Life is nuts, and every day I wonder WTF. It’s a miracle we survive from one day to the next. I listened to a budget meeting on Cspan. If we could figure out the squirrely language the feds use just for the credit side, we could save the budget, but we can’t, and nobody will step up to do the job. So we’re fucked.
Wait, it’s Thanksgiving Day and I’m the last bastard to be negative. The stock market is smiling and the government has meetings every day to discuss the foreclosure rates and what can be done to save homes. By the time their finished with all the meetings and all the political rhetoric is concluded, all the homes will be closed on and we’ll move on. It’s all a game of how to smile in the face of your opponent and still get away with murder.
I’m being negative again. Okay, let’s back up to say the early ’50s, when we had half the world’s blistering population and you could still ride out of town and see the open ranges, and water running along clear streams. You could still sneak outside of town whenever you wanted and find adventure. I need to watch the sunset tonight and walk down to the harbor and pay attention to the massive seals clamoring on the buoys and barking at the passing boats.
It’s still just November, but I can’t wait to ride to Sturgis, just to roll over some open roads without a helmet and sense what it was like to live in a free country again. Life truly is amazing. Hang on for the news:
Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on their usual park bench one morning.
The 87 year old had just finished his morning jog and wasn’t even short of breath.
The 80 year old was amazed at his friend’s stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy.
The 87 year old said, “Well, I
eat Italian bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you’ll have great stamina with the ladies.”
So, on the way home, 80 year old stops at the bakery. As he was looking around, the lady asked if he needed any help.
He said “Do you have any Italian bread?”
She said, “Yes, there’s a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?”
He said, “I want 5 loaves.”
She said, “My goodness, 5 loaves … by the time you get to the 5th loaf, it’ll be hard.”
He replied, “I can’t believe it, everybody knows about this shit but me.”
–from James Schnarr
WTT Motorcycles Among Top 14 Holiday Gifts in Neiman Marcus’ 100-Year History— This holiday season, Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC has been recognized by luxury retailer Neiman Marcus as suppliers for one of the companies most successful Christmas gift campaigns in the company’s 100-year history.
Each year, the Dallas-based provider of unique and distinctive styles and wears presents its “Christmas Book”, a catalogue filled with extravagant and unusual gifts for the holiday season. For the past 50 years, as part of the Christmas catalogue, Neiman Marcus annually selects an exciting and unexpected “His and Hers Gift”, which gains particular publicity from national media. Gifts have ranged from a pair of his and hers airplanes, a collection of paintings by Andy Warhol, a pair of 56 karat diamonds, and a personal submarine. 2010 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Neiman Marcus “His and Hers Gift”, and in the spirit of nostalgia, the company included a selection of the top gifts from the past half-century with Wheels Through Time’s “Time Machines” beautifully presented on the front cover foldout. Read the full story, here!
Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does cow eat? Hay and
corn. What are these? Vegetables. So, steak nothing more than efficient
mechanism of delivering vegetables to system. Need grain? Eat
chicken. Beef also good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable).
And pork chop can give 100% recommended daily allowance of vegetable
Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine. That
means they take water out of fruity bit; get even more of goodness that
way. Beer also made out of grain.. Bottoms up!
Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: If you have body and you have fat, ratio is one to one. If you have
two bodies, ratio is two to one, etc.
Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise
A: Cannot think of single one, sorry. My philosophy: No Pain…Good!
–DR. Hamster
–from Irving Marsh
THE MASTER FRITZ IS BACK WITH PERCUSSION DISCUSSION–Authorized Harley-Davidson artist Tom Fritz is proud to announce the completion of his latest painting and official release of “Percussion Discussion”.
A ’54 Panhead, 3- and 5-window Ford coupes, a ’32 Ford roadster, a ’40 Ford coupe. Harley-Davidsons and Hot Rods. Striped club sweaters, white t-shirts, and cuffs. Self-appointed experts sharing answers without ridicule. No jokes. No mocking. This isn’t art about flash-in-the-pan trends. It’s about pure ethic, traditional aesthetics, and style fraught with truth.
The original oil on canvas measures 40″w x 30″h.
The limited canvas edition is available in three sizes, hand-signed and numbered, accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.
Large Canvas: image 36″ x 27″; 35 prints plus 5 Artist Proofs. $1850 framed plus shipping.
Regular Canvas: image 29″ x 22″; 80 prints plus 10 Artist Proofs. $1,250 framed plus shipping.
