
This is a quirky one. I read THE WEEK magazine for the news and find some interesting facts, plus this week I researched how a bird wing works and discovered the secrets birds don’t tell you. I’m working with Biker’s Choice and Ride Wright on a winged wheel art project for the front of the Bikernet building. I needed to know more.

So, hang on for the innovation of the week. A phone app that can call your sun glasses and alert you, if you left them behind. Amazing!

How this? The Vampire practice works. Inject old folk with young folks’ blood and aging was reversed. The older rodents’ memories improved by up to 50 percent, and they ran on a treadmill as long as the youthful counterparts. Amazing.

And how about this. Wash all your clothes inside out for longer lasting clothes. Don’t use the recommended amount of detergent, you don’t need that much, and run all your clothes on the delicate cycle. They don’t need to be beat to death once a week.

That’s all you’re going to get from me. Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Thursday News is sponsored by Cycle Source Magazine and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.


Special Ops Club Jacket – delivers the features for all around riding. When the thermometer goes North just zip off the sleeves and you are protected with the cool 12-pocket Special Ops Vest. The Special Ops Club Jacket features heavy duty gun metal grey zipper front, bound leather neck trim and double needle seam construction. And (2) conceal and carry pockets.

Get Some Love For Your Body —

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– Changing Axle Or Wheel Bearing Sizes

Did you ever find out the od of that bearing you used? Or what’s the part number? Need to do this exact same thing. Thanks man!

wilmington, NC

Go to Kevin Bass’ web site. He sells kits.–Wrench


BIKERNET HAS A JAP BIKE IN THE SHOP– This is an advertisement for Hidori brand bicycles that appeared in the 1952 edition of the Japan Bicycle Guide on page 293. I am not certain that Hidori Bicycle Co was the maker, the assembler or the exporter. I did not know this company. The advert also includes mention of the Hidori hubs.



Team Obama Supports Your Right to “Selfie”-Defense?–The British author George Orwell’s prescient novel “1984” has increased in popularity since the recent revelation of massive spying on Americans’ private communications. Orwell is also credited with the sentiment popularized in the quote, “People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

Orwell said words to that effect in 1942, back when clear-thinking people had no illusions about how to deal with enemies bent on their destruction. Since then, things have changed, however. Today, the Obama administration apparently would have Americans believe that we rest well at night not because of Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Marines, and the world’s most powerful Navy and Air Force, but because Team Obama stands ready to Tweet wrongdoers into submission.

In March, as Russian troops occupied the Crimea and threatened to invade Ukraine, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki Twitter-posted a photo of herself holding a sign stating #UnitedForUkraine, @StateDeptSpox. The New York Post headline? “Russia sends troops, Obama sends a selfie.” Ridiculed, Psaki defended her initial foolishness with even more foolishness, saying “the benefit of communicating over social media is it sends a direct message to the people that we are with them, we support their fight, their voice and their future.”

Similarly, this month, in response to terrorists kidnapping 300 girls in Nigeria, First Lady Michelle Obama locked and loaded for battle with her own “selfie,” with the unconditional surrender demand #BringBackOurGirls.

Ms. Psaki’s and Mrs. Obama’s naiveté–thinking that Vladimir Putin or Boko Haram terrorists will change their ways because of tweets–would provide ample fodder for their ridicule, were we so inclined. But while we appreciate the value of maintaining a sense of humor in the face of things that are disagreeable, we do so only within reasonable limits. There is nothing funny in this instance.

However, those of us who understand and value the Second Amendment will not forfeit the right to keep and bear arms, and we will not stake our personal safety on “#PleaseDontHurtMe” tweets. Instead, we will exercise our right to arms, by acquiring the best arms for defensive purposes and becoming proficient in their use.

US News & World Report—NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE rally and ride pay homage to Dennis Hopper, the legacy of ‘Easy Rider’– By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN, Associated Press

TAOS, N.M. (AP) — Motorcyclists and movie fanatics from as far away as Canada have made the pilgrimage to northern New Mexico to celebrate Dennis Hopper and his iconic counterculture film “Easy Rider.”

They are gathering Saturday in the dusty, adobe encircled plaza in the community of Ranchos de Taos, 4 miles south of Taos, to kick off what town officials hope will be an annual event — Dennis Hopper Day — with a rally and ride through some of the places made famous in the film.

Saturday would have been the late actor and director’s 78th birthday. Hopper lived in Taos — a diverse town known for skiing, art and Hispanic and Native American culture — for years and is buried here.

Town Manager Rick Bellis says the day is aimed at recognizing Hopper’s contributions as a resident, a filmmaker, a supporter of the arts and for simply being a “colorful member” of the community.

“His image really represents the spirit of Taos,” Bellis said. “He was independent, slightly eccentric but incredibly talented. He sort of became a symbol for a whole new generation.”

Hopper first came to New Mexico in the late 1960s to scout locations for “Easy Rider.” Shot on a shoestring budget, the independent film summed up the hopes and anxieties of the ’60s, romanticized the open road and ended up revolutionizing Hollywood by forcing the studio gates to open to a new generation of film school graduates.

“Nothing like this had ever been done before. It was a phenomenon,” said John Hellmann, an English professor and a member of the film studies program at Ohio State University.

The appeal of rebellion, motorcycles and the open road have sustained the popularity of “Easy Rider” over four decades, and town officials are hopeful the film and the legend of Hopper will continue to draw people to Taos.

This marks the first year of the rally and ride, but organizers have plans to add more music and film venues in the coming years.

Bellis said Hopper was able to get some of the area’s traditional Hispanic and Native American families to open up to outsiders when he first arrived in the ’60s. In fact, he was the only person to get permission to film at Taos Pueblo, an American Indian community dating to the late 13th and early 14th centuries that’s recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

“He walked across the multicultural borders here. I think that really started with him and the movie and has continued,” Bellis said. “In the last few years, we have really become that kind of community that he saw, that there was no difference between our ethnicities and who, when and where we came from.”

“We all came here for the same reason, that awe of nature and that spirit of the last of the wild West, that independence,” he said.

NMA E-Newsletter #279: Spy vs. Spy–A couple weeks ago we wrote about what happens when the cameras and microphones are turned on those (law enforcement officers) who normally do the watching. Turns out they don’t like it much.

You know who also doesn’t like it? The private companies that partner with law enforcement agencies to help with the watching.

Vigilant Solutions is the largest aggregator of vehicle license plate data in the country. Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies contract with Vigilant to access its database, which contains records on two billion license plates, complete with time stamps and GPS coordinates.

But Vigilant doesn’t want you to know that. The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently uncovered the terms of Vigilant’s user agreement which essentially prohibits law enforcement personnel from disclosing details about their use of Vigilant’s “LEARN” database. Here’s an excerpt:

You shall not create, publish, distribute, or permit any written, electronically transmitted or other form of publicity material that makes reference to LEARN or this Agreement without first submitting the material to LEARN-NVLS and receiving written consent from LEARN-NVLS. This prohibition is specifically intended to prohibit users from cooperating with any media outlet to bring attention to LEARN or LEARN-NVLS. Breach this provision may result in LEARN-NVLS immediately termination of this Agreement upon notice to you [sic].

Vigilant isn’t the only spy company that prohibits users from talking about its products, nor is it even the most restrictive. The Harris Corporation, which makes a cell-phone snooping device known as a stingray, prevents law enforcement agencies from disclosing their use of the technology to the media or even to other governmental agencies. As a result, law enforcement agencies that use stingrays sometimes do so without a court warrant because they have interpreted the user agreement to mean they cannot even tell a judge of their intent to use the devices.

