I’m winding down on my new Motorbooks project about a longtime 1%er. He had a tough life, but it was non-stop, with never a dull moment allowed. My deadline is Feb 1, and I will make it by a cunthair, with a shot of whiskey, and a prayer.
Damn, the show season hit with a flurry. First there was the Ultimate Builder Show at the Progressive shows all over the country. This AMD affiliate show series hits Washington D.C. this weekend. The Easyriders show group kicked off last weekend in Los Angeles, and this weekend it hits Sacramento on the long road to Columbus.
Then the Grand National Roadster Show hits Pomona the middle of February with the grand daddy of Roadster Shows, coupled to the World’s Most Beautiful Custom Motorcycle competition. I offered to help out last year and thought we had something rolling, until it fell flat. I judged that show three years running with Jim Waggaman, a fellow Hamster, who has been judging for decades. They perform the most critical judging I’ve ever run across. It’s very thorough and comprehensive, but it should be. As you’ll see in the news, there’s more shows popping up, then the series in Daytona in March.
What the hell, let’s hit the news and you’ll get a taste of the show action and even coverage of the Las Vegas Auction:
For more information, visit www.bikerschoice.com or visit your local dealer.
Happy Riding!!
To cause to be at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; to confound; to perplex; to bewilder.
Mr Esswis had promptly negotiated an arrangement between himself, the owner of the sprayer and the owner of the sheep, nonplussing the other two farmers by accepting full blame of the straying animal, as long as unpleasantness and paperwork could be avoided.
— Michel Faber, Under the Skin: A Novel
I told him that to many people she is one of the best sculptors alive, but he seemed nonplussed by the thought.
— Jed Perl, Eyewitness: Reports from an Art World in Crisis
She had grown a good deal in the last six months, and an amount of thinking had gone on in that young head which would have astonished him greatly could he have known it all, for Rose was one of the children who observe and meditate much, and now and then nonplus their friends by a wise or curious remark.
— Louisa May Alcott, Eight Cousins
Nonplus is from the Latin non plus, “no more.” To be nonplussed is to be at a point where “no more” can be said or done.

TEASER SHOT FROM A FUTURE AMERICAN IRON FEATURE BIKE–Markus Cuff, the Magnificent Hollywood photographer just returned from Matt Dawson’s shop in Murrieta, Ca. They actually specialize in old custom Mercs, but do a helluva job on bikes.
A feature on this slick Sportster will show up in American Iron in the near future.

A TRUE GLOBAL ECONOMY– I’ve been studying the economy and listened to a Nobel prize winning economist give a speech last night. Interesting. He made a couple of distinct points, and I think we have an opportunity.
Could we throw a bike show in South Korea
How about a bike show in China
How about a ride across China
He talked a lot about creating demand and exports. He said it’s not about price reduction, but innovation. We need to get the “World to go Riding and build custom bikes.”
Is it possible? Another aspect is government regulation. They need to back off, or they will take the demand right out of the sport and foreign countries won’t want to adapt our regulatory notions.
WILL ROGERS ABOUT GROWING OLDER… First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know ‘why’ I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren’t paved.
Fourth ~ When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.
Fifth ~ You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
Sixth ~ I don’t know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.
Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
Tenth ~ Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf.
And, finally ~ If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you are old.
–from Pablo
constant mesh… Mui bueno. I personally think it’s still the best trans out
there. Period.
–Paul Platts
JIMS machine
We are running a Spitfire Frisco’d FXR frame, a Spitfire girder, and a JIMS transmission. We are still researching the best Evo engine configuration, then we will work with Bennett’s Performance and Branch on some headwork to make this puppy sing.–Bandit
A DISMAL ECONOMIC NOTE FROM THE INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES– CEOs of the 50 firms that have laid off the most workers since the onset of the economic crisis took home 42 percent more pay in 2009 than their peers at S&P 500 firms, according to “CEO Pay and the Great Recession,” the 17th in a series of annual Executive Excess reports from the Institute for Policy Studies.
“Our findings illustrate the great unfairness of the Great Recession,” says Sarah Anderson, lead author on the Institute study. “CEOs are squeezing workers to boost short-term profits and fatten their own paychecks.”
The 50 top CEO layoff leaders received $12 million on average in 2009, compared to the S&P 500 average of $8.5 million. Each of the corporations surveyed laid off at least 3,000 workers between November 2008 and April 2010. Seventy-two percent of the firms announced mass layoffs at a time of positive earnings reports.