Small Canvas: image 22.5″ x 17″; 50 prints plus 5 Artist Proofs. $800 framed plus shipping.
For more information or to order your print, contact Tom at his studio.
Tom Fritz
Tel: 805.499.1630
Fax: 805.499.1759
P. O. Box 800
Newbury Park, CA
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GUN RIGHTS SUES THE POST OFFICE– If there’s anything that makes a concealed carry permit holder upset, its criminal safezones.
A criminal safezone is where only criminals are safe, because armed self defense is banned.
That’s why the National Association for Gun Rights has filed a lawsuit against the United State Postal Service.
The U.S. Postal Service uses bureaucratic rules to ban your right to carry in a Post Office, and that’s important, even if you don’t carry concealed –- it’s the camel’s nose under the tent.
You see, the U.S. Postal Service claims citizens don’t have the right to self defense in Post Offices.
There’s one problem with that claim: it isn’t true.
The law cited by the Post Office creates an exception for “lawful carrying of firearms” for “other lawful purposes.” On top of that, both the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court decisions guarantee “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
Sounds like it should be simple, right?
Well, no government bureaucracy ever gave up power without a fight.
But imagine how Debbie Bonidy feels.
Debbie and Tab Bonidy live in the mountains of Colorado, and are the plaintiffs –- along with the National Association for Gun Rights –- against the Postal Service.
Debbie Bonidy doesn’t like going anywhere without her personal handgun, which is why she went through the trouble of being trained, proving she’s law-abiding, and getting her concealed carry permit. Not only does the U.S. Postal Service say she can’t carry that handgun for self protection in a Post Office, but they arrogantly claim she can’t even leave it in her car when in their lot.
If we win this lawsuit, that outrageous policy will change in every Post Office in America.
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights
SPROCKETLIST TABBED TO POWER BIKERNET.COM’S FIRST-EVER ONLINE CLASSIFIED AD SECTION–Popular daily stop on the V-twin online tour, Bikernet – and its legendary “Cantina Girls” – will soon feature a SprocketList-powered classified sections emphasizing custom V-twin motorcycles, parts and accessories.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. – One of the daily online stops for fans of V-twin motorcycles and lifestyle – Bikernet.com – will soon have a new biker-oriented classified section up and running – powered by SprocketList.com, part of the Raceway Media network of classifieds website providers.
“I want to bring critical services to our readers, and I believe a strong classifieds program is a major component,” said Ball. And as for the traditional knuckle-cutter swap meets bikers have used from the beginning to locate parts and accessories over the years – and how that plays into this new online arena – Ball was equally optimistic.
“Swap meets are part of our lifestyle, but only occur intermittently and only reach a local audience,” he said. “Classified ads on Bikernet will reach the entire world, 24/7 and offer products from all over the globe. This will allow Bikernet’s existing sponsors, along with distributors, dealers and riders another pipeline to move product or to offer special deals.”
Scheduled to be built into Bikernet’s homepage, the SprocketList-powered classified section on Bikernet will be featured in a banner ad on Bikernet’s homepage and readers can link through via the pull down menu bar. Bikernet classified news, specials and other deals will be featured in Bikernet’s “Thursday News,” as well as in the “Bandit’s Cantina Sunday Post” every week.
“Partnering with Keith Ball, arguably the “King of the Biker Culture” and his successful online effort Bikernet.com, will be instrumental in helping SprocketList connect with the important custom V-Twin niche.,” said Joe Tripp, formerly the Executive Director of Digital Operations at SPEED Channel and now President of SprocketList.com. “We welcome the loyal Bikernet readers to the SprocketList family and look forward to offering our powerful classified ads on Bikernet.com.”
Launched this past September, SprocketList.com offers powersports enthusiasts a free, easy-to-use platform for buying or selling motorcycles, ATV’s, snowmobiles, personal watercraft and associated gear, parts and accessories. For a small fee advertisers will have the ability to upgrade their ads to include premium features or to reserve a premier position on top-level pages. Ads placed on SprocketList will be visible throughout an entire network of classified sites powered by the same core technology and database, affording unparalleled reach and success.