Likewise, law enforcement agencies are using the “user agreement” excuse to ignore public records requests from journalists investigating the use of stingray technology. Earlier this year, the ACLU described how the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department declined to provide documents or comment about its use of stingrays because “the acquisition or use of this technology comes with a strict non-disclosure requirement.” Other examples of police stonewalling can be found here.

So, in their quest for evermore invasive surveillance technology, public officials choose to kowtow to private companies rather than uphold the constitution and the rule of law.

These are public employees, paid with public dollars and using public money to acquire this technology, ostensibly to serve the public, but they’re not supposed to talk about their work to the public since a private company told them not to, because said private company doesn’t want the attention of the public?

It’s outrageous, and it threatens key tenets of our democracy: namely that public officials need to conduct their business with transparency and with accountability to the public.

Speaking of transparency and accountability, is there anything we can do to foster these two important, yet elusive, virtues in our public officials? Absolutely.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and state public records laws were designed to keep the public informed about government operations and hold government accountable in the process. But they’re only effective if people use the tools they provide for obtaining government information.

That’s why the NMA has just released a new guide that tells you how to obtain information from government agencies through FOIA and public records requests. It offers easy-to-follow steps that you can use to find out such things as how a particular speed limit was established or how many accidents occurred at a specific red-light camera intersection. Or maybe even how many times your vehicle license plate has been photographed by an automated license plate reader.

View the guide here and sleuth around to find out what your local government or police department is up to. You may be surprised by what you find.

Drums Brancaccio made some strange moves this weekend at Rockingham Dragway– from sliding down the wall on Saturday to stopping at half track to leaving early.

Larry, Drums, Brancaccio of Bammer Racing out of Nutley, NJ is completing with the IHRA Nitro Jam Spring Nationals Harley Class at Rockingham, NC

“Rockingham is one of my all time favorite tracks, everything about it is great, just not this weekend.

We were possibly carrying some damaged baggage from a rained out appearance at Moroso Motorsports Park a few weeks ago, this weekend at the Rock was not good.” said Brancaccio.

According to Brancaccio, “Saturday during qualifying, we had no power after the launch, if you think riding one of these 900 horsepower monster’s on one wheel under POWER is hard, you should try it with no power, it won’t do anything or go where you want it to go (some expletives deleted) and I bounced off the wall. We brought it back to the pits where Michael Hopkins, crew chief and I started testing everything we could think of- timing, leak down, compression, the used crank shaft, we drained the oil, no metal. The only thing left to test was the fuel pump so, of course, IT WAS the fuel pump. We replaced it and after working into the night we reassembled everything and went for broke (no pun intended) for the Sunday show.”

Running on a used but tested good crank is the way that privateers often run, “everything tested good and we had a lot of runs on the crankshaft-we were running 6.30’s but I guess we just finally pushed our luck too far. Maybe the fuel pump was going bad in Moroso, and because of the rain out we didn’t catch it, but it caught us on Sunday at the ROCK. I was qualified 5th and running Randall Andres, I launched hard went out about 60 feet and the motor locked and I mean LOCKED. We brought it back and drained the oil, still no metal but the rods wouldn’t rotate either direction-bad news for Bammer Racing.”

“We’re supposed to be ready for Budds Creek, June 13-14, I’ve already been on the phone and have a new crank lined up, now I guess it’ll be overtime for me at work to try to get everything back together again. On an up side we did do some good TV interviews. We’ll be ready for Budds Creek.”

Soo— Bammer Racing is on the way back to New Jersey, you can bet they’ll be ready for Budds Creek, and Maryland International Raceway in 3 weeks.

Sponsors for 2014 include:

Central Metal Fabricators
Anthony Augliera, Inc
Richard Murray
Keith’s Custom Seats
World Wide Bearings
Capone Landscape
Vanson Leathers
Tattooville Tattoo
Chris DiMaggio Property Services
Starlight Tattoo
phone 973 667 8504

GUN NUT REPORT: FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT Upholds D.C.’s Onerous Registration Regime– Following the Supreme Court’s Landmark ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, D.C. enacted several new gun control laws that prohibited the possession of so-called “assault weapons”, prohibited possession of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, created handgun rationing, generally required the registration of all firearms, and required that registrations be renewed every three years. Shortly after the earliest of these new laws were enacted, Dick Anthony Heller and several other plaintiffs filed a new lawsuit challenging the provisions in the NRA supported case Heller v. District of Columbia, commonly referred to as Heller II.

All of the challenged laws were initially upheld by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. That decision was appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The circuit court’s opinion upheld the lower court’s decision on “assault weapons”, magazines, and the handgun registration requirement, but remanded for more fact-finding on the claims relating to the registration requirement for long guns, handgun rationing, the burdensome registration procedures, and the requirement to reregister firearms every three years. Yesterday, Judge James E. Boasberg of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued an opinion addressing the claims remanded by the circuit court.

Judge Boasberg’s recitation of D.C. murder statistics from the 1990s and his claim that “[t]he District of Columbia knows gun violence” in the opening lines of the opinion made it clear from the outset that the plaintiffs’ legal arguments were going to be drowned out by the dubious mantra that any type of gun control is bound to promote public safety. The irony of quoting statistics of high crime rates that existed before D.C. was forced to repeal its ban on all handguns apparently was lost on Judge Boasberg, as was the fact crime in D.C. has continued to decline after D.C. residents’ right to possess handguns was restored in 2008.

After this ominous introduction, Judge Boasberg determined that the appropriate level of constitutional scrutiny was “intermediate scrutiny”, which requires that the District can show that the challenged laws are “substantially related to an important governmental objective” and that the law is narrowly tailored to achieve that objective. This might seem like it would require some real justification from the District for passing the laws. Nevertheless, the court quickly dispelled that notion by finding that mere opinion evidence of the District’s “experts” (whether or not backed by empirical data) could fulfill the requirement the challenged laws be “substantially related” to the District’s important interests in public safety, and that the court would not strike down the laws as long as the District’s predictions about the effect of the laws were “reasonable.”

With this weakened form of “intermediate scrutiny” as the standard, Judge Boasberg began his analysis by looking at the long gun registration requirement. The plaintiffs were able to discredit much of the District’s empirical evidence on the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of gun registration, but the court nonetheless upheld the requirement mostly on the opinions offered by the District’s “experts,” like D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier.

Judge Boasberg’s willingness to stretch to find D.C.’s laws constitutional was perhaps most apparent in his reasoning for upholding the requirement that registrants bring each firearm they wish to register to the police station for inspection. The Judge first admits that the District put on no evidence showing how this requirement is substantially related to the District’s public safety objectives. Since the District had the burden of showing that the law is substantially related, seemingly at least this portion of the registration requirement should have failed. Nevertheless, the court upheld this requirement because it made a “common-sense inference” from testimony supporting a different aspect of the registration requirement. How such an inference by the court can meet the District’s burden of showing a “substantial relationship” is unclear.

Continuing the trend of treating the right to keep and bear arms differently from all other constitutional rights, the court also upheld the District’s requirement that a registrant must pass an exam before registering any firearms. Most these days would consider a competency test for the exercise of any of the rights protected by the First Amendment or the right to vote unthinkable, but such tests were deemed constitutional, at least in the District, when it comes to Second Amendment rights.

