I’m in a conundrum, which means a mystery, a challenge or a questioning problem. I’ve been pushing against the Climate Doom mantra for a decade. Even guys in the industry look at me like I’m nuts to fight it. Motorcycle rights groups won’t ask senators for scientific transparency.
Okay, from time to time I want to give into the notion that we’re all going to die if we don’t stop fossil fuel use. Then I run into a wall of facts and questions. For instance most chemicals are made from Fossil fuels, so how can we stop. Every plastic product in the world is made from fossil fuels.
But let’s get down to the basics. What are you going to tell your kids. “Dad destroyed the planet by riding a Harley. Or, you’re never going to get to ride a Harley or a dirt bike, a muscle car or a sportscar. What do you tell a kid who is trying to mow your lawn, or wants to work on cars? What do you tell the bros who build choppers, they’re evil and going to hell with the planet. Or is it all bullshit? Does anyone care about the truth?
I just don’t get it. Even if you’re a democrat and believe all this, why wouldn’t you be in favor to Scientific Transparency to prove you are right? Instead you want to call anyone who questions the mantra deniers. Yet, you are really the deniers, denying scientific transparency. Okay, I give up. It’s Whiskey Thursday, let’s hit the news.
The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.
Today, President Joe Biden will ask Congress to enact a three-month gasoline tax holiday. Biden will ask that both the 18-cent-per-gallon federal tax on gasoline and the 24-cent-per-gallon tax on diesel be suspended.
Many leaders in Congress, including those from his own party, are skeptical of the plan. The Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and the Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Tom Carper (D-DE) worry that suspending the gasoline tax would drain needed funds from the Highway Trust Fund. The gas tax, which funds the Highway Trust Fund, is the major source of money for the federal government’s road and infrastructure improvement plans. In last year’s $1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill close to half of the money came directly from the trust fund.
Historically high gas prices and concerns about inflation are forcing the Biden administration to seek quick and immediate relief for consumers. However, whether a gas tax holiday results in lower prices is something many in Congress are doubtful of.
Additionally, Congressional Democrats remain worried about the upcoming midterm elections and are balancing their own political futures vs. those of the president. The next few days and weeks will be a test to see if President Biden’s plan on the gas tax can gain support in a closely divided Congress.
About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.
GUN NUT ALERT–The U.S. Senate is voting on a gun control package this week – your U.S. Senators need to hear from you today. Please click the button below to contact your Senators today to tell them you oppose this gun control package.
Take Action Now!
The gun control package would allow states to use federal taxpayer dollars to implement state-level gun confiscation orders, i.e. “red flag” laws.
This gun control package would significantly increase the number of Americans who are federally barred from possessing firearms by expanding prohibitions for non-domestic, non-violent misdemeanor convictions. Virtually no other constitutional right is taken away for misdemeanor convictions and this legislation would treat the Second Amendment as a second-class right.
Nowhere in the legislation are the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans advanced, and it is being rushed to the U.S. Senate floor for votes, bypassing hearings, markups and amendments on the legislation.
Please contact your U.S. Senators TODAY and respectfully urge them to protect and defend the Second Amendment by voting against this misguided gun control package.
You can also call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and you will be connected to the appropriate office.
Yours in Freedom,
Ken Lan
NRA-ILA Grassroots
EXTREME POLITICAL LESSON–Government – or, people who can’t do anything but who have jobs that have no actual job function or job description – cannot keep up with private enterprise -whose job is to make life better and easier and continually succeeds at this.
So, government has to impede private enterprise into non-existence. Otherwise, government will be obsolete. Apparently only me and bureaucrats realize this.
J.J. Solari
Supreme Political Analysist
Glad to see that y’all are helping people with questions! I would like to get open primary kit 3000 for 2-inch belt
–James Burke
Gray, TN
I reached out to Scott at BDL to help James. They will make a recommendation. Scott got right back to me—Bandit
Hey Bandit, No Problem. The EVO-3000 is an outer bearing support kit. This kit mounts to the Belt Drives Ltd. AKA BDL EVO-9S 3-inch wide open belt drive. The EVO-3000 is not intended for the 2-inch wide version as the support is for Larger engines with a lot of Torque and Horsepower, and the outer support helps limit or stop the transmission mainshaft flex caused by the weight at the end of the mainshaft that the wider belt drives have.