The approach is a proven success model. Raceway Media Group, previously focused on the auto racing segment, has built a network that boasts nearly 1 million unique visitors and more than 70 million page views per month. Its myriad partner sites include marquee names such as ESPN Outdoors, SPEED.com and Autoweek. RacingJunk.com, its core property (and sister site to SprocketList.com), is the world leader in online four-wheel motorsports classifieds.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ON BIKERNET–Over the past few years, many Americans have seen their health insurance premiums skyrocket, while the quality of their health care declined. One of the reasons I pushed so hard to pass health care reform this year was to make sure that American consumers get what they pay for when it comes to their health care.
Today, we’re launching a new provision of the Affordable Care Act that does exactly that. Next year, insurance companies will be required to spend at least 80 percent of the health insurance premiums you pay on your health care, instead of overhead costs like advertising and executive compensation. If they don’t, they will be required to give you a rebate or cut your premiums starting in 2012.
I asked Nancy-Ann DeParle, the Director of the Office of Health Reform here at the White House, to break down what this means for you and why it’s so important:
This new rules will make our health care marketplace more transparent and ensure you get the best value for your premium dollars. And it is just one of the many parts of the Affordable Care Act that are already making our health care system stronger. Here are just a few ways the Affordable Care Act is helping you and your family:
HealthCare.gov. This new website helps you find private health insurance coverage that’s right for you and your family and now allows you to compare pricing for the options available to you. In 2014, there will be many more affordable private plan choices.
Patient’s Bill of Rights. Insurance companies can no longer place lifetime limits on your care. If you’re a young adult under the age of 26, you can stay on your parents’ plan, and if your child has a pre-existing condition, insurance companies can’t deny his or her coverage.
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. If you have a pre-existing condition and are having a problem finding coverage, the Affordable Care Act created a special insurance plan just for you.
Help for Small Businesses. If you’re a small business owner, you may be eligible for tax credits to help provide insurance for your employees.
Free Preventive Care. If you’re purchasing a new plan, you’ll get preventive care like cancer screenings, well-baby and well-child check-ups, and blood pressure or diabetes tests for free.
These aren’t just talking points. These changes are saving people’s lives and saving you money, and we will continue our work to implement this landmark law and make our health care system better for all of us.
President Barack Obama
P.S. Nancy-Ann’s video follows a few others from the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Austan Goolsbee, who explains some important economic policies. You can see them all here:
TRAVELING THIS SEASON? Some Things Have Changed–Learn more about the practices that you are likely to encounter when undergoing a new TSA pat-down.
You’ve likely heard that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has rolled out a new screening policy. As a result, many airline passengers are being forced to undergo an extremely intrusive and humiliating “pat down” search that is unlike anything most Americans have ever experienced while traveling.
In the few weeks since the policy came into effect, the ACLU has received hundreds of complaints from travelers who have been subjected to these invasive and suspicionless searches. These complaints have come from men, women and children who reported feeling humiliated and traumatized by these searches and, in some cases, compared their psychological impact to that of sexual assault.
Are you — or someone you know — traveling this week? Here are some important resources for travelers:
The ACLU compiled a list of practices that you are likely to encounter when undergoing a new TSA pat-down, based on reports we’ve received. Share this with your friends on Facebook.
If you think your rights have been violated while you’re traveling, please let us know about it by filling out our complaint form.
THANKSGIVING PANHEAD DEAL OF THE WEEK– 96 inch Pan all the best old skool. Only $10K over 20K invested. Less than 1000 miles since being built. A rocket ship, not to snivel, but my scrip ran out. Let me know if I have to re-up or can you handle it. It costs about 700 to ship from Illinois to Hawaiian Gardens.

Here are a couple shots of that custom front fender I told you about, I started with a fender blank and reshaped the front, fabricated the tail section from scratch, trimmed it with solid 3/16″ round and mounted it with 1/2″ metal tubing and then I took care of the paint and body. . .black on black with black accents hahaha!
BIKERNET TRAVEL AGENCY STORY– When I was about nine, I took a wonderful trip from Chicago to LA. This was Route 66 days and no Interstate roads were built yet. There are fond memories abounding in my head to this day. Perhaps that is what drove me to try an overnight train trip from Bangkok to the Southern border of these oral effusions. with Malaysia to get my Visa work stamped. Which I have done.
