It’s hot as hell in the Bikernet Headquarters and the news is smokin’. With the deadline looming over my head a call came in from the Midwest and a whispering voice said, “Sheldon Coleman, the owner of Big Dog, bought S&S.” The phone went immediately dead.
I sat back and scratched my sweating head and pondered the possibilities. What could it mean to Big Dog, the industry or the employees at S&S? Sheldon is one of the good guys in this industry. Sure, he has tons of money from the Coleman-Camping family, but he’s more than just a rich sap. He’s a guy with the heart to pour resources into Big Dog for the long run. He’s stood the test of time, hung by his employees, put up with Nick, “The Knife”, Messer until Big Dog was successful and on the top of the production custom heap.
I’ll check with my S&S connection and report at the end of the news. Let’s hit it:

THE V-ROD ENGINE CONTROVERSY–EPA documents show design basics and performance info a a 2450cc V-twin, but they also raise a few questions.
Any new mega-displacement liquid-cooled Harley-Davidson motorcycle engine would incorporate some of the technology from the VRSC Rod series V-twin engines.
Is Harley about to join the displacement race? That topic has been buzzing around the internet with the discovery of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) documents mentioning a 2450cc V-twin engine. With Harley now running at the bottom of the big-twin displacement class, it’s only a matter of time before Harley, which was once distinguished by having the largest motorcycle engines on the road, produces a bigger V-twin.
EPA emissions document in question shows testing results for liquid-cooled 2450cc and 2000cc Harley-Davidson V-twin engines. Power for the 2450cc version is listed as 98 kilowatts (131 horsepower) at 5000 rpm with 133 newton-meters (98 foot-pounds) of torque at 3500 rpm. The weight (presumably the GVWR) is listed at 1260 pounds. Since the fuel-tank material is listed as nylon, it would presumably be an under-seat style. The fuel-injected engine uses air injection and catalyst to reduce exhaust emissions.
–from Rogue

HELMETLESS FLORIDA RIDERS WIN-THE DEBATE CONTINUES–“Helmetless” Riders are Less Likely to Die in Motorcycle Crashes on Florida Roads. The 2004 Crash Statistics for Florida wipe away NHTSA’s prediction of a blood bath.
According to the recently released, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles annual Traffic Crash Statistics Report for 2004, motorcycle riders wearing helmets were more likely to sustain an injury or suffer a fatality than their non-helmeted counterparts. The huge increase in death and injury to non-helmeted motorcycle riders, predicted by NHTSA (National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration) in a report released this summer, has not been substantiated. The numbers are going to disappoint the proponents of helmet laws while simultaneously confirming the facts presented to the public by ABATE of Florida, Inc. (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education). ABATE is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization in Florida and has spent years focusing on motorcycle related issues, including crash prevention and stiffer penalties for negligent vehicle operators who kill and injure motorcycle riders.
Of the 388 motorcycle riders killed in crashes on Florida roads during 2004, over 51% were wearing safety helmets. The crash facts also demonstrate that riders wearing safety helmets were more likely to sustain injuries than non-helmeted riders. In each of the statistical focus topics presented in the study, the percentage numbers were very close between helmeted and non-helmeted riders, except for non-injury crashes.
This disparity could be due to the visual and physical limitations imposed by a helmet. Wearing a motorcycle helmet cannot keep a crash from occurring, however, riding without a helmet could allow a rider to respond more quickly or to visually recognize potential hazards, decreasing the severity of the injury sustained or avoiding injury all together. There are no statistics available for crashes which riders were able to completely avoid due to training or equipment use. According to the crash statistics, the top three contributing causes of all motor vehicle crashes include careless driving, failure to yield the right-of-way and driving under the influence of alcohol. None of the three include equipment failure, environmental or weather related issues. Each of the top three causes for crashes are directly linked to driver error or negligent action by the motor vehicle operator. Therefore, in stands to reason that a significant number of crashes could be avoided if motor vehicle drivers took personal responsibility for operating a deadly weapon prior to engaging their engines. Statistical reports, no matter how reliable the source, will not stop the motorcycle helmet usage debate, however, the real issue is crash prevention. To get involved in motorcycle crash prevention or to find out more about the Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Programs being offered, contact ABATE of Florida, Inc. at P.O. Box 2520, DeLand, Florida, 32721 or visit www.abateflorida.com.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET/PYRO TEC PAINT JOB GIVEAWAY CONTEST COMING–While I gather pics for examples of the paint job giveaway, I thought I’dsend a few shots of a part the guys also make. It’s a very discreet supportfor S & S carbs on Evo style engine cases. It’s pretty damn sweet as you’llsee. It comes in 2 styles, the “Hot Rod” (w/holes) or the “Speedway”.Polished or black wrinkle powder coated, they both sell for $98.00 and areavailable on their web site www.PyroKustoms.com
“John and Melissa Beck”

