–Photo by Rogue
Hang On. The Thursday News steams underway with the first reports on the Anniversary of Harley-Davidson. Our e-mail system went down this morning. Shit was flying. The hectic schedule overflowed. We have devoted Thursday to Bikernet content. Here’s the best laid plan. First we tackle the news and try to launch it by noon. Then we review all the content that’s in the holding pattern buzzing above the highrise Bikernet Headquarters.
Sometimes the list is daunting, dancing around in our heads, challenging us to stay clear of the garage or women. Often we have our own tech or action articles to launch. Today we’re looking at Sturgis from Frank Kaisler, Frank Falco’s 911 tribute event, a chunk of wild fiction is waiting on a illustration from George Fleming, a young collegian illustrator. From Harley-Davidson and Marty Roseblum we have extensive Sportster history, which will be launched in the Cantina History department. Let’s get to the news, then I’ll try to make a point out of all this blither:

BIKERNET REPORTS ON MILWAUKEE–At around 9:00 A.M. Saturday August 30th the first of 10,000 Harleys came to life in the Milwaukee County Zoo Parking Lot. As they pulled out of the parking lot the crowds that lined Blue Mound and Wisconsin Ave. Cheered them on.

The parade was led by members of the Harley family and followed by those who made major donations to Muscular Dystrophy Association then the different chapters of HOG and those with special randomly drawn passes.

The parade route was lined with hundred of thousands visiting Bikers and locals 3-15 deep along the 7- mile route. Many displayed Welcome signs and banners. Of course cameras and videos flashed every where. The Bikers were a colorful sight and responded to all the watchers who shouted,” Rev Your Engines.” Exhaust ricocheted off the surrounding buildings as they headed to the Summerfest grounds.
It was wild and if you were one of the ones who didn’t attend, I hope the photos will give you some idea of this 100-year tribute to Harley-Davidson.


SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– Janklow charged:DENVER – Moody County prosecutors charged South Dakota Rep. Bill Janklow,a legendary political figure in his state, with a felony and threemisdemeanors on Friday following his involvement in a traffic accidentearlier this month that ended in the death of a motorcyclist.
The charge, filed Friday, is second-degree manslaughter, which carries asentence of up to 10 years in prison. Fines imposed could reach $10,000.
Prosecutor Bill Ellingson also charged Janklow with three misdemeanors –failure to stop at a stop sign, going 71 miles-per-hour in a 55 miles-per-hour zone and reckless driving.
The first two misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of 30 days in jail anda $200 fine. A reckless driving sentence can land Janklow a year in jailand a $1,000 fine.
According to police reports, Janklow, 63, sped through a stop sign onAug. 16 and hit 55-year-old Randolph E. Scott, who was riding his Harley-Davidson (search).
Authorities say corn growing eight feet high on either side of the roadprevented either man from anticipating the collision.
“I don’t believe that either of these individuals saw each other untilthe moment of impact,” said Tad Jacobs, Moody County coroner.
Janklow is known for speeding, often joking about his lead foot. Hisdriving records show he paid nearly $1,000 for 12 speeding tickets in afour-year period. He wasn’t in office during that time.
Data recorders in the congressman’s Cadillac were used to measure howfast Janklow was traveling.
Scott lost his life, so perhaps by comparison Janklow’s losing his careeris not as bad a fate. Still, for one of South Dakota’s most powerfulRepublicans, the blow could be earth-shattering.

