The END Bikernet Weekly News for September 5, 2019


I ran two Climate pieces a couple of weeks ago. I got a kick out of this one from the Week. Let’s ask everyone who buys a fossil fuel car or motorcycle in the future to plant a tree. Done deal.

THE GREEN SOLUTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE—Scientist have calculated that the cheapest and most effective way to fight climate change may be to plant trees—a trillion of them. Because trees soak up atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming, researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology decided to examine what would happen if saplings were replanted on lands where forests had been cleared.

They concluded that the planet could support an extra 2.2 billion acres of tree cover, an area almost the size of the U.S.

Those new forests, the researchers say, would remove about two-thirds of the roughly 330 billion tons of carbon pumped into the atmosphere by humans since the industrial revolution.

Reforestation is “the top climate change solution in terms of carbon storage potential,” co-author Thomas Crowther tells

the Week Magazine.

Of course, the other article I ran that week along with several books point out the carbon dioxide has nothing to do with Climate Change. In fact, it might be that temperature impacts CO2, not the other way around. But whatever, planting trees and supporting open space is cool for lots of reasons. Did you know that the city with the most parks is Moscow, with almost 50 percent of the land mass devoted to parks and open space. I’ve always thought Long Beach had a great plan. You seem to either be able to see the ocean, canals, bays, or parks from everywhere you go.

Just don’t forget: Everything will be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right, it’s not the end. Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

The storm is heading North off the east coast of Florida what is known as the I-95 Corridor.
Contact with friends in Daytona Mainland said they were fine.
Dorian is heading to the Carolinas and they are now on Hurricane watch.

For us in Florida this was a standard prepare for the worse and pray for the best and it appears the prayers worked.
There are power lines down in places and most of the beaches got damage BUT no where near what could have happened if it was closer to the coast and or hit land.

We continue to hope that those in Dorians path STAY SAFE

Senior Editor™

LATEST GUN NUT REPORT--HARPA: Social Credit (Mental) Scoring For Gun Control

The Trump Administration has broken the ice on using Social Credit Scoring technology to decide who is mentally stable enough to purchase a weapon. Like a ‘No-Fly’ list, a ‘No-Buy’ list would be based on AI analysis of social media posts. ? TN Editor

The Trump administration is considering a proposal that would use Google, Amazon and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The proposal is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health and Human Services Department, the report notes, citing sources inside the administration. The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director.

HARPA would take after Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, which serves as the research arm for the Pentagon. The idea was first crafted in 2017 but has since gotten a renewed push after mass shootings killed 31 people in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in August.

The Suzanne Wright Foundation approached the president recently and proposed the agency include a project called Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes, or Safe Home, the report notes, citing two people familiar with the matter.

President Donald Trump has a close relationship with Bob Wright, who founded the foundation after his wife died of cancer. Wright was a former chair of NBC and occupied that position while the president hosted “The Apprentice.”

HARPA would develop “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence,” according to a copy of the proposal. “A multi-modality solution, along with real-time data analytics, is needed to achieve such an accurate diagnosis.”

The document lists several technologies that could be employed to help collect information, including Apple Watches, Amazon Echo and Google Home. Geoffrey Ling, the lead scientific adviser on HARPA, told reporters Thursday the plan would require enormous amounts of data and “scientific rigor.”

He added: “Everybody would be a volunteer. We’re not inventing new science here. We’re analyzing it so we can develop new approaches.” The White House declined to provide the Daily Caller News Foundation with a statement, but sources told WaPo that Trump has reacted “very positively” to the proposal — it is unclear if he has seen the Safe Home idea.

–Technocracy News

Dalton’s NHDRO 4.60 Win First Ever for a No-Bar Bike–Rain may have interrupted NHDRO’s Liguori Drag Racing World Semifinals at West Salem, Ohio’s Dragway 42, but not before a unique achievement by Jeff Dalton in Pro Ultra 4.60.

The world’s quickest motorcycle index class is generally reserved for Pro Mods and Funnybikes—big tire, wheelie bar monsters with nitrous or turbos. Dalton’s bike is a turbo, no-bar, Suzuki Hayabusa.

