
Another strange day in Paradise. Not sure where to start. This is a day of change and awakening. Here’s our new Salt Torpedo art, and Atomic Bob is working on a cartoon version of the actual streamlined trike as we go to press.

I will bring you sketches as he submits them. This couple, Mr. and Mrs. Atomic are a kick to work with, if you’re in the market for art, need a helmet pinstriped, or your tank flamed, don’t hesitate.

Our news is promptly and graciously sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and Iron Trader News.

BONNEVILLE MOTORCYCLE SPEED TRIALS NEWS—Become an exclusive sponsor of the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials. The following add-on options are available to all sponsors on a first-come-first-serve basis. Make lasting impressions at the event with items printed with your company logo. These items provided to Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials at companies expense.

Course Flagging
Red 4’x 6’ flags on both sides of 2 courses100+
E-Z Ups/Shading
10’x10/ 12’x’12 Pop-up type shades, or shade structures: Front gate, pit area, pre-staging, starting lines.12-24
Banner/Feather Flagging
Mark areas for entry, exit to pits, gate, course turnoffs.10-20
Pennant Bunting, Barriers or similar
Marking for boundries, inspection and impound areas1000ft

Event Program Advertising Space
Inside Front Cover….$300
Inside back cover…..$300
Full Page….$200.00
1/2 Page….$100.00
1/4 Page….$50.00
Business Card size….$25.00
Print run qty 500/28 pages/8.5×11/Full color
All artwork must be provided by company 350dpi/CMYK. Subject to approval by BMST Promoter

Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials – Bill Woods – (425)736-6142 – Marketing/ Advertising Coordinator –
Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials is owned and promoted by Deliciate Promotions LLC.

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS NOW OPEN– A young Arkie goes off to college. Half way through the semester, having foolishly squandered all of his money on his girlfriend, he calls home.

“Dad,” he says, