
This has been one amazing week. I didn’t finish my Weekend Round-up because shit was moving fast. It’s still moving fast, and maybe not fast enough, but we will see.

I started on the Weekend Round-Up for July 22nd, But never finished it.

It’s nuts. My weeks don’t end. I try to make Friday fun, have a helluva workout on Saturday, and I’m back in the shop fulltime on Sunday.

It’s all sort of a blur. Last Friday George came over and we worked on trying to figure out the windshield, which I picked up in the morning. “fit it and mark it,” Jon Brodersen said, “We will trim it on Monday.” Jon, the son of the owner of Aircraft Windshields threw a bunch of tech info at me about maintaining and cleaning the acrylic ¼-inch clear shield. “Don’t use any chemicals on it, like Windex or lacquer thinner.”

With the Windshield in hand we were close to cutting the canopy, which was a scary operation. We had one shot at cutting this puppy. Tons of discussion went into kicking around the latch, the hinges, and a lip system to keep wind from lifting the canopy and keeping it aligned when in place.

Saturday, we spent the majority of the day taping off the area for the windshield and canopy. George has a program for taping off one side, and then making a template of that side for the opposite side. We got mighty close to making the first cut, when we installed the windshield over the body and noticed some issues. We decided to take a break and cut on Monday.

In the meantime, I went to work on mechanical issues. For some reason, after all the welding and paint, shit wasn’t fitting and I had to punt a few times. But the shifter is all set and so is the system for pulling the shoot. I started to grease and oil cables. Nothing seemed to be sliding comfortably. I oiled the throttle cable and it’s working better. The clutch cable is tough to pull, but it’s all set to do its job. I’ll let Micah adjust the clutch. He set up the transmission and sealed it, but discovered the detent was way off. It wasn’t shifting.

I installed the rear chain, and I have new fasteners for the rear sprocket. They
Stick out too much. I went to McMaster Carr for special rear parachute anchor fasteners. I need to call about my tires tomorrow and find out what’s happening with the safety belt system from RJS. I should call Dennis Manning and see how he’s doing.

Shit was flying, so the Weekend Round-up didn’t make it. Hell, wait until you read the wrap-up at the end of the news.

Let’s hit it:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.


The DIMEBAG brand growing and moving forward. Each handtooled leather wallet will be numbered and signed by Adam Croft.
Adam is also working on more Dimebag products to be available soon.

Adam Croft Leather
Vintage American Cycles

We turned over our wallet and watch band products from the ‘70s to Adam. He’s making the old school stuff shine.–Bandit

 Your MRF Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway–

Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session.

RPM Act to be Introduced

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation was invited to participate in a working group with the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) and a host of other organizations about the future of the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act). As we have reported in the past, we were unsure if this legislation would be introduced in the 116th Congress since the political appetite has changed on the hill. During the last Congress, the House version was able to gain 150 cosponsors but never made it to the floor for a vote, and the Senate version with its 39 cosponsors suffered the same fate in the waning days of 2018.

The MRF anticipates that this legislation will be introduced in the coming weeks before Congress adjourns for their August recess. Please be ready for any future calls to action that may find their way to your inbox.

NTSB Releases 2019–2020 NTSB Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements
The National Transportation Safety Board released its 2019-2020 Most Wanted List earlier this week. After reading the 28-page document, the MRF found that motorcycles only gathered the attention of the agency twice but thankfully not as a stand-alone issue like in years past. The two areas where motorcyclists are mentioned are:


End Alcohol and Other Impairment in Transportation

TO THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION: Examine the influence of alcohol and other drug use on motorcycle rider crash risk compared to that of passenger vehicle drivers, and develop guidelines to assist states in implementing evidence-based strategies and countermeasures to more effectively address substance-impaired motorcycle rider crashes.

What about distracted and substance impair drivers?


Increase Implementation of Collision Avoidance Systems in All-New Highway Vehicles

TO THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION: Incorporate motorcycles in the development of performance standards for passenger vehicle crash warning and prevention systems.

After years of motorcycles being forgotten in other Department of Transportation guidance on autonomous vehicles, we are pleased that the NTSB is sending a directive to NHTSA to make sure motorcycles are included in autonomous vehicle standards. If you want to know what else the NTSB is working on other the next year, you can read the whole report HERE

Focus Groups

This week the Governors Highway Safety Association released a report on “Motorcyclists’ Attitudes on Using High-Visibility Gear to Improve Conspicuity.” Needless to say, the conclusions listed below by this taxpayer-funded study can be filed under the category of obvious and predictable.


Eighteen focus groups with 137 motorcycle riders in California, Maryland, Michigan, and Texas were conducted to explore motorcyclists’ attitudes toward wearing high-visibility gear to increase conspicuity. In most groups, only one or two participants said they regularly wear high visibility gear.

Based on the focus group discussions, several factors emerged as barriers to motorcyclists’ use of high-visibility gear. The most important involves the appearance of the high-visibility gear. It is judged as unappealing by some riders, and many riders are concerned that the look or style of the gear does not fit in with their riding culture. These factors work against the acceptance of high-visibility gear, even though many riders believe such gear may be effective for increasing conspicuity. Many participants thought that motorcycle-riding culture would have to change for riders to adopt high-visibility gear, due to the association of novice riders and older riders with high-visibility gear.

