Continued From Page 1

ROAD KING REPORT–Initially I had some questions regarding Road Kings. I wanted to know some about the frame geometry. I perfer a little trail over low speed, parking lot handling. I like to run fast and stable. Next I’m old school. I perfer a bike with minimun extras so I lean toward a carb model over the fuel injection, EFI models.
I immediatly spoke to an expert, Paul from Charlotte, H-D: First as you always say “What year is the damn thing”??????? If it’s a newer model why get rid of the EFI?? The new stuff works good. Harley has new sofware to tune the thing, just out from the dealer show. This will put a big hurt in the Powercomander II and any other after market add on stuff!!!! It’s in the new P&A book for ’03 in the Screamin Chicken (Eagle) section. I like the new Dephi stuff. Also BC Gerolamy has a new dual throat induction throttle body for the Delphi system that is kick ass!!
To take off the system, man it’s lot’s off work. The?ECM has all this start up shit it goes thru. checking all the system’s and sensors.?Again I have never done this. So to be honest I just don’t know for sure on this one. I can run it by Old Bob tomorrow and see what his thoughts are on both?the frame/trees and removing the EFI.
On the frame, my first thought is no. Are you familiar with what they did to the trees? They are not like the old FL stuff at all. The stem is in front of the fork tubes. This makes it a self centering front end. One of the tests they have to do at Talledega on the track is to smack the handle bars hard at 80 MPH++ and see if the damn thing will straighten itself out!!!!
I’ve never thought about doing this so who knows maybe it could be done. Christ you come up some stuff man. Was Jack Daniels involved in all this brain storming??
A week later…
’03 is good year for the Road Queen. The EFI is much better than years past. My question to you is why do you want to loose the EFI?? What are your plans?? Pipes, Big Bore, Stroker kit?? We just did a 103 Stroker kit with cams, heads and a V&H 2-into-one pipe, megaphone, on a ’03 Road Queen for a salesman. He should have used a Thunder Header but most of these clowns want the magazine yuppy chrome look. Shine and billet are in I guess, drives me nut’s!!!!!
You can remove the fuel pump and that shit from the tank. You can put a regular fuel valve in the tank in place of the EFI fuel line. There are two bung’s on the left side of the tank, one is plugged. I did make an?adapter for a fuel valve for a Softail EFI bike once. The guy bought these tanks at a swap meet and didn’t know they were for fuel injection.
I think maybe you might just need to change the ECM from EFI to a Carb.?ECM. Disconnect the senor’s, eng. temp, crank pos., induction module stuff.???Do the tank, install a carb and you might be just be down the road. That way you could leave all the?stock wiring and shit in place if you ever wanted to go back to EFI.
On the trees I guess when they went to that style the?early top tree was just turned around for that newer style configuration. Don’t know about the setup now. If you did a rotation of the top tree putting the fork tubes forward?the bars would be in a different forward location. That would screw up all that headlight cover shit. You might be able to put a complete early FL front end on. Hey maybe even the adjustable sidecar trees. Remember them? The front fork’s are non-air assist now.
I’ll keep plugging away on this “Amazing Raked Road Queen” project for you. I can check out some front end’s and take a better look. Also will try to call tech services at H-D and see what won’t say!!!
–Later, PSD

SMOKE-OUT SUGGESTIONS– How about Roscoes Out House Nationals at next years SMSO IV it was lot of Fun Bike Week.??We made all rIders sign a waiver against there own stupidity then let ’em have at it. I know Roscoe pretty well and?he willing to bring up the two Flamed Out Houses.
–English Jim?
QUOTE OF THE WEEK–Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. –Dave Barry
–from Nuttboy

CHERRY-PICKER TECH–Here is engine swap tip “Old Bob” and I came up with. This is the second time I’ve?done this on a Road King wreck that involved a frame change.
I saw something somewhere where the factory was putting a Twin Cam engine in a Road King frame on the assembly line. We got to thinking and said shit let’s try the Cherry Picker we have. We used?the Cherry Picker?mostly for Buell’s. Frame changes, swingarm recalls, shock recalls, and rear isolator bushing changes. The Cherry Picker gives you alot of control when wrenchin’ on Buells.
We pulled and installed the engine on the Road King?and it saved a bunch of time. With the Cherry Picker we are able to pull the engine with the primary housing still bolted up, with belt still attached.?All we take off is the swingarm, shock’s, and all the other stuff.
You need?three jacks and those old trusty, musty, dusty 4x 6?(2) pieces wood chunks all H-D wrenches keep around for whatever.?One jack for the rear of trans/oil tank, one for the rear of the frame @ rear crossmember, one with a small pc. of 2×4 under the crankcase. The two 4×6’s you put under the frame at the front on the ears that mount the forward foot controls.?This will give support at all the?”ah shit it dropped” point’s and helps?big time?when sliding that heavy?sucker back into?the frame.
Using the Cherry Picker you have to roll the engine to the right of the frame?while dropping the rear of the?trans/engine keeping front up some while slipping it into the frame.?It takes 2 to 3 people, lot’s of “hold on’s”, let ‘er down’s, and pick’er up’s. It actually went pretty fast. It’s just a little Rockin’ & Rollin’ that’s all. It’s really just like pullin an engine/trans out of an old truck.
The better?way?to do this, might?be using an electric overhead hoist. Not many shops will be lucky enough to have that. I think if you had the overhead technology?you might be able to do this swap with the swingarm still attached!! Just removing the isolator supports from the frame. That’s it. It worked for us.
–Paul ?