While upholding the registration requirements in their entirety required an unusual degree of deference to the D.C. Council in the face of a fundamental right, Judge Boasberg’s discussion of the handgun rationing provision, which limits registrants to only one handgun registration in a 30 day period, is perhaps even more troubling. In upholding the rationing provision, the court found that “the District must respect the right of each resident to possess a handgun . . . for self-defense” and “[w]hile one or two firearms may be necessary for such purposes, a large collection of weapons is not.” Although D.C. law limits applicants to registering only one handgun each month, Judge Boasberg seemed willing to endorse the constitutionality of laws that would restrict individuals to possessing only one or two firearms at any given time.

While the decision is to be appealed, one lesson that can be learned from Judge Boasberg, an Obama appointee, is the importance of electing a president and senators who will appoint and confirm judges that respect the right to keep and bear arms as much as any other constitutional right. Your NRA-ILA will keep you informed of future developments in this case and in the ongoing fight for judicial recognition of the Second Amendment.

AUSTERE QUAIL MOTORSPORTS GATHERING– Inspired by the “Quail Motorsports Gathering” that has run since 2003, the Quail Motorcycle Gathering takes the same high end approach to antique and unique motorcycles that the Quail Motorsports Gathering has to high end performance and antique cars.

Although the $75.00 per person entry fee sounds steep, it pales in comparision to the $500 per ticket Motorsports entrance charge but the venue and amenities do not disappoint. (Easy for me to say, I got in on a press credential).

The show consisted of my estimate of 300 unique and historical bikes. I was especially drawn to the “Bonneville Salt Flat” exhibit that featured an impressive group of record holding streamliners with names like Chris Carr and Denis Manning as well as record holding bikes in many categories.

Rare and beautiful bikes such as the Brough Superior SS 100 (serial number
001 on top of it!) and the Bike behind the world’s most famous motorcycle photo, “Rollie free at speed” laying prostrate on his Black shadow nearly naked with the exception of his briefs an a streamlined helmet screaming across the Bonneville salt flats at 150 MPH were on display.

Vendors and sponsors ringed the 3 acre fairway with manicured grass and divided categories from custom bikes to American, European, and Japanese, scooters, race bikes an more. Owners of these rare and historically important bikes often sat in a lawn chair next to their display ready to answer questions an chat about their vast knowledge of the bikes.

A top-notch BBQ lunch was served to all who attended an live but not overpowering live music played throughtout the one-day event.

The event was preceeded on Friday by the Quail motorcycle ride which traversed 103 miles from the La Guna Seca raceway to the Quail Lodge and Golf Club and was ridden by over 100 of these beautiful bikes.

With passionate and dedicated restorers and historical preservationists covering the grounds, The Quail Motorcycle gathering was rich grounds for learning, admiring an enjoying the beaurtiful Monterey spring.

–Tail Gunner


We are finishing up the new Brawler GT in the next few days. I will send pics.

Also, we have just introduced new grips. Billet machined and leather wrapped. We are launching them via a campaign with pre orders. See the link here. I plan to do a news letter about them tomorrow. You are the first to see them.

Hope all is well with you.
Dar by Darwin Motorcycles

Facebook: Brass Balls Bobbers – Darwin Motorcycles

New Bikernet Reader Comment!– THE EVER-CHANGING SUNDAY POST FOR May 18, 2014

I’m going to get that book,”The Core Teaching of Buddhism”maybe I can can break on thru My shadow

Change is coming.

Now is my time.

Listen to my muscle memory.

Contemplate what I’ve been clinging to.

Forty-six and two ahead of me.

from the song “forty-six and two ” TOOL

— Jeff Craig
Myrtle Beach, SC

Free vendor space at the Samson facility in Sturgis!

Kenny Price will be attending a Sturgis City Council meeting in attempt to get the City’s permission to have vendors at the Samson manufacturing facility during the upcoming Sturgis rally. When I asked Kenny what the chances of Samson getting that needed permission he replied “slim.”

Those in opposition to the “vendors” claim that the Industrial Park would be too crowded, and or, too crowded. Like as if downtown isn’t too crowded. At any rate I’ll keep ya posted. the City is already under a microscope for it’s treatment of vendors, as with the SMRI for it’s alleged fraud in acquiring a Sturgis Rally trademark. When the trademark is rescinded, as everybody knows will happen, it will leave SMRI officers open to civil litigation, maybe even criminal charges pertaining to fraudulent statements made when applying for the trademark.

— Buck Lovell /Senior Editor
Lovell Photography & Design

[page break]


Hmmm streamlining just changes the division and then engine size defines the class… getting a headache.

So it looks like Group B3 Division C ( streamlined) class 13 for 2000 to 3000 cc is your class.

I have attached a link to the rule book

Group B3 Cycle-cars

3-wheeled vehicles making three tracks on the ground forming a complete integral unit and having accommodation for a rider and passenger.

A cycle-car is a motorcycle with 3 wheels differing from a Sidecar in that 2 of the wheels are mounted on the same geometric horizontal axis. These may be on the front or rear of the vehicle and shall  ensure stability of the vehicle.

Steering must be by handlebars with a minimum length of 500 mm, or by a steering wheel, with a minimum diameter of 300 mm when the cycle-car is constructed with two wheels in the front.

The passenger can be by the side of the rider but not necessarily in the same frontal alignment. He can also be placed behind the rider. If bodywork does not enclose the wheels, wheels must be protected by mudguards.

— Richard Kranzler
Bikernet Baggers Extreme Editor

THE CULTURE OF THE MOTORCYCLE–The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS) is dedicated to the study and discussion of motorcycling culture in all its forms—from the experience of riding and racing to the history of the machine, the riders and design to the images of motorcycling and motorcyclists in film, advertising and literature.

We welcome submissions on all areas related to the cultural phenomenon of motorcycling. We invite contributions from all members of the motorcycling community.

Click on this link to learn more about our mission and values: Peer-Reviewed, Timely, Global and Free: Online Scholarly Publication

The journal is published in the spring and fall.

ISSN 1931-275X

Conference Coordinators

Lisa Garber is a psychologist, social worker and author with a doctorate in clinical psychology. She has been treating eating disorders and other forms of psychic distress for 30 years. For the last 24 years she had been riding her Harley, while wondering and writing about her attraction to the two-wheeled predator.

Her musings led her to the crossroads where the union of Hermes and Bruhnhilde took place. It is from that perspective that she wrote her doctoral dissertation,

Women Who Ride: The Psyche of the Female Motorcyclist, exploring the manifest myth of the female motorcyclist.

Dr. Garber has been published in both biker and women’s magazines.

Riding Naked, a booklet based on her dissertation is currently available on her web site: A book based on her series of conversations, “The Voice Inside my Helmet,” is soon to be released.

4th International Journal of Motorcycles Studies Conference
Thursday, July 17, 2014 – Saturday, July 19, 2014

University of Colorado Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918
United States
Map and Directions


The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS), the only online, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to motorcycle culture, will be hosting its conference at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, July 17-19, 2014.

IJMS is dedicated to the study and discussion of motorcycling culture in all its forms—from the experience of riding and racing to the history of the machine, the riders and design to the images of motorcycling and motorcyclists in film, advertising and literature. We welcome submissions on all areas related to the cultural phenomenon of motorcycling worldwide. This year we are seeking submissions in two areas–short films and conference presentations.

Bikernet will be there.—Bandit

THE LASTEST FROM STRICTLY HAWGS, WINDSHIELDS– Windshield- “Choose the color you want”. As you can see, you have a variety of colors to choose from for any year of bike. Strictly Hawgs also provides custom windshields for Roadking’s.

