Bikernet readers here is an SPS update with all oftheir newest products. Sucker Punch Sally’s, locatedin Cincinnati, Ohio has been in the bike business forgenerations. Donny Loos and Jeff Cochran both comefrom a long line of old school bike builders, and thereis no chance you will ever see them riding some billetbarge. Jeff and Donny have been busy these days theyspend most of their time coming up with innovative newparts and assembling their old school productionchoppers, rollers and working man’s kits.

”We build bikes and rollers for guys that work fortheir paycheck. We try to give them the best deal thatwe can because we know that everyone doesn’t want theshiny chrome barges that you see that are slappedtogether by some fly by night custom shop. This isin our blood, both Donny and I have been buildingbikes for over twenty years and stand behind ourproducts,” said Cochran.

Here’s a hot new item from SPS, their H-Bomb Oil Tank for magneto/no-battery bikes only. Unless you’re going to stuff it behind the tranny.
Sucker Punch Sally’s doesn’t have a retail shop butthey do offer bikes, rollers, complete kits and SPSparts for sale. They just launched two new parts theH-Bomb Oil Bag $499.95 and the Hot Rod Fender Struts$49.95 each, which are featured in the new JammerHandbook.
The look of their bikes are distinctly oldschool, no frills and if you take anything off itwon’t run. They are built with the person who wants acool chopper that wants to ride and doesn’t want topay an arm and a leg.

This is a part for the Swingarm guy who can’t build a bike without fender struts. This will give any scoot the look of fender rails with class.
”I have been doing this for years and build what Ilike, unique bikes with an old school flare. They haveto be cool and different. It seems like there are abunch of companies who try to copy our style, but theycan never duplicate what we do. Every bike we buildhas Jeff’s and my combined experience and style, saidLoos.

This is a SPS Base Model.
Sucker Punch Sally’s is the place to go for a totallycustom old school chopper or if you are looking for aroller to start your own project at home. Sucker PunchSally’s can deliver on that old school bike you arelooking for at a reasonable price. $15,995 will buyyou their Sucker Punch base model. You can visit themon the Web at www.suckerpunchsallys.com or call themat (513) 353-2803.

Sucker Punch Sally’s RollerOur Rollers will accept Panhead, Shovelhead, & Evomotors4,5 & 6 speed transmissions (you supply tranny plate).
$2,850 plus shipping
Sucker Punch Sallys No Rake No Stretch Rolling Chassis
(1)SPS wide tire frame
(1)Complete 41 mm wide-glide front-end includingheadlight risers & handlebars (your choice apes ordrags)
(1)Set frame cups & bearings
(1)16 x 5.5‰ chrome rear wheel
(1)21 x 2.15‰ chrome front wheel
(1)Blackwall 21‰ speedmaster tire
(1)150/16‰ whitewall or 180/16‰ blackwall tire(please specify)
(1)16‰ tube
(1)21‰ tube & rim strip
(1)rear axle w/ spacer & adjusters
(1)front axle w/ spacer
(1)2.4 gallon sporty style gas tank
Note: Paint, assembly & grips not included. This itemships unassembled in boxes. Please call for estimatedship rates.

Working Mans Special Includes
80‰ HD Evolution Motor
5 or 6 speed tranny
Frame three choices available stock (no rake nostretch), 34 degrees 4‰ in downtubes or 38 degree 2‰in downtubes
FRM cups & bearings
41mm wide glide front end with satin lower legs -your choice of risers & bars
5 ?‰ headlight
16 x 5.5 rear wheel, tire & tube, your choice 150mmwhitewall or 180mm black wall
21 x 2.15 front wheel, tire & tube, your choicewhitewall or blackwall
Front & rear brakes and rotors
Softail style horseshoe oiltank, your choice chromeor raw finish with all mounting
brackets & rubbers
.500/23 tooth tranny sprocket installed
51 tooth rear drive sprocket, & o-ring chain billetaluminum forward controls
1 ¾-inch drag exhaust
All wheel spacers will be turned to correct length &front and rear wheels will be centered correctly
Gas tank will also be supplied but un-mounted, sopurchaser can select own HT

This item will have to be picked up by customer at hisor her local airport via forward air. Shipping runsapprox $400 to $600 depending on your location in theUnited States.For overseas please call for estimate.
Basically all you’ll need to make this bike run is acarb, primary drive, rear fender, brakes & oil lines &cables, wiring harness.
You can contact SPS at (513)353-2803 or on the Web atwww.suckerpunchsallys.com

–J. Ken Conte