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POLARIS OPEN HOUSE– Set for Oct. 12-19 This October, somebody is going to win the ultimate treat, and there’s no trick involved. The first-ever Polaris National Open House will take place Oct. 12-19, giving outdoor lovers across America and Canada an opportunity to visit their local Polaris dealer to demo product, learn about Polaris’ mind-boggling 2003 new product lineup, take advantage of a very special finance offer, and last, but definitely not least, register for a powersports lover’s dream prize package.
To celebrate the Polaris National Open House, consumers who visit participating Polaris dealers between Oct. 12 and 19 can enter the “Ride of Your Life” sweepstakes to become eligible to win a grand-prize package that includes one vehicle from each of Polaris’ four recreational product lines, plus other goodies. All together, the grand-prize package is worth a retail value of more than $35,000. Additionally, one first-prize winner will receive a certificate to participate in the Richard Petty Driving Experience.
The Grand Prize
The Polaris “Ride of Your Life” sweepstakes grand-prize package includes a Polaris product for any weather and every terrain, and can help anyone find a way out of the stress of everyday life. The package includes:
A 2002 Polaris 700 XC SP snowmobile
A 2003 Classic Cruiser Victory motorcycle
A 2002 Polaris Virage i watercraft
A 2003 Polaris Magnum 330 4×4 all-terrain vehicle
A Floe two-place trailer
$1000 in Polaris apparel and accessories (excluding service and parts)
“With all the exciting new things happening at Polaris, we figured it was about time we got together with our dealers and celebrated with a good old-fashioned open house,” said Tom Tiller, president and CEO of Polaris. “This gives folks who have been kicking around the idea of buying a new recreation or utility vehicle the chance to come in, see what’s new at Polaris, and while they’re there, register to win an amazing prize package.”
Driving home with a new Polaris or Victory will be easier than ever during the Polaris National Open House. A special no money down, no payments and no interest for 12 months financing offer is available with the purchase of $1,000 in Pure Polaris apparel and accessories. Details on financing programs are available at all participating dealerships.
The Polaris “Ride of Your Life” Sweepstakes is open to persons 18 years of age and older who are legal residents of the United States and Canada. Subject to official rules – to see official rules, visit a participating Polaris dealer or log on to the Polaris Web site at Consumers also may mail in an official entry or a hand-printed 3-inch x 5-inch piece of paper in an envelope with postage affixed to: Polaris Ride of Your Life Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 6685, Stacy, MN 55078-6685. One entry per person. Mail-in entries must be postmarked not later than midnight October 21, 2002 and be received no later than October 28, 2002.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This world is going to Hell !! What’s going on ? Bikernet is turning into Harleys R Us, Bush wants a war no matter what , some chick gives a beating to her kid and she’s going to jail, and the poor girl to a foster home?
I don’t know if it’s me but we all got a pretty good (and maybe deserved) beating once in a while, it’s called discipline, I believe. But this woman, and I’m not saying that what she did was right, slaps the kid around and she’s going to jail!!! I think it sucks. What kind of care would that little girl get in a foster home? The powers that be are fucking her life up, and now the kid’s with some strange people in a strange world, that’s sick.
To top it off now, all the kids have to wear helmets for any activity they do, skates, bikes, skateboards….. I don’t recall even using a helmet for any of that when I was a kid , and we all banged our heads more than once…..We got up and kept on doing what we were doing. What?s next, if you run around the house you will have to wear a lid ‘ cause you might bang your head on a wall? Come on…Isn’t this the ” Land of the Free” ??? That’s why I don’t even watch news or read newspapers.
What the hell do I care if Miss Universe lost her crown because she doesn’t get up at 4:00 am….Man, I don’t blame her who the hell wants to get up that early! Or because she’s banging Putkin or whatever his name is….so she should be celibate for a year because Trump wants to…..go suck an egg. I guess I understand more and more , less and less, oh well…enough ranting….Let’s bash Harley once more.
How come the “factory” is bending over and taking it like a man from the government. All I’ve heard is that the V-Rod will replace the air cooled V-Twin because the EPA is getting stricter with their stuff. Soon all bikes will have to be CARB , and carburetors will be a thing of the past.
If I had the power that H-D has on the economy of the USA, I would tell the bureaucrats to get the hell outta town, play by our rules, we won’t play by yours. Let’s see why Harley is what it is today, maybe because fanatics (yes we are fanatics) like that old style, like to have a part of that past and nostalgia that this American Big Twins give them? How come the best selling models are the Fat Boy, Heritage and Road King? If you see those bikes and they remind you of the old FL?s, give yourself an A!
How come a magazine like EasyRiders (RIP) is on the way to a 7′ deep hole? They forgot the formula that made them what they were, choppers, the biker lifestyle and??. nostalgia. Who cares if your bike cost you ten grand or 100 grand, how come you can be riding on the latest 100th anniversary model and the guy next to you on a basket chopper gets all the attention? Because choppers have an appeal that no other vehicle has (maybe super expensive exotic cars, AND Muscle cars). Maybe it’s because we spend our lives remembering the past, the things we’ve done and seen….. Why does most of the week-end warriors dress up like they do….Bingo! Marlon Brando, James Dean, Easy Rider, Hells Angels…..all the images of those cool, suave dudes being rebels. Images of past. They all wanna-be bad asses, no kicking and no nasty carbs, and God forbid riding a rigid! We have become consumer freaks. I bet the Davidson and Harley brothers are twisting around in their graves with the sight of what’s become of their company. And that’s the way I see it.
PS: Just read Fiction on the new Biker Magazine, Nov issue 206, I guess it has something to do with what I’m saying above.