PART # SH-P102014          PRICE 60.00


1 to 2 Weeks


LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST is proud to present KANSAS
Saturday, October 4 at Rally Central

Country Music Artist Craig Morgan to Headline Friday Night

All Concerts are included with the
Ultimate and Party Pass Registrations

Rally Favorite
Jasmine Cain Will Rock
the Thursday Night
Rev It Up Kick Off Party!
6:00pm – 8:00pm

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE WING–Feathers, indeed, are among evolution’s greatest masterpieces of design. In the recently released Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle (public library), conservation biologist Thor Hanson marvels:

Animals with backbones, the vertebrates, come in four basic styles: smooth (amphibians), hairy (mammals), scaly (reptiles, fish), or feathered (birds). While the first three body coverings have their virtues, nothing competes with feathers for sheer diversity of form and function. They can be downy soft or stiff as battens, barbed, fringed, fused, flattened, or simple unadorned quills They range from bristles smaller than a pencil point to the thirty-five-foot breeding plumes of the Ongadori, an ornamental japanese fowl.

Feathers can conceal or attract. They can be vibrantly colored without using pigment. They can store water or repel it. They can snap, whistle, hum, vibrate, boom, and whine. They’re a near-perfect airfoil and the lightest, most efficient insulation ever discovered. …

Natural scientists from Aristotle to Ernst Mayr have marveled at the complexity of feather design and utility, analyzing everything from growth patterns to aerodynamics to the genes that code their proteins. Alfred Russel Wallace called feathers ‘the masterpiece of nature…the perfectest venture imaginable,’ and Charles Darwin devoted nearly four chapters to them in Descent of Man, his second great treatise on evolution.

HOT RODS IN LONG BEACH– Hot rod builder and filmmaker Brian Darwas talks about making “This is Long Beach” in new video!


“Hot rod builder and award winning filmmaker Brian Darwas talks about the making of “This is Long Beach” in a brand new video just released by Atomic Hot Rods. In his latest film, Hot rod historian Brian Darwas shadows three generations of custom car & hot rod aficionados, The Long Beach Cavaliers. Each generation, from the 1940’s to present, recounts detailed memories and pays homage to the cars that bonded them in a lifelong brotherhood all while chopping a 1947 Ford in Brad Masterson’s Kustom’s car shop in historic Lynwood, California.”

Film maker’s bio: “Brian Darwas is a well know fixture in the Hot Rod community, and the Award Winning Director of “A Sweet Sickness”, “The Devil at Your Feet”, and “The Road to Bonneville”. Building traditional hot rods since around the age of eighteen, Brian has been digging up old steel and turning it into traditional hot rods over on the East Coast for over a decade.

During this time Brian has turned out a number of cars, none of which have ever failed to impress even the most jaded Hot Rod Aficionado. He has certainly developed his own build style. The stance is always perfect and everything just seems to fit together. A lot of people can build a car using parts from many different sources, but taking those parts and making them work and fit as if they were meant to go together is something only few people can accomplish. Brian Darwas is one of those few.

Aside from building traditional hot rods as member of The Rumblers Car Club in New York City, Brian has also traveled the world as a musician.”


BIKERNET OFFICIAL PHILOSOPHER STUDIES SUCCESS– Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.–
Abraham Lincoln

We all want success! The question is what is success. Can we be successful in one area of our Life and fail in another area. Do we have balance in our Lives? Is success a series of ongoing accomplishments? Some people have great financial success and have complete failure in their personal Lives. Some people try to buy things to try and show people how successful they are, yet they don’t feel it within.

Abraham Maslow wrote about the 5 Hierarchy of needs, in which we need our basic needs met, feeling safe and secure, social belonging, having self-esteem and self-actualization. Success of our basic needs is having our food and shelter. Safety is knowing that we are in a society where we can walk down the street feeling comfortable. We all need social belonging whether a child in school to an adult at work. Self-esteem is the point where we feel good about ourselves and we walk with our head held high. Self-actualization is the point Live at Peak Performance, we actualize our potential and we are One with our source.

A great catalyst for success is Living Life with meaning. Why are you getting up today, why do we do what you do, what do we plan to accomplish today.

Today is an opportunity for us to change from living life as wondering generalities to a Life of Meaningful Specifics. A Life where we have balance, a Life where we constantly are reaching our goals and setting new ones.

Helen Keller said “Life is a Daring Adventure or nothing at all”. Today you can start your new path of success.

I set small goals and will celebrate the success as my day goes on. My day is filled with meaning and purpose and Love the feeling of the accomplishment of small successes, which will equate to greet successes as they add up. The key is to balance success or spread success across the plain of life, from financial, to accomplishments, to the home, to family, and to friendships.

I am Thankful for the success in My Life past, present and future. I Know that I am going to have a successful day deep within and I like the feeling.

And So It Is

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
–Bill Cosby

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6


MOTORCYCLE ART EXHIBITS BY ALLAN GORMAN– “Three In A Row” 2013 Allan Gorman 40 in x 40 in Oil on Canvas  (Also available as a limited edition print)
See more images on my website

First, I’m very happy to announce representation with two art dealers

CK Contemporary Gallery

357 Geary Street
San Fransisco, CA
415 397-0114


ES Lawrence Galleries

616 East Hyman Avenue
Aspen, CO
970 920-2922

Please mark your calendars for…

The Ready to Rumble Road Show

I’ll be on site at these “pop-up” events, signing posters, taking orders for prints
and showing some original paintings. Come by and say hello,
grab yourself a hot dog and a burger, listen to some bands and see some beautiful bikes!

Upcoming dates and locations include:

May 31

Tramontin Harley-Davidson
482 Hope Blairstown Rd
Hope, NJ

June 7

Keystone Harley Davidson
770 State Rd
Parryville, PA

June 14

Bergen Harley-Davidson
124 Essex St
Rochelle Park, NJ

(More dates and locations planned for late summer and fall – announcements to follow)

My painting. “SKULL” will be included in the SMI exhibit:

VIEWPOINTS 2014 at Aljira – A Center for Contemporary Art

591 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
973-294 -952

June 4 – 28, 2014

Join me at a reception for the artists Saturday Evening, June 7 from 6- 9 pm

For more information and directions, visit:

— Allan

To see my newest work, visit

Affordable, limited edition prints are available for many of the paintings.

A CLASSIC SLIPS AWAY–One of my favorites, Jerry Vale passed away today.

Oh for the days of the “crooners”!!!



RACING LEATHERS AVAILABLE–The one I sell the most for Bonneville racing is our suit sku number 333. If there is any requirements you need to meet you can let us know.

This suit has very limited perforation under the arms and in back of the leg. It is a 2-piece with a zipper around the waist that zip the pants and jacket together.

Below is a link direct to the suit. We also have it available in red and blue.

Motorcycle Racing / Riding Leathers 2pc Suit

Sunny & Omi Sales
6310 Corsair St.
Commerce, CA 90040
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5 pm
Tel: (323) 888 – 8856 | Fax: (323) 888 – 8859 | Toll free: (800) 247 – 9357
On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:09 AM, Contact Us wrote:


THE GRIP ACE HIDDEN MOTORCYCLE SWITCH SYSTEM–GripAce releases its 2nd generation hidden motorcycle switch system that replaces stock or custom handlebar switches.