TAMPA BIKEFEST 2006, BIGGEST YET, MARCH 25-26, 2006–Central Florida bikers will have a real biker treat with the best live entertainment, national celebrities, biker games, professional stunts, thousands in cash prizes, biker build-off, huge custom bike show, contests and lots of fun!
The Sundome – USF, in Tampa will receive over 25,000 bikers eager to buy biker products and services and find that special bike they have been looking for.
You cannot miss this event!

NATIONAL CELEBRITIES AND THEIR DREAM MACHINES–World Championship Website forum up and running. THE OFFICIAL World Championship of Custom Bike Building event website has been updated with a valuable new feature.
The site now has a moderated forum, where competitors and interested parties can communicate with each other, and through which event information and questions can be given and answered.
Just go to
Full information on the rules, classes, terms and conditions, judging, timings and related event information is also available at the website, with on-line or download-and-fax versions of the official entry form.
A competitor event booklet will be mailed to all potential competitors and related businesses later this week, and with space planning for the hall now underway, we are urging all builders who plan to enter the World Championship to complete the entry form and book their slot as soon as possible.
AMD’s 2nd annual Official World Championship Of Custom Bike Building will be held at the Big Twin West Dealer Expo, November 18 to 20, at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas Nevada. Custom Chrome is also holding their 19th annual Dealer Show at the same time and venue.

BIKERNET FRISCO PROJECT–Nyla Olsen, a five-year marketing director of Bikernet.com took the California Rider Course and passed it. She’s been riding a rubbermount 2004 Sportster ever since. We customized it and it?s on the pages of American Rider and Bikernet.
She’s now stepping up to the plate, and we’re going to build her a tight little Frisco style bobber. She’s 5’5″ and wants that light, low center of gravity scoot for roaming the southern coast of California. We’re working with a pure 80-inch Harley-Davidson, Evo drive line, BDL primary, and an original VL front end (2-inches longer than traditional springer), and Fab Kevin taillight.

We are working exclusively with Kent from Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston for fabrication and Kraft Tech for their slim bobber frame (2-inch downtube stretch with 34 degrees in the neck), narrow (130) 18-inch rear wheel and cupping rear fender. A Dennis Goodson air cleaner will handle the CV carb.