A BIKERNET READER ASKED ABOUT THE ROOTBEER COLOR ON THE ROOT BEER CUSTOM FOR SIN WU– The base color on the frame and lighter areas of the sheetmetal is House of Kolor root beer candy ( UK07/KK07 ) over Orion silver ( BC02 ), We also did some shading and marbleizing effects under the candy in the darker areas in the center of the sheet metal. For shading we do a color fade from silver and or gold to a dark graphite grey (I use DuPont products for base color and clear along with HOK candies).
— Kent Weeks
Lucky Devil Metal Works
Houston Texas

A BIKERNET REPORT FROM THE FAMILY ROOM–I had the remote and was switching back & forth between a golf channel and the porn channel.
She became more and more annoyed and finally said:
“For God’s sake!
LEAVE IT ON THE PORN CHANNEL! You already know how to golf!”
QUICK UPDATE FROM WHEELER RACING– Hope the book is going well. See you the first week or so of Feb. after ya catch your breathe. May make the Easyriders show in Sac?
Just rolled in after 250 chilly, fantastic miles, Big Sur for brunch and four hours in the saddle listening to my psychiatrist sooth my weary mind.
WTF life is fine as wine, then your a prune?
–Ray C. Wheeler
President Wheeler Racing
V.P. of Bandit’s Cantina Club Development

BIKERNET SHOP MEMO– Law of Mechanical Repair – After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch & you’ll have to pee.
Law of Gravity – Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
Law of Probability – The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
Law of Random Numbers – If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal & someone always answers.
Law of the Alibi – If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
Variation Law – If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).
Law of the Bath – When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
Law of Close Encounters – The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with.
Law of the Result – When you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, it will.
Law of the Theater & Hockey Arena – At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet & who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies & stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.
The Coffee Law – As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
Murphy’s Law of Lockers – If there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
Law of Logical Argument – Anything is possible if you don’t know what you are talking about.
Brown’s Law of Physical Appearance – If the clothes fit, they’re ugly.
Oliver’s Law of Public Speaking – A closed mouth gathers no feet.
Wilson’s Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy – As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
Doctors’ Law – If you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you’ll feel better.. But don’t make an appointment, and you’ll stay sick.
–Doyle Wilbanks

EXCLUSIVE REPORT FROM LAS VEGAS AUCTIONS– Hello from Vegas!! It wasn’t just a dusty old auction going on in sin city this weekend. No siree..there were Motorcycle Cannonball riders, lots of action, and flat track races at the venue, with vintage class riders tearing it up… one of whom was 69 years old!
There was an electronics convention in town that drew 140,000 attendees and, unbeknownst to me, the AVN awards. In case you don’t know (as I didn’t) what the initials are all about, it’s the Adult Video News annual awards for those in the porn industry. Primo people watching, I must say!!
Here are a couple of shots of racers to tide you over until I can zap over auction photos. Amazing motorcycles there. Have you ever heard of a Motosacoshe? Beautiful bike.
–River Rat

THE SIDEMOUNT LICENSE PLATE CONTROVERSY CONTINUES–The issue with vertical tags in Florida has been going on for some time and has had numerous changes in it since the beginning. My friend is an attorney, rides and is up on all the motor vehicle laws, so he is one of the people I go to for this kind of information.
There is also an issue that I heard about but do not have all the details on and that was if you bought one of those Toll Responders and put it on your bike you could run the vertical tag. I am not sure what the current status on that is. It sounds like another rip off from the state to take motorcycle riders money.
As we get closer to Daytona Beach Bike Week more and more people want to know what to expect when they come to Florida.
P.S.Attorney Brad Sinclair is one of my attorneys, he is also an attorney for ABATE of Florida so I figure information from him is up to date. I asked if it was Okay to use his name with this information and he gave me the go ahead.
The way I figure it a motorcycle attorney is up on this more that the person who commented.
In response to my question to him what can visitors to Bike Week expect if they have a vertical license plate? See his answer below.
As far as letting visitors know the law it’s easy. Unless they have a transponder they cannot run a vertical tag unless they want a ticket. And the way I read it, $1,000 first time, $2,500 second time and one year suspension, third time 3rd degree felony, 10 year suspension and
$5,000 fine.
Bradley W. Sinclair
Attorney At Law
5465 N. Highway 1
Melbourne, FL 32940
ph. 321-253-4200
fax 321-253-4400

BANDIT’S CANTINA PUB QUIZ–In a pub quiz the other day I lost by one point. The question was where do women mostly have curly hair? Apparently, it’s Africa.
I’ve heard that Apple have scrapped their plans for the new children’s iPod after realizing that iTouch Kids is not a good product name.
There’s a new Muslim clothing shop opened in Durban, but I’ve been banned from it after asking to look at some bomber jackets.
A biker goes to the doctor with hearing problems. “Can you describe the symptoms to me?” asked the doctor. “Yes. Homer is a fat yellow lazy bastard and Marge is a skinny bird with big blue hair.”
A mate of mine has just told me he’s shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said “How can you tell them apart?” He said “Her brother’s got a moustache.”
Just put a deposit down on a brand new Porsche & mentioned it on Face book. I said, “I can’t wait for the new 911 to arrive!” Next thing I know 4000 f..’n Muslims have added me as a friend !!
Being a modest man, when I checked into my hotel on a recent trip, I said to the lady at the registration desk, “I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled.”
To which she replied, “No, it’s regular porn, you sick bastard.”
The red cross have just knocked at our door and ask if we could help towards the floods in Pakistan. I said we would love to, but our hose pipe only reaches the bottom of the garden.
–from Robin Hartfiel
K and G Cycles STARTS OF YOU NEW YEAR WITH KILLER DEALS– Our first item is a Baker Drivetrain Direct Drive 6- Speed Builders Kit. The Baker name is synonymous with excellence. This kit fits FXR 1999, FLT & FLHT 1998/2000 and it is yours for only $2,339.93 You save $400.00 and that’s a great deal!
This one is chrome plated with single bracket and it directly replaces HD# 71743-77A
K and G Cycles wants you to have it for only $27.05 Save 25% off retail.
Fits Big Twin 1970/Later & Sportster 1971/Later with Points Type Ignitions. Replaces HD# 32661-70 & 32726-30A.
Yours for $19.62. This is a huge 30% savings off retail.
• Wall mount type charger plugs into any 2 or 3 hole 110 volt AC receptacle and includes 13 feet of cord
• Two color LED indicates the charging status at a glance
• Battery connection can be made with the alligator clips or permanently with the eyelet terminals
• Male/female connector is compatible with OE Harley plug
• Float mode prevents overcharging
Measures 2″ long x 2″ wide x 3″ tall. Yours for only $26.16 This is a 25% Savings.
The gang at Spitfire just returned from the LA Easyriders show, where they captured more awards. Now they are hot after a new build for the Grand National Roadster Show in February. We will bring you teaser shots of their build.