Beverly Hills, CA, May, 2014: GripAce announced today that their 2nd Generation GripAce hidden switch system replaces stock or custom handlebar switches with a four push-button, rubber switch pad that provides up to 6 switch functions.

The GripAce switch pad is installed under your fingers in the left hand grip. The hidden switch pad works through the GripAce digital module.

The GripAce will control your starter, hi/lo beam headlights, hazards and horn, and it adds self-canceling turn signals to all motorcycles not equipped with such a cool and needed function. It also allows riders to change the duration of time for self-cancellation of turn signals.

GripAce cleans up the look of the handlebar. It provides greater motorcycle control with the switches under your fingers, regardless of the size of riders’ hands.

“Customizing your Harley-Davidson, Metric Custom, Sport bike custom, fighter custom or Chopper/Bobber customs is as much the biker lifestyle as is riding your motorcycle,” explained Timothy Ledford, President. “The GripAce makes hiding the wires in your handlebars a snap because you are using just one wire instead of fishing ten or more wires through a 7/8 or 1-inch pipe. This system saves tremendous time and labor.”

The GripAce switch pad can be fitted into most stock and aftermarket rubber, billet (aluminum), steel and brass grips. Simply follow the machining specs on the diagram page supplied with the installation instructions for cutting or machining an opening in the grip and installing the switch pad. As an option, GripAce offers this service of machining your grip and installing the switch pad.

Internationally recognized builders, including Jim Guiffra of AFT Customs and Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles, exclusively use the GripAce in their custom builds.

I was standing at a concession stand at Candlestick Park and this small Chinese guy comes in, stands next to me and starts drinking a beer.

I asked him, “Do you know any of those martial arts things, like Kung-Fu, Karate or Ju-Jitsu ?”

He says “No, why the fruck you ask me that? Is it because I am Chinese?”

“No”, I said, “It’s because you’re drinking my beer, you little prick.”

–from Jerry and Rogue


HONDA SPORT ARMORED SOFTSHELL JACKET FOR MEN–Introducing the new Honda Sport Armored Softshell Jacket for Men. Made with a water resistant soft shell frame, removable Vault C.E. approved shoulder, elbow, and spine protectors. Reinforced AR-1000 shoulders, detachable hood, and reflective trim for nighttime visibility on the road.

Finished with zipper controlled ventilation and cinch cord waist.

MSRP: $179.95

For more information on this product contact your local Tucker Rocky representative.


The people on the mat came up the mountain for a picnic.The common procedure is to bring lots of beer and BBQ.

Whenever a whitey comes by they offer a beer and cheer.

After they are finished they pick up the few items to keep.
Then they just leave all the trash wherever they have “camped”
These people had nice motorbikes so they seemed to be High-So’s of some sort.

All over the scenic spots you will find such left picnic spots of trash.There is lots of vacant land around so the trash just gets pushed over the edge.

A little updater from Vung Tao Vietnam
It is fishing village about two hours from Saigon
actually 2.5 hrs on the bus for $5 = 100,000 vnd

Today is Wednesday and I have been here two days and three nights.

A friend , Keven, aka known as Krazie Kalvin has lived here for three years. He has been very good showing me around during the day sightseeing.
He is from Texas but knows the Fryed brothers group and we met up in Thailand.

Then at night the best of the fun zone. Places I would not have found without him.

Interesting to find out this place was occupied by the French for 100 years.
Hopefully I can attach some photos of the town – French fort – etc.

He also found me a well-located hotel with an ocean view, walking distance home from the fun zone late at night (early morning).

Even though this is a large town they see surprisingly few of us round eyes whiteys.
As a result are curiously friendly but unfortunately not very conversant in English.
Even though it is only 2.5 hrs from the big city it is about two generations away.

On another front I missed the military occupation of Bkk by a few days.
I will however be back on Jun 2 for a few days on the way back to LAX. Life goes on as usual there, just a few extra tanks and Army personnel around.

I will be here for a few more days until Saturday when I move on to Phnom Penh by air.
From there I will take in a beach town called Siannookville for the bike show.

–Art Hall- ISOTUT
Bikernet Supreme International Editor



THIS JUST IN FROM STURGIS– The City Council granted the Samson request for vendors at the Samson facility for the upcoming Sturgis motorcycle Rally. Vendor products must be motorcycle hard-parts, and or related motorcycle components and equipment. No cash sales will be allowed. No widgets, gadgets, leathers or other souvenir type product vendors please.

Approximately 20 vendor spaces are available for free.

It was full hour of the City Council grilling Kenny Price as he sat at a table in front of them (with a microphone), and the tension in the council chambers was palpable. And I don’t even know what the word palpable means. LOL

–Buck Lovell
Bikernet Baggers Senior Editor
1151 Industry Rd.
Sturgis, SD 57785
888-572-6766 | 888-5-SAMSON

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!– 
Pride and Joy of Ross and Pokey

Fantastic article! What a great tribute to Ross and Pokey. They would be very proud of what Bob has done. Thank You Bob. Will be a very special time in Aug.


JIMS Racer Profile of the week,John Toth– John Toth of JT’s Auto & Cycle
John Toth is one of JIMS sponsored racers. A few of his recent accomplishments are at the State Capitol Raceway in Baton Rouge, LA. John qualified first and was the winner in the Hot Street Class.

At the Beech Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, KY he qualified first and placed second. You can catch him racing next on June 20th-21st at Bristol Dragway in Bristol, TN or June 28th-29th in Bowling Green KY.


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2006 Harley Davidson Softail Standard FXSTI
2006 Harley Davidson Softail Standard FXSTI Anaheim, California.

Our Price $7,995
Was $9,995

Mileage: 31,677 miles

– See more at:

Manta Ray Fenders from Lowbrow Customs– Rising from the depths of time, shaking off the rust, crust, holes and creases of fenders from past eras, the Manta Ray Fender has arrived.

Search no further for a heavy gauge, sturdy fender, smooth as glass. The flared duckbill and subtle stamped branding harken an earlier era, ready for mounting on your custom motorcycle.

Available in 4-3/4″ and 6″ widths, in your choice of raw steel ($149.95) or aluminum ($199.95). Careful design and manufacturing ensures that the radius of Lowbrow’s Manta Ray Fenders fits 18″ tires as well as vintage-style 16″ tires.

Available world-wide, 24/7 via or call toll free 1-855-4LOWBROW.

CHANCE OF A LIFETIME AT NEW MC COMPANY, NEED AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB?– I am looking to bring a guy on here as sort of an entry level goffer to help out Gard and myself with various things like picking up parts, answering phones, errands, photography. The position is purely an entry-level thing that could for the right candidate grow into something more rewarding. Wondered if you had anyone in mind we might want to bring in for a once over?

Below is what we are looking for should you find time to add this to the Thursday news.

Small OEM custom motorcycle company seeks an entry level employee for various duties to include but not limited to , office work , shipping & receiving , local pickup and delivery of parts as well as local errands , inspection of incoming parts , Ideal candidate will have experience in social media and photography . Passion for motorcycles is mandatory.

Excellent chance to grow with a great company. Interested parties should contact :

Buster Cates
Shop 310 675 2724

Fax 310 675 2723

Vitamin A and Vitamin C Headlight Buckets– They’re Good For You!

These days it can be hard to have your motorcycle stand out in a crowd of custom bikes. Try one of these cast aluminum headlight buckets from Esteves Motorcycle Design.