Now the worst trip I ever took (unless a plane I am on crashes!!) was aboard the troopship USS Bexar (small town near the Alamo, San Antonio now). The vessel was going from Da Nang to Okinawa. 2500 Marines had the longest pukefest I think that has ever happened. This is not an overstatement. It was horrible. The Navy guys belonging to the Marines were hospital corpsmen of which I was one( then there ship’s company) and we just tried to stay out of the way of these oral effusions :)) In truth we laughed for three days:) But I digress:)
Up for contention for the worst trip is a recent trip on a Thailand train, all 18 hours of it, in a sleeping section.
To those that like science:) vehicular travel has three main forces acting on the vehicle. PITCH is foreword and backwards, ROLL is side to side. YAW is usually reserved for aircraft, unless a land vehicle hits a flooded road and hydroplanes. That is going forward, one finds a car going left and right on a horizontal plane till rubber catches the road again.
I discovered that YAW occurs on a Thai train. All surfers in training should take a Thai train for a few days and walk the aisles. I observed doors between train cars opening and closing and saw the level between two cars change a good 14 inches.
Lacking 217 armed soldiers, 10 machine guns and 35 chicken coups riding the roof, This could have been like being with Pancho Villa on his way to Juarez. All before and after the train, was great.
I am fine. I am finally at general peace. This country is simply friendly and helpful in all things.
5-BALL RACING IS SLOWLY SHIFTING BACK TO THE PEASHOOTER–We need to get to the bottom of the compression, the cams and the belt. We were able to grab a belt from McMaster&Carr, but I always wanted a wider belt. They only had a ¾-inch wide belt at the time. I recently reached out to Andy at Classic Cycles:
Did you try ordering part# 6486K119? It was the size that I recommend before, it’s 1040 mm long.
Oh, while I am thinking about it, do you have an extra Mag end cap like the one I sold you?
Classic Cycles
BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER STUDIES HEALTH BENEFITS OF WINE AND CHEESE–One satisfying way to celebrate nourishing the body is with a glass of red wine and some cheese. The health benefits of red wine are plentiful: it has powerful antioxidant properties that are derived from the red pigments in grape skins (members of a family of compounds called proanthocyanidins); it contains tannins that can help reduce the risk of heart attack by hindering the formation of blood clots; and studies have shown that red wine can raise levels of HDL, the protective form of cholesterol.
While I rarely drink red wine myself, I do think it’s beneficial for some people. I recommend organic red wine, and limiting your intake to no more than 1-2 servings per day (if you do not drink alcohol, do not start for health reasons).
Cheese, I do enjoy. While I used to eat cheese sparingly (and with some guilt) because of its fat content and effect on cholesterol levels, research on its health benefits has led me to incorporate more cheese into my diet, as it’s a natural source of calcium and protein. Soft French cheeses tend to be higher in fat, so eat them prudently – healthier options include organic, natural cheeses such as Emmental (Swiss), Jarlsberg and true Parmesan. Just a small amount of cheese offers a big taste, so a piece or two should be satisfactory.
–Dr. Weil
For more information on anything healthy go to www.DrWeil.com.
WELCOME TO THE DAYTEC BONEYARD–Over time Daytec has built thousands of frames and accessories. As a result we’ve created an inventory of items that we would like to offer at great deals. We call it our “Boneyard”. We will be adding items frequently so if you don’t see anything that interests you now, be sure to check back with us. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Paul at (760) 244-1591.
Daytec 180 / 200 Rigid – 32 degree neck. Designed for the old school look. This frame will accept a 180 tire with 1 ½” belt and 200 tire with 1 1/8” belt or chain drive. Kit includes frame, oil tank kit and rear axle kit.
Price – $800.00
SHIP’S STORE HOLIDAY SALE: Beautiful Brass 4 in 1 Instrument–This beautiful brass instrument has a 7″ face with 9″ overall diameter, and the heavy solid brass cases polished to perfection. It features a German Quartz Barometer, Hygrometer and Thermometer and Japanese clock movement. Excellent quality craftsmanship. The face opens like a porthole to allow you to set the time. The cases is solid brass.
Retail $399.00
The Perfect Holiday Gift $175.
Also In Stock!!!!
The Brass Tide-Clock
This beautiful brass instrument has a 7″ face with 9″ overall diameter, and the heavy solid brass cases polished to perfection. It features a Japanese clock movement. Excellent quality craftsmanship. The face opens like a porthole to allow you to set the time. Shows the tides as well as the time. The cases is solid brass. Time tide wait for no man, but at least with this instrument you know when it’s coming!
