In two conversations recorded earlier this year, Mike “Cgar” Crouse of Fayetteville, North Carolina, the International Sergeant at Arms of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club, made multiple statements indicating that Iron order members were encouraged to provoke confrontations with members of other motorcycle clubs because in Crouse’s words, such confrontations were a “free ticket” to “destroy.”
The Iron Order is alone among all three piece patch motorcycle clubs in encouraging its members to gain a strategic advantage in disputes with other clubs by tattling to police. In multiple instances, Iron Order President Ray “Izod” Lubesky has told his club’s members in writing, “We will cooperate with LE (law enforcement) and we will prosecute.”
There is a massive amount of evidence that indicates that the Iron Order feels free to provoke fights and even use deadly force against other motorcycle clubs with the foreknowledge that the Iron Order’s victims will not cooperate with police.
Honor Code
Most motorcycle clubs subscribe to a code of honor that includes precepts similar to the following.
“If you ever get arrested never make a statement of any kind. Don’t make the stupid mistake of trying to talk your way out of jail. All you’ll end up doing is telling on yourself or implicating Brothers or someone else. Always say you have nothing to say and you want to speak to an attorney.”
“If subpoenaed or questioned as a possible witness, never say anything adverse that would cause anyone to go to jail, even if it’s not a Brother.”
“If a local Law Enforcement Task Force wants to talk to you for any reason always take at least one other Brother with you. If you are wanted or questioned for possible criminal charges, take your lawyer and don’t tell them shit.”
“Remember, if you can save a member from doing a large amount of time by doing a small amount of time, then do it without hesitation. You may need someone to do it for you someday.”
“Never press charges on anyone. If you get in a street fight and a citizen calls the man, and you happen to be the victim you do not press charges. Never testify in court or a parole hearing as an adverse witness. You may testify as a friendly witness only.”
Iron Order Code
In a conversation about four months ago, the Iron Order International Sergeant at Arms said: “I know our club has the advantage. One percenters won’t call the cops. So what the fuck, destroy any fucker that confronts you. It’s a free ticket….”
The motorcycle club honor code is based on the premise that clubs will “handle their own business” when two clubs have a dispute. One nationally known member of a brand name motorcycle club has described biker justice as “swift and primal.” The American Outlaws Association has a proverb that describes biker justice as inevitable – “God Forgives Outlaws Don’t.”
The Iron Order has decided as a club that the threat of extra-judicial justice is hollow. In a conversation about three months ago Crouse bragged, “These people and clubs talk shit on the internet but they are like crickets. As soon as we come around they shut the fuck up.”
The Tipton Murder
The Iron Order has blatantly adopted a strategy of claiming territory and dominating clubs that “handle their own business.”
That is what happened in the June 26 murder of Black Pistons Motorcycle Club member Zachariah Tipton outside Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. An unnamed former police officer who was an Iron Order prospect and an unnamed accomplice awaited the arrival of Tipton and either two or three other members of the Black Pistons in order to intentionally provoke a dispute about the Iron Order’s insignia.
When the argument became a fist fight, one of the two Iron Order members drew a pistol and fired four shots. At least two of the shots struck Tipton in the face and another shot struck Tipton in the temple. Tipton was pronounced dead at the scene. His companions refused to cooperate with police. The police accepted the Iron order members’ account without question and the Iron Order members were immediately released.
Jacksonville Beach police have stonewalled the press about the shooting ever since and the Iron Order appears to have gotten away with murder
— Miami Mike 
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