Not another belly button bolt-on, the Vitamin A and Vitamin C buckets for 5 ¾ “ headlights are true originals, even if they got their name from their resemblance to a citrus press. Just pop in your original wiring, bulb, lens and trim ring, and you’re good to go.

Vitamin A and Vitamin C headlight buckets are available in four finishes: Raw, Semi-Polished, Black and Black Cut.

Innovative rocker covers, air filters, fork tins and more are available from EMD to restyle any Big Twin and XL model. Check them out at or call 818-268-3789.

[page break]

This is incredible! The heart of the American people, represented by a cellular company, who would have ever thought it would be like this and not our own government making this kind of thing happen across the country?

I had no idea this was in existence. How many of you have ever seen or heard anything about this beautiful Memorial???

God Bless America!!! We can do things like this without the Government getting involved. Please send this on to all your friends especially Veterans and ask them if they knew about it.

My hat is off to all the Motorcycle Jockeys that had a hand in bringing this to our attention.

British Customs Takes Industry Award at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering–
Gardena, Calif. – May 21, 2014 – British Customs attended the Sixth Annual The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, CA this past weekend and rode away from this prestigious event with two awards.

Prior to the event the BC founders joined representatives from Triumph Motorcycles, Motorcycle USA, and the makers of the film Why We Ride on a group ride from BC’s Southern California headquarters to the coast to Carmel Valley, making several stops at important motorcycling landmarks along the way.

For Friday afternoon’s Quail Ride British Customs outfitted several riders with BC bikes. Bryan H. Carroll, producer and director of the hit motorcycle documentary Why We Ride, piloted the British Customs Dirt Bike on the trek. The 100-mile journey through the Monterey Peninsula, including a quick jaunt around the world-famous Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca track, resulted in the BC Dirt Bike being selected as “Most Unique” on the ride.

For the sixth year in a row hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts from across the country headed to The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in order to celebrate the past, present and future of motorcycling. Featuring everything from vintage restorations to highly customized machines, the event welcomes bikes of all kinds to be submitted for awards consideration.

Jason Panther accepts the Industry Award for the British Customs Dirt Bike.

The Dirt Bike, like all BC builds, exemplifies the endless possibilities when it comes to customizing one’s Triumph motorcycle.

Learn more about British Customs and the parts they produce by visiting Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more product updates and special promotions.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON TURNS DOWN THE MILLION MILE MAN– “Beware – flying flags voids motorcycle warranty!”

Anyone flying flags on motorcycle could be at risk to losing factory and extended warranty. A bizarre decision made the Harley-Davidson Company on Monday, May 12 will shock the Veteran, American and International motorcycle communities. Former State Senator, Dave Zien, Million Mile Motorcycle Man was “Blocked-Blackball” listed from all 7-year warranty power Train, engine, transmission, clutch etc.
coverage because of flags being flown.

No warning, no negotiation, no parameters given, no reason why. No other motorcycle
manufacturer in the world discourages flags being flown on motorcycle. Members of patriotic groups who are amazed – some irate, are asking for an explanation.

Flag color and movement on motorcycles increase awareness and stop accidents. Flags of all types are becoming more prominent. But the U.S. flag displays are most common, that proudly portrays red-blooded American patriotism.

Zien’s 2014 Trike had only 15,000+ miles in 2 months. The northern Wisconsin coldest and most snowfall recorded since 1864, restricted riding time for all motorcyclists.

Flying flags on motorcycles is a way of life for many. Patriotic Guard riders are famous for their participation at military functions and veteran funerals. Individuals from around the world proudly display their national pride, as was witnessed during the 110th Anniversary, August 2013 in Milwaukee.

Zien a former Wisconsin lawmaker, Senate- Pro Tempore and Assistant Majority leader is
unashamed of his Vietnam Veteran Combat Marine heritage. Permanently and totally disabled since 2006, he lost a leg 7 inches above the knee on a horrendous Florida crash March 2011. Since August 2011, he has logged 133,000+ miles on Harley trikes, which are handicapped modified.

The 157 World motorcycle and flag records proclaimed by Zien, through God’s Grace, are in unique, some yet uncategorized arenas. Competition and challenges welcome.

Only million-mile motorcycle, now at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame South Dakota.

Pictures and testimonials of motorcyclists with flags are requested to be sent to
Strong statements about safety, awareness and patriotism are being prepared.

Ain’t nobody gonna stop our flags, not even Corporate Harley-Davidson,” said Zien.

For information – Contact former State Senator, (Million Mile Motorcycle Man) Dave Zien,

1716 63rd Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-874-6450 Home
Cellphone: 715-829-9436

It was very disheartening to hear Harley-Davidson says your warranty is void because you fly flags. You’re internationally known and everyone knows you fly flags 24/7. Harley-Davidson knew this when they sold you the extended warranty. Now, to say it’s void is not only a slap in the face to a patriot who has supported and promoted Harley-Davidson for decades, it’s also total hypocrisy.

According to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act 15 U.S. C. 2302 (c), it has to be shown that the suspected conduct or accessory was the direct cause of a particular failure.

To suspect your flags caused some kind of transmission failure is not in the spirit of the Magnuson-Moss Act. Further, to think the transmission would fail because of the wind drag caused by the flags begs to ask the question, what about a heavy passenger or gear on a bike. Would that cause a failure too? Does Harley-Davidson suggest carrying a passenger or heavy gear would void a warranty if transmission failure occurred? That’s not saying much for their transmissions. If you put a JIMS or Baker in your bike (the strongest transmissions made) would the warranty still be voided in the case of engine failure because you substituted your transmission (causing engine failure?). Again, not saying much for the engineering from Harley-Davidson.

I think every H.O.G. Road Captain, every Patriot Guard Rider, every American Legion Rider and any patriotic American Harley-Davidson rider should be enraged at such a suggestion that flying a flay would void a warranty. I would hope and I ask every one of the above to write to the corporate office of Harley-Davidson and express a deep dissatisfaction with this position the factory is taking and express disappointment that the motor company is using flags as a means of voiding warranty’s or that their transmissions can’t handle wind drag.

–Tony Pan Sanfelipo
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.

Fox News called today. They are covering this episode and Dave’s efforts.–Bandit

“DISHED AND AXED CUSTOM TANKS” FROM PAUGHCO–Paughco has taken some of their most popular custom and H-D style tanks and given them the “Old School” Axed and Dished” treatment.

Reminiscent of custom tanks of the ‘60s and ‘70s, the dished side panels provide a unique canvas to apply cool art work or fill space for custom inlays. Compact sizes and integrated mounts make them a simple fit to most frame backbones.

Tanks are fit with bung for cam-style caps and late model 22mm petcocks. Available in 4 capacities; 3.0, 3.5, 4.5 and 5-gallons, the tanks carry and MSRP of $346.95.

For complete details call Paughco direct at 775-246-5738 and be sure to visit them on the Web at


POD CAST OF THE WEEK– New podcast is up on 4E2W with Russell Mitchell. I’ve also included a shot of the first exile ( a scooter back in England) and a shot of Russell by Steve Kelly.

–Ken Conte
4Ever2Wheels Podcast Host
2 Wheel Enthusiast

CASE KNIVES AND HARLEY-DAVIDSON PARTNER TO LAUNCH ADVENTURE-READY KNIFE COLLECTION–Newest collection combines workhorse Case knives with the horsepower of Harley-Davidson

BRADFORD, Pa., January 1, 2014 – Bringing together tested performance, craftsmanship and over 225 years of combined history, W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company, America’s foremost manufacturer of hand-crafted pocket knives, and Harley-Davidson, the globally renowned and U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, unveil the Harley-Davidson Case knife collection.

