Continued From Page 2

ORIGINAL DAVE MANN ARTWORK FOR SALE–An old friend of mine, Mustang Jack owns these David Mann originals. If anyone is interested don’t hesitate to call Jack at (818) 776-0147. These are the originals, not prints, posters or copies.
Jack hung out with Dave in the old days and collected Mustang motorcycles. That’s one of his bikes in Dave’s art.

Weekly (Sometimes) Contest Winners– Here we go again, new winners walking away with the goods. All you have to do is enter one or both of two free contests. In the free area and one in the Cantina.

Next week I?ll be giving away two certificates, good for a 3-day, 2-night stay in a deluxe guest room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fl. You must enter the contest in the Cantina to be in the running!!! Make sure you are able to get yourself there and feed yourself as the certificates are only for rooms.
If you?re not a Cantina member I think you should become one cause this is a sweet deal, if you need a couple days to relax and gamble. That?s it, here?s this weeks winners.
DELTONA , FL 32738 – USA
Ken w Hall –
Hickory, N.C. 28601 – U.S.A.
Wanted: one xxL t-shirt

STEALTH BIKE WORKS REPORT FROM NC–We keep moving along here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. We have been working on our second in house part, a diamond shape oil tank by Chopper John. The good thing about this part for us is that it is already sold! The tank is not finished yet, but it will feature a battery tray, wrap-around style without the wrap! This week I am not really going to talk about SBW a lot. Instead I thought I would talk about the ride I took last weekend.
Last Saturday I headed back to Virginia to visit my brother Gary and the rest of my family. It was good seeing them all but I have to be honest I wanted to go for the ride. The weather was perfect all weekend, temps mid 80’s and no humidity. A few miles from home I was in the zone, nothing but the road, my bike, me and my surroundings. No worries about the shop, bills or whatever else haunted me. My blacked out ’03 Electra Glide Std. ran great all weekend.
Sunday morning Gary and I headed out early and rode to the dealership where he purchased his new Wide Glide. I won’t go into why we went or what happened when we got there. I don’t want to ruin the story. We rode deep into the mountains and the cool crisp air made all of the senses come alive. The sky was clear and you could see forever. When we reached the top of the mountain the air was fresh and cool, and you almost had to put a jacket on, but I chose not to. I wanted to feel all of the sensations that a ride like this brings.
As I looked up in the sky two hawks were soaring above just watching them made you feel free. We took our time on the way back to Gary’s place. We stopped at Ed’s Designs, a friend of Gary’s who does fine custom paint work. We also stopped by Madison Motorcycle Repair. Keith the owner is a stand up guy and a top notch wrench.

Before I knew it was Monday morning and time to head home. I decided that I was going to take my time and enjoy the ride home. I did a lot of thinking on the way home, not worrying, just thinking.
I thought about how lucky I was to take a trip like this and for the weather to be so great. I knew I would store this trip in my memory for a long time and replay it when needed. The miles rolled away and before I knew I was home and to meet me was “THE MEANEST” and J.C. our pit bull puppy. I was home and life is good! I wish the trip would have lasted longer but as with all good times there is an end.
If you haven’t taken a long ride this summer, plan one before the weather turns cold. There isn’t anything like it. It’s good for your soul. It’s amazing how much we take for granted. It makes you thankful for so much.
Until next time, RIDE!
HAMSTER HURRICANE RELIEF–I got your e-mail, we’re staying with Mike Guidry and he’s been really taking care of us. It makes our losses a lot easier with friends like Mike and the Hamsters. Bobby Kavalec has been great to us also and I hope I’m not leaving any names out, but there has been so many that has called and offered help…I just want to Thank EVERYONE for the care and concern.

HOT BIKE MAGAZINES LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY SHOW THIS WEEKEND–Hot Bike Magazine comes alive in Louisville Kentucky for the first annual RC Components Hot Bike Kentucky Super Show Sponsored by Builders like Bobstar Customs, Precious Metal Customs, Russell Marlowe, Nicky Bootz, All American Choppers, PB Choppers, Coast 2 Coast Choppers are all going to be displaying the hottest East Coast Creations.
Bikes from bobbers to baggers and choppers to fat-tire prostreets will jump from the pages to the pavement on September 10th & 11th, 2005 at the Kentucky International Convention Center. Horse Power Promotions will bring together some of the industries biggest and best know manufactures and suppliers to fill the Motorcycle Marketplace. The isles will also be filled with some of the hottest bikes from mild to wild battling it out for one of kind trophies in the custom bike show.
Did I mention Michele Smith host of Speed Channel’s American Thunder will be there? With the smell of good food and the sounds of great music it’s sure to be a full 2-wheeled weekend. Admission price is only $15 and everyone receives a free T-shirt. For more info checkout

HEY CHOPPERNUTZ– Tory Hansen got the site up and running for the upcoming David Mann Chopperfest…It’s a wonderful site with great photos. David Mann would be proud…Love to all…Big Dave

