Strokers Weekend

three bikes in a row


I just returned from hanging in Dallas for the weekend. I was there for some photo shoots; the folks at Lucky Devil Metal Works had two bikes photographed for national magazines. I arrived in Dallas a few hours before the Houston crew and made my way over to Strokers to hang out. I took some images of their latest creations and while I have included a few images to share with y'all these custom creations can also be viewed on the Strokers website.

The lovely Lena, Bandit's future 6th wife, until last weekend.

I also took a couple of images that I believe will be of more interest to you, both of which you claim to have rights to. I was also asked to relay this message:

“Dear Mr. Bandit,” Lena said, “while I know you have professed your feelings for me, I feel it is the right thing to do at this time to let you know I have met someone else. He is an up and coming photographer and motorcycle correspondent and I feel I must follow my heart, plus he lives much closer!” The owner of Strokers Dallas and Strokers Ice House is Rick Fairless and his lovely daughter is Lena. “He doesn't have your looks and is sorta weak. He can't write worth a shit, but he's trying.”

keith ball engraving on bike
Pat Kennedy built this bike for Bandit in the late '80s. It's always on display at Strokers.

After hooking up with the Lucky Devil road crew, Kent, Jimmy and Frank we made our way back to Strokers this time to the Icehouse to begin the evening festivities. Theresa the lovely bartender took excellent care of us. I believe she may be smitten with me, and my rugged good lookingness. Since I was the only one to actual receive a glass for my beverages. Or maybe she is just an excellent bartender and knows that you cannot drink Jack Daniels from a plastic cup!

easyrider bike

Bradley joined us there; his company, Hands Off Polishing, in Garland handles the plating and polishing chores for Strokers as well as Lucky Devil and numerous others. If you are in the market for some work he can be reached at (214) 487-8220. You can also check out Bradley and is NOS fed V-Star (yes that's what I said) in the January 2004 issue of The Horse. For those who may be word challenged it is the issue with the Hot Babe in the short yellow dress.

draft beer not people tank

tattoo bike tank
This Strokers bike won best of show at the Roadster Show in Pomona, California.

From Strokers Ice House we traveled to an establishment where I have to admit I had some concerns. Dallas is known for being a well to do city, however the place we went to did not seem to share in that benefit. It almost broke your heart to see the poor girls employed there. They couldn't afford a complete set of clothes. We all did our best to help improve the financial situations of as many of these lovely ladies as we could! But try as we might I am not sure it was enough. I was saddened the next morning when I discovered several brand new George Washington's placed in the wrong pocket, because I knew I could have done more.

coors bike left side close

coors bike frontend

coors bike lower shot

coors bike oil tank
My shots of Rick's Coors bike.

After the breakfast refueling Sunday morning we made our way over to the photography studio. Darryl Briggs handles photography work for Rick Fairless, the Strokers creations, several national magazines and the most beautiful Dallas women! It was extremely interesting to watch the shoots, being the photography nut that I am. Darryl and I discussed photography during breaks and I found out that once a year, when he can find the time he offers a “Biker Babe Photo Workshop”. He schedules the bikes, the models and the locations. I asked him to place me on his list for 2004 should he find the time to bring it all together this year.

coors bike rear fender

coors bike right side close

As I said the photo shoots were Kick Ass, the young ladies that graced each Lucky Devil creation were of course Extremely Lovely. I cannot think of a better way to spend a rainy weekend in Texas than partying with friends, making new ones, meeting lovely ladies and watching a magazine photo shoot for two bikes from Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston. Keep an eye on these folks 'cause they are making a name for themselves in the motorcycling community. You can check out their site at

woodstock headlight

woodstock tank

woostock bike
Rick went crazy with this Woodstock theme bike.

Darryl did mention it may take a while for the issues to hit the streets, but once they do I will let y'all know. Of course there are no images from the shoot of the bikes or the girls your just gonna have to wait for those!

Till next time, Ride On.

strokers icehouse banner

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