Another barrier to the use of high-visibility gear is riders’ skepticism that high-visibility apparel provides enough of a safety benefit to warrant its use and cost. Evidence that demonstrates the safety benefits of high-visibility gear is important to convincing motorcyclists they would personally benefit from using it.

In addition to adverse feelings about high-visibility gear itself, many participants expressed the belief that high-visibility gear would not improve safety, largely because of the perception that motorists are distracted anyway. In fact, several participants suggested that the onus should be on drivers to look for motorcyclists.

If you are interested, you can find the full 81-page report by slipping over to the MRF web site.

Standing Update:

We are currently at 58 cosponsors from 25 states for the motorcycle profiling resolution. This is an increase of 4 new cosponsors since last week and with our first lawmaker from Massachusetts signing on. Click HERE to see if your member has signed on.

–Your Team in D.C. Tiffany & Rocky
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation

About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

Bands and Bikes Highlight Gettysburg Bike Week 2019 Rally–Record Crowds at GBW 18th Anniversary

Gettysburg, PA (July 19, 2018) – Gettysburg Bike Week kicked off Thursday, July 11, 2019, for its 18th anniversary rally at the Allstar Events Family Fun Complex in Gettysburg, PA. With four days of the best bands, events and entertainment. Rally goers turned out in droves to great weather and enjoyed great music, Harley-Davidson demos, bike shows, mini-bike races celebrity appearance from Josh Owens and much much more.

“We had the best attendance we have ever seen” said event coordinator Kelly Shue. “We work hard throughout the year to make sure we have the best bands, entertainment and vendors for all the riders. This year we seem to have the right combination of them all.”

National touring musicians graced the stage every day including Jasmine Cain, and Kashmir to kick the weekend off on Thursday. The Resurrection tour featuring Tantric, Shallow Side, Saving Abel, Saliva and Puddle of Mudd had people showing up early to make sure they got to see as many of the bands as they could. Saturday, Queenryche closed it out with an amazing show of hard rock musicianship, which was topped off by an awe-inspiring fireworks show. All of these top-flight musicians showed their true colors and played to the crowds energy, providing entertainment for the biggest crowds to date.

Other great music acts playing throughout the weekend included Brickyard Road, Rebel Soul, acoustic wizards Redemption Road, and Sound of Silence featuring teen percussion prodigy Avery the Drummer.

And music was just the beginning when it came to this year’s entertainment.

Legendary emcee Jack Schit presided over it all, performing master of ceremonies duties from the Budweiser Stage with Jen Shade helping to fill in any gaps and help keep a local connection. Mr. Schit added his lightening wit to live events like the world-famous Tattoo Competition, Bike Games and mini-bike racing. The Parade of Chrome, and the Cycle Source Ride-in Bike Show, were all greatly enjoyed by the record breaking crowd.

New this year was the Harley-Davidson demos where riders could select one of seven Harley-Davidsons and take it for a spin and see which one they preferred with no pressure. Gettysburg Bike Week brought in Josh Owens from the hit TV show Moonshiners which, provided lots of opportunities for riders to interact with him in a lot of different settings.

Of course, no rally would be complete without great riding, and Gettysburg features some of the best. Riders enjoyed tours of historic battlegrounds and hundreds of miles of the best riding in the East. And in addition to the fantastic solo riding, GBW patrons had a great time with several charity Poker runs.

This one’s hardly in the books, but you can never start planning too early for next year’s Gettysburg Bike Week which will be July 9-12 2020: New and returning riders can find updates, event scheduling, lodging information and anything they ever needed to know about Gettysburg Bike Week by visiting

Gettysburg Bike Week would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors Battlefield Harley-Davidson, Budweiser, Gettysburg Trading Post, Hot Leathers, Geico, Stambaugh Law, Dale E Anstine, Color Wheel Flooring America, Tevis Energy, Beckley’s Camping Center, Ride into History and Steinwehr Avenue Business Improvement District.

BAD COP REPORT FROM THE CHIP–What Sturgis Police Will Be Watching For During This Year’s Motorcycle Rally

Nothing puts a damper on fun quite like a run in with Johnny Law, and with the increased police presence in and around the city of Sturgis during the annual motorcycle rally, knowing the state and local laws is a must. To make sure you have the 411 on what law enforcement officers will be looking for, Sturgis Rider® News sat down with Chief of Police Geody VanDewater of the Sturgis Police Department. Make sure you and other riders on the road can have a safe and fun time during this year’s Sturgis motorcycle rally by checking out his list of dos and don’ts.

Drinking and Driving

This is a no-brainer. If you plan on kicking back some cold ones, please designate a sober driver to get you back to your home base safely. If that’s not an option, there are modes of public transportation you can use that will cost you significantly less than a DUI. The Sturgis Party Shuttle can get you where you need to go with stops at most of the area’s campgrounds and hotels including Sturgis and Deadwood. With the Buffalo Chip as its headquarters, the Sturgis Party Shuttle has shuttles that route every 30 minutes from 12 p.m. to 3 a.m. Aug. 4-13 at both the Chip’s east and west gate.