BIKERNET FARMER TEACHES THE KID A LESSON– A young boy comes down for breakfast. Since they live on a farm, his mother asks if he has done his chores.
‘Not yet,’ said the little boy. His mother tells him no breakfast until he does his chores.
Well, he’s a little ticked off so when he feeds the chickens, he kicks a chicken. Then he feeds the cows, he kicks a cow.
When he feeds the pigs, he kicks a pig. He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives him a bowl of dry cereal.
‘How come I don’t get any eggs and bacon, and why don’t I have any milk in my cereal?’ he asks.
‘Well,’ his mother says, ‘I saw you kick a chicken, so you don’t get any eggs for a week.
I saw you kick the pig, so you don’t get any bacon for a week either.
I saw you kick the cow so for a week you aren’t getting any milk.’
Just then, his father comes down for breakfast and kicks the cat halfway across the kitchen.
The little boy looks up at his mother with a smile, and says, ‘You gonna tell him or should I ?’

2011 MOTORCYCLE DRAG RACING SCHEDULE– Hey, y’all, this always needs to be verified, so before you hit the road please ck sanction website or track website for confirmation.
If you hear of any more events that need to be posted, let me know.
— ML
Feb. 18-20 Cyclepalooza Palm Beach International Raceway
March 5-6 AHDRA Florida Bike Week Nationals Orlando, FL
March 26-27 AMRA Bowling Green No TF or N/FB, all others National Points
April 8-10 Manufacturer’s Cup Valdosta, GA
April 9-10 AMRA Reynolds, GA (National Points)
April 16-17 AHDRA Mid-West Nationals Tulsa, OK
April 30-May 1 AHDRA Carolina Spring Nationals Rockingham, NC
May 21-22 AHDRA Liberty Nationals Numidia, PA
June 4-5 AHDRA Ohio Bike Week Nationals Norwalk, OH
June 25-26 AHDRA Northeast Nationals Atco, NJ
June 25-26 AMRA Bowling Green, KY
August 5-6 AHDRA Thunder Valley Nationals Bristol, TN Firday-Sat. night race
August 10-11 AHDRA Sturgis Bike Week Sturgis, SD
August 27-28 AHDRA Northwest Nationals Woodburn, OR
Sept. 17-18 AHDRA Cajun Nationals Belle Rose, LA
Sept. 24-25 AMRA National Finals Bowling Green, KY
Oct. 8-9 AHDRA Jim McClure Nationals Rockingham, NC
Nov. 11-13 Manufacturer’s Cup Valdosta, GA

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER FINDINGS REGARDING DRY EYES–One more reason to take your omega-3s: these essential fatty acids can help prevent dry eye syndrome, a painful condition in which not enough tears are produced to keep the eyes lubricated. Dry eye syndrome affects about eight million Americans, mostly women, and research has demonstrated that a high daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids can protect against its uncomfortable symptoms.
To support general eye health, try increasing your intake of oily, cold-water fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, herring and black cod, as well as walnuts and freshly ground flaxseeds. If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, you may also want to consider supplementing with a high-quality fish oil product.

BIKERNET INDIA CORRESPONDENT TO STUDY THE HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOVE IN INDIA– I haven’t seen much on the roads. It is a very premium bike here due to pricing. Common motorcycles here are for daily commute and range from only 100cc to 350cc, with only Enfield giving upto 500cc.