The EPA is Trying to Outlaw YOUR Motorcycle?–In November of 2000, the EPA proposed Docket A-2000-01- the “Control ofEmissions From Non-road Large Spark Ignition Engines, Recreational Engines(Marine and Land-Based), and Highway Motorcycles.” The EPA proposes torequire that the federal class III motorcycle standards match the recentlyfinalized California program. Tier 1, which applies to all Class IIImotorcycles starting in the 2006 model year, proposes a 1.4 g/km HC+NOxstandard. Tier 2, which applies starting in the 2010 model year, proposes a0.8 g/km HC+NOx standard. This differs from the current federal standard inthat NOx is not included in the current 5.0 g/km HC federal limit.So what does this mean to me?Motorcycles will be forced to be built with electronic ignitions (nocarburetors), electronic ignitions (no points), catalytic converters (nocustom exhaust), no tuning modifications (shear bolts), only the originalreplacement parts put on by authorized service centers (no aftermarket or”mom & pop” shops), more expensive motorcycles (to offset the cost ofresearch and development to meet these new standards), a reduction inmotorcycle usage and the death of small manufactures (who don’t have theresources for the cost of R & D).
What is anyone doing about it?
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, countless State Motorcycle RightsOrganizations, the American Motorcycle Association, Independent ShopAssociation of Wisconsin and many individuals have spent hours talking tothe EPA and elected representatives in Washington. The EPA’s response hasbeen the only thing we’ll be able to change is “Color and Chrome” and that”You have no say” on this issue. We motorcyclists disagree. Through hardwork we have extended comment periods, lobbied lawmakers, introducedlegislation and have succeeded in preventing the EPA from introducing theadministrative rule up to this point.

Take this bike to the EPA.–Ken M.
What are the arguments?
1. Motorcycles are responsible for only a tiny portion of the pollutionattributable to all street vehicles.
2. Tougher standards will kill the $14 billion aftermarket industry some10,000 custom shops and neighborhood mechanics nationwide, franchiseddealers and small-volume motorcycle makers.
3. Tougher standards WILL REDUCE MOTORCYCLING IN AMERICA the result will bemore gas consumption, more road wear, more gridlock, hence MORE POLLUTION
4. The EPA ignores the issue of rider safety – where will the 1500-degreeconverter go?
5. The EPA did not meet its obligations under Executive Order 12866 toconsider a less stringent alternative to the proposed emission standards.
What can I do to help keep motorcycling a viable mode of transportation?
1. We need to understand the issue. The MRF has an amazing amount ofinformation on their website at: http://www.mrf.org/epa.php.
2. We need to let our elected representatives in Washington DC know how wefeel about this issue. Contact your local county courthouse or www.house.govand www.senate.gov to find your rep and/or senator.
3. We need to let the EPA know how each of us feels about this. Marianne L.Horinko (Acting EPA Administrator) Environmental Protection Agency, ArielRios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460 (202)272-0167
4. We need to get this information to every motorcyclist and smallindependent motorcycle shop we can find. Find the ones in your area bylooking in your phone book and share with them how this proposed rule willkill their business.Finally.
This issue has not and will never get national news coverage. The onlypeople it affects are motorcyclists. We HAVE to win this fight on our ownand the only way to do it is to get involved, make some noise and make adifference. It’s up to us! Spread the word and preserve motorcycling as weknow it for future generations!
For more information contact the MRF Office in Washington D.C. at202-546-0983, www.mrf.orgOrVisit the Sons of Liberty Riders at http://www.solrpa.com/issues/hd.html
This information paid for and brought to you by the Sons of Liberty Riders
ICQ 34668186

AMAZING WRAP STRAPS–These wide, super-strong velcro straps can be used for anything. They just built a little website that shows theirproducts, www.odlobproducts.com. They not only manufacture the Wrap Straps, but also Soft Ties.
“We use asize #207 {saddle grade} thread, which gave a tested rating of 950lbs,” said the boss.
Wrap Straps retail $9.95,Soft T.w/Fur-$9.95-Plain-$6.95. They’ll hold most anything to your ride. We’re going to test them with Bandit’s Bedroll.
Wholesale prices available to bike shops,with sales tax #. Check out our Wrap Straps and give us some good feedback.
Thanks, Janice Chamness
Designed to Strap jackets on handle bars, can be folded up & stored in pocket while wearing jacket. 2″ webbing forms Velcro Loop. Eliminates Hooks and Buckles that scratch paint!!
Continued On Page 2