Illegal Drug Use

During the Sturgis motorcycle rally there are plenty of rides, concerts and activities that’ll give you a high that’s just as good as the hard stuff. According to their website, the Sturgis Police Department has a zero tolerance policy on all drug arrests no matter how small and will not relax charges on any violations. Just say no to drugs and you can avoid spending the bulk of your vacation in the clink.

Traffic Violations

Failure to Stop at Red Lights and Stop Signs
Traffic congestion is to be expected when you come into the city of Sturgis, but it’s important to remember to obey all traffic laws. When stopping at red lights and stop signs, you must come to a complete stop.

“Some people can balance their bike at a complete stop, but to be safe, we suggest you put at least one foot down and stop for 2-3 seconds.”

– Sturgis Chief of Police Geody VanDewater

Passing on the Sidewalk or Shoulder

You might get impatient when waiting in traffic, but don’t try to pass on the right shoulder or sidewalks. If you are caught doing this, Sturgis police will stop you and issue you a $111 ticket. You can also use Fort Meade Way to avoid the hassle of waiting through heavy rally traffic.

Bike Modifications

Recent law changes allow you to have handlebars on your bike at the height of your choosing, but there are other modifications that are still illegal. For example, there are rules about how loud your exhaust system can be. All modifications must be factory altered. Removing the baffles in your exhaust is still against the law.

There is no specific decibel level for exhaust in the state of South Dakota, but every motorcycle must at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise. Sturgis Police will be listening for unusually loud exhaust to determine if you are violating South Dakota’s vehicle noise law, 32-15-17. If you are, they’ll fine you $120.

Indecent Exposure

When the number on the thermometer starts climbing, you might be tempted to wear less. While there’s no dress code, it’s smart to remember the law requires you to keep your naughty bits covered. Failure to do so will get you charged with indecent exposure, which will land you a $111 fine.

Helmets and Eye Protection

Helmets are required for any passengers under 18 and protective eyewear is a must. Beyond that, there are no restrictions on what you can wear on your bike, but Chief VanDewater recommends you play it safe and wear the right gear when riding. Full leathers and closed-toe footwear are encouraged.

Get great gear recommendations from seasoned riders prefer by checking out “10 Essential Pieces of Gear You Shouldn’t Ride Without.”

Parking Violations

The most common complaint the Sturgis Police Department receives during the rally involves parking violations. Parking downtown can be a real pain in the you-know-what, but that doesn’t mean you can park just anywhere.

You are allowed to park anywhere on downtown streets within the barricades, except for intersections. If you are parked in handicap spots or in zones outside of the barricades that are painted yellow or red, your vehicle will be ticketed and towed. Avoid parking in alleyways or private parking lots. Public Works cleans the streets nightly to keep Sturgis looking beautiful, so if you leave your bike parked downtown after 2 a.m., it will be towed. Chief VanDewater suggests taking advantage of public transportation to keep you and your bike safe.

Outside of the city, you won’t find parking to be nearly as regulated. Remember, there is always plenty of free parking available at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads.

For tips on what to do if you do encounter the police check out “What To Do If You Get Pulled Over.”

Have you been stopped by Sturgis police? Share your stories in the comments below to help your fellow bikers avoid getting a violation.

–Buffalo Chip staff

NEW ADDITION TO BANDIT’S COLLECTION—John Stein, who wrote the History of Motorcycle Drag Racing, said he had something cool for me. The other day, he showed up with a couple of his books (we sell them in the 5-Ball Garage) and this cool motorcycle dragster gas tank.

“The bike was built by Joe Smith and was the first motorcycle into the Eights,” said John. “It was named “King Rat” and is all over the internet.”

Joe sold it to someone who converted it to a gasser and renamed it “The Bandit.” I should have some information on it as the Bandit and certainly have plenty on when it was King Rat, since it was very famous.

Joe Smith’s “King Rat”

One of the dominant Top Fuel motorcycle racers of the early-to-mid-Seventies, Joe Smith built and rode a number of remarkably successful Shovelhead-based Harley-Davidsons. Among them was “King Rat”, which became the first motorcycle in NHRA competition into the “eights” with an 8.97 at 166.05 mph at the 1971 Bakersfield March Meet.

The displacement of the engine was increased from 74 to 108 cubic inches with the use of stroker flywheels from S&S and big-bore cylinders from Burkhardt Engineering. Famed Oldsmobile tuner Joe Mondello did the heads, Leineweber supplied the cams, and S&S provided their 1-7/8-inch fuel carburetor.

–John Stein


Here is the image we were talking about, this is a biker bed and breakfast in Iowa.

Here is what they posted.

Yea.. it’s true… End of an era. Thank you, you marvelous old girl, for all the wonderful things in my life that came from writing for you. Love and Respect… we will never forget you.