His original plan for the “Autism Awareness” bike was to race grudge, but few race opportunities came his way. Looking at his timeslips, Dalton realized he could do more racing and be competitive running 4.60, eighth mile index. So, he entered the bike in the class for the first time at NHDRO’s Louisville event, and this past weekend at 42 he notched his first win—and the first ever anywhere for a no-bar bike in 4.60.

Granted, a starting line infraction by Cleveland racer Jimmy Muntain made the final round an easy one for Dalton, but that’s racing. Muntain—doing his best Andrew Hines impression—rolled the beams on the two-step. Dalton also advanced past number one qualifier Heath McQuinn in E1.

“NHDRO is the place to go!” said an enthusiastic Dalton. “I cannot wait till the 2020 NHDRO season—I am going for the championship! Started too late this year and am still learning how to get this beast consistently on the number.”

Indy’s $16,000 race winner Tom Klemme won Saturday’s MPS Pro ET, beating Larry Hunter in the final. Klemme was also still alive in Sunday’s Pro ET race when rain shut the event down on Sunday afternoon. Craig Adams, Rod “Exciting” Bland, Steven “Dolemite” Dolamore, Ron Raymond, and KJ Shellhaas were also still in.

With limited track time available at the upcoming World Finals at Gateway, purses were split amongst those left racing in all classes for this event.

Saturday’s Kevin Dennis Insurance Street ET winner was Norwalk legend Kevin Adams, who beat Jeremy England in the final.

There were eight Street ET racers left racing on Sunday. They were Beau Ivy, Jim “Klingon” Kleon, Travis Kotz, Garreth and Scott Sheppeard, Drew Nearhoof, Robert Neizmik, and Michael Schmalle.

M2.Shocks Crazy Comp racers still vying for the win were Canadian Murray Lonsbary, Gregory Highsmith (who beat number one qualifier David Liguori in round 2), Matt Knaggs, Nathan Hollingsworth, Joey Brandgard, Tylan Beckelheimer, Tom Luke, Joe Klemme, and Kevin Adams.

Racers still alive in Penske Racing Shocks Street Fighter were number one qualifier Neizmik, England, Eric Vansboy, Kevin Adams, and Ron Arnold.

Hardcore Cycles Top Gas still had Dustin Lee (who beat number one qualifier Bland in the first round), David “Skywalker” Thompson, Jeremy Teasley, Scott Sheppeard, and—yet again— Kevin Adams.

Mass Traction’s Brandon Mass had 42’s surface on point for every class, with Indy Pro Street winner Dave Roisen running his personal best short times at this event.

Saturday night’s VooDoo Grudge races saw NHDRO’s own Brian Welch ride the MSP-built-and-tuned “Big Greezy” past Josh Ford, and John Dyer on the “Shark” Suzuki Hayabusa beat Cameron Teasley on a Kawasaki ZX14.

Until it rained, the weekend saw perfect weather for racing, picnicking and camping for the NHDRO racing family in Dragway 42’s park-like setting.

The Midwest’s largest motorcycle drag racing series returns to action for the Kenneth R. Schwartz Attorney at Law NHDRO World Finals on October 19-20 at World Wide Technology Raceway at Gateway in Madison, Illinois.

Top Gas racer Kenny Schwartz looks forward to seeing you there, and NHDRO’s Brian and Niki Welch can’t wait to crown their latest champions.

Find out more about NHDRO at

More about Liguori Drag Racing:

More about Dragway 42:

This report was prepared by Tim Hailey. Enjoy everything there is to read, see and watch about motorcycle drag racing and more at

MORE FROM FLORIDA– In 2015 Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R.) signed SB 290, allowing concealed carry without a permit during a state of declared mandatory evacuation. “As Hurricane Season approaches it’s critical that our rights are protected during natural disasters,” according to a statement released by Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-Petersburg. “With the signing of SB 290, all lawful gun owners will be permitted to carry a concealed weapon if they are complying with a mandatory evacuation during a state of emergency. I’m proud to have sponsored this bipartisan bill ensuring that we have the right to protect our families during these sometimes chaotic times.”


