Continued From Page 4

VICTORY HAMMER NAMED “2005 CRUISER OF THE YEAR”–Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine Recognizes Victory for “Shaking Things Up”
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., September 19, 2005 – Motorcycle Cruiser magazine recently awarded its highest honor to Victory Motorcycle’s entry into the Power Cruiser category by naming the 2005 Victory Hammer? “Cruiser of the Year.” Boasting an unsurpassed balance of power, style and handling and a first-of-its-kind massive rear tire from an OEM, the Hammer has made an undeniable impression on the motorcycling community.
“Sleek, flowing bodywork in dazzling colors, with a massive rear tire that’s out to here… You just have to stare,” the editors wrote in the October 2005 issue of Motorcycle Cruiser. “The eye-popping beauty of the Hammer shows how far Victory has come.”
“The Hammer’s distinctive styling and fat rear tire have caught a lot of attention since we began shipping units earlier this year,” said Mark Blackwell, general manager, Victory Motorcycles. “But it’s the bike’s distinctive styling, 100 cubic-inch engine with six-speed overdrive and all the power our riders demand that make the Hammer an exceptional motorcycle. Motorcycle Cruiser’s decision to honor the Hammer is very exciting, and it continues to build credibility for Victory as a rising player in the motorcycle industry.”
Victory, The New American Motorcycle, is the fastest growing motorcycle brand in the U.S. with year to date sales up over 50 percent. Since its debut in 1998, the brand has received multiple awards from leading industry sources. Additional achievements include:
2004: Kingpin is named “V-Twin Bike of the Year” by V-Twin Magazine.
2003: Victory Vegas is named “Best Cruiser” by Cycle World Magazine.
2003: Victory Vegas is named “2003 Cruiser of the Year” by Cruising Rider Magazine.
2003: Victory Vegas is named “Best Cruiser” by Motorcyclist Magazine.
2002: Victory Vegas is named “V-Twin Bike of the Year” by V-Twin Magazine.
2003: Victory Vegas receives the Chicago Athenaeum GOOD DESIGN Award for 2003.
2001: V92SC is named “Sport-Cruiser of the Year” at the Easyriders V-Twin Excellence Awards.
1999: V92C is named “Cruiser of the Year” by Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine.
1998: V92C is named “Best Cruiser” by Cycle World Magazine.
Additional information about Victory, The New American Motorcycle, is available online at

JIMS BIKERNET TRANNY OF THE WEEK – Fat 5 Overdrive–This new transmission nicknamed “Fat 5 Overdrive” is the ultimate for big engine & tire custom bikes. This transmission (Patent Pending) has all the added features of a six-speed transmission, but has been completely re-designed with oversize gears for today’s increased torque loads.
Basically, JIMS? designed an all new overdrive five speed transmission around the ratio’s of today’s six speed. In a nutshell, you don’t have to shift as much, but still end up with that comfortable cruising speed of an overdrive for highway riding. This added “space” was used to increase the surface area of all gears for added strength. The Fat 5 Overdrive also incorporates shift rings for a precise and accurate shift every time.
If your building a radical custom, or simply have a performance motor and want that added assurance that your transmission is ready to take a beating, then the new Fat 5 Overdrive is for you! Are you interested in a Fat 5? Overdrive for your motorcycle? Then contact your local JIMS? dealer, or contact JIMS? directly. JIMS? is the only place to find a Fat 5 Overdrive!

NEW BIKERNET SPONSOR-SUCKER PUNCH SALLY’S–Over the last year since SPS got their manufacturers license they have produced over 70 of their base model bikes for customers all over the world. The word is out that if you want a cool bike and don’t want to spend an arm and a leg go to SPS. The reality is that Jeff and Donny always have side project customs going on and are more then willing to provide all the parts and let someone put it together, which is the foundation of their working man’s kit. Look out for SPS over the next year to put out some more sick customs as they keep providing bikes for guys and gals who work for their paychecks.
Watch for SPS features and they are shipping a bobber to the Bikernet Headquarters for a road test. For more SPS info check

BIKERNET ARTSY PHOTOGRAPHY CONTINUES–We’re fortunate to have the man, Whiplash, supplying us with eye candy. It takes us away from the biz for a few moments and reminds us of the premise behind the motorcycle, the ride. Enjoy. -Bandit
–Whiplash Bob Bikernet Photog

QUICK BIKERNET PHILOSOPHY LESSON–Women and cats will do as they please. Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
–from Chris T.