UNCLE MONKEY STUDIES THE REAL BIKER’S BIKE– What is a real bikers bike? Is it dripping in chrome, impeccably spotless, cleaner then when the mother factory gave birth? Is it dog-eared, pox marked and ragged. Free time was spent riding, and not cleaning. The question is convoluted when we ask what a real biker is. Is it the grease stained biker who crawled out of a ’60s biker movie who spends more time fixing than anything else, or is it the slick Kevlar rider who racks up hundreds of thousands of miles every year? Is it the miles, the attitude, or the passion that makes a real biker and not the machine?
“There’s a real biker’s bike”, my wife said as she pointed to the obscured image in a magazine ad. The bike was a Shovelhead FX with king ‘n’ queen seat, Z bars and a peanut tank. The bike looked the part. My wife tells me a real biker’s bike is like the one in the picture, worn and weathered because it has put on the hard miles. The miles riding tucked in behind an eighteen-wheeler trying to avoid the hail, snow and sleet. Miles of gravel roads to get to a bush party. Days riding through rain that never seems to let up. Miles under blistering sun, sand blasted by the crosswind. Scars from getting knocked over in a fight, scratches from blasting up the stairs at a house party, bruises from the heavy chain used to secure it to a large oak tree out front.
The truth is that many, if not most riders today would cringe at the idea of riding the bike in the picture, styling aside. Most now are complacent on their shiny new Road Kings and StreetGlides, coupled with dependability, reliability, and a factory warranty. The hapless Shovelhead in the ad looked like getting back from the corner store could be iffy.
Under it all a real biker’s bike must have a strong heart, meticulously maintained to ensure that it started with the first kick, every time, all the time, ready to run a hundred miles at a hundred miles an hour without missing a beat, without leaving a trail of parts, without smoking out those behind us. New or old, shiny or not a real biker’s bike is ready for the road, ready for the miles, ready for you.
-bad Uncle Monkey
BIKERNET SPACE PROGRAM UPDATE–Our latest mission is put an asset into space for government. If I told what it can do, we would have to bomb your International Headquarters to cosmic dust.
The heavy lifter for this mission is the DELTA IV HEAVY. We plan on disturbing planet rotation when we tickle the cans and light the fires on this baby. The sound will give new meaning to LOUD PIPES at 3million lbs. thrust. Launch date is January 17th 2011, or may be the 18th, the 20th is looking good too, subject to change daily. This mission has been in the planning for 3 years plus. Our troops in the field will be the ones who will benefit from the success of this launch. Launch will be from Vandenberg Air Force Base, ca. right around 1300 hrs.

Check out the attached photos of our launch vehicle.
On a personal note we enjoy Bikernet and the hot babes. Rocky the Perverted Pilipino is too cheap to buy a subscription and tries hog space on my computer, when we light up our mornings at work with the babes.
Just doing our part to keep AMERICA SAFE despite the best efforts of the foreigner in the White House.
–Softail Billy
Lock. This tool features an access hole for a 3/8” drive and locates on the ignition switch face nut that holds the switch in place on the frame.
With this ignition switch/fork lock tool you can remove or install this switch correctly on all 2006 to present Dyna models. JIMS® Dyna Ignition Switch/Fork Lock Tool has an MSRP of $49.75 and like hundreds of JIMS tools is made in the USA and backed by a lifetime warranty.
For more information find JIMS on the web at www.jimsusa.com, become a JIMS Facebook fan, or call 805-482-6913.

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACER TECH REVIEW– I wish I could understand a bit more of the lingo… shoulda taken shop class instead of sewing , but they wouldn’t allow me to back then in my high school… Maybe Sin Woo could write a book— “Mechanics for girls who don’t know what a doo-hickey is”
I am learning though…!!
Articles with photos like yours are certainly helpful to folks like me 🙂
New-Line Engraving
BIKERNET INVESTIGATES THE BEST PIZZA IN LOS ANGELES– SliceTruck is the best pizza in L.A. Need pizza for a large group? Call us. All pizza is made onsite; hand tossed dough, ultra premium ingredients and gas burning stone pizza ovens. There’s a big difference between good pizza and bad pizza and fresh pizza and hour old pizza.
–David Christopher

TODD’S CYCLE SHOWS AT THE EASYRIDERS SHOW–Markus Cuff, Paul Garson, and numerous other photogs, roamed the LA Convention Center Halls looking for bikes to feature.



AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM AL (US SENATOR FRANKEN)– As you know, the proposed merger between Comcast and NBC Universal is an important moment in our effort to stop big corporations from controlling our media.
But the FCC and Department of Justice may be about to approve this deal. This would have serious consequences for Minnesotans and consumers across America.
Once you’ve watched the video, please sign our open letter asking that this merger be stopped. Forward this email to all of your friends–we don’t have much time to act. And stay tuned for more information.
Al Franken
Dear Attorney General Holder and Chairman Genachowski,
We write to urge you to reject the merger of Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal.
This deal would mean higher cable rates and less freedom of choice for American consumers, and it would give a single media conglomerate unprecedented control over the flow of information in America. Whenever the same company owns both the content and the pipes delivering that content, consumers lose.
Already, we have seen that Comcast is not operating in good faith. By imposing a new fee on the company delivering Netflix’s online video streaming, Comcast is trying to kill off a competitor. Comcast has also refused to provide the FCC with documents necessary for the review process, and has already named the 43 executives who will take over NBC Universal.
As American consumers, we know a bad deal when we see one. Allowing this merger to proceed could lead to subsequent deals, leaving Americans at the mercy of a few powerful media conglomerates.
Don’t fall for Comcast’s spin. Don’t be swayed by their army of lobbyists. Stand up for American consumers. Stop this merger.
–from Agent Zebra

BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS ARE GROWING, PLUS THE FXR DEAL OF THE WEEK– Check out the classified section . Over 400 bikes listed. Easy to use and you can sell your bike or parts there.
A great foundation for a custom or a great bike the way it is!
Ad #2096024 Posted:2011-01-12 00:54:11
This ad expires in 55 days.
This is a 1989 FXR that is almost all original, and the pieces that have been swaped out (the original seat, carb, etc.) will go with her! She has 15K original miles and has oil, filters, chaincase lube, and transmission lubricant changed every year at beging of ridding season, regardless of miles rode!
It has just been serviced (all fluids and lubes changed) at a local bike shop (excellent rep.), and was given a new battery, and charging system check (14.4 volts at idle to battery) and a complete gone thru to make this a go anywere rider! Color is deep blue sunglo mettalic, with silver lettering on tank (all factory paint). There are a couple of small chips, here and there, but overall in 90% perfect! Front & Rear tires are appox. 80% like new.
Has cast spoke wheels (stock mags). Bike extras are 2pc Mustang seat (original to go with bike), S&S Shorty “E” carb (dialed in to perfection)(also stock kehien with screaming eagle air filter and chrome cover), Chrome lower tree cover, padded high backrest with chrome insert, and brackets, chrome cargo tray, leather tool pouch, tomstone style windshied, chrome engine gaurd, Python pipes(sorry, i don’t have the stock pipes) and highway pegs round it off.
This bike has had nothing but TLC and it shows it!
Even if i split the difference in excellent ( $6225) and very good cond. ($4100) leaves $5162.50. 1/2 of the $2800 in extras (including the new S&S carb and manifold & tuning and other stuff, not including the battery and brakes) = $1400 + $5162.50 = $6562.50

D&D DEALER DIRECT PROGRAM CONTINUES TO EXPAND–If you can’t find a D&D dealer near you here, click on their banner and check their web site for all the D&D Dealers:
1) Motosports Factory 307 N Grand Ave Waukesha, WI 53186 262-524-9977
2) Cycle Rider 202 Braniff San Antonio, TX 78216 210-349-9534
3) Precision V Twins Inc 1632 Hwy 51 N Nesbit, MS 38651 662-429-0399
4) Dirt & Street Cycle 10500 Old Beatty Ford Rd Rockwell, NC 28138 704-279-5975
5) MotoSapiens 64 Avelgemstraat Zwevegem, Belgium 8550 32 56 40 06 085
6) Torq Monster Motorworks LLC 3356 Lapeer RD Port Huron, MI 48060 810-982-4351
7) FV Custom Cycle 44865 Fremont Blvd # 4 Fremont, CA 94544 510-449-5889
8) Southern V TWin 1550 Cypress Ave Melbourne, FL 32935 321-255-1600
9) Gemini Cycle Supply Inc 2610 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake, MS 38687 662-280-0125
10) Friendly Honda Yamaha 10939 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge, LA 70816 225-292-6242
11) Carrier Harley Davidson 888 Route 116 Acton Vale, Quebec Canada J0H1A0 450-549-4341
12) Mike’s Famous H-D 2160 New Castle Ave New Castle, DE 19720 302-658-8800
13) Adventure H-D 1465 State Route 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 330-364-6519
14) Hamburg Honda 5133 Camp Rd Hamburg, NY 14075 716-649-7669
15) Kissell Motorsports 101 Hawbaker Industrial Dr State College, PA 16803 814-861-7890
16) Appalachian H-D 6695 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-766-9366
17) Harley Davidson of Dothan 2418 Ross Clark Circle Dothan, AL 36301 334-792-0063
18) Harley Davidson World Shop 3433 S Broadway Edmond, OK 73013 405-478-4024
19) Neidengard’s H-D 284 Canton Rd Wintersville, OH 43953 740-266-6188
20) Kay’s Motorcycle Mania 103 S Main ST Nolanville, TX 76559 254-698-6545
21) Brothers Cycle Shop 404 S Hwy 27 Minneola, FL 34715 352-394-2911
22) Cdoma Motorsports 5270 Paw Paw Lake Rd Coloma, MI 49038 269-468-8600
23) Phat Rides Custom Cycles 3119 S. County RD 7 Loveland, CO 80537 970-663-4155
24) Jarz Performance 726 Cherry St Sumas, WA 98295 604-852-4243
25) Balcer Performance & Restoration 565 Broadway Ave # R Bedford, OH 44146 440-945-6829
26) Team Mancuso Powersports SW 7537 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77074
27) Brewer Cycles Inc 420 Warrenton Rd Henderson, NC 27537 252-492-8553
28) Super Cycle Store 1079 Carlisle St Hanover, PA 17331 717-630-2525
29) Python Motorsports 7545 Soda Creek Rd Pueblo, CO 81005 303-668-9968
30) Pro Line Cycle 1225 N Fayetteville ST Asheboro, NC 27203 336-625-2244
31) Bert’s Mega Mall 1151 N Azusa Ave Covina, CA 91722 626-974-6600
32) Daytec Center 17469 Lemon St Hesperia, CA 92345 760-244-1591
33) Peterson’s Harley Davidson South 19825 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay, FL 33157 305-235-4023
34) Donaldson Fabrication 197 Town Hill Rd Terryville, CT 06786 860-584-5176
35) JEM Cycle 88F Webster St Worcester, MA 01603 508-755-8700
36) Boswell’s Harley Davidson Rivergate 1001 Gallatin RD N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001
37) CFO- Craig Finnerty Originals 185A Waukewan St. Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-9059
38) Keford Collision 39586 Grand River Ave Novi, MI 48375 248-789-3607
39) Fat Rat Cycles LLC 23121 FM 2100 Huffman, TX 77336 281-324-9405
40) Motorcycle Mechanics Institute 2844 S Deer Valley Rd Phoenix, AZ 85027 623-879-4316
41) Banzai Tour 18315 1/2 Mansel Ave Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-625-3084
42) M &M Choppers Inc 305 E Hwy 56 Galva, KS 67443 620-654-3142
43) Trickle’s All American Cycle 9104 SE Woodstock Blvd Portland, OR 97266
44) Mad River H-D 5316 Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 419-502-2244
45) Rael Cycle 35 Floring Ln Billings, MT 59101 406-252-9188
46) American Motorcycle Supply 2144 Main St Tewksbury, MA 01876 978-658-0994
47) Chaparral Motorsports 639 South Crescent Ave San Bernardino, CA 92410 909-889-2761
–Jennifer Barnard
D & D Performance Ent
And as always RIDE SAFE &
Fx: 817-831-4260