RÖMÖ motorfestival Denmark
Claes Lindblom of Sweden put an old Husky to life again
Raced the beach with his nephew
Life is good


Make sure to check out the Sketchbooks Store for Monte’s Art Books, like the one above, entitled “Cover Up” featuring some of his best Cover Art.

So, this last week we did a new Livestream sales event for the fans on Facebook and we made some quality improvements on the presentation by having the art offerings up on the big screen TV in the studio. This eliminated having to move around with the camera or flip pages in the portfolio, and we also paired down the offering from dozens of originals and prints to only about 10 items, including select originals, rare collectable comic books, prints and art books.

This allowed us to spend Moore time on each item rather than blazing through everything too quickly. By putting the event on Facebook viewers are allowed to participate during the event and claim items they would like to purchase, as well as review the video anytime later and still make purchases after the fact if they weren’t available.

Some items like art books are always available and others, like original pieces, and rare comics are more limited items. Although many fans are not on Facebook, I find it currently the best portal for interaction, allowing me to be able to check in and chat with fans, post updates and give sneak peaks of new projects.

I really enjoy being able to stay connected though social media, and I hope YOU have a chance to join us in the studio and online at a future Livestream event that brings you Moore art than most!- BAM!

— Monte – #ExpectMoore

5-Ball LEATHERS ARE HERE TO STAY—We are having a blast with this line and it keeps expanding. The pit crew is so popular for hot days on the road with the breathable Ballistic Nylon, we are making a women’s version.

All leather orders get a free real 5-Ball Bandana with each purchase and one of K. Randall Ball’s crummy books. It’s even signed.


NEWS: Our Cedar Rapids Office Moved!

The new office is located at 415 12th Ave. SE, Suite 202, and will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

NEWS: New Safety Initiative Tackles Dangerous Milwaukee Intersections

Attorney Michael Hupy is supporting the “Take it E-Z” Initiative, which will pay close attention to four Milwaukee intersections, known for high accident volumes.

NEWS FROM VINTAGE RIDES–Rwanda: A Call for Exploration

November 2018, we get a message out of the blue from someone called Rudy in Africa.

He’s quite something, and he’s been a dedicated biker since he was 12. Born in Burundi, he spent his childhood in the Congo (ex Zaire) and he settled in Rwanda 4 years ago.

“I love this area, I feel at home. When I turned 18 I got my first car, a Land Rover, and drove across the Great Lakes area.”

What were we doing at 18 years old ?

He invites us to explore his small country, Rwanda, in the Great Lakes area of Africa.

“Follow me and Vintage Riders will be the first to explore the Land of a Thousand Hills on a motorbike.”

He’s hit a nerve. He definitely knows what will grab us, but as always we have to talk with the team.

Let’s admit it; for us, as for many, Rwanda makes us think of the genocide of the Tutsi. Twenty-five years later, the scars may still be there but Rwanda has risen like a phoenix from the ashes to a new life.

We need to explore. We know more about the thousand passes of the Himalayas than the thousand hills of Rwanda.

Out with the maps and the history books. We read up on the turbulent history and we chat with friends who know this small corner of the world.

25 years of political stability and strong economic growth. Rwanda, now a safe country, defies the usual clichés of the African Continent. Volcanoes rising to 4500 metres, majestic lakes and lush nature. The country seems to have everything to appeal to our riders.

And let’s face it, it feels good to be able to give a little help to the country as well.

So we send Sophie and Francois, our explorers, straight out to test the waters. Their verdict?

“ A slap in the face ! “

First off, the Rwandans, hospitable and sociable, welcomed them with open arms.
And then the beauty of the landscape took their breath away….

From Kigali to Lake Kivu, via Nyungwe Forest and Akagera National Park, the country of a thousand hills is a real playground. We had to narrow it down so we’ve put a route of 1,000km together.