–The Gang at Laid Back Manor
Somewhere in Iowa

NEW ZEALANDER USA ROAD TRIP–The long horned cattle in the wooden pole corral is something that I have never been that close to before. The warning sign could be quite apt and how people can work safely with them must be quite a skill.

There are quite a number of information boards to be read in a hurry as
the park staff are waiting for us to leave so that they can lock the gates. It is already quarter past five and we still have to get out of the parking lot.

It is only a short ride of some 20 miles to Kanab where we stay for the
night at the Travel Lodge. We eat at a a Mexican Restaurant across the
road called Escobars.

We have done 230 miles for the day.

–Graeme Lowen

[page break]

When critical thinkers take the effort to go far beyond superficial Google searches and media reports of the issue, they begin spotting all the glitches: skeptic climate scientists tell in mind-blowing levels of detail how the seas aren’t rising, nor is the Arctic melting at any noticeable rate; polar bear populations are on the increase; the Miami area suffers from land subsidence; past historical records show as many or more devastating weather events; a show of hands is a logical fallacy that never validates scientific conclusions; and places like the PBS NewsHour never inform their viewers about the science-based analysis from skeptic climate scientists.

Even the term “climate change” is a ruse to cover up the plateauing of the average world temperature over the last 15-plus years, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Svengali admits that her Green New Deal is nothing more than a plan to gain full control of the private economy. What about sinister industry disinformation efforts? It turns out the “Pulitzer-winning reporter” Al Gore claims discovered leaked memos proving this conspiracy never actually won a Pulitzer and wasn’t the first to quote those memos, and those memos neither prove any such pay-for-performance arrangement exists between skeptic climate scientists and industry executives, nor were they even part of an old public relations campaign that Gore and that “reporter” say they were.

“The Global Warming Show” was never actually about saving the planet. It’s all about dictatorial control over everything…and no doubt, it was good for the Al “Christof” Gores in the issue to watch how the fear they created caused money to pour into their wallets. But to accomplish this, they had to fabricate a fake world where no opposition exists.

How’s it going to end? Ultimately, it is the truth found in the reports from skeptic climate scientists that will set us free to know with certainty that there’s nothing to fear after all about this issue, whereupon we can hold the people behind this fake issue and the complicit news media accountable for their lies and deceit.

Russell Cook is the publisher of the Gelbspan Files website, documenting the fraudulent claims that oil and coal industries pay climate skeptics to oppose the global warming doom-sayers.

–from the Climate Depot

NEW FROM THE Artist David Uhl–After Day 1 at the Oshkosh Fly-In, two newer pieces are the stars of the show! “Bootlegger Betty” and “Strategic Maneuvers” are garnering a great deal of attention here. If you’re here, please visit us in Hangar B, booth 2095 and 2096.

“Bootlegger Betty and Ugly Eddie”

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you’d like to acquire one of the prints, simply respond to this email or call me at 303-913-4840.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to seeing you this summer!

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director

Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Avenue
Golden, CO 80401

Uhl Studios Website

MOTORCYCLE MISSIONS AUCTION COMING TO STURGIS– Compass Auctions is donating its services to Motorcycle Missions for the auctioning of two custom-built Indian Chief Darkhorse motorcycles. The auction will be held online but the bikes will be showcased at the 2019 Sturgis Bike Week event in Sturgis, SD. “The life-changing opportunities that Motorcycle Missions provides our veterans and first responders are incredibly important and something we wholeheartedly support,” said Steven W. Holt, VP Compass Auctions.

Those interested in learning more about these bikes can visit

There they will find photos of the two bikes being built, video, links to the auction catalog and bidding, and more information about Motorcycle Missions. “Our team at Compass was amazed at the work and handcrafting that went into both of these great looking motorcycles, Krystal and both the Dallas and Austin, TX teams have put together two seriously cool custom bikes,” says Holt, “and we know whoever wins either bike will be doubly blessed by not just a great purchase but also in their support of a great organization.”

This online-only auction will end on August 6, 2019, at 7 pm MT, so be sure to check out the bikes before they are gone!

–from DealerNews

PAUL WHEELER PANHEAD COMING TO BIKERNET—I’m proud to say Markus Cuff will shoot Paul’s latest bobber for Bikernet and perhaps the latest Choppers Magazine produced by Cary Brobeck, Kelli Dube and Cooki.

Hang on for our next report.


NMA NEWS–A Long, Long Away to go for Driverless Car and other Auto Tech News-– Auto Industry, DRIVERLESS CARS, Electric Vehicle, LIDAR, NHTSA, Ridesharing, SAFETY, Technology, V2V

The New York Times posted an article this week entitled: Despite High Hopes, Self-Driving Cars are ‘Way in the Future.” Indeed they are…something I’ve been saying ever since I started writing about the car of the future and auto tech.

Ford’s CEO Jim Hackett said in April, “We overestimated the arrival of autonomous vehicles.” The real reason: It is really hard!

Ford and Volkswagen announced last week that they are joining forces to work on AVs and electric vehicles together. The partnership goal is to bring AV ridesharing services to a few urban areas in 2021. Let’s not hold our breath.

