Just an ordinary day at the headquarters. Two big LA lawyers are pounding on the door after the IMB stick fighting class. They drag me to lunch and ask me question about shit I would just as soon forget. I know nothing. Then Frank shows up and we split to the garage to tinker with the 2003 Road King. But first I receive an email from Linda Nelson of Nelson Madison Films, “Stephen Baldwin has agreed to direct ASPHALT COWBOYS. We’ve signed a contract with Conrad Goode on your Asphalt Cowboy screenplay. We have several companies interested. As soon as the contract iscleared up (hopefully on Monday), we will rock.
That news makes my day and the tinkering in the garage all the more of a blast. We’ll be reporting on the progress on a regular basis. Let’s get to the news:
Willie G. Davidson’s 100 Years of Harley-Davidson.
For almost 100 years, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company has touched the lives of millions of Americans and millions more around the world. From the first motorcycle built in a wooden shed in 1903 to the latest V-Rod model, Harley-Davidson motorcycles have become a cultural phenomenon. To celebrate its 100th Anniversary, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, in conjunction with Bulfinch Press, is set to release 100 Years of Harley-Davidson — a remarkable, personal account of the Company’s history written by Willie G. Davidson, grandson of William A. Davidson, one of the company’s four founders.
Spanning 288 pages and featuring 500 spectacular images, many rare and unseen, 100 Years of Harley-Davidson (Bulfinch Press; October 11, 2002; $65) delves into all facets of the famous brand from its freedom-inspired customers, to Willie G’s personal insights and family memories, to vintage and present day bikes to races and rallies. Divided into six eras, each chapter not only details the evolution of the Company, but the role Harley-Davidson has played in American culture. Willie G’s personal memories are shared from the early days of building the brand with dedicated employees to the evolution of the culture, capturing the history of the Harley-Davidson legacy.
100 Years of Harley-Davidson will be available at bookstores everywhere and through online booksellers beginning October 11th.
FROM THE WOMENS’ CORNER–“It’s just too hot to wear clothes today,” Jack saysas he stepped out of the shower, “honey, what do youthink the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawnlike this?”
“Probably that I married you for your money,” shereplied.


The Horse-Backstreet Choppers today announced that its famed chopper and bikerfest, The Smokeout III, will be featured on The Discovery Channel’s ‘The Great Biker Build-Off’. The show will air Saturday, September 28 at 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET/PT, and The Horse’s 20 page coverage of The Smokeout III hits newsstands on October 29th.
‘The Great Biker Build-Off’ follows legendary bike builders Roger Bourget and Billy Lane as they create the perfect machine from scratch in just eight weeks. Both bikers ride their new creations to The Smokeout III in Salisbury, N.C., where attendees of this radical chopperfest and bike show vote on which of them deserves the “people’s choice” prize.
The Discovery Channel has dedicated programming towards Bike Weekend on September 28th & 29th, which highlights two days of pure motorcycle madness. The shows include: Harley-Davidson: Birth of the V-Rod; Motorcycle Mania; Motorcycle Mania 2; American Chopper, and Motorcycle Women.
MOST PROLONGED FART–Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a fart for anofficially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds.
–from Ray R.
TIP FROM OZARK ED–As usual things just seem to work out for me. in 2000 my girl bought her anew SS monte carlo. What a piece of shit it turned out to be. Without goinginto a long bitch session, I’ll just say it was a nightmare of a car.
Everything was covered under warranty so it was just the time and hassle thatI had to deal with. But you couldn’t trust the car. It would let you downevery time you HAD TO HAVE a car. Anyway, I met this guy with GM and he saidhe could resolve my problems. I took the car to the dealer he indicated andthen after two or three tries, he said it just couldn’t be fixed. Well, I just got anotice that GM has decided to buy my car from me and they are paying me backthe full price I paid, all the interest, the taxes, license fees, and theyare subtracting 3 grand for the mileage put on the car until I had theproblem. Shit. After I pay off my loan, I’ll have enough left over to buy mygirl a nice car for cash.
She found one that she really wants and I’mactually going to have about a thousand left over. That will buy my Shovel’sheadlight, a large bag, a big ole box o’ buds, and have a few stripperdollars. Imagine that, one day fucked, the next day golden.
–Ozark Ed

I call it the “Jockey Latch”. It is a cam/latch device that willlock the clutch pedal down at the end of the pedal travel and releaseswhen hit again. It will also cycle through if you press it down to thestop. In other words, it’s there if you need it and not there if youdon’t.
The pictures I have are of the original prototype which isinstalled and used on my ’62 pan. I have an updated version NC machinedfrom billet and chrome plated. It also has some internal mods that makeit bullet proof.
I’m a career tool and die maker and also worked manyyears in the aircraft industry building F15 parts. This is the real deal,and I’m currently setting up my own shop for manufacturing them alongwith lots of other trick stuff, (notice the titanium pressure pad in thepics).
I will be in Daytona during Biketoberfest with the new unit ondisplay and the Panhead for demos. I have a few more pics at my smallwebsite athome.earthlink.net/~hunterlsl/index.html.Feel free to call me at 636-561-2706 or meet me in Daytona.
–Suicide Bob
BIKERNET DRINKING STUDIES–When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave upreading. –Henny Youngman
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