INTERSTATE HONDA A VICTIM OF THE GREAT RECESSION– forced to close. Motorcycle dealership Interstate Honda closed last week after 18 years, another victim of the Great Recession.
The dealership, owned by Marshall and Roger Van Thorre, sold and serviced new and used Honda dirt bikes, touring bikes and road bikes.
The dealership closed Jan. 4. The website states the dealership will be organizing times for customers to pick up special orders and units in the service department.
On Wednesday, several employees milled around the 15,000-square-foot fully stocked showroom behind locked doors.
An employee who did not give his name answered the service entrance door and said owner Marshall Van Thorre had no comment.
The employee said workers were taking care of special orders.
“No one will be left out to dry,” he said. “This may be a temporary closure, who knows.”
A letter on the store’s website announces that with “heavy hearts” they have chosen to close the doors due to economic reasons, “which I’m sure most people can relate to.”
“We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, but our intention is for everyone to get what they have paid for.”
Interstate Honda was formerly Loveland Motor Sports. It changed its name and moved to the Interstate 25/Mulberry corridor in October 2002 to make it easier for customers, Marshall Van Thorre said in a 2002 interview with the Coloradoan.
The dealership, which started in 1992 as a small, independent used-motorcycle dealership, tripled its space and expanded its inventory to include motorcycles, scooters, personal all-terrain vehicles and personal watercraft.
In 1993, it purchased the Honda line and continued to grow.
–BY PAT FERRIER • PatFerrier@coloradoan.com
–from Cigar Marc B.
BIKERNET Insurance

NORCROSS BILL TO PERMIT SUNDAY BIKE SALES IN NEW JERSEY– TRENTON — Legislation to permit the sale of motorcycles on Sunday has cleared the state Assembly.
The bill, sponsored by Senator Donald Norcross, D-Camden, now heads to the governor for consideration. It previously passed the Senate.
“With our dealerships closed for business on Sunday, consumers are heading across the river to dealers who are welcoming them with open arms,” said Norcross.
The measure would not affect the state’s Sunday ban on automobile sales.
Norcross introduced the legislation after Barbara Borowiec, a Haddon Township Harley-Davidson dealer, expressed concern about losing customers as a result of the Sunday ban.
Borowiec said in addition to losing initial sales, she misses out on potential repeat customers. Additionally, New Jersey loses sales tax revenue on fringe items, such as clothing and accessories, purchased at out-of-state dealerships.
“Thousands of residents, including myself, own motorcycles not for day-to-day business travel, but for weekend riding,” said Norcross. “Our laws have to reflect the fact that, for many people, motorcycles are recreational purposes. It is only reasonable that our dealers are given the option of opening on Sundays to vie for sales.”
–By John Barna/Gloucester County Times

EASYRIDERS LA SHOW NEWS– During the Easyriders show at the Los Angeles Convention Center yesterday spectators got to witness history in the making. The well known Mongols and Hell Angels met and broke bread during the event.
Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes and were glad to see both groups heading to the right direction. This is just a stepping stone but here at Cycle Source, we are hoping that there is a great outcome equally . We would like to thank both sides for allowing Angel Eyes to capture this momentous occasion!

1. To combine local and foreign elements into a new, distinct whole.
2. To render a pidgin into a distinct, spoken language.
To fuse – creolized – these styles (Greco-Roman, Renaissance, American Modernist, and Pre-Columbian), it is implied, is the task of the Caribbean architect.
— Christopher Winks, Symbolic cities in Caribbean literature
He embodies the reluctance to surrender his Indian heritage and the refusal to creolized his identity.
— Véronique Bragard, Transoceanic Dialogues: Coolitude in Caribbean and Indian Ocean Narratives
Creolize is a verb alteration of creole, which derives from the Spanish criollo, “a person native to a locality.”

