The Helping Hands of Highway Safety

Summer is almost here and that means you’ll be sharing the road with more motorcyclesin the months ahead. We encourage you to stay sharp and to follow the safetytips we’ve previously published here.

Tohelp with that, we’d like to share an interesting graphic we ran across from ABATEof Wisconsin, the statewide motorcycle riders organization. It shows somecommon hand signals riders use to communicate with each other, especially whenriding in groups. Observing and understanding these hand signals may help youanticipate what a group of riders will do and keep everyone safer on theroad.

Speaking of safety, the NMA’s “7Sensible Signals” for communicating important information to other driversmay come in handy this summer as well. 

1. Apology 
In abrief lapse of attention or judgment, you unintentionally inconvenience,irritate, or endanger
another motorist. You feel embarrassed and the otherdriver is angry. Neither state of mind produces safe, courteousdriving.
The “Apology” signal can defuse the destructive anger andfrustration that follow these unfortunate encounters. To signal an apology, holdtwo fingers in a “V” position, palm out.

2. Slow Down, DangerAhead

You see an obstacle in the road and would like toalert other motorists to the
potential  danger. The “Slow Down” signal will warnothers of an accident, obstacle, or any dangerous condition.
To alerttraffic approaching from the opposite direction, turn your headlights off andon.
To alert traffic approaching from the rear, activate your brakelights or extend your left arm and motion downward.
If you see the “SlowDown” signal from another motorist, heed thewarning.

3. Lane Courtesy (Please Yield LeftLane)

While traveling on a multilane highway, you wish topass another vehicle that is
in the left “passing” lane. The “Lane Courtesy” signalwill alert the other motorist of your intention.
Signal your intentionby turning the left directional light on and off, 4 to 6 Lane courtesy blinks ata time. If the slower vehicle does not respond to the left turn signal, brieflyflash your headlights to gain the attention of the other driver.
If yousee the “Lane Courtesy” signal from the motorist behind you, check the adjacentright lane, pull over when it is safe to do so, and let the faster vehiclepass.

4. Pull Over ForProblem

You come across a vehicle about to have a flat,or lose luggage from an outside rack or
litter the highway with skis, bicycles or furniture.The “Pull Over For Problem” signal helps you alert the other driver.
Toalert another motorist of a problem with his or her vehicle, first point in thedirection of the problem (up for loose roof rack, back for trailer problem,etc.),  then signal “thumbs down.”
If you receive this signal fromanother motorist, pull over and check your vehicle.

5. Light Problem (Check YourLights)

The directional lights on another vehicle have beenunknowingly left on. You see a vehicle with a burned out headlight or taillight.You would like to alert the other driver of the problem. To signal a motorist to”check your lights.” open and close your hand touching the thumb and fingertipstogether.

6. Need Assistance

You are pulled over to the side of the road and needhelp. Most passersby are unsure what help, if any, is needed. You need to signalfor help without conveying panic.
To signal for assistance, make the sign ofa “T” by crossing one hand above the other.
If you see the “Need Assistance”signal, you must make a decision whether you will stop, phone for help, orignore the appeal.

7. I Understand (Thank You, I Understand)

 To acknowledge another motorist’s signal…an “Apology”, “Light Problem” or “Pull Over for Problem” signal, for example, or to thank another driver for courtesy, use the well-understood “thumbs up” or “OK.”
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