This collection marks the first time that Harley-Davidson has partnered on a traditional pocket knife line. The Harley-Davidson brand evokes a sense of belonging to a culture that embraces loyalty, trust, and fulfilling experiences for those willing to take on the open road of life. The Harley-Davidson Case knife collection embodies these values, offering rugged, durable and hand-crafted quality on which one can rely.

“We’re thrilled to team up with Harley-Davidson, a brand that truly complements everything for which Case stands,” says John Sullivan, Director of Marketing at Case. “Case knives are American made, and we offer an expansive variety of pattern sizes, handle styles, and other attributes that fit any rider’s pocket or saddlebag. At Case we’re on a constant mission to make knives of the highest quality possible. This new collection includes designs and finishes sure to please Harley-Davidson and Case knife aficionados alike.”

The Harley-Davidson Case knife collection is available and features several families, each featuring high-quality handles and sleek designs. They include Silver and Black Layered G-10, Smooth Persimmon Orange Bone, Smooth Black Synthetic, Smooth Natural Bone and Tec X. Additional details:
Silver and Black Layered G-10: Let your adventure into Case knives begin with the virtually indestructible Silver and Black layered G-10 family. These handles are made from layers of glass cloth laminated with epoxy resin to provide a strong and durable choice perfect for those who celebrate the discoveries of the open road. This family carries the nickel silver Harley-Davidson shield, a laser engraved bolster, and a mirror polished Tru-Sharp™ surgical steel Clip blade embellished with the Harley-Davidson logo.

Smooth Persimmon Orange Bone: These pocketknives feature a handle that is laser engraved with the Harley-Davidson logo. Each bolster carries barbwire artwork while the mirror polished Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades are honed to a razor’s edge and finished by hand. They are perfect companions to slip into your pocket just before it is time to saddle up and hit the road.

Smooth Black Synthetic: This family of hand-crafted knives is made of impact resistant handles carrying the nickel silver Harley-Davidson shield. This durable, collection embodies dependability. The handles are impact resistant and the Tru-Sharp™ surgical steel blades, round out the quality that you know to expect from Case.

Tec X: Tec X is a brand of high-quality knives with stylish modern designs, engineered from high grade materials for lasting durability. Tec X knives are designed and built for customers looking for the ultimate utility knife for a wide range of applications. Whether it’s camping, field dressing, or everyday tasks, Tec X is up to the challenge. These knives feature High Grade 440 Stainless or AUS-8 Blades, Liner Locks, Thumb Studs, Pocket Clips, and carry Harley-Davidson artwork on the handle.

Smooth Natural Bone: These knives feature Smooth Natural Bone handles engraved with Harley-Davidson artwork that carries over from the handle onto the bolster. Both knives feature Tru-Sharp surgical steel Clip and Spey blades. These beauties will become trusted companions as you fire up your engine.

For additional information regarding the Harley-Davidson knife collection by Case, please visit and

For more information about W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company, please call (800) 523-6350 or visit

Tec X is a brand of high-quality knives with stylish modern designs, engineered from high grade materials for lasting durability. Tec X knives are designed and built for customers looking for the ultimate utility knife for a wide range of applications.



BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY STILL OPEN— You can never underestimate the innovativeness of Saskatchewan Farm Boys: At a high school in the small town of Wadena in Saskatchewan, a group of farm boy students decided to play a prank. They let three goats run loose inside the school during school hours. Before turning them loose, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2 and 4. School Administrators spent most of the day looking for No. 3.

–from Jerry and Rogue

INK-N-IRON 2014 – DAY 2 SCHEDULE– ATTENTION! Presenting the #InkNIron Saturday (Day 2) schedule featuring the likes of the Buzzcocks, The Damned, The Skatalites, The Detroit Cobras, FEAR, Nick Waterhouse, and many, many more! How awesome this year’s festivities will be!


Get ready for the Ride of a Lifetime… #InkNIron will see a Return to its Roots with an up-close and personal music experience across multiple stages, including acts MERLE HAGGARD, SUICIDAL TENDENCIESL, BUZZCOCKS, and THE DAMNED, along with amazing attractions throughout the ship. With ticket prices returning to 2012 levels, 2014 is on track to be our best year yet.

BIKERNET 5-Ball RACING WHEELER REPORT—Beginning with his adrenaline junky list:

****Mojave Mile****In The Books****April 12-13****12,000 foot runway, one mile shutdown….
****E C T A Ohio Mile****5/3-4 (In The Books)****6/7-8****7/12-13****9/27-28****
****El Mirage**** 6-22, 7-13, 9-14, 10-19, 11/8-9****
****Race To The Clouds****6/29****92nd Running of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb****Colorado Springs, CO.****Gates Open 3:00 AM, Racing Starts 8:00 AM**
****93 DAYS….S C T A Speed Week****August 9-15, 2014****
****BUB Speed Trials****August 23-28****
****World Finals****Sept. 30—-October 3, 2014****

[photo 581411]

Seems that time flies when your having fun or maturing in years traveling through time on the big ball we call home. So take it easy and do the best you can in the time you’re allotted.

Speaking of flying to Seattle for a few days, here are a few fun facts. At a mere 100 mph your ass is Rollin 146.66 feet per second (1/2 the distance of a football field), 200 mph = 293.33 ft/s (Red Hat speed or one football field per second), 400 mph = 586.66 ft/s (we have streamliner motorcycles approaching the 400 mph mark). Including the Ack Attack, BUB 7, E-Z Hook and the latest Triumph entry. We have a fast summer on the salt in the making.

The sound of Speed (Mach 1) is 761.2 mph, 1,193.22 km/h or 1,087.44 feet per second. Now your starting to haul ass with swept wings.

Back to reality today in Long Beach, CA at Twins Turbo we have a 50% completed intercooler system worthy of a formula one car.

The Twins at Twins Turbo calculated the air flow exiting the 2-inch outlet side of the Series 66 Aerocharger, the Twins have increased the plumbing to 2 ¼-inch aluminum pipe for more air. Our Bell Intercooler utilizes a 2 ¼-inch intake and exit.

Marc Susman at Classic and Custom Rides in Anaheim has re-designed the Racers’ air plenum for a maximum shot at traveling one football field per second on the salt at the Bub Speed Trials. The new plenum material is in hand destined for the next available machine time.

Monday morning the 26th you will find me in Washington celebrating my Grandson’s first Birthday. Saturday the 31st and my new number will hit a mind boggling, eye opening, blow my mind…. 70.

The 5-Ball Raycer is scheduled for shipping to the East Coast shop of Dan Thayer’s the first week of June for tuning.

My assigned VA Doctor checked my pulse last week predicting all the time needed to complete the to-do list on my wall. I added a page as soon as I arrived home…so much to accomplish in the blink of an eye.

While your thinking Freedom and enjoying Memorial Day with your friends and family. Remember to Thank the Veteran next door and defend the Constitution.

Stay Tuned!

See ya the 2nd of June, and support our racing efforts, become a sponsor, will ya.

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!

Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

The Fowlers Report
Brew Bikes Holds Record, By Steve “Brewdude” Garn of Brew Bikes.

Recently Fowlers Distribution of Waterbury, Ct. announced their support for Steve “Brewdude” Garn of Brew Bikes in Boone, N.C. In order to keep you up to “speed” on the progress of Steve’s efforts as he goes after speed records and enters bike shows through out the year, we have launched the Fowlers Report. We will send this out monthly as Steve reports back to us on the results of his efforts. As the monthly newsletter evolves, we will include many other items of interest in the motorcycle industry.