Jose, check this letter our from 1927
And enough bull, let’s get to the news…..
Billy Lane is featured in Cycle World this month…yeap Cycle World, pretty cool article, check it out.
Speaking of magazines, Jesse James has an article in FHM, yeap the hot chick mag for men, are we getting that famous ??? Only time will tell.
A report of the Key West Poker Run has been received, tons and tons of Ford pickups with trailers hauling bikes heading for the Keys, (Some say 10,000, some say 40,000). I got a report of very few cool bikes, 99% having the ham can air cleaner (so I guess we are 1% er?s after all) and the new South Florida rage….Gold !!! Gold everything from rims to chain guards… Cops waiting for bikes with open pipes to bust them (check points with clubs to stick it in the pipes, It’s Key West !!) Etc.etc. Geno reported that he has ” Loser” bike photos for the next 4 years of the Horse….At least there’s always Upstairs…
Street Vibrations is taking place as we speak, the Reno event seems to be a pretty cool party, in a mini Vegas style. I hope it does not get too hot to handle…lets see.
I’ve noticed a new banner-sponsor on Bikernet….Choppahead…cool swags by cool people, check them out at, Welcome.

The Discovery Channel is airing Bike Week end, it starts Saturday, Sept 28th at 9:00 pm eastern time with Motorcycle Mania 1 then The Great Biker Build-Off/ Horse Smoke out thing at 10: 00 pm, that’s the show we are all waiting for. See what happens and let us know how you liked it. Sunday is Motorcycle Mania 2, American Chopper and Biker Women. Monday there will be new Monster Garage episodes….Cool it’s going to be a Chopper full week -end.
I’m trying to create a database on our web site of Latin American shops and builders. I’m sure there are more people that do the same as we do, so shoot us an email; let’s see what’s going on chopperwise in this part of the world.
Seems like the Race to the Badlands, 100th is happening….stay tuned for the play by play reports as the race unfolds, bike builds, plans, etc…..I’m going Old Skool, I guess Bandit is going Techno…And let’s see who joins up…..It will be fun….I’m already printing maps of the house in Lead so Bandit can meet us there….whenever he gets in.
Countdown to Biketoberfest……..soon, very soon….3 weeks soon. I really don’t care much about the event, but The Horse Party and general mayhem with friends is the stuff I look up to. I’m even taking a bike (chopper of course! ) that’s making it’s way to California……
Anyway….time to get out of here….see you all next week…
Jose “Acclaimed” Caribbean Report…..
THE DEFINITION OF SOCIAL SECURITY SEX– Two guys were talking. “So, how’s your sex life?”
“Oh, nothing special. I’m having Social Security sex,”
“Social Security sex?”
“Yeah, you know: I get a little each month, but not enough to live on!”

FOR SALE, RIGIDFRAME.COM – US$ 495–Please note that after years, the registration on the domain nameRIGIDFRAME.COM was not renewed and this domain had become available to register.
Consequently, we have been approached to market this domain name that has been tracked and registered by a client. As a result, RIGIDFRAME.COM is now available from us for IMMEDIATE transfer.
This is a VALUABLE and HIGH PROFILE domain and we believe that thisdevelopment could be of genuine interest and benefit to your operation. Please note that the domain name market is extremely solid at the moment and similar domains are currently selling on, (domain auction sites) and by domainname brokers, in some cases, for many thousands of US dollars.
Please note that transfers take just 15 minutes and are extremelystraightforward – absolutely NO technical knowledge required!
If you would like to use WWW.RIGIDFRAME.COM for your online business, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We will be on hand should you require any further assistance or information.
LAST BIG DRAGS OF THE YEAR–Howdy, The Texas Scooter Times would like to remind everyone about the “Last Big Drags” of the year!! The STATE FINALS- October 6th (Sunday) at Lone Star Raceway Park in Sealy, Texas…
Originally scheduled for a two day event, this Race has been rescheduled to a one day event….Featuring Nitro Harleys – Nostalgia Fuel Harleys and Unlimited Top Gas Harleys with 30 Sportsman Classes for ANY Type of Harley!Huge Vendor Midway – Burnout Contest and much much more!Gates open at 8am, Track opens at 10am and Eliminations at 2pm…. BE THERE!
Track is located 10 miles West of Sealy on Interstate 10. Take the Beckendorf Exit and Lone Star Raceway Park is located on the South Service Rd…..
For More information visit: or call 254-687-9066…..Vendor Space Still Available… Call the Scooter Times for Details and Reservations…
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