There is a special bolt pattern that is pre drilled and tapped into the outer face of the 72-3EX basket for the rear pulley cover to mount to, this is a special machined pulley cover and requires a special pressure plate to be used for operating clearance.
The rear pulley cover has a boss machined into it for a Nylatron bushing, that bushing rides in the outer support bearing. There are standoffs and a front pulley cover as well. The bolt pattern in the motor-plate must match the bolt pattern for the EVO-3000 as well.
You can call BDL direct if you like at 714-693-1313 Ext. 227 or Ext. 232 are how to reach the two tech guys.
Tech Support
We are excited to announce a new release by David Uhl – a piece that has been about 8 years in the making. As you may know, in 2014 David released “Jessi”, featuring the amazing Jessi Combs. The print edition of “Jessi” has been sold out for a few years now.
In preparation for his Jessi painting, David and Jessi took several photos in various scenarios. One of these is the setting for his new piece which is now available for purchase.
This masterpiece features Jessi with the Navy bike from Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum in Colorado Springs. Jim Tobul’s “Korean War Hero” Navy Corsair serves as part of the backdrop. Ultimately, this piece is really all about the light – of which David continues to demonstrate his mastery.
In David’s words, “I wanted to add a strong light component to this composition featuring Jessi. She always seemed to have this image “glow”. Took a long time (8 years) but I think I’m nearly finished. This photo of her is from my 2014 shoot with her for the Jessi piece we did that year.”
“Eternal Radiance”
David Uhl 2022
Reference photo from shoot in 2014 above
The exclusive canvas print edition will be available in the same sizes and edition size as the original “Jessi”, shown below. If you have the first “Jessi” and want this new one, please let me know ASAP and I’ll try to get you the matching print edition number as we slot people in.
Canvas print edition specifics (all signed, numbered and Certified):
** Image size 32×24, 150 prints plus 25 Artist Proofs and 25 Hors d’ Commerce – $1,895 framed.
** Image size 40×30, 20 prints plus 5 Artist Proofs and 5 Hors d’ Commerce – $3,850 framed.
** Image size 48×36, 10 prints plus 2 Artist Proofs and 2 Hors d’ Commerce – $4,850 framed.
WEATHER REPORT FROM MUMBAI— Unlike your surrounding, here during monsoon– all trees, plants, flowering ones and of course weeds and moss become bright green like maybe summer in the protected forests over there.
I have been on long rides during monsoon season in my first Enfield Bullet before and the mountains don’t have a single gray or brown spot — unlike hot April-May summers with dry patches revealing rocks, stones, etc
Those who hike as a group know where and when to go, and so that it’s not too far from cities yet nice rural type landscape – between November to February cooler weather, — rain has completely ended by early October.
Close to Mumbai is Karjat and Kasara suburban railway stations along Central Railway line for such hiking.
— U D
International Editor
Bikernet News Desk
–Well done.
–El Waggs
Excellent Surf Advisor
Art of Speed Malaysia is an annual event featuring artwork in various formats including canvas, poster, moving visual, sculpture and rolling art. Exhibitors are exclusively invited to the show promising quality content for visitors.
–Mama Tried
Motorcycle insurance
Imagine you’re passing by a showroom, and you see the motorcycle of your dreams. Naturally, you want to see this beauty up close and when you do, you know that you’re going to be adding a new member to your family.
You also know that you are legally obligated to have insurance in most states. But what do you do if you don’t have your motorcycle license yet? Can you still get motorcycle insurance?
You might be surprised to find out that the answer is usually yes, but there are some caveats you need to know that we’ll discuss in this article.
What Happens If You Purchase Motorcycle Insurance without a License?
Keep in mind that every situation is unique, but you can typically get insurance for a motorcycle even if you’re not licensed. However, you could run into some complications, including the following:
– Insurance agencies might charge more for a policy because they view an unlicensed owner as higher risk.