CLICK to read!

Harley-Davidson 500cc Street
Sometimes You Get What You Need. Text and photos by Mike Allen, Bahama, NC.

The reactions to the Harley-Davidson 500cc/750cc Street have been all over the chart. Like it, love it or hate it, I think this was the right move. The foreign bike sweat shops had been filling the demand for smaller bikes for years while Harley sat like an old hound dog on the porch licking its nuts. Sure the old dogs in Milwaukee have made some smaller bikes at various times during their more than 100 years of bike building, but they had conceded that market to outsiders for longer than I can remember.

CLICK to read

I Guess I Left a Mark In the Motorcycle Industry
The Horse Magazine STILL Writes about me, by Howard Kelly.

One of my dreams as a kid was working on a motorcycle magazine—which prompted me to leave Philadelphia for Los Angeles where it seemed my chances would be greater. The story of how I ended up in the Editor’s chair at HOT BIKE and STREET CHOPPER is a long story, but the part I will share is my interview with Steve Stillwell and Bill Porter (if you don’t recognize those names in relation to publishing, you are not as old school as you think). They sat me down in the conference room at McMullen Argus and handed me three copies of HOT BIKE, a legal pad and a pen……

CLICK to read!

Vintage Biker Chicks!
Early Bikes and the Ladies who Rode Them. Contributed by Emma Pickles, with some photos from the Bob T. Collection.

Few people would deny that biking has an inherently masculine image. Although many women are bikers, if you say the word “biker” to almost any American, the picture which pops into their head will be that of a bearded and tattooed man in dusty leathers and ragged denim, leaning against a chrome-gleaming status symbol of a bike. So ingrained is this image that it is hard to picture it any other way. But it was not always so.

CLICK here to read!

Freedom Needs A Voice!
April 28 was Biker Day at the Capitol in Colorado and over 150 bikers attended to make their voices heard.

Monday April 28 was Biker Day at the Capitol in Colorado and over 150 bikers attended to make their voices heard. Parked tight the bikes took up a city block and a half. US Defenders, Colorado Confederation of Clubs, and Coalition of Independent Riders (COIR) organized the event, and behind it all was Tiger Chandler. Tiger is the Colorado COIR Commander and a formidable force when it comes to defending the freedoms of bikers in Colorado. This is the fifth year for the event which has grown from a handful of bikers to this year’s number. Each year they have increased the attendance and are thus gaining more attention from the lawmakers.

CLICK here to read!

NHRA Spring Nationals – May 6, 2014
Top Fuel and 100 Ladies (OK Some More Than Once), By Rigid Frame Richard

I arrived at the trackside a bit later than normal as the Pro Mod and Pro Comp cars were already making some qualifying passes. The Top Fuel Cars were starting to line up in the staging lanes and the Pro Stocks were beginning to emerge from beneath the tower. I commented about the lack of Pro Stock Motorcycles, to which one of my fellow photographers stated they were not running this event. This was strange as this race had been on the schedule in previous years, as I made additional inquiries someone mentioned the fuel bikes were in town. That made no sense as they had just been here last month.

CLICK to read!

And from BAGGERS we have the following:

5-Ball Bagger Project Bike — The Infamous Harley Wobble — Part 2
More questions than Answers, By Krash Kranzler

Ever since that fateful day when the infamous Harley Wobble bit me in the ass. I have been researching this FLT specific issue. I have reached out to engineers, designers, mechanics, and the aftermarket looking for the solution. All I have ended up with is more questions that seem to have no concrete answers. Below you will find some of the main items that come to the head of the list starting from the front end to the the swingarm as I get ready to order a new frame from Paughco.

CLICK to read!

And from TRIKES we have the following:

50 States with Jeff Brown

Ride for freedom is the motto of Jeff Brown, who happily ventured across all 50 states on his motorcycle, yet there was something missing. Mainly, cover from the rain. That’s when Brown had the creative idea of building his own trike, or three wheeled motorcycle. Taking an old 1970 Volkswagon Beetle, Brown designed his own trike, with a custom sleep area for him to wait out the rain. While the inside is small, Brown doesn’t seem to mind. What is more important is his freedom.

CLICK to read!

C & S Custom Delivers the World’s Widest Tire Can-Am Spyder
By Triking Viking

The kits include choice of wheels, three low profile tires, front and rear sprocket, chains and swingarm with finishes provided in chrome, custom paint, engraving or powder coating. Options include air suspension, nitrous bottle bracket, and voodoo exhaust.

CLICK to read!

Saigon unofficial HOG chapter meeting,.

These are most all of the original “HOG” group back about 5 years ago on my first visit. Maybe 50+ members or so – broke off from the dealership because the dealer HOG chapter was too formalized and followed factory prescribed activities.

At any rate they are most hospitable – make me feel very welcome and part of the group. If I want anything just ask.

CLICK to read!

“I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law!” – Bugs Bunny

–Mistress Chris

ONE-LEGGED BLONDE (Cat Hammes) and media crew will be riding cross-country–with Baton Rouge being one of the first stops of the First Annual Iron & Ash Ride–Hamme’s mission is to raise funds and awareness for two charity organizations she sponsors; Op: Cigars for Warriors and Veterans Outreach.

Cadillac Café’ (5454 Bluebonnet Blvd.) will host an Iron & Ash event Wednesday, June 4th, 2014. Food, raffles, door prizes, music, and other specials beginning at 5:00 PM. Military, veterans, and supporters welcome! Special parking for bikes provided.

The ride kicks off in San Antonio at the 2nd Annual Cigars for Warriors Festival with other major events planned in Alabama, Florida, Virginia, and Chicago. Op: CFW is a 501(c)3 charitable organization [].
For more information or to donate, contact local board member Alaine DiBenedetto at (225) 235-2380, or Anthony Gallo at Cadillac Café (225) 296-0288.

But you knew that. When I’m not posting an article every day I think I’m doing something wrong. I’ve been a couple of weeks scrambling on several articles including a tech feature on the new JIMS 135-inch Twin Cam engines sold through H-D dealerships. It’s the powerhouse we plan to run in our 5-Ball Belly Tank trike for Bonneville.

I’m still working with MetalSports and Matt Hotch on two features. One, a tech on his thoughts about modified touring frames for big diameter wheels, then a bike feature on his classic Vinnie, Vincent. I’m working with Andrew, a new builder on his first American Iron bike feature, and with Ryan at McQuiston’s Custom Cycles on a couple of features for Cycle Source.

The Vinnie will be published right here on Bikernet, along with another classic P-16 bobber built by Yaniv at Power Plant on Melrose. I’m feeling funky, because I’m not wrapping these features as fast as I would like. Seems each one is waiting on some element, or a phone call. And now we’re burning through another week.

Thanks to the Bikernet Mistress, while I fumble and try to write, she’s flying with content from Rogue, Bill Bish, David Campbell, you name it. So, we’re cooking whether my fingers are busted or not. And again, I need to work on the next Chance book. Damn, I’m feeling the pressure.

We hope to complete the frame for the first Wheeler Work Station tomorrow. And this weekend I hope to devote some quiet time to my metal art winged wheel for the front of the building. It should be amazing.

I can’t decide if I need a Redhead or a bottle of Jack Daniels for some non-working relaxing time, if that’s possible.

Ride Free Forever,


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