Their partner in this idea is ARGO AI and chief executive Bryan Salesky who said the promise of driverless cars which could go anywhere anytime was ‘way in the future.’ He added that Argo and other competitors have developed about 80 percent of the technology needed for AVs (such as cameras, radar and sensors) but still need to develop and fine tune the software that can reliably drive in all circumstances.

Salesky added that there are two difficult areas to solve before AVs go mainstream. The first is developing the AI so it can handle the ‘corner cases”—instances that include pedestrians crossing the street even if the vehicle has the green and street sweepers making U-turns even if they don’t have the right-away.

The other area of difficulty is called ‘micro maneuvers’…basically the building of experience in handling the nuances of driving. For example, a driver who edges into an intersection who might dart out and does…as a human driver, we generally can spot this before it happens. Same with a driver we as human drivers can tell is looking for a parking space. We make accommodations in our own driving to allow the driver the space to park.

The defined leader in the AV race is Waymo which currently operates a driverless fleet of 600 test vehicles, about the same number on the road as a year ago. Chief External Officer Tekedra Mawakana said this about the situation:

“The reason we don’t have a service in 50 states is that we are still validating a host of elements related to offering a service. Offering a service is very different than building a technology.”

Waymo currently operates their test vehicles in the Phoenix, Arizona area, land of plenty of sunshine and fairly good roads. European start-ups are now testing driverless vehicles in cities and streets that were built for horses—that will be the real test whether or not automated transportation can actually cut it.

Earlier this year, Tesla’s Elon Musk declared that his company would have as many as a million robo taxies by the end of 2020. Many are skeptical and rightly so. He also recently announced that his company would be providing Level 5 capabilities soon in an over-the-air update. According to an article in this week’s Washington Post, many industry executives and regulators are on edge because of Tesla’s unregulated auto pilot system that does not use LIDAR, the current standard for AV technology. Instead, Tesla will incorporate a custom-designed computer chip.

Currently, Musk claims that all new Teslas have the hardware to self-drive but the software still needs to catch up. And when it does, the company will then send that over-the-air update. The claim is that the cars will be able to drive in cities just as well as they already do on highways. Since there are no regulations, companies are guided by industry standards and Tesla is moving full steam ahead.

Please remember that we will have to drive with the auto-pilot Teslas (and any other driverless vehicle) whether they are safe or not and whether we are ready or not.

Also this week, Tesla released its quarterly report on its auto pilot safety program. With this report, the company used a comparison between cars with the autopilot and cars without.

“In the 2nd quarter, we registered one accident for every 3.27 million miles driven in which drivers had Autopilot engaged. For those driving without Autopilot but with our active safety features, we registered one accident for every 2.19 million miles driven. For those driving without Autopilot and without our active safety features, we registered one accident for every 1.41 million miles driven. By comparison, NHTSA’s most recent data shows that in the United States there is an automobile crash every 498,000 miles.*

That seems pretty safe but why I am still feeling some anxiety?

Auto Tech Recent Short Takes

Luminar announced last week that it has developed a production-ready LIDAR that could cost as little as $500. The unit called IRIS is about the size of a soda can and weighs about 2 pounds. CEO Austin Russell says it’s “automotive grade” which means it can fit on a bumper or windshield and last for years on the road. Luminar just finished its latest round of funding and raised $250 million to help build capacity at its Florida manufacturing plant. Russell also stated that his company is currently working on six highway-driving focused projects with automakers. He projects that nothing will be ready for commercial vehicles until 2022 or 2023.

Perhaps by 2025, auto headlights will become smart and include sensors and AI chips. That’s according to Japanese company Koito Manufacturing. The lamps will be able to process information and react to certain situations such as poorly lit crossings, pedestrian signaling and even color alarms to alert other road users. A company spokesman said recently that they may no longer be seen as lamps but ‘corner modules.’

Trucking company Peloton announced this past week that it has configured and is now testing a level 4 driverless truck platooning system. Utilizing vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology, a single driver would now be able to drive two trucks paired for connected driving. This improves aerodynamics, fuel economy and safety. CEO Josh Switkes said, “We’ve taken a different approach to commercial introduction of Class 8 vehicles. We see drivers as the world’s best sensors, and are leveraging this to enable today’s drivers to be more productive through automated following platoons.” He also stated that drivers who learn to use this technology would likely receive more pay, better routes and schedules.

By Shelia Dunn
NMA Communications Director

If you read an auto tech story of interest, please send the URL to us at

NEWS FROM THE LATE HAL ROBINSON– The wings on the biker’s shirt in the panel joke were the main Harley-Davidson wings used by Easyriders in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

–Ann Robinson

We sell three Hal Robinson t-shirts and matching limited-edition prints in the 5-Ball Racing Garage. They are exclusive to Bikernet and Crank and Strokers. Since Joe Teresi pointed out that Ann didn’t have any rights to sell Hal Robinson art, we are forced to sell out this small batch, then quit this endeavor to help Hal’s ex-wife, a retired teacher.