On the programme: rides on beautiful little tarmac roads that surf the hills, some off-road sections if we like, walk on the canopy, discover the ancient culture of Rwanda and get a look at the lions, giraffes, elephants and other kings of the savannah.

Sophie and Francois were even lucky enough to encounter a family of gorillas at the edge of the road.

We won’t spill all here, but we are delighted to have discovered this goldmine through Rudy.

So, does it appeal to you?

A temperate climate, volcanoes up to 4500m, large primary, high altitude forest and vast areas of savannah. The hospitable and sociable Rwandans are the ambassadors of an ancient culture and a unique way of life. Explore the network of beautiful tarmac roads that wind through the hills on wonderful trails.

Rwanda: The Land of a Thousand Hills
9 days including 7 riding days
1,000 kms

Photos credits : Sophie Squillace / François Combes

Vintage Rides
(By appointment only)
128 rue de la Boétie
75008 PARIS

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Jared Mees Closes Season Standings Gap on Wrecking Crew Teammate & Points Leader Briar Bauman

Indian Motorcycle Racing stayed victorious this past weekend in Illinois, as the FTR750 swept the podium at the Springfield Mile doubleheader.

Reigning AFT Twins Champion Jared Mees secured back-to-back wins, while Indian Motorcycle Privateer Jeffrey Carver Jr. placed second at Springfield Mile I and Wrecking Crew Rider and current points leader Briar Bauman finished third and second, respectfully. Bronson Bauman completed the all-Wrecking Crew podium sweep at the Springfield Mile II with a third-place finish.

Springfield Mile I featured a close battle between Mees and Carver as they each separated themselves from the pack early on. Mees led for a majority of the main but Carver was able to catch Mees and overtake him briefly. The heat turned up during a neck-and-neck battle on the final lap, as Carver pulled past Mees but exited turn three too wide – allowing Mees to undercut him, pull ahead and earn his fifth win of the season.

The second half of the doubleheader brought even more excitement with each of the top 10 racers finishing within one second of each other. After starting the race from row four, Mees was able to make his way to the front of the pack, where he joined multiple riders in a heated battle for the lead. The 25-mile Main saw multiple lead changes and It wasn’t until the final lap that the Indian Motorcycle Wrecking Crew broke free to take first, second and third. The culmination of the event resulted in Mees capturing his sixth win of the year, Briar Bauman securing his 13th podium of the season and Bronson Bauman reaching the podium for the fourth time this season.

“It was another great weekend for our team and we’re proud to see them having continued success week-in and week-out,” said Gary Gray, Vice President – Racing, Technology & Service for Indian Motorcycle. “It’s been a great season – fun and entertaining as a fan – and with the AFT Twins Championship still up for grabs, we’re excited to see Jared, Briar and Bronson battle it out during the home-stretch of the season.”

As the current points leader with 280 points, Briar Bauman has secured 13 total podiums, including four wins. The defending champion, Mees, who has won three out his last four races, has caught momentum and currently stands with 255 points – holding six wins and reaching the podium a total of nine times. Bronson Bauman, who is enjoying the best season of his Twins career, is currently third in the points standings with 215 points, and has one Twins Main victory along with 10 top five finishes this season.

The AFT Twins season continues on September 7 with races at Williams Grove Speedway, in Mechanicsburg, PA. For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing, visit and follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing’s sponsors, visit their websites: Progressive Motorcycle Insurance, S&S Cycle, Indian Motorcycle Oil, Parts Unlimited, Drag Specialties, Alpinestars, Bell Helmets and J&P Cycles.

To learn more, please visit

–Jeff Millard

QUICK, OPEN THE BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE LIBRARY– On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of South Pacific, the following people are stranded:

Two Italian men and one Italian woman.
Two French men and one French woman.
Two German men and one German woman.
Two Greek men and one Greek woman.
Two British men and one British woman.
Two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman.
Two Japanese men and one Japanese woman.
Two Chinese men and one Chinese woman.
Two Irish men and one Irish woman.
Two American men and one American woman.

One month later, on these absolutely stunning deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:

One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.