SEAT COLORING BEGINS–The coloring process begins. On this seat, I put down several coats of black dye. I like to put black dye down first when I use acrylics on top. The drawback is that it will take more coats to cover.
Watch for Seat Tech Number Two tomorrow. –Rocky
Mesa , Az

FEATURE YOUR OWN BIKE ON BIKERNET-READER’S SHOWCASE AREA–It said to send some pics for his big deal. Here is mine. It’s title says 1950 but that is the only thing that old. You might know the bike. A man called Chopper George owned it for 35 yrs. It’s been in Easyriders mag and all over this country. It sure is a fine scoot.
— Cowboy
The Reader’s Showcase area allows any reader to post shots of his bike and tell his or her story. Ken Conte and Jo Ann Bortels from Crazyhorse Custom Painting will help you with edits and they’ll launch each bike. No charge. Over the years hundreds of thousands of riders will read your story. –Bandit

BIKE FEATURE COMING SOON – ART’S BIKE–A while back I managed to sober my ass up and move from behind the vacant Mc D’s . It has been a wild ride so far and a blessing. Life is good today and as you can see I’m back doing what I really love, building bikes . This one is a scratch build. After getting beat-up on ebay enough times, I had to break out all the pay checks and live the life we all know all too well. But in the end, we reap the rewards of hard work and time spent doing we love.
This bike was built as a tribute to the first Harley I ever owned . It was sadly totaled but has been immortalized as you can see here .
Without surfin’ the net two years ago and finding the best damn web site on the planet, I would have gone it alone. Thanks to guys like Bandit , Dusty Dave , Highwayman , Mike ” The Stealth “, Drifter , Rebel , Johnny from Texas , Concrete Pete , John Towle and that crazy guy from Missouri that does the great Bikernet gun reports I’ve persevered an completed this beauty.
Keep the rubber side down fellas and the knees in the breezzzze . You to Weasly Oily from Denver.
Art and I will work on a complete build-up feature over the next couple of days. It will be posted in Bike Features next week.–Bandit
BIKERNET DISCOVERS THE VERY FIRST BLONDE GUY JOKE–An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blonde Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building.
They were eating lunch and the Irishman said, “Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I’m going to jump off this building.”
The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed, “Burritos again! If I get burritos one more time I’m going to jump off, too.”
The blond opened his lunch and said, Bologna again! If I get a bologna sandwich one more time, I’m jumping too.”
The next day, the Irishman opened his lunch box, saw corned beef and cabbage, and jumped to his death.
The Mexican opened his lunch, saw a burrito, and jumped, too.
The blonde guy opened his lunch, saw the bologna and jumped to his death as well.
At the funeral, the Irishman’s wife was weeping. She said, “If I’d known how really tired he was of corned beef and cabbage, I never would have given it to him again!”
The Mexican’s wife also wept and said, “I could have given him tacos or enchiladas! I didn’t realize he hated burritos so much.”
Everyone turned and stared at the blonde’s wife.
The blonde’s wife said, “Don’t look at me. He makes his own lunch!”
–from Art F.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON MARKS 25 YEARS OF MDA SUPPORT–WITH $4.6 MILLION CONTRIBUTION.Twenty-five years cumulative MDA contributions top $55 Million. MILWAUKEE — (September 7, 2005) Harley-Davidson’s 25th year of fundraising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) topped $4.6 million dollars, the company announced during the Sept. 4-5 Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. The contribution brings the total fundraising for Harley-Davidson’s 25 years of involvement with the MDA to $55 million.
Harley-Davidson Motor Company President and Chief Operating Officer Jim McCaslin presented the $4.6 million on behalf of the thousands who raised the funds. “Harley-Davidson’s family of dealers, suppliers, riders and employees were hard at work this year planning open houses, rides and other special events to raise money for MDA,” said McCaslin during the Telethon broadcast. “Their hard work helps make life brighter for people with neuromuscular disease and helps make headway in finding a cure.”
Joining McCaslin in the presentation and representing the Harley-Davidson dealer network were Dennis from Schaeffer’s Harley-Davidson, Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania; Rose Schoch and Jan Boyer from Schoch’s Harley-Davidson Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania; Jenny and David Alwin, South Central Wisconsin HOG Chapter and Kutter Harley-Davidson in Janesville, Wisconsin; Chris Smith; Motor City Harley-Davidson, Farmington Hills, Michigan and Virgil, Debbie and Rebecca Schulenberg, Sauk Prairie Harley-Davidson of Sauk Prairie Wisconsin.
Buzz and Lori Warnke of Lansing, Illinois also participated in the telethon as winners of the Thrill of Giving Sweepstakes. The contest was an in dealership promotion to celebrate Harley-Davidson 25 years of support for MDA.
Harley-Davidson fundraising activities for the Muscular Dystrophy Association took place over the 12-month period leading up to the Telethon and included pledge rides, dealer fundraisers, motorcycle raffles and pin sales.
Harley-Davidson has been a national sponsor of the Muscular Dystrophy Association since 1980. The funds raised support life-saving research, comprehensive medical care for children and adults with neuromuscular disease, and MDA summer camps.
Continued On Page 4