Joe no longer owns the company, but the same order will apply with the new owners, so when we run out, we will never reprint either the prints or the T-shirts.


2015 Harley-Davidson FLTRUSE – CVO Road Glide Ultra for $23,995.00

The Road Glide Ultra motorcycle brings the Road Glide motorcycle back to the Harley touring line-up with maximum swagger, custom CVO-Style and long mile capability.

Project RUSHMORE – Control

Here are some of the innovations Project RUSHMORE led to: the Reflex Linked Brakes with ABS, the dual Daymaker Reflector LED Headlamps, brighter Tour-Pak luggage carrier lighting, brighter turn signals, brighter brake lights, and a steering head with stiffer front forks. Locked-up tires are now history even when there’s wet pavement.

We’ve made it feel even better to lean your way through a turn. Now you can see better. And we’ve made you more conspicuous to the cage-driving public. Because one thing we all agree on is this: bikes that work better make riders who ride better. Take a ride. See how good you can be.

Jukebox with USB Port for iPod/iPhone
The Jukebox opens easily and includes a USB connection which accepts your iPhone, iTouch, non-iPod imitators, and SD card and other USB compatible devices. Pop it open, plug in and your device becomes a part of your motorcycle. Ready to be operated by voice command or hand controls.

Project RUSHMORE – Comfort

We dialed in the comfort of our machines the hard way: over thousands of miles in all kinds of riding conditions on every kind of street, road and highway ever laid down in pavement. Experienced riders and passengers putting in long hours in the saddle and giving us feedback on every aspect that contributes to comfort on the road.

Airflow, heat management, passenger space, back rests, seat textures, legroom and hand controls all went under the hard microscope of the road and got tested and re-tested by real riders and worked and re-worked by us until we were satisfied we had built the most comfortable machines on the road. We all want to go farther, and when you and your passenger are more comfortable in the saddle, you can.

Project RUSHMORE – Styling

Project RUSHMORE is the journey we set out on to take our touring motorcycles to places never imagined before – to turn all the possibilities for what a motorcycle can be now into true Milwaukee steel. We did it our way, as we’ve always done. As riders. Riding with other riders.

Thousand of hours, countless road tests, millions of miles. Looking for the technology and innovations that truly make the ride better. We went over the bike fender tip to fender tip. Making it work better. Making it look sleeker. Modern. Clean. Tight. Let your eye take the journey over the machine. This is classic Harley-Davidson style and a sleek, modern look at the exact same time. At Harley-Davidson, form has always followed function. And both have always reported to emotion. Now we’re just doing it on a completely different level.


[sven-gah-lee, sfen-]
a person who completely dominates another, usually with selfish or sinister motives.


Lou Pearlman, who died on Friday in federal prison in Miami, at the age of sixty-two, was arguably the great pop Svengali of our time.
— John Seabrook, “We Live in the Pop-Culture World That Lou Pearlman Created,” The New Yorker, August 22, 2016


Two terms survive from George du Maurier’s novel Trilby (1894). The first is Svengali, the evil musician who hypnotizes, controls, and exploits Trilby O’Ferrall, a young Irish girl, and makes her a great singer who is unable to perform without his help. In the stage version of the novel, the actress who played Trilby wore a sort of soft felt hat with an indented crown, now called a trilby or trilby hat.

The trilby is now commonly mistaken for a different hat, the fedora. Svengali in its extended sense of “a person who completely dominates another, usually with selfish or sinister motives” is recorded by the early 1900s.

BACK IN STOCK FROM BILTWELL—At last, AlumiCore Grips are back!

We blew through the first batch of these grips, but have all versions back in stock now. Black, chrome, dual-cable or Throttle-By-Wire, we’ve got a grippy solution for your gnarly Harley.

Replacement Sleeves

Wanna add a pop of color or replace worn out sleeves on your AlumiCore grips? This is about the easiest upgrade you can do!

Our mailing address is:
42349 Winchester Rd. Temecula, CA 92590


Milwaukee-8 Vented Dipstick

The Feuling billet dipstick vents/breathes excessive crank case pressure from the oil tank through a breather system consisting of a replaceable filter element and umbrella flapper valve. Feuling vented dipsticks screw into the factory oil fill spout as a stock replacement part.

These breathing dipsticks remove the unwanted build-up of blow-by. Blow-by is found in engines with excessive leak down through the rings/cylinders which is a common issue with large displacement big bore engines. Feuling test results show a decrease in engine oil sump levels, more freely/smoother revving engine, increased MPG and decreased blow-by.

The Feuling dipstick vents excessive pressure from the oil tank through a breather system consisting of a filter element and
umbrella flapper valve.



God visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking
and unmarried sex if she wants to get into heaven.

The woman said she would try her best.

God visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on.

“Not bad” said the woman, “I’ve given up smoking and drinking but then
I bent over to look inside the freezer and when my boyfriend caught
sight of my long slender legs, he pulled up my skirt, pulled my
panties to one side and made love to me right then and there.”

“They don’t like that in heaven,” said God.

The woman replied, “They’re not too happy about it in Costco either!”