MORE NEWS FOR THE ONE OF THE TWO LAS VEGAS VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE AUCTIONS–The 1960 Panhead, “Acid Trip”, was featured in Biker Magazine’s December 2007 issue and was among the bikes that rolled off the auction block unsold. It appeared that the crowd was looking more towards the geriatric machines.

I just got off the phone with Aaron and I think we have a handle on it. He is sending some photos to James. Both of these guys know what they are talking about and I think they will come up with something that will work.
In the mean time here are a couple of SPECTRO shots and I have some of the Jims Tools as well.
Covering all the bases. You are going to like the shots and the article.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters

Once Upon An Outlaw
Ironhorse Writer / Beverly V Roberts
She lived amongst her childhood Knights
A storybook tale, come true
Atop steel steeds
They saw to her needs
There was nothing they would not do
Her father rode with the Brotherhood
Thus, a legacy began
His genius of vision
Her respect of tradition
Had immortalized each man
The Knights were considered vermin
That no one should have to endure
Yet she kept a date
With destiny and fate
For a child’s love remains pure
Life has brought her full circle
With vision from throttle to pen
Atop her steed
She sees to their needs
Her Knights shall ride once again
Copyright 2011 LP Scerri IronhorseWriter
–from Bev Roberts

CASE DISMISSED, BUT SIGNS REMAIN SEIZED– A Manhattan judge this week ruled against an antiques dealer attempting to get back subway signs that the police seized from him last year in a criminal case that was eventually dismissed.
But the judge, Rita Mella of Criminal Court, did empathize with the dealer, William LeRoy, and urged the State Legislature to change the laws governing cases like Mr. LeRoy’s.
Because state law does not give criminal courts the right to return to defendants belongings seized from them under a search warrant, Mr. LeRoy may be forced to file a lawsuit to get them back, “a measure that places a substantial financial burden on that individual, and contravenes the due process rights the courts and Legislature have sought to protect,” Judge Mella wrote in a 15-page decision.
Ronald L. Kuby, one of Mr. LeRoy’s lawyers, said his client was still considering his next step. The cost of continuing the litigation would be greater than the value of the signs, which Mr. LeRoy sells from his shop, Billy’s Antiques, in Greenwich Village, Mr. Kuby said.
“People with enough property to warrant suing over will sue, and poor people lose the little that they have,” Mr. Kuby said.
Mr. LeRoy was arrested last March and charged with a felony of possession of stolen property in connection with more than 100 subway signs that were seized from his shop. Mr. LeRoy has claimed that he got the signs from a Metropolitan Transportation Authority contractor hired to dispose of them.
Prosecutors eventually dismissed the charges against him, saying they could not bring the case to trial within the legally allotted time. New York law has well established that the dismissal of criminal charges does not automatically entitle defendants to get their property back.
According to the city’s administrative code, defendants seeking to get their property back must file a claim with the Police Department’s property clerk. If the department feels that the defendant does not have a right to get the property back, it must file a forfeiture action in civil court. Or, if the department is willing to return the property, it must first get a waiver from the district attorney’s office.
In Mr. LeRoy’s case, Manhattan prosecutors indicated in court filings that they would not grant the waiver, because even though criminal charges were dropped, the rightful owner of the signs remained unclear; New York City Transit, the arm of the transportation authority that runs the subways and buses, has claimed that at least 19 of the signs were stolen.
Without that waiver, Mr. LeRoy would be left to file an Article 78 petition, a lawsuit that accuses a public official of overstepping his authority. Federal appeals courts have twice ruled that it was unconstitutional to force people to sue for the return of property. Despite those rulings, the administrative code remains the law that governs in these property disputes.
Judge Mella noted the incongruence of New York law, which allows courts to take away, but not to give back.
“By bestowing upon the Criminal Court the authority to order the police to seize property, but not vesting this court with general discretionary authority to order release of the property seized, the court is left without the power to act on or make determinations arising from its own directives,” she wrote.
In other jurisdictions and in the federal system, criminal court judges have broader discretion to allow the return of seized property to defendants.
Judge Mella’s position is perhaps best summed up in the first sentence of the second page of her ruling.
“Regrettably, and despite what this court perceives to be an unfair burden being placed upon Mr. LeRoy, his request must be denied,” she wrote.
–By JOHN ELIGON New York Times
–from Kip Woodring

BIKERNET AUSTRALIAN CONNECTIONS MOVE TO HELP WITH FLOODING DAMAGE– I have donated a number of our Liquid Separators to the flood victims of Queensland wherein they are starting to experience E-Coli Bacteria in their flooded water. Our Liquid Separators has proven to eliminate this deadly bacteria!
“There is no greater reward than that of being able to assist when there’s such a serious need for our fellow human beings”