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS ORGANIZATION–ABATE was originally started to fight unjust laws against those that ride motorcycles. There are many different situations and conditions in all of our lives that come into play when we decide to own and ride a motorcycle.
ABATE: LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE slogan should still be honored and let each rider decide what is best for them. ABATES function is to work as a legislative organization and Not Run or Indorse Mandatory Motorcycle Rider Courses. At this time I do believe that ABATE of Florida is against making these courses mandatory and I do support that decision.
I am in favor of Motorcycle Safety Courses and became a certified instructor But I am still against making taking the course mandatory. Money for education is in each motorcycle operator’s license and registration fee and that money should be used by the State of Florida to Offer Free Rider Education.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation or M$F as we know it works off grant money and the loan of motorcycles from the manufactures. They have grown very powerful and made a lot of money off promoting motorcycle safety and now Harley Davidson is getting on the money band wagon with their Riders Edge Course. If Harley is really interested in promoting motorcycle safety more than making money they should offer the course for Free to people who buy their product. I should note that years ago some responsible dealerships did offer free training to people who bought their motorcycles. If all the motorcycle manufactures would offer rider education when they sold a motorcycle that would free up money to increase the courses now available and lower the costs of attending one.
If you really want to do some thing to help promote motorcycle safety Insist on Operators of Other Type Vehicles Take Responsibility For The Actions and Bad Driving Habits.
The State of Florida needs Tougher Penalties for Traffic Offenses and that should be a top priority for ABATE and other MROs. It will not be popular with non-motorcyclist or the easiest thing to accomplish But It Must get
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

ARMY LIFE INSURANCE–Private Jones was assigned to the Army induction center, where he was to advise new recruits about their government benefits, especially their Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI). It wasn’t long before the center’s Lieutenant noticed that Private Jones had almost a 100% record for insurance sales, which had never happened before. Rather than ask about this, the Lt. stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones’s sales pitch.
Jones explained the basics of the SGLI to the new recruits, and then said. “If you have SGLI and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay $200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don’t have SGLI, and you go into battle and get killed, the government has to pay only a maximum of $6000.”
“Now,” he concluded, “which bunch do you think they are going to send into battle first?”
–from Nick Roberts

NEW YORK CITY CHOPPERS COMES TO BIKERNET–“I was told Nyla wrote something to the effect,” Nick, from NYC Choppers said, “that we had the best or coolest bike in Sturgis. Is that true?”
Actually, he’s right. She did report that fact in our Sturgis report. We hope to prove it to you with some features on NYC Choppers bikes and products in the near future.

2006 YAMAHA VMAX CALENDAR NOW AVAILABLE FROM THE BIKERPOSTER.DE ONLINE SHOP–“Separate the Men from the Boys” – this is the motto of the exclusively designed 2006 Yamaha Vmax Calendar from
The wall planner shows the 140 hp V4 engine of the Japanese motorcycle legend that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2005.
The calendar in 42 x 118.8 centimeter (about 16.6 x 47.1 inch) king size dimension features a full year calendar with lots of space for personal notes.
The 2006 Yamaha Vmax Calendar from is offered for a retail price of 15 Euros from the online store at