PAUGHCO AMERICAN PRIDE NEW CATALOG– As the oldest, largest and quite possibly most respected name in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket, PAUGHCO offers consumers an extensive line of custom and reproduction products. And, they’re all at your finger tips in the company’s informative and extremely detailed new catalog. From the largest selection of custom and replacement Frames and Springers available to a a huge collection of Gas and Oil Tanks, Engine Mounting and Conversion hardware, Transmission components, Lights, Handlebars, raked and standard Triple Trees, Oil Lines, Fender Rails and much, much more. It’s all here.
You’ll find over 100 pages packed with PAUGHCO’S exclusive line of Exhaust Systems featuring everything from replacement slip-o mufflers to retro-custom Upsweep Fishtails and everything in between. The catalog’s high quality photography and a well thought out presentation make for precise product identification. No matter if you’re fabricating the most contemporary wide body custom or restoring a Knuckle, Pan or Shovel, PAUGHCO’S brilliant 320 page parts directory for 2003-2004 is a must. As a valuable product source and parts identification reference, it’s a bargain at $8.00.
To order call 775-246-5738. Catch PAUGHCO on the WEB at
–Bob Clark
BIKERNET ROCK AN’ ROLL REPORT–Great new radio show. Hopefully, it’s on a station near you. –Davie Allan

SNEAK PREVIEW–THE 2003 FXSTDSE SCREAMIN EAGLE DEUCE–BYTBEAR.We were told we couldn’t see it till Saturdays 100th Harley-Davidson Anniversary Dealership bash. We were told that NO ONE could photograph it till this Saturday. We were told that it was a closely guarded secret. Bah!!! We love a challenge so we stealthily shimmied up a drainpipe and hoisted ourselves down through the skylight to snag these shots for you.
At first glance, Harleys brandy new Screamin’ Eagle Deuce is impressive. With it’s new 1550 cu. in. fuel injected 95-inch Twin Cam silver and chrome engine putting out 91.0 ft pounds of torque at 3500 rpm’s. It sure looks sweet with the tear drop shaped air cleaner cover, centennial gold and vivid black 2-tone paint job with color matched frame and 23-karat gold leaf graphics. Fat handlebars with internal wiring, six spoke custom wheels with a surprising 17″ rear wheel and 21″ front.
My favorite feature was the hemorrhoid friendly seat with cut out for those long rides. Seems like the factory went all out leaving very little to customize. Everything from chromed wheel spacers, smoked turn signal lenses with amber bulbs to chromed bullet shaped axle nut covers. We’ll wait till Saturday to ride it and give you a full report, but in the meanwhile, here are a few covert pix.

This deadly hold will be covered at the following seminar.
SELF DEFENSE AWARENESS SEMINAR–Richard Bustillo, who has the distinction of being certified as a law enforcement defensive tactics instructor with the FBI, LAPD and LASD, will conduct a Self Defense Awareness Seminar for Women and Men. Richard is an inductee to the prestigious Black Belt Hall of Fame – Instructor of the Year Award, ?the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame – Pioneer ?Award, the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame – Life Time Achievement Award and the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame Most Distinguished Legend award. Plus he trains Bandit weekly. ?
The two hour “hands-on” seminar will emphasize women’s defense and escapes:
Standing grappling escapes from: Hand or arm grab, front bear hug, rear bear hug, side ?head lock, rear neck choke, and evasive escapes
Ground grappling escapes from: aggressor sitting on your chest with both hands on your ?neck or striking you, aggressor on your back with a rear neck choke
Don’t miss it: September 22, 2002 ??Sunday ?10:00 AM to NoonMOST DON?T PLAN TO FAIL – THEY FAIL TO PLAN
Bring loose gym clothing and defense questions for a safe and fun workshopNo street shoe allowed on the matted floor – socks encouraged
Fee: ?$10/per person, $15/for two
IMB Academy ?(310) 787-8793
22109 So. Vermont Ave., Torrance, CA
(rear building of 22107 South Vermont Avenue)

Less Than Four Months To Go–Before Christmas chaos begins. Startshopping early and make it easy on yourself by checking out the Gulch.Clothes, leather products and Chrome Specialties complete catalogue is nowavailable right here on Bikernet. In the next few days, we’ll be addingsome artwork by Chris Kallas, so stay tuned.
BIKER INVESTIGATES COKE–No not that coke. No wonder coke tastes soooo good:??????????
In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.
You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.
To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and…….Let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.
To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, Remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
For Your Information:??
1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its Ph is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.
2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

MOTORCYCLE NEWS GEARS UP FOR SMALL SCREEN–byJohn Plunkett. Motorcycle?Weekly title Motorcycle News will make its TV debut this month with a 26-part series on Men and Motors.The TV version will include news, interviews and reviews and will feature in-house print journalists from MCN.
The series which will be presented by Louise Brady, is the latest attempt by MCN’s owner, Emap, to transfer some of its biggest brands across media.
Music magazines such as Smash Hits and Q have already been launched as standalone TV channels, while a TV version of Heat, although much anticipated, remains in development.
The MCN editor, Adam Duckworth, said: “The most difficult thing at the moment is stopping all the staff on the paper going off to work on the TV show because they think it is sexy and exciting.
“We want to make sure TV doesn’t take over from what we are doing as a newspaper. There will be things we do in print which also work very well on TV, while the show will also give us the chance to do things we can’t do in the newspaper.
The programme will also feature road tests, riding tips, product news and information on bike insurance and maintenance.
The TV show will debut on September 20 on Men and Motors, the cable and satellite channel owned by Granada Sky Broadcasting.
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