–Joe Smith

[page break]

THE GREEN SOLUTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE—Scientist have calculated that the cheapest and most effective way to fight climate change may be to plant trees—a trillion of them. Because trees soak up atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming, reseachers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology decided to examine what would happen if saplings were replanted on lands where forests had been cleared.

They concluded that the planet could support an extra 2.2 billion acres of tree cover, an area almost the size of the U.S.

Those new forests, the researchers say, would remove about two-thirds of the roughly 330 billion tons of carbon pumped into the atmosphere by humans since the industrial revolution.

Reforestation is “the top climate change solution in terms of carbon storage potential,” co-author Thomas Crowther tells

–the Week Magazine.

Rinehart Racing Brings the Rumble to
2019 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Arden, NC – July 25, 2019 – Rinehart Racing® is bringing the rumble back to South Dakota for the 79th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally™. The Asheville, North Carolina-based manufacturer of exhaust systems for Harley-Davidson® and Indian® Motorcycles has become a destination for rally-goers looking to upgrade their bike’s performance and sound.

Riders attending this year’s rally can find Rinehart Racing in their usual spot at the corner of Lazelle St and 5th St from July 31 to August 9. Harley and Indian riders are invited to visit the Rinehart rig to see and hear the latest full systems and slip-on exhausts and accessories for their rides. The Rinehart crew will be on hand to explain the differences between each system and help riders find the right exhaust solution to fit their bike and their style.

New this year are the 4.5” DBX45 Slip-Ons for Harley-Davidson M8 Touring models. This aggressive new exhaust is designed to deliver more of that trademark Rinehart sound than ever before, and is already a hit with riders across the country. Owners of Rinehart’s 4” Slip-Ons or 4.5” MotoPro45 Slip-Ons for Harley Touring can upgrade their sound by purchasing and installing the new High Performance Baffles.

Rinehart’s latest slip-on exhaust for Harley Touring models, the 4.5″ DBX45, will be on display and available for purchase at the Sturgis Rally.

Indian riders have reason to be excited as well, as Rinehart recently released its first-ever header system for Indian motorcycles. The all-new Slimline Duals® exhaust for Indian Cruiser, Bagger and Touring models can be installed in conjunction with Rinehart’s 4” Slip-On mufflers to give riders maximum boosts in performance and sound.

Rinehart Racing’s first ever full system exhaust for Indian Cruiser, Bagger and Touring models will be making their Sturgis Rally debut.
Riders who already rock a Rinehart system can further upgrade their bike’s performance and sound with Hi-Flo baffles, Moto Series Inverted Air Cleaners, or change the look of their setup with a new set of end caps. As always, Rinehart riders are welcome to sit back and relax with complimentary refreshments in the Rinehart Racing Hospitality area.

Learn more about Rinehart Racing’s full line of exhaust solutions for Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycles at, and join the Rinehart family on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

THIS JUST IN FROM BROCK’S PERFORMANCE–Limited Quantities of the All-New BST Torque TEK Carbon Fiber Wheels NOW IN STOCK!

BST Torque TEK Touring Wheel Set CC.jpg
Front Wheel Size: 3.5″ x 26″ / Rear Wheel Size: 5.5″ x 18″

In Stock For The Following Models:


Touring (14-19)

Fat Bob (18-19)

Fat Bob (14-17)

Street Bob (08-16)

Indian Motorcycle®

Chief (14-19)

Chieftain (14-19)

Roadmaster (16-19)

Springfield (16-19)

Tire mounting and balancing services available.

Brock’s Performance
4064 East Patterson Rd
Dayton, OH 45430

Are We Slinking Ever Closer to a Universal Road User Charge? Part 1—the National Landscape– A road user charge or RUC (also referred to as the Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax or VMT Tax and Mileage Based User Fees or MBUF) currently permeates nearly every discussion of how our country will pay for infrastructure in the future. Many transportation planners and elected officials seem to agree the time has come to find a new way to fund infrastructure in this country.

The reason—the Highway Trust Fund seems to be always on the edge of insolvency due in part because federal fuel taxes have remained fixed since 1993 and now hold about 40 percent less value than 25 years ago. The other reason for the teetering Trust Fund? It keeps getting raided to support non-highway projects. That’s the subject for another newsletter.

Both federal diesel and gasoline taxes have stagnated at 24.4 cents per gallon and 18.4 cents per gallon respectively. As vehicles become more fuel efficient, fuel tax revenue will decrease even more. Some experts estimate that by 2025, 14 percent of all cars and trucks could be electric-driven.

Would an RUC program on the federal level be able to provide enough funds for all infrastructure needs? The fuel tax is pretty straightforward—you fill up at the pump and pay the fee the same time you pay for gas. With an RUC program, the government could charge individuals and fleet managers yearly or monthly payments based not only on the miles driven in that period but also when and where those travels occurred.

How would those miles be determined is one huge question—annual inspection, GPS tracking, or some other technology not yet identified? Many toll roads have recently gone entirely cashless with the use of vehicle transponders or automated license plate readers. As evidenced with the yearlong saga of the Florida SunPass Scandal, the task of paying later is not automatically assured. Would an RUC program administered by the government or by a public-private partnership (PPP) be any different?