HEY BANDIT FROM GOTH GIRL–It always makes me so happy to get your e-mail. I think of you so often and it is always good. Thank you for FWDing this e-mail to me. I will respond to her. That was a very nice e-mail that she sent to you. I am sending you something, something I think is very cool and you had better agree because it has been my fu^%$#gin’ life and obsession for the past months…
I never give up, you see. Hard work, honesty, consistency, and the truth always shines true in the end.
Baby, anything from you will warm my cast iron heart.–Bandit
BIKERNET READER PATCHED IN–A couple of weekends ago I took a trip outta town on some club business. Unknown to me there was surprise waiting for me there. I got patched out!I was handed my patch by our national president, which is a very big deal. I was truly honored that my chapter would work it out for me to go with them and after business was done have the big man handed me my colors.
As ya know I am pumped up to get my rags and fly them around town. Now the real work begins. No one is allowed to coast here in the club. Everyone does their share to make it better and keep it running smooth. I am proud to be a full patch member now.
In my chapter we aren’t allowed to carry roadnames when we are prospecting and probating until we earn it and are patched out. I earned mine from the first time I met my boss and his wife. He asked his wife what she thought of me, and she said something, to the effect of, “he’s a cornbread fed country boy.” Well it stuck.
When the big boss handed me my patch they told me my name is now “Cornbread”.
USMV M/C Savannah
Also known as Brian from Georgia
We wish Cornfed all the best. When he told me I thought of Corn Bread. God, I love that stuff with butter and Jalapeno-doused pinto beans. That’s road chow. When I’m not thinking of women, my mind slips to grub and whiskey.–Bandit

BIKERNET STEALTH BIKE WORKS NC REPORT–Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we continue to plan for next weekend poker run (OCT. 8TH) to benefit the Red Cross and their hurricane relief efforts. We are hoping for a great turn out for this great cause.
I have been noticing a lot of noise in the front end of my ’91 Springer, I could not find it no matter how hard I searched. I washed the bike and while washing the shock on the front-end, the bottom of the shock moved where it mounts. The bushing was completely gone and the top bushing was about to go. I called the dealer trying to buy the bushings and they told me I had to buy the whole shock! I could not believe, but evidently it is true. Two $5 bushings end up costing you $195! I was wondering if anyone else out there has run into this problem? There has to be a place out there, where you can buy these bushings. Oh well, I guess the factory has us by the balls again.
Lucky for me “THE MEANEST” has this gift certificate that has been lying around and with my saddest eyes and voice I persuaded her to use the gift certificate to help me out. She always comes through and I appreciate that very much.
Chopper John and I rode to a local bike night last night. It was good ride and we talked about shop projects or I should say shop dreams over dinner. We looked at the bikes in the parking lot and it seemed they pretty much looked alike. There were a couple that stood out which brings me to my next point. Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to spill the beans about our first Stealth Bike Project. Hell, make your bike stand out in a crowd, and I am not talking about throwing every piece of bling-bling on it you can find. Remember less is more! If we can help with any of your plans give us a call at SBW 704-882-0889, we will be glad to talk to you.
That about wraps it up for this week not much else going on for now.
Until next week, RIDE!

NEW BIKERNET T-SHIRTS– We are very fortunate to have several top notch artists in our local midst. Chris Kallas is one of them. Above is his art, but we’re searching for radical slogans. George Fleming, another local artist will handle the lettering then I’ll haul the art to a local silk-screener and we’ll have new Bikernet T-Shirts. Let us know which T-shirt design is your favorite. Come up with a slogan for any of them and you’ll get a free T-Shirt. Send your responses to

IT’S HAPPY HOUR TIME–The news is complete, the heat wave is subsiding and there’s some Jack around here somewhere. I flashed an e-mail to S&S. My contact hadn’t heard of any “For Sale” rumor. As far as he’s concerned, “It’s not true.” So we’re forced to hold on for further word.
I just found out the Rick Raus, from V-Twin marketing, is back in the Hospital. He was scheduled to deliver a Hellbound bobber the Bikernet headquarters for a road test yesterday. He didn’t show. He recently had hip replacement surgery. He works with a bunch of companies in the industry–He’s a good guy.
Remember the Run For Breath Best of Show Trophy? It was so popular we’re building three of them with the master talents of James Murillo custom paint and Samson exhaust. He’s delivering three original British peanut tanks tomorrow. I need to fire up the welder. Oh, I’ve got a question for you tool wizards. See the press on the right. I picked that up at an industrial garage sale. What’s it for?

That’s it. I’m going to post a new engine line-up from Custom Chrome next and hopefully a Salinas Boys custom. Check the Oyster Run story and Chris’s run to Sedalia Flat Track Races. Over the weekend I’ll pour over my Saxon notes and cross out the mentions of the Hispanic girls. Several reports coming.
Ride Forever,