The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in a ménage à trois.

The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman.

The two Greek men are sleeping together and the Greek woman is cooking and cleaning for them.

The two British men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the British woman.

The two Bulgarian men took one look at the Bulgarian woman and started swimming to another island.

The two Japanese have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.

The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy, liquor store, restaurant, and laundry, and have gotten the woman pregnant in order to supply more employees for their stores.

The two Irish men divided the island into north and south and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few pints of coconut whisky. However, they’re satisfied because the British aren’t having any fun.

The two American men are contemplating suicide, because the American woman complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her look fat, how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all her problems, and why didn’t they bring a damn cell phone so they could call 911 and get them all rescued off this forsaken deserted island in the middle of freaking nowhere so she can get her nails done and go shopping.’


OLIVE CREST COMES TO BARTELS’ H-D—Actually, it’s the other way around. Bartels’ Harley is supporting the abused kids at Olive Crest.

2nd Annual Ride for the Children (Los Angeles)

Date(s) – 09/22/2019
8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Join us for the 2nd Annual Ride for the Children and Stop Child Abuse! In partnership with Bartels’ Harley Davidson & Glendale Harley, ride, enjoy a BBQ lunch and a live concert by Aces & Eights. Grand Marshals Lorenzo Lamas, Perry King, and Dave Ekins.

Kickstands up at 10:30 am From Bartels’ Harley Davidsion 4141 Lincoln Blvd. Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 to Paramount Ranch 2903 Cornell Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Grab your bike & Purchase your tickets to Ride for Children today!

NEWS FROM NICK– GUITAR WORLD MAGAZINE!! This is a serious honor for me.

I remember the year I started playing guitar (I was 12) running home from school each month around this time, checking the mailbox hoping the next issue had been delivered. 23 years later… here we are.

Thank you to EVERYONE who is supporting me on this crazy journey. I am grateful, and I love you. Something magical is happening now. I can feel it.

Hang on, and keep a lookout for the November issue of Guitar World, on newsstands soon!



Two Montana men who wrongly claimed to be military veterans while trying to get more favorable sentences were ordered to prison last week — and neither inmate will be eligible for parole until they complete an assignment that includes hand-writing the names of all Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Ryan Morris, 28, and Troy Nelson, 33, both claimed they were veterans as part of an effort to get their cases moved to a Veterans Court to receive lesser sentences.

Before either can be eligible for parole, however, Pinski ordered them both to handwrite the names of the 6,756 Americans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan; to write out the obituaries of the 40 Montanans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan; and send hand-written letters of apology to several veterans groups, making sure to identify themselves as having lied about military service to receive help and possibly a lesser sentence through a Veterans Court.

The judge also ordered that, during the suspended portions of their sentences, Morris and Nelson must stand at the Montana Veterans Memorial in Great Falls for eight hours on each Memorial Day and Veterans Day wearing a placard that says: “I am a liar. I am not a veteran. I stole valor. I have dishonored all veterans.”

–from Mr. Wonderful and Wanda

The 2020 Handbuilt Motorcycle Show.
Well… It’s official! Dates for the Handbuilt Show 2020 will be April 3rd-5th and tickets are on sale at special early bird pricing.

–It’s coming from Revival Cycles

THIS JUST IN FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT–Cannibalism: Professor Says Eating Human Flesh Will Save Planet From ‘Climate Change’

Watch on Swedish TV here:

Scientist Says Eating Human Flesh Will Save Planet From Climate Change. A Swedish scientist suggests that it may be necessary to turn to cannibalism and start eating human flesh to save the planet (giving new meaning to the expression bite me) And NO this story is not from The Onion.

A conference about the food of the future called Gastro Summit being held in Stockholm Sweden featured a presentation by Magnus Söderlund claiming that we must get used to the idea of eating human flesh in the future, as a way of combating the effects of climate change.

–Marc Morano
Climate Depot

TRAILBLAZERS 2020 HONOREES ANNOUNCED–The Trailblazers have announced the list of honorees for their 76th annual banquet next April. At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, the final list was approved and wow, what a list of motorcycling luminaries who will be on stage to receive their honors.