– You might not get approved by the first company you contact, so you’ll have to shop around.
– You may be able to get an insurance policy without any issues, but failure to get a license after a specified time can put you at risk for cancellation of your policy if you’ve been given a deadline to submit proof of insurance.
3 Reasons You Might Get Motorcycle Insurance without a License
We talked earlier about getting caught up in the moment and eagerly buying a bike and deciding to purchase motorcycle insurance before securing a motorcycle license. This often happens if you’re financing the bike and the lender requires proof of full coverage insurance.
There are also other situations you may find yourself in that require you to get insurance coverage even if you don’t have a Class M driver’s license.
If you own a vintage motorcycle that you’re restoring or you’ve been temporarily sidelined from riding, you might not have an active license. Still, you’ll want insurance to protect your property, including your motorcycle, from situations like fire, theft, or vandalism.
All states are different, but the vast majority require you to have motorcycle insurance before they issue a license. It can feel like a chicken and egg scenario. We recommend contacting several insurance companies to see which ones offer the most reasonable rates if your license has been suspended.
There are all sorts of financial arrangements that can be made that result in the person who will ride the motorcycle not being the person who owns it on paper. Maybe you have a partner who can secure better financing, so the bike is in that person’s name. However, that person may not have a motorcycle license.
The Importance of Having a Motorcycle License
It’s no secret that a significant percentage of Americans take to the road without a valid license. According to The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, it’s estimated that 20% of motorcycle riders don’t have a valid Class M license.
Though being licensed is no guarantee of safety, what we can tell you is that unlicensed riders are at a higher risk of being involved in a fatal accident. In Texas, unlicensed riders made up 46% of motorcycle fatalities, which when you think about it is a staggering statistic.
The importance of earning and maintaining a license is helpful in ensuring that you have the proper knowledge and skills to handle yourself safely on the open road.
Have More Questions about Motorcycles?
Here at Law Tigers, we’ve compiled a library of information to answer all your questions about motorcycle riding, safety, events, and more. Give us a call at 1-888-863-7213 Check out our resources here.
–Law Tigers
CHEVRON CEO Fires Back at Biden, Slams ‘Political Rhetoric’ in New Letter
The CEO of Chevron sent an open letter to Joe Biden after Biden sent a letter suggesting that oil companies could face consequences and accusing them of not doing enough to increase refining capacity.
Mike Wirth, in the letter, called on the White House to end its hostilities toward the oil industry, saying there needs to be a change in its approach and policies before gas prices can drop.
“Addressing this situation requires thoughtful action and a willingness to work together, not political rhetoric,” Wirth said, adding, “Your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry.”
More than a week ago, Biden attacked oil companies and claimed they’re making record profits before urging them to increase oil production to alleviate record-high gas prices. Targeting ExxonMobil specifically, Biden accused them of making “more money than God” and not drilling enough during comments he made in May.
Soaring Gas Prices
In recent months, Biden has taken criticism as regular gas prices have eclipsed the $5 per gallon mark. AAA data shows that prices fell for several days before rising again this week to $4.96 per gallon.
Since Biden took office, gas prices have been steadily increasing as the president issued a number of energy-related executive orders, including suspending new oil drilling leases and ending the Keystone XL pipeline.
“The U.S. energy sector needs cooperation and support from your Administration for our country to return to a path toward greater energy security, economic prosperity, and environmental protection,” Wirth said in the letter, adding that Chevron has increased production in recent years.
Oil companies “need clarity and consistency on policy matters ranging from leases and permits on federal lands, to the ability to permit and build critical infrastructure, to the proper role of regulation that considers both costs and benefits,” Wirth added.
“Most importantly, we need an honest dialogue on how to best balance energy, economic, and environmental objectives–one that recognizes our industry is a vital sector of the U.S. economy and is essential to our national security,” he said. “We can only meet these challenges by working together.”
When asked about the letter, Biden didn’t appear to try and tone down the tensions.
“I didn’t know they’d get their feelings hurt that quickly. We need more refining capacity. This idea that they don’t have more oil to bring up and refine is simply not true,” he told reporters.