I would like to mention a couple of shops adding pure inspiration to this project. First NYC Choppers while we were in Sturgis, then recently at the Mid-State show I ran into Cole Foster of the Salinas Boys (we’re about to feature one of their sleek customs) and finally our recent Pyro Tec custom from Alton, Illinois. Incredible bikes. Plus, Kent built a hot Triumph that was featured in Hot Bike.
You’ll witness this bike come together, every step of the way, on Bikernet.com. We’ll look forward to your comments.
VICE GRIPS FROM TODD SILICATO–Silicato (as Todd) of Todd’s Cycle continues to design and developthe unmatched, stylish products that you have seen for years onTodd’s custom bikes. Todd’s Cycle formerly Top Shelf recently expanded their operations and staff.
Products such as the original Vice Grips aremachined from 60610 aluminum and knurled for a good grip with aslight radius to add comfort and control. Vice Grips are available inpolish and black ano or wrap your knuckles around a pair of brassgrips.
Give Todd’s Cycle a shout at 714-901-4516 or visit us attodds-cycle.com to check out the full line of unique, functionalproducts and our shop.
AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE INSTITUTE BUILDS NEW CAMPUS– The Florida Motorcycle School LLC paid $3.2 million for 27.5 acres of vacant land at the Destination Daytona, Bruce Rossmeyer Harley-Davidson site that will be used as a new campus for Corinthian College’s American Motorcycle Institute.
AMI is one of only two motorcycle schools in the country. The campus is expected to cost in excess of $26 million and will allow AMI to triple in enrollment. It will be located at the north end of Destination Daytona, a $50 million, 150-acre biker-themed tourist attraction.
“The decision by Corinthian College to make this exceptional investment in our community is another indication of the pre-eminence of the Daytona area in the motorsports field and of our overall desirability,” says Mike Vollmar of Charles Wayne Properties Inc., one of the brokers for the transaction. “There is a tremendous synergy between the school and Destination Daytona.”
Strasser Development Parcel D LLC, represented by Chuck Strasser, sold the parcel. The buyer was represented by Charles S. Lichtigman and Vollmar of Charles Wayne Properties, and Cresa Partners Inc.Charles Wayne Properties is one of Central Florida’s largest commercial real estate brokers. It manages leases or owns in excess of 2 million square feet of retail and office properties, and has offices in Orlando, Melbourne, Ocala and Daytona Beach.

BIKER CORPORATE MANAGEMENT LESSON–An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling amale buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter, “Want coffee.”
The waiter says, “Sure chief, coming right up.” He gets the Indiana tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down in onegulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing partsof the animal to splatter everywhere, then just walks out.
The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one handpulling another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to thecounter and says to the waiter, “Want coffee.”
The waiter says, “Whoa, Tonto! We’re still cleaning up your messfrom yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?”
The Indian smiles and proudly says, “Training for upper managementposition: Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave mess forothers to clean up, disappear for rest of day.
–from Art Friedman
MOTOCROSS LEGEND GARY SEMICS TO RELEASE 2 NEW INSTRUCTIONAL DVDs AND a CD!–LISBON, OHIO – Sept/05 – The ever-expanding volumes of motocross instructional material is growing today with the release of three new titles from former Supercross Champion and renowned instructor Gary Semics.
Riding techniques are explained and demonstrated in both stationary and action practice drills, making it easy to learn from one of the racing world’s true kings. Semics, who runs the Gary Semics Moto-X Schools, offers “How To Win Starts,” the second DVD in the Volume II Series.
“Everyone knows that the start is the most important part of a race,” said Semics, who breaks down all-important starting techniques in an easy to understand format. State of the art editing equipment lets Semics show riders each action and how they all blend together to create a quick start.
Semics also tackles the racer’s mindset and reveals secrets on how to mentally win a start. “Just the few hours I spent with Gary made a huge improvement in my starting abilities,” said motocross star Brock Helper.
Semics is also releasing the “Two-day School” DVD, which duplicates the actual experience of attending a two-day class at Semics’ riding school. Viewers will learn the five different techniques to take jumps and three techniques to do whoops, among many other skills. “You will learn the quickest and most effective ways to practice in order to improve,” said Semics.
Finally, Semics announces the release of a new groundbreaking CD, “MX School CD Series One,” which will allow riders the convenience of learning what’s really important in order to improve at motocross while they relax at home or behind the wheel of a car. The four part CD teaches competitors: How to quickly move up to the next level; The three types of foods to avoid; Bike set up adjustments; and How to make your bike and body become one.
In addition to his multimedia ventures, Semics is offering his riding and fitness-training programs in Georgia this December, January and February at the Georgia Practice Facility (GPF). Those interested in learning more about the sessions can contact the Gary Semics MX School at 330-424-9295 or the GPF owner Ray Woods at 810-569-2606.
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