAN LAYS OFF “ALL” WORKERS–SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) – Indian Motorcycle, a revival of a pioneering motorcycle maker, has halted production and laid off its entire work force, citing financial troubles that could force the company into bankruptcy. Indian chairman Frank J. O’Connell told 380 workers at the company’s Gilroy plant Monday that they would immediately stop manufacturing because a deal with a major investor fell through. O’Connell said he had received calls from dozens of other potential investors, and he still hopes that the death-defying company would return to operation. The company specializes in so-called cruisers – large, relatively smooth motorcycles with a relaxed seating position and cushy suspensions for leisurely riding. Cruisers are the fastest growing segment of the motorcycle market. –By RACHEL KONRAD, The Associated Press –from Bubblehead INDIAN LARRY HITS THE BIG TIME–What will our hero, Indian Larry, get his tattooed fingers into next?Let’s see Jesse James or Billy Lane take a stab at big screen and book advertizing.–TBear NEW YORK – The ad shows a tattooed biker, scowling and shaggy-haired, against a harsh backdrop of blue and black. “Flying cars. Fire Whiskey. Death Eaters,” reads the caption above the picture. At the bottom, next to the catch phrase “We all have our reasons. What’s yours?” comes the real pitch: “There’s some pretty tough stuff in Harry Potter ? bad guys so bad they’re called Death Eaters. That’s one of the wicked reasons even bikers think Harry Potter is cool enough to ride with them.” Having already conquered the children’s market, Scholastic, Inc., the U.S. publisher of J.K. Rowling’s multimillion-selling series, is targeting adults, ages 18 to 35. Potter ads featuring bikers, skateboarders and couch potatoes will appear in Rolling Stone and other magazines throughout October. “We felt we needed to think out of the box and reach out to readers who would not normally pick up a copy of Harry Potter unless somebody placed it in their hands,” Barbara Marcus, president of Scholastic Children’s Books, told The Associated Press on Tuesday, a day before the publisher was to officially announce the new campaign. –from TBear Pat Bourgeois from Victory organized the party. LAST CALL–So I snagged a late start. I was dragged from Oakland airport to the new Arlen Ness facility in Dublin, California, slightly inland. Let’s see if I remember this correctly. Oh, yeah, we staggered back to the hotel after the party at the Ness Facility. If you roll into the bay area don’t miss a tour of this facility. You could easily call it the Custom Motorcycle Museum. The facility encases many of Arlen’s bikes from the early ’70s up, his article framed on the walls. It’s incredible. Then the true meaning of the assignment came to light. The new model line-up for Victory, the King Pin, with design touched grazed by Arlen and Cory Ness. The line-up includes a limited edition Vegas series designed by Arlen. Only one for every dealership. Sharp bikes. Limited edition Arlen Ness signature series bike from Victory. The next day reveille was called at the crack of dawn. We were handcuffed and led into a Sheriffs paddy wagon for a hour-and-a-half jerking ride into Napa Valley. That’s where they unleash our mad-as-hell muthas to ride the new King Pins, the sport and touring models. We weaved through snake-like hillside roads that made hairpins reminiscent of interstates. We lost one rider and another went down on an anti-banked curve. I’m still recovering from motion sickness. There will be a full report here on Bikernet, another two pages in American Rider and if you’re interested check out the custom option features on the Victory Web site. This is an American motorcycle that deserves consideration. Try one and let me know what you think. There’s more to report but whiskey and women are waiting. Watch for more Sturgis action, wild fiction, and the Victory Report in the near future. Oh shit, I forgot. We did a study of the Best Bike Web Sites for American Rider. We may give you a sneak preview next week. Of course Bikernet took the cake. Ride forever,
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