Last week, ExxonMobil responded to Biden’s letter and said it had invested $118 billion in new oil and gas supplies compared to a net income of $55 billion.
“We kept investing even during the pandemic, when we lost more than $20 billion and had to borrow more than $30 billion to maintain investment to increase capacity to be ready for post-pandemic demand,” the company stated.
U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is slated to meet with oil industry executives on Thursday to discuss ways to reduce energy prices.
–By Jack Phillips
Epoch Times
I love what you guys are doing, but there needs to be a massively important effort for Scientific Transparency. Unfortunately Chevron and all oil companies will continue to be the bad guys until someone cracks the doom.
Get on it will you. There must be a leader with the balls to save humanity from the control freaks.
[page break]
Just wanted to pass along the dates for our next Sons of Speed event in October at New Smyrna Speedway. Race day will be Saturday Oct 15. Races starts at 12 Noon. Media can arrive starting at 9:00 AM on race day. For this event we are running 2 days of practice Thursday/Friday Oct 13 & 14th.
Media is invited to attend both days of practice. We will be checking in race teams both practice mornings at 8 AM. So, if Media could arrive around 10:00 AM that would be great.
Gives us a couple of hours to get all the teams loaded in & set up. I know this event is a few months off but feel free to reply now if you think you will make it. Thanks & hope to see everyone in October!
–Andy George
As a challenger, you will receive travel money to and from the rally and the chance to win a 2022 Indian Chieftain.
The Challenge starts on August 5th and runs through August 14th, during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Don’t miss your chance to order before they are all gone at Born Free event.

SEE IT HERE: https://www.lifestylecycles.com/default.asp?page=xPreOwnedInventoryDetail&id=12268999
Stock # 13378 is a 2015 Black Harley-Davidson DYNA STREET BOB FXDB with only 15717.00 miles!
This bike is a super clean Dyna some of the features/Add-ons on this bike are
* 103c.i.Motor with a 6-Speed trans.
* Vance & Hince exhaust
* Club style fairing
* Lucky Daves seat
* T-Bars
* Forward controls
* High-Flo air cleaner
* Wire wheels
This bike is only $17,995.00
Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.
Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!
Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155. Open 7 days a week.
We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!
We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,
Federal Trade Commission Says Harley-Davidson Illegally Restricted Right to Repair
This morning the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it ordered Harley-Davidson and the maker of Westinghouse generators, MWE Investments, to amend their warranties after the companies allegedly illegally restricted customers’ right to repair.
According to the release:
The FTC also alleged that Harley-Davidson failed to fully disclose all the terms of its warranty in a single document, requiring consumers to contact an authorized dealership for full details.
The companies are ordered to amend warranty terms, inform customers of their warranty rights, and “direct authorized dealers to remove deceptive display materials, train and monitor employees, and not promote branded parts and dealers over third parties.”
The FTC alleges that the actions by the companies harmed consumers and competition in multiple ways, including:
- Restricting consumers’ choices
- Costing consumers more money
- Undercutting independent dealers
- Reducing resiliency
The vote by the FTC board was unanimous, 5-0.
NOTES FROM THE TEMPLE OF DOOM—The other side of the story…
Today I Set My Course
Admittedly I sometimes veer of course a bit. Okay then, a lot.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ole Waldo. Who the hell else are you going to be.
I begin the gift of today I Pause. I Pause to Let Go of anyone and anything that does not serve my Highest Good, I Let Go of any ideas of lack or limitation, of stress or turmoil, any doubt or fear.
Suddenly I find myself alone in a very dark room.
Myself, I believe in delegating.
Sometimes I breathe slowly. Sometimes I kinda forget to breathe at all. I’m just not on a power trip, man. Thing is, nobody knows what the next moment holds much less the whole freakin’ day.
I feel My Higher Powers of Love filling My Soul, lifting me to Higher Level of Consciousness, illuminating my path, dissipating all darkness from my mind.
I want to try some of the shit that this dude is smokin’. Just a hit or two. Whoa.
