
This is a striking week with the return of the Badlands run survivors and the H-D new model launch. Brothers are stunned and questioning.

In this area you rarely see Softails. They are dangerous due to the limited, lowered turning radius and wide frame width, but they have been that way since the beginning.

What you see roaming LA streets are Dynas and lots of them, even Sportsters. The brothers have shifted from bobbers and baggers to performance Dynas.

Maybe this factory shift will continue to ultimately bring the FXR back. With a little ergonomic adjustments, the FXR could see a resurgence. Actually, all the touring models are built on the FXR platform since the rubbermounted shift. Let me know your thoughts.

I love the factory’s bent toward freedom and I hope it truly evolves into an honest freedom effort for all motorcyclists and the aftermarket. We need to support our brothers in this rapidly changing world.

Click here to read the news in its entirety. We have wicked news from the Factory, MRF, NRA, MetalSport Wheels, Le Pera, Valerie Thompson and the Redheads.

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