The Real McCoy, H-D Frame Castings

from the day
A shot from the era when we first started to hack off tank tabs to run custom tanks and seats.

I am attaching some shots of my new cast steel frame parts for wishbone frames. I am presently reproducing necks, sidecar loops and rigid frame axle plates. Will offer motor mounts very soon.


All my castings come in steel or special order stainless steel. Necks can be special ordered raked to 50 degrees. Allow 4-5 weeks on special orders. All my parts are made in USA.


These castings are produced using the lost wax technique, far superior to sand castings. I will give you an abbreviated version of what it takes to make these parts.


It starts off with a wax injection die. This is where the model is first formed. When the wax is injected into the die it forms into a perfect replica of the pattern.


When the wax is hard it is then coated with 6-8 coats of ceramic, which is sprayed on. This aspect is a slow process as it takes days to build up the coats.

Here's an original, untarnished classic rigid frame, before us chopper maniacs learned about the number 13 and hacked up perfectly good frames.

After the ceramic is hard enough, it is heated and the wax is poured out, leaving a perfect pattern to fill with molten steel.

When the metal cools it's time to remove ceramic with gentle taps from a mallet or hammer.


We remove the parts from the casting trees. Some clean up is entailed, and then precision machining, and you have steel cast parts ready to be mated to mild steel custom frame tubing or as a repair to an old one. Sounds easy when it's written on paper. When you have a little shop you gotta think big.


Remember, BUY AMERICAN FIRST ! See all my parts at or E-Mail John, the boss.




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