First let me say…It’s only 2 or 3 months past due so WTF! Remember there are NO deadlines here at Bikernet!

I had the pleasure to attend The Horse Back Street Choppers Smoke Out VI, however this year Spanky, Vanna & myself would be attending as veterans of SO V. We also found a better route up I-59 out of Slidell through Mississippi and across Alabama, better roads, more scenic due to all the hills and such in the upper part of these states. This route also placed us on the north side of Atlanta, bypassing the morning rush hour traffic experienced last year.

This year’s party would also be an unofficial tribute of such to Bradley Da Polisher who we lost last year. Some of you might recall that last years SO ended with Bradley, Vanna & myself hanging outside till the rain returned. This year I would get the opportunity to meet a lot of good people that Spanky and Vanna and come to know throughout the year due to that loss.

We hit Salisbury Thursday about noon and headed straight for the Ramada where I was once again located and which also has a great place to unload bikes. From there it was time to round up survival supplies, first across the street to the package store for beverages, then down to the grocery store for beverage supplies and middle-of-the-night munchies. S&V had acquired the same room as last year, next to the side entrance at The Holiday Inn, after a little R&R we wandered up front. Unlike last year were there was just a hand full of folks in town on Thursday night, this year it was rocking already!

As we made our way through the lobby we found Goth Girl at one of her favorite spots in the HI, their piano. TBear and some other were there as well, Vanna presented TBear some artwork she had gotten done for him. We mingled for a while then made our way to the backside lot where the Milwaukee Crew had finally arrived with their very own party central, a 1980 something Peterbuilt and moving trailer they had converted into not only living/sleeping quarters, but also a split-level bike hauler in the rear.

This would turn out to be the place to party for the weekend with even some of the rock stars & TV personalities making sure their faces were at least seen once in the vicinity. However, most choose not to remain with this seedy group of back lot warriors.

Turns out the Milwaukee group as well as several others I was introduced to, are part of a group known as the Lords of Mayhem. And while Spanky & Vanna are both members in good standing. They failed to mention their affiliation with this group. Facts & information was slim at best, I believe this ragtag group of misfits, outcasts and partiers had somehow formed during Daytona? I base this on the fact that the Smoke Out would be the event that the official members shirts would be handed out.

Early Friday morning, bout noon we decided to make our way to the fairgrounds, upon our arrival, Spanky made a quick call and moments later Fingers arrived with all the proper paperwork and documented shot records that would allow us entry to the fairgrounds. Thanks again Fingers!! This year I made a semi-conscious decision to not take 800+ images, but to just party and get to know all the new people I was meeting along with trying to remember the names of everyone from last year.

Also this year the 3 signs of the Apocalypse were seen at the fairgrounds; turkey legs, stick-on tattoo’s and… Oh hell I don’t remember the 3rd sign but they were all present! Now understand these are not my opinions, I just relay the news but there was the belief that the end is near. However I did find some of these doomsday spreaders and nay Sayers partaking in a turkey leg on Saturday. Friday night found us all out back at the trailer partying. After a variety of too many types of whiskey I headed back to the Ramada as I pulled in I noticed one of the hotel room windows covered with the pages from a men’s magazine. Turned out this room belonged to Truth and the gang from Choppahead, whom I had the pleasure of meeting last year. No sleep yet!

Nothing like Old English, PBR, Budweiser and what ever the hell else was being consumed that night on top of a Smorgasbord of whiskey to make you feel all warm in fuzzy the next morning. Saturday morning, or more like 4 that afternoon, we headed back to the fair grounds where I met Billy and Darin from Bare Bones Choppers, just about the time Vanna & I were going on a girl picture hunt, Darin would just drag one into the tent. Hell these boys make a point to bring a trailer and stripper pole with them wherever they go. You would be amazed at how even an elementary school teacher can be convinced to work the pole. And while I have images I am not allowed to share all of them with you, (Bandit said), I keep forgetting to get the signed release forms, but I can only do so many thing at once, push button and point camera? No, no, no its point camera and then push button, yea that’s it! But you may be able to find them at Bare Bones Choppers?

Texas was again well represented with The Reverend Horton Heat being the feature band for Saturday evening. They rocked the place of course and then it was back to party central at the HI side lot. Saturday night’s crowd was huge, however there seemed to be an invisible line about midway in the parking lot of folks that wanted to be with the trailer sluts (no offense ladies) and Lords, but just did not want to get too close!

Bradley was missed by a lot of people this year; Fabricator Kevin had a really great idea about a way to remember Bradley, you will recognize it, if you knew Bradley. I believe there are a few of us that may borrow Fab Kevin’s idea.

P.S. Lords of Mayhem, if Spanky has not hooked you up with a CD let me know.
Till Next Time,
Rigid Frame Richard
Check out the next couple of pages of photos.