Despite all these issues, infrastructure wonks wring their hands and talk about how RUCs will save the day. Already In 2019, three different national reports came out that extoll the virtues of charging by the mile.

The National League of Cities published a report in March called Fixing Funding by the Mile: A Primer and Analysis of Road User Charge Systems. The League advocates for 19,000 local municipalities representing more than 218 million Americans. League President and Mayor of Gary, Indiana Karen Freeman-Wilson stated this when the report came out:

“Having safe, reliable infrastructure is a priority for every single local leader. Investing in infrastructure means investing in the people in our communities. By piloting new technologies like road user charge systems, local leaders have the opportunity to find ways to sustainable and equitably fund infrastructure.”

RUC is not the only scheme in mind, though, to help transform the way the US funds infrastructure.

Not surprisingly, the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) came out in support of a report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) that asked Congress to authorize the use of a national RUC program and a new wrinkle—make it much easier for states to legislate toll roads. A one-two punch, so to speak, to the American driver.

The report, Transforming Surface Transportation Reauthorization: A 21st Century Approach to Address America’s Greatest Infrastructure Challenge states that funding the federal Highway Trust Fund with fuel taxes is unsustainable. The report also notes that Congress spent $140 billion bailing out the fund since 2008.

In April, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation or ITIF sent to Congress its report, A Policymaker’s Guide to Road User Charges. The ITIF stated that “A national “road user charge” system would ensure that everyone who drives on America’s roads contributes their fair share of the infrastructure costs. This would solve the issue with better fuel efficient and electrified vehicles contributing to road funding and would collect revenues based on actual costs imposed on the system.”

The ITIF asked Congress to pass legislation to establish a national RUC system based on Global Positioning System (GPS) data taken from both passenger vehicles and commercial trucks. The organization proposed a three-to-five year transition period to allow automakers to place technology in cars and for the USDOT to develop a national RUC payment system.

At an April ITIF panel discussion about the possible switch to RUC, American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials spokesperson, Susan Howard said:

“The one thing we’ve heard from state DOTs is that they’re mindful that upping the number of alternatively fueled vehicles (AFVs) on the road will impact fuel tax revenues—and an RUC or VMT program seems the best way to address that issues most effectively.”

ITIF President Robert Atkinson added:

“Another reason RUCs are ‘gaining ground’ is that it appears really for the first time since we’ve looked at this issue that there is very serious interest from Congress. That’s fantastic; that’s really new.”

Next Part 2 of Are We Slinking Ever Closer to a Universal Road User Charge?, we will focus on what Congress is up to in promoting RUCs and another aspect of mileage-based collection systems that is getting less play around the country.

WILL EASYRIDERS EVENTS CONTINUE?—According to the new owners, the answer is no. But maybe the events crew will come up with another name and keep the tradition alive. Maybe they should call them Bandit Events.

So jump on your ride and come party with us in Fowlerville! It’s sure to be a great time!

THIS JUST IN FROM LOWBROW–Giving some soul to a modern bike.

“I bought the bike brand new and traded in for my 2015 Sportster 48 back in Idaho, I was simply looking for a bigger faster bike, my Sportster was a bit too small for my height… When I took the new bike home it was apart within the first week.”

Endus did a great job chopping up a brand new Harley Street Bob. It is something a little different, and we loved seeing our WX Gas Tanks (meant for pre-1984 Harleys) modified to fit on a modern bike. A great looking bike, reliable, offering smiles for miles.

5-BALL CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL— Hey Bandit, got the Sp-Ops coat the other day. Fits perfect. (It helps to measure first). Top quality materials.

Thanks for the Bling. Read about half the book so far. It’s kinda scary thinking society could wind up being like that. But there will always be RESISTANCE.

Thanks again for the signed copy and excellent shipping and customer service.

–Mike W


A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office.

“Is it true,” she wanted to know, that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?”

“‘Yes, I’m afraid so,”‘ the doctor told her.

There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied,
“I’m wondering, then, just how serious is my condition because this prescription is marked ‘NO REFILLS’..”

–from El Waggs

WHAT THE HELL?—I’ve been approached by two companies to either write or produce a documentary on the history of Easyriders. The new Choppers Magazine wants a written story and a documentary producer approached me about producing a documentary.

I remember my boss telling me, we’re just employees with no say about the product. So, what the hell would I know? I left so I could have a say about what I do and what I produce. It got me to thinking. What was an Easyrider? What did he stand for and who understood the code and who didn’t? That may be the context of the article. Regarding the documentary, I’ll pass.

We are still scrambling daily to make the Motorcycle International Speed Trials in Bonneville, 25-29 August. I’ll try to bring you a Weekend Round-up next week or maybe the next Salt Torpedo chapter. We hope to install the windshield in the canopy tomorrow and Micah will be back on Saturday. We will try to get to the point where I can start to wire the beast.

Hang on and keep the dream alive. Ride fast and free, forever!


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