Dick Hammer Award: Eddie Mulder

2020 Hall of Fame Inductees:

Johnny Campbell
Scot Harden
Steve Johnson
Bruce Penhall
Brad Lackey
Bubba Shobert

In the category of “Unsung Heroes,” Larry Langley will receive the Earl & Lucile
Flanders Lifetime Achievement Award
The 2020 Trailblazers banquet will be held at the Carson Center in Carson, CA
on Saturday, April 4, 2020.

Information about ordering tickets and other details will be announced soon at:

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Movie Review: Sgt. Will Gardner

I am a Navy Vet with no disability except ringing ears and the VA has been taking care of all my medical needs since I went on social security in 2009.

I was never in a war zone but the councilors who helped me sign up kept asking if I had nightmares or any PTSD signs. They will give anyone who was in combat from 50 to 100 percent disability very easy. The only people who have trouble are the ones with other than honorable discharges.

I know several of my old friends are getting help. They are from the Vietnam era and didn’t even think to apply till they had been out for 30 years or so. I don’t understand why we have homeless vets except by their own choice.

–Bill May
Nashville , TN

I watched a hearing the other day. One of the experts broke it down: Any homeless, who has been on the streets over a year wants to be there and wants to be left alone. Then the rest are either mental or on drugs or alcoholics. They don’t want homes. They want the shit.–Bandit

Greetings from Transylvania – LIQUI MOLY bites back–LIQUI MOLY Company Magazine, September issue

We have just published the new issue of our company magazine “Pictures & Stories”. The past few weeks has again been a great time for our brand to be seen in motorsport all over the world – in particular at the Red Bull Romaniacs motocross event in Transylvania. The bikes need a lot of maintenance after each stage to ensure that everything is working flawlessly. There are a host of LIQUI MOLY products available for maintaining vehicles and maintaining their value – and not just for off-road machines. This issue shows how extensive our range is, and you can find many more interesting pictures and stories in it.

For more information, please contact:


–Peter Szarafinski

Ask your friends to join the Cantina and keep us alive.–Bandit
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Klock Werks First Off-Road Catalog is Built for Purpose–Just in time for the off-road season, Klock Werks announces the release of their first off-road only catalog.

With an entire catalog dedicated to the off-road division, the patented UTV Flare™ Windshield and high quality Billet Aluminum accessories are showcased to perfection.

“We absolutely couldn’t wait to release this catalog,” said Dan Cheeseman, Vice-President and Head of the Off-Road Division at Klock Werks. “Riders and their dealers have been wanting -and looking- for ways to add a better experience to their off-road adventures. Now they can have it, and it’ll even come from one of the most iconic brands in the powersports industry.”

Klock Werks created their first UTV build, “The Ca$h Hole” back in 2017. People started seeing the car at events then inundated email inboxes wondering when more parts for their own builds would be available.

“Over the last few years we have steadily been growing our off-road division, and the products and accessories we offer are truly designed and built for a purpose.” said Cheeseman “Until now we didn’t have a tool to showcase just how great they really are. With this catalog, it’s a game-changer.”

The 28-page full-color catalog features each of the part families Klock Werks offers for off-road: UTV Flare™ Windshields, Billet Aluminum Accessories, Device Mounts, Kleaning Products, and more.

“One of our favorite features in the catalog is the amount of photography from our very own customers as well as industry peers,” Cheeseman shares. “We are always amazed at how many people are actually using our products. Scrolling through our hashtag (#getklocked) is humbling. The diversity happening with our parts across the country and around the world is incredible.”

Printed copies of the catalog are available upon request at, and will be shipped out immediately.

For more info check

New RACY Bikernet Reader Comment!–

When do we see the semi-finished body of the Salt Torpedo? Don’t make me have to ride over there.

— Gearhead
Torrance, Ca.

Here it is goddammit!–Bandit

NEWS FROM QUICK THROTTLE MAGAZINE– Old Town Cottonwood’s Thunder Valley Rally where “History is Just the Beginning” free street party concerts and more.

Enjoy Concerts, Miss TVR Contest, Little Biker Program, Poker Run, Vendors and More

2019 Featured Bands include .38 Special, Great White, Mogollon and More

There is also lots of great riding and plenty to do in the local area

Dry Camping is available at Freedom Bird and there are other local campgrounds with hookups as well as local hotels

Weekend Pass is ONLY $20 per Person

RODDER’S JOURNAL Hot off the Press!–

This just in! The brand new Rodder’s Journal #82 is on its way to subscribers right now; all copies have been shipped. Weighing in at 168 pages, it’s one of our most editorially diverse issues in recent memory. The newsstand cover features a truly over-the-top Funny Car-inspired, injected Hemi-powered ’34 Ford five-window in baremetal. For the subscriber cover we captured a genuine barn find hot rod powerplant: a blown Y-block photographed exactly as it was found after a 58-year slumber in an abandoned Virginia garage.


Inside you’ll find everything from a land speed record-setting Thunderbird Streamliner from the ’50s to a Gene Winfield-style bubble top Buick custom built just last year in Japan. We also cover the T.R.O.G. Drags on the West Coast, the throwback Jalopyrama indoor car show on the East, retrospectives of late-’30s Chevy Gassers and the first Street Rod Nationals. If that’s not enough, we also take a look at an iconic Deuce five-window from the dawn of the traditional rodding movement 30 years ago. With rods and customs from mild to wild, and racing on the street, salt and strip, TRJ #82 has it all!

To place an order, click the red boxes above or give us a call at (800) 750-9550 in North America or (804) 496-6906 internationally.

Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal
A Look Inside…

Virginia hot rodder Bill Kane began building what would be his ultimate Deuce five-window show rod back in the mid-’50s, and the crown jewel was to be a beautifully detailed, 4-71-blown Y-block. Along the way he held onto every receipt and scrap of paper relating to the build, but by 1961 he’d run out of patience and money, and he locked the project in his garage and threw away the key. A few years ago the Deuce and the well-dressed ’56 Y-block were discovered and purchased by a new generation of Virginia hot rodders. We captured the blown Y-block as it was found, along with those decades-old receipts, and document what is one of the most complete hot rodding time capsule we’ve come across yet.

SMOKEOUT NEWS–I just read where EDGE the SMOKE-OUT Commander is retiring from the SMOKE-OUT after number 20. There is still going to be a SMOKE-OUT from what I read with a different boss.

Edge should be extremely proud of his efforts building the SMOKE-OUT into one of the GREATEST motorcycle events ever!


CHOW HALL OF THE WEEK– Poochies!! With Doug Sohn and A Biker Dude!

Had an amazing time eating, laughing and learning from one of my food Icons, Doug Sohn the owner of the World Famous Hot Doug’s!!

Doug chose Poochie’s in Skokie, because they are making the proper Chicago Dog. Listen as Doug takes you through what Poochies is doing right when it comes to the proper Chicago Dog.

Another one of Doug’s favorites is the Char Salami sandwich, only 4 ingredients and it is a powerhouse of flavor! Also order the Char Cheddar burger and the Cheddar fries topped with Merkt’s cheddar cheese! Poochies is located in Skokie, IL Get some!!

To see over 100 more awesome food spots subscribe here, Also follow me on IG at A Biker Dude.



a person or thing that is especially attractive, liked, or enjoyed.

“It’s a peacherino!” declared Tom enthusiastically. “Just wait till you see it and listen to the music coming in.”
— A. Hyatt Verrill, The Radio Detectives, 1922


Slang terms are notoriously difficult to etymologize, and peacherino is a slang term. Peacherino, with the variant spellings or words peachamaroot, peacherine, peachermaroot, is American in origin, formed from peach in the sense “someone or something especially attractive, liked, or enjoyed,” and the suffix -erino, of uncertain origin, but possibly from the suffix -eroo (of uncertain origin itself) augmented by the Spanish or Italian diminutive suffix -ino. The suffix -erino has its own variants, such as -arina, -arino, -erama, -ereeno, -erine. Peacherino entered English in the late 19th century.

After 24 years and 70,000+ miles…
Our friend Panhead Jim decided to chop his trusty Sportster. He has some very nice, stock, vintage Harleys that he has restored, which you might have been able to guess from his nickname…

This full custom Sportster chopper build will be documented by Jim for your viewing pleasure. Follow along and check out Part 1, and stay tuned through the winter as he makes more progress.

LowBrow Customs

MOTORCYCLE CANNONBALL ACTION–Motorcycle Cannonball is still good, it’s on schedule for 2020. The CCC is for newer bikes (1930-1948), north-to-south route, and no chase vehicles.

Riders must carry their gear on their bikes and be self-sufficient, as opposed to the super-shops that tag along on the MC. We were expecting a younger group but hasn’t been the case. A lot of MC riders signed up. This is sponsored by the MC and by Legends Motorcycle Emporium out of Utah.

–Felicia Morgan
Queen of the Cannonball
Princess of the new Motorcycle Cross Country Chase

LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2012 Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob

ONLY $9,995.00


The 2012 Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob FXDB is a classic bobber motorcycle. If you’re looking for bobber motorcycles you’ll like the Street Bob’s slammed solo bobber seat. This seat not only adds to the style of the bike, but also keeps you comfortable. The bobber appearance is also maintained in the post war style stainless steel mini ape hanger handlebar.

Add that to the stripped down Dyna fender, in combination with a good portion of the metal stripped off the bike, and you have a classic bobber motorcycle look. The 1940s sausage taillight also adds to the classic bobber motorcycle style. The classic look continues with the Harley® Street Bob® FXDB’s black laced steel 19 inch Harley® wheels. And the blacked out rims, match the blacked out style of the Twin Cam 96 engine.

Features include:

Grab hold of the stainless steel mini ape-hanger handlebar and put your fists way up in the wind—it’ll take you back to the good old days of post-war bobbers. And for that clean and minimalist, bobber look, the wires are routed inside the steel.


True to the old school bobber look, a slammed solo seat drops you in nice and snug to the bike and close to the pavement beneath you. It’s the ultimate bond with the road and your machine. Get the quintessential bobber style without sacrificing the comfort of the ride.


Lose the support covers and a good chunk of metal and you get another important feature of the bobber from yesteryear: the chopped rear fender. Stripped down clean, this fender offers just enough surface for low-profile taillights and a license plate bracket. Give other riders more tire to look at when you blow past them.


Raw, gritty and no-nonsense—the Street Bob® motorcycle features black laced steel wheels and stainless steel spokes with an aggressive 19″ wheel up front to lead your way out of the mundane. Blacked out like the Harley-Davidson® Twin Cam engine, these wheels make a bold statement and provide a smooth, true ride.


Old school looks meet new-school engineering. Chrome, retro-style bullet taillights combine functionality to work twice as hard—stop beams and running lights plus turn indicators in two low-profile rear lamps.

This bike has been thoroughly checked out by the Lifestyle Cycles crew.

EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT IN THE END—It’s sorta hot here, The hurricane subsided in Florida, the president of France issued a dire warning regarding the Amazon fires, but used a photo from a fire from 20 years ago.

We are living in the best of times so suddenly we must be faced with doomsday predictions every time it rains. It’s as if man needs conflict to survive.

Frankie, my grandson came over to pick up his wrecked Dyna. He was bummed. He said he was going to stop at Chris Morrison’s Paint Shop and ask him if anything could be salvages.

I told him to stop in and talk to Larry Settles, at Larry Settles Custom Motorcycles. Haven’t heard the outcome of that one. It’s going to be interesting. He was doing burnouts in front of the headquarters and tried a tough-guy wheel stand. Of course, the bike went over backwards, almost, then flipped forward destroying that beautiful 49 mm frontend I bought for it.

Hang on for more reports. Be careful out there.

Ride fast and free forever,


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