HOUSE OF HARLEY TO HOST 8TH ANNUAL PREMIER INDOOR BIKE SHOW, JANUARY 28 AND 29TH– Dealernews Top 100 dealership The House of Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee will host the 8th Annual Premier Indoor Bike Show Jan. 28 and 29.
It’s the only indoor custom bike show in southeastern Wisconsin, and the dealership says it draws the most highly customized motorcycles from around the Midwest.
The show opens at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 28, with dozens of custom motorcycles competing for more than $2,500 in cash prizes. The House will have food, drinks, and live music from Element 13.
The show opens again at 9 a.m. Jan. 29, and runs until 10 p.m. The Cactus Brothers will perform at 6 p.m. Awards will be presented at 8 p.m.
In addition to the custom motorcycle display, the House of Harley-Davidson will offer specials in each department and raffles throughout the day. New this year, the House of Harley-Davidson will feature a VIP deck featuring free hors d’oeuvres and beer from Lakefront Brewery. The deck will be open from 5 to 10 p.m. each night by invitation only.
The Premier Indoor Bike Show is open to all years, makes, and models. Registration is available by contacting Kristin at (414) 282-2211 x 126 or kristinw@houseofharley.com
–Posted by Holly Wagner
Published courtesy of Dealernews: www.dealernews.com

1. Eat smaller portions.
2. Avoid snacking and eat only at mealtimes.
3. Eat a wide variety of food.
4. Don’t skip meals.
5. Enjoy your food and focus on dishes made from fresh, locally grown, quality ingredients.
6. Stick to your internal cues. When you no longer feel hungry, stop eating.
7. Eat less sugar. The French eat less than half as much added sugar as do Americans. Recent research indicates that sugar, rather than saturated fat, may be a key dietary contributor to heart disease.
8. Eat meals with family and friends so that eating becomes a pleasurable experience as opposed to something to “fit into” a schedule or feel guilty about.

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
BIKERNET BLACK MARKET BOOK DEAL OF THE WEEK–If you’re building a boat trailer with a stick welder and some shitty old scrap steel, this is NOT the book you want. If on the other hand, you want to do very neat and strong welds on both aluminum and steel, with TIG, MIG, or gas, this IS the book you need to have on the shelf in the shop. Whether you want to weld fenders or frames, or just become a better welder, this book can help.
Author Richard Finch – a certified welder and former consultant to NASA – explains all of these advanced techniques in his text with more than 230 photos. He also provides charts that offer essential information on welding rod options, welding alloys for aluminum and magnesium, and fluxes.
Normally $25.95, for this week only Performance Welding is available through Bikernet for only $15.95 with free shipping to all US addresses.

GUSSETT JEANS IS Looking For America? Play It. Wear It– For a limited time, play this new song by Mark Wills (2 full versions) on our web site. Diamond Gusset is involved with “Looking For America” because of what the lyrics stand for. The music video will be out soon, and we were at the scene taking pictures! See these pictures, read what others are saying about the song, read the lyrics, and see where in America we make our jeans and other products. You can purchase bundles including our USA-made “Looking For America” tee shirts (long and short sleeves), the CD and bumper sticker. There are a limited number of Mark Wills signed CD bundles. A portion of the proceeds of every bundle goes to Troop Aid. This isn’t just a song, it’s an anthem.
*Free Shipping on “Looking For America” Bundles.
*Free Std. Bundle with $100+ Jeans purchase.
“Looking For America”. *Details Here.

Recommend people buy the “Platinum” Plan and $500,000 of International Medical-Health insurance.
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Happy Travels Nyla–
Bikernet Insurance Center LLC
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Email: marc@bikernet-insurance.com

It’s official, Garage-Girls gear is now available online! Be sure
to visit our store http://www.garage-girls.com/store/ and support
the Garage Lifestyle, you’ll find Tee’s Tanks, Stickers and more.
Sara Liberte

SHOW WEEKEND MADNESS–Man, I’m glad I’m not gearing up for another show. Although, we’re thinking about the Grand National Roadster Show, in February. My creative juices get fired up and we start to work on a booth space, displays, the number of bikes, etc. I guess the thing that slows me the most is the transportation issue. I need to drag a big trailer across the county a few times, and get use to the notion of carting shit around, handling a trailer and backing the bastard up.
I guess, at heart, I’m just an outlaw. I just want to stash a bottle of Jack in my bedroll and ride to the show. I’ll carry a handful of rags and some Purple Slice detailer juice and a crumpled business card, with her address scribbled on the back. That way I can go to the show, wander around, then call a local sweety to come rescue me, or maybe, when the show’s over I’ll have a place to crash. That’s my kind of planning.
A couple of other Sturgis projects are surfacing. Dr. Hamster rides a ’89 FLH with over 200,000 miles on her. We are going to rebuild this puppy for the ride to the Badlands. Bennett’s Performance is going to rebuild the engine, and JIMS is going to re-man the transmission. We will handle the rest at the Bikernet headquarters. This is definitely the year of the Evo at Bikernet. We are going to show how to rebuild a classic FLH for the long haul, and for low bucks.
We may work with a local kid to build a Bikernet/Mr. Lucky 650 Yamaha bobber. Talk about a low buck build, but it’s a classic reliable ride. Wait until I spring the notion on one of the local kids. They’ll go crazy and all the shop lifts will be full once more.
Ride Forever,