Retail $399.00
The Perfect Holiday Gift $175.
Latitudes and Attitudes Ships Store.
UNCLE MONKEY KICKS OF THE BIKERNET BUSINESS SEMINARS– “I’m taking my business elsewhere.” It is something a business owner doesn’t like to hear. Business is based on customers and while we would all like to have a single customer do a multimillion dollar one hour job the reality is we need customers as a base.
Customers come in all shapes and sizes and personalities. There are some customers that are a true pleasure to deal with. A smile on their face, they bring a bottle (or fresh baking) for the staff after a hard job. They realize that it is impossible for any company to stock every single part, that sometimes things take longer then expected. They expect quality and professionalism and that is why they deal with you as a business.
For other customers, money is tight. Breakdowns and unexpected repairs make them stumble. They are honest and straightforward as what they can afford. They appreciate that you are there to help them, to take care of them. Good customers are a pleasure to deal with and are what a business owner strives to achieve. But not everyone is a good customer.
There are customers that bicker about everything. Why do I not have a part for their obscure 50-year-old machine? Why would the machine they neglected and never maintained break down? They critique every charge. “$2 for shop supplies? He only used a rag and WD-40.” Other customers think that as a business we standby patiently waiting for them to make that call. They want it done now. Everything is to be dropped and their needs – no matter how inconsequential- dealt with now. They don’t understand that service work is not always first come first serve, that their bike will have to wait while more urgent jobs are put ahead of them.
The last customer is a combination of the worst of Man. Their work has to be first, has to be top priority no matter how insignificant, that as a business we are ripping them off with outrages mark up, that we should stock parts for their special one off thing. Nothing is ever done right, nothing is every done fast enough, nothing is ever right. They threaten to take their occasional business elsewhere. They are shocked when I sigh with relief and say ok.
The truth is that there are some people you can never satisfy, never make happy. They will find fault with everything, find fault with your employees, find fault with you. They may pay their bill on time and in full, may even bring thousands of dollars of business but the truth is that they disrupt your business so bad that it is better to lose them as a customer then bend any farther over backwards. They may feel justified to belittle a employee for an hour while they work on their job. But after they are gone that employee has to move on to the next job. My great employee is now pissed off, bitter, chomping at the bit for not telling them to @&*$ off. It affects their work. They make mistakes, they are grumpy, mad at their co-workers, they take it out on their family, love ones, themselves. A butterfly effect of sourness spreading through a company.
So what kind of customer are you? Do businesses look forward to doing business with you or do they look forward to the day when you say you are taking your business elsewhere
-bad Uncle Monkey
LOWBROW CUSTOM’S CATALOG & GUIDE FOR HOME BIKE BUILDER– Lowbrow Customs has just released Weirdo Vol. 1, the first of it’s in-house catalog / ‘zines aimed at the home motorcycle builder. Chock-full of parts and accessories as well as DIY Tech Tips, Customer Bike Spotlights, Event & Race Coverage and Featured Products from all over the world, Weirdo is sure to please builders of any machine with two wheels. Product lines include Biltwell, Inc., BenchMark, David Bird, Hippy Killer Garage, Fork Co., No School Choppers, Vanson Leathers and dozens more. Digest-sized, full-color and 48 pages, Weirdo Vol.1 is available for a modest $2.50.
For insightful how-to articles, top-shelf customer service, secure ordering and world-wide shipping, visit www.lowbrowcustoms.com.
BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–I figure that Russian fire arms are like old Harley’s. They’re simple, work great, easy to work on, don’t cost a lot and kick big ass!
Jon Towle-
REAL ANIMAL SKINS – The Best Shrunken Heads you will find–Handmade by the Jivaro Indian Tribe (who were notorious for real shrunken heads) using REAL animal skins/hair! High Quality lightweight hollow hides, great to place over your shift knob at car shows, hang from your rearview mirror, use as a dash ornament, or place on your mantle. These awesome looking heads have an air of evil to them and are said to have spiritual powers. Treat them with care or risk 50 years of bad luck! Approx. 5″ tall, some up to 12″ with the beard hair! These are not some cheap novelty item.
Each Head has a string to hang from rearview mirror. mailto:phantom5100@yahoo.com
BAKER HOLIDAY SUPER DEAL– Now through Sunday receive a free BAKER Goodie Bag with every purchase of $100 or more! Each bag comes loaded with BAKER stickers, decals, a T-shirt and Hat. Plus, enjoy free shipping on all domestic orders, no minimum purchase required! This is just our way of saying thanks to all of our valued customers this Thanksgiving weekend.
BIKERNET CHURCH OF CHROME DONATION STORY– A crusty old man walks into the local Church and says to the secretary, “I would like to join this damn church.”
The astonished woman replies, “I beg your pardon, sir. I must have misunderstood you.. What did you say?”
“Listen up, damn it. I said I want to join this damn church!”
“I’m very sorry sir, but that kind of language is not tolerated in this church.”
The secretary leaves her desk and goes into the pastor’s study to inform him of her situation. The pastor agrees that the secretary does not have to listen to that foul language.
They both return to her office and the pastor asks the old geezer, “Sir, what seems to be the problem here?”
“There is no damn problem,” the man says. “I just won $200 million bucks in the damn lottery and I want to join this damn church to get rid of some of this damn money.”
“I see,” said the pastor.” And is this bitch giving you a hard time?”
–from Dr. Hamster
BLACK FRIDAY SALE IS ON NOW– Brighton, MI – Hell’s Foundry announced their Black Friday Sale has started. Customers will receive 20% discounts on selected merchandise and free shipping on all orders over $100.00.
Go to www.hellsfoundry.com for additional details or 866.999.HELL (4355)
WARNING TO VETERANS — Forwarded by Kevin Secor, VSO Liaison, Office of the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
An organization called Veterans Affairs Services (VAS) is providing benefit and general information on VA and gathering personal information on veterans. This organization is not affiliated with VA in any way. http://www.vaservices.org/us/index.html
VAS may be gaining access to military personnel through their close resemblance to the VA name and seal. Our Legal Counsel has requested that we coordinate with DoD to inform military installations, particularly mobilization sites, of this group and their lack of affiliation or endorsement by VA to provide any services.
In addition, GC requests that if you have any examples of VAS acts that violate chapter 59 of Title 38 United States Code, such as VAS employees assisting veterans in the preparation and presentation of claims for benefits, please pass any additional information to Mr.Daugherty at the address below.
Michael G. Daugherty
Staff Attorney
Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of General Counsel (022G2
–from Rogue
RIVERA PRIMO SCORES WEIGHTLESS ROTORS– If you wanted to lower the weight of your touring bike without sacrificing performance or safety and enhance your braking capability by a wide margin, who would you go to for the solution?
America’s new brake experts, Rivera Primo Inc.® are here for you with the answers and the solutions!
Rivera Primo’s® newest product line to hit the pavement is aptly named METAL MATRIX EXTREME™. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, they combined the low weight of aluminum with the incredible durability of ceramics and ended up with a rotor that is only 5% heavier than aluminum and 60% lighter than stainless steel. In simpler terms, the MMX™ rotors are very dimensionally stabile when subjected to the high operating temperatures seen when you grab a bunch of brake! The high heat dissapation of the MMX™ material draws heat away quickly from the braking surface, thereby reducing brake fade. This gives you more stopping power with less effort. In fact, the brakes are so reliable that we have bequeathed a limited lifetime warranty on our MMX™ rotor blades. Just think, no more warped rotors seizing up and destroying your expensive, high end calipers!
S&S CYCLE OFFERS BLACK FRIDAY DEALS– Special Black Friday Offer! Special Black Friday Offer! Purchase $65 in S&S Cycle Official Apparel and get a free cap ($15.95 retail value). SS10A-H1. Visit http://www.sscyclewear.com to shop now. Offer valid through 12/15/2010 or while supplies last, not valid with other coupons, discounts or offers. Valid for retail customers only.
Shop online or call toll free at (877) 717-9152 to learn more, set up your account, or place an order. Contact us via email at: customerservice@sscyclewear.com
South Bay Biker Productions is organizing a ride to the Armory for 12/11. We will leave Redondo Beach @ 7:15 A.M. We should arrive at the Armory by 8:00 AM.
Professional photographer, Henry Aparicio, agreed to cover the ride & festivities again. Last year he worked tirelessly to ensure #500K’s festivities were documented. I believe it was Henry’s photo that was used as the official group shot. Henry also brought portrait gear last year. You can communicate directly with him: photoshooter@henryphoto.com
Last year, motorcycle parking was arranged. Wherever you want us to park is fine, but it would be nice if there was space for 20-30 bikes (just a suggestion). I would also like to suggest that any “straggler” motorcyclists be directed to park their motorcycles where we do.
So far, Keith Ball/Bikernet & Jack Lawford/Biker Hotline have committed coverage. (Keith has already run a couple stories.)
I am planning to submit a story & Henry’s photos for Keith Ball’s Bikernet website – the most trafficked website in the biker world. (Keith is a ‘Nam vet & former Editor-in-Chief of Easyriders magazine.)
Jack is sending a Biker Hotline’s photographer to cover. (BTW: Jack has been wonderful helping to promote OPGrat.)
I notified Thunder Press’ Editor-in-Chief, Terry Roorda. Last year Terry sent national best-selling author & Thunder Press Staff Reporter, Bill “Press” Hayes, to cover & ride with us. Bill is also the National Press Secretary for the Boozefighters Motorcycle Club.
I notified Chris Dalgaard, Editor-in-Chief of QuickThrottle magazine. Last year, Chris sent Staff Reporter & Photographer, Art Hall, to cover #500K. (Art (nice guy) wrote a great story.)
–Jeff Kraus
“Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”
CANNONBALL BIKES TO BE AUCTIONED IN LAS VEGAS–I’m sure you know that 2 of the Cannonball bikes will be auctioned off in Vegas this January. I intend to be there and am wondering if you will be, too?
Have a few miles ahead of me before January and with the acquisition of silk long johns (have high expectations of them on several levels…) and the loan of an oilcloth duster from the son-in-law, maybe I’ll stay reasonably dry. Rode along the outskirts of a hurricane today…though they say it’s rare for these parts, it touched down and caused damage. It was blowing the shit outta me, flinging me across lanes and temp variance was wacky..I was about 30 miles from epicenter.
Tpress is giving me a full helmet as a product review (blessing and a curse since I’m VERY claustrophobic AND anti-brain bucket), which will be convenient with all the wet weather I’m encountering…providing I can learn to close the visor without flopping on the floor. Had a similar problem convincing my lungs that I really could inhale when learning to snorkel.
Still looking for gauntlet gloves then I think I’ll be grooving for most weather. Will be in SoCal mid-December..a ride I’m looking very forward to, then might putter on over to AZ from there.
— Felicia
With our current Holiday promotion you can add this vintage 1914 Indian with beautiful patina and skillfully painted by Scott Jacobs, at 30% below its release price. What a great gift you, your friends or loved ones will enjoy for many years to come. If you act by Monday, Nov. 29th, this custom framed canvas giclee is yours for only $695 ($995 release price after promo). It comes to you hand-signed, numbered (50 plus 5ap and 5hc), and personally dedicated on back. Don’t delay as this style by Mr. Jacobs is of the highest demand. (if you have either of the two previous Vintage Series works we will try to match your number). Regards, Ron 303-431-4453
HAPPY THANKSGIVING GODDAMNIT–I’m still fighting this ridiculous cold, and it’s bringing me down. So, I apologize for any negative waves. We are lucky mofos, to have all the opportunities, fun, parties, holidays, custom motorcycles, half-naked women, love, sex, whiskey, almost legal marijuana, and mo’. It truly is amazing.
So have a wonderful day, and be fuckin’ thankful of your friends, family, health, prosperity, clear skies, chrome, metal flake paints and tomorrow. Like I said last week, we need to pause more often and reflect on the good stuff. Here’s just one mention. I have a friend, Jon Kosmoski. I only see him once or twice a year. He created House of Kolors paint, and has built custom bikes and hot rods for 50 years, since 1956. This guy is amazing, his energy, creative abilities, and his desire to make and develop fantastic products. Valspar bought him out several years ago, but Jon and his wife have never stopped. I ran into him at the SEMA show, where he displayed his latest roadster creation painted a very special Candy Apple Red. “I did everything except the wiring and the interior,” Jon said. Fuckin’ amazing and inspirational.
It’s an absolutely wonderful thing to have creative friends who never give up. I want to thank all the Bikernet Readers who contribute to Bikernet with shots of their bikes, their art, music, suggestions, you name it. That’s how it all starts, with the desire to write, photograph, draw, or build a motorcycle. The next Jon Kosmoski or Arlen Ness is out there, and hopefully through the efforts of motorcycle rights freedom fighters, we will still have the freedom to create and build wild shit for years to come.
Ride Forever,