Today’s Affirmation: Today I am going to Live my Life my way. I expect and accept the Divine Guidance from My Higher Power. My path is made clear. I am embracing obstacles and challenges, for I Know that I always have the Solution within. Today I move forward with a new sense of self-confidence knowing all is Good.
I am Grateful to have another day to express myself and at a new and higher level. I am Grateful for the choices I am going to make. Today my day is filled with Love, Joy, Peace, Health, Wealth and so much more. Today I choose my path!
And So It Is
–from Samsung Fire

Here’s his FOX interview: https://youtu.be/deRc3hU5yjw
Michael lives in Fort Collins CO & continues to write daily.
–Jeff Kraus
A Modern-Day Incarnation of Lincoln Cosmo Carrera Panamericana
Well written article super interesting…..
— Scrub Hansen
Fountain Valley, CA
well written article super interesting…..

“That bike is that fast…”
In fact, CO2 is a beneficial gas absolutely necessary for life. More of it is good, as can be seen in an overall greening of Earth and record crop harvests that have paralleled modest warming and increasing CO2 levels in recent decades.
Even if one accepts the gloomy forecasts of global warming, says Stuart Kirk, former Head of Responsible Investments at the UK bank HSBC, “Climate change is not a financial risk that we have to worry about.”
Urge the SEC here, by Friday June 17th, to abandon its effort to inject the irrationality of a climate scare into the management of American business.
–CO2 Coalition
The Cool Hand Speedco Antique Hangout presented by Billy Lane & The Sturgis Buffalo Chip ain’t your daddy’s bike show. This invitational exhibition will allow you to see and hear antique bikes on display and in motion at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads, Thursday, Aug. 11.
During the hangout, you’ll also have the chance to check out Billy’s new hand-numbered and stamped Cool Hand Speedco builds based on the look of his 45 Crocker.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California would be the first state to require gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover the negligent or accidental use of their firearms, if lawmakers approve a measure announced Thursday.
“Guns kill more people than cars. Yet gun owners are not required to carry liability insurance like car owners must,” Democratic state Sen. Nancy Skinner said in a statement.
She said the costs of gun violence shouldn’t be borne by taxpayers, survivors, families, employers and communities: “It’s time for gun owners to shoulder their fair share.”
The state of New York is considering a similar requirement in the wake of numerous recent mass shootings and a rise in gun violence.
In January, the Silicon Valley city of San Jose approved what’s believed to be the first such insurance requirement in the United States.
No insurance company will cover the misuse of a firearm, predicted Sam Paredes, executive director of Gun Owners of California.
He said such requirements are an illegal infringement on gun owners’ constitutional rights.
“We don’t believe you can put precursors on the exercising of a constitutional right,” Paredes said. “By requiring somebody to get insurance in order to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, that ceases to make it a right.”
Skinner is amending an existing bill on another topic to allow gun owners to be held civilly liable if their firearms are used to cause property damage, injury or death.
The bill would also require gun owners to have insurance that covers loses or damages from the negligent or accidental use of their firearm. And they would have to keep proof of insurance with their firearm and show it to police if they are stopped for some reason.
Paredes had similar objections to a second bill that also would affect gun owners’ costs, this one by imposing an excise tax on firearms and ammunition.
The bill would impose an excise tax equal to 10% of the sales price of a handgun and 11% of the sales price of a long gun, ammunition or parts to build firearms.
Democratic Assemblyman Marc Levine estimated his bill would bring in more than $118 million annually that would go toward gun violence prevention programs.
Because it would impose a tax, Levine’s bill would require approval by two-thirds majorities in the Legislature. His similar measure last year fell four votes short of the 54 it needed in the 80-member Assembly.
The bills are among numerous firearms measures being considered by California lawmakers this year, including one that would make it easier to sue gun-makers and another that would allow private citizens to sue those who traffic in illegal weapons.
Thank you dems, again, for what will be another completely idiotic bill should it pass. Someone please tell me how the criminal element is going to be to made to comply with this.
–Steve Bauman
Tech Editor
While serving in the Army during the early 1980s, I was sexually assaulted. Despite having documented proof that I was a victim of military sexual trauma (MST), my command did not help me.
Instead, they called me a liar and forced me out of the military with an other than honorable discharge. Because of the character of my discharge, I was unable to get the benefits and healthcare I needed and, for more than 30 years, I struggled with PTSD because of the trauma I experienced while serving my country.
DAV stood up for me by helping me file paperwork for my claim and access the benefits I earned, but most of all, they validated my experience and the impact it had on my life. Today, you can help DAV continue to be there for veterans, like me, with these ways to give:
–Migdalia Griswold
–from Fred Cuba
Leavenworth Jail Rusty Heavy Cast Iron Ball & Chain Restraints Shackles Prisoner
Description: Terrific reproduction piece is perfect for display or for use as a historical reenactment accessory. Made of heavy solid, cast iron, these are working, non-adjustable restraints that come with a removable key.
Six diameter ball comes on 48 length chain and weighs a hefty 18 pounds. The ball is stamped Leavenworth Prison Kansas.
Important: Please note the dimensions listed as size cannot be determined based on pictures alone. Colors may appear different in person due to lighting, monitor settings, etc These are rusty and will need to be wiped off prior to use.
Payment & Shipping: We accept all forms of payment through PayPal. Payment is expected at time of purchase. Once payment is received your item will be shipped from our smoke-free home the following business day via USPS or UPS depending on size.
–Sam Burns
All the best.
–Adam Croft
[page break]
TRIKES OF THE WEEK—Mike, the Hamster has been building choppers for 40 some years but decide a trike was in his riding future. We’ve discussed an article several times and he vacillates through the transition. Last week he was going to sell it and ride choppers forever. We’ll see.
Here’s a shot of Mike on his Chopper.
Filling in for the Trike editor
“The other day I started with sketching out the frame off one of the photos, I’m adding and moving things around now. Have some great ideas!!
The Story Behind the Notorious Widows Sons
After having a less than ideal situation happen within my Blue Lodge. The Widows Sons have reinstated my faith in Masonry and I am very thankful to be able to be a part of them and would recommend any Mason that rides a motorcycle to join.
— Kenny Tawzer
Los Alamos, CA
A variety of powersports products relying on PFAS chemicals are facing new federal and state regulations that could change manufacturing across the industry.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of synthetic chemicals used for decades in a wide range of consumer products. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these are “long lasting chemicals, components of which break down very slowly over time” and “are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world and are present at low levels in a variety of food products and in the environment.”
In powersports, PFAS chemicals can be found in or used to produce products such as:
– Riding gear with sweat-wicking properties and water resistance
– A wide variety of plastic and rubber parts
– Gaskets and o-rings
– Components resistant to heat, fuel, and chemicals
– Evaporation-resistant hoses and tubing
– Semiconductors and chrome plating
“Whether you’re an OE, aftermarket, or riding gear manufacturer, you need to be aware of these proposals and you should be searching for ways to replace PFAS in all of the products you sell,” said Scott Schloegel, senior vice president at the MIC Government Relations Office.
Both federal and state governments have examined the health impacts of PFAS in recent years, Schloegel said, and many bills have been introduced to ban its use. Some states are also setting up registries to list any vehicles, components, parts, and clothing that contain PFAS.
Maine passed a bill last year that requires, in 2023, detailed registration of all products with PFAS sold in the state. The new law also bans the use of PFAS in any products sold in Maine beginning in 2030. Staff from the MIC GRO will be participating in a briefing on June 30 regarding implementation of the new law.
“Colorado also just signed a bill into law banning PFAS in youth products and other textiles,” Schloegel said. “It appears the Colorado bill does not capture youth off-road products and, fortunately, it specifically exempts ‘an internal component of a juvenile product that would not come into direct contact with a child’s skin or mouth during reasonably foreseeable use and abuse of the product.’ Member companies should check with their legal counsel to determine how the Maine and Colorado bills may impact their lines of business. Our team at the MIC GRO is tracking and responding to PFAS bills in several other states including California, Georgia, Massachusetts, and North Carolina.”
Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day – Third Monday in June
2022 marks the 31st anniversary of the Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day. This is typically the biggest motorcycle event in the world as it’s now spread to other countries! Did you participate this year?
If you did, share your ride to work with us on social media. Use #LawTigers and be sure to tag us.
As America’s First Motorcycle Company, Indian Motorcycle is celebrating “First Movers” and those who have made their mark in motorcycling with a special video series. In this second episode, Indian Motorcycle recognizes Shayna Texter, celebrating her past successes while documenting her all-new challenges in the SuperTwins class.
Check out the video link below to watch the full video. Have a look and let us know if this is something you may be interested in sharing. If you’d like to schedule an interview with Shayna Texter, please let me know and I’d be happy to assist.

Thanks for the response. I thought about your letter for a few days and one thing bothered me: Your excuse to vote against this marijuana freedom measure. How many decades will it take our government to come up with an answer to your question regarding being able to bust folks for being impaired? Ridiculous. Fix it and move on.
I want the Republican party to win every election because they are the can-do party. They make stuff happen for the American people. For instance, the business about college loans. Offer a terrific solution. Kids can get their loans reduced by helping their country through joining the service, community service, you name it.
Finally, there is a major move the Republican Party could accomplish easily and save humanity all over the world. End Climate Doom with Scientific Transparency. Force free speech and scientific transparency into the open. I could write a book on what that would accomplish. Can-do…
The National Rifle Association (NRA) welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen. The Court affirmed that the right to bear arms does not stop at a person’s front door. This is the most significant Second Amendment ruling in more than a decade.
The NRA has been focused on promoting “shall-issue” protocols and eliminating “may-issue” laws since the late 1980s, and before today’s decision, only eight states still operated under “may-issue” statutes. The Supreme Court’s ruling today marks the end of these subjective, unconstitutional permitting schemes.
The case challenged New York’s requirement that applicants for concealed carry licenses demonstrate “proper cause” to carry a firearm outside of their home. New York routinely used this requirement to deny law-abiding citizens the ability to properly protect themselves. New York is one of eight states that operate under such a “may issue” regime, and the NRA has long fought to abolish this practice in favor of “shall issue” or “constitutional carry” in which law-abiding citizens can exercise their right to carry as long as they meet certain objective criteria.
While the importance of this case cannot be understated and today NRA members enjoy a well-deserved victory, NRA remains committed to continuing this fight. Today’s ruling established the right to carry does not disappear at a person’s front door, but many unconstitutional gun control laws remain in America.
We are currently opposing the gun control package in the U.S. Senate, and urge you to contact your U.S. Senators.
The NRA will continue to fight these laws until every law-abiding American can exercise their right to defend themselves and their families with the firearm of their choosing.
Yours in Freedom,
Ken Lan
NRA-ILA Grassroots
The Mama Tried/Flat Out Friday 2022 show rocked the Milwaukee motorcycle scene with another weekend of custom builds, creative tributes, and community vibes.
NEVER DULL—About five weeks until the Rally hits. I’m helping with the Chip and a raffle roller project.
Arlin and Donna were in town putting their shop together on main. Shit is happening fast.
We have a half-acre on the other side of the stream behind the shop. I worked with Carl’s Trailers, Mike Bayne, a Hamster on a bridge. They did a killer job. My contractor and his helpers lifted it off the trailer and carefully set it across the stream. “Okay, get some dirt bikes and build a trail,” Jason said. “Let’s have flat track races.”
My son, Frank asked what I want for father’s day and my neighbor recommended one of these killer gas cans. Bada bing, it was delivered.
Irish Rich is wrapping final mods to our VL frame and I will bring you the first VL, XA, FL project bike tech.
Can’t wait to pull my new Smithy lathe out of the crate and assemble it. Lots of cleaning old Wilmington dust off shit and painting stuff for the shop.
We were even able to move the Salt Torpedo into the shop. I need to remove the rear wheel and take it to Jason at Deadwood Custom Cycles for a new tire. The winter got this one.
There’s so much more happening, but it’s Whiskey Thursday. I’m going to take the night off.
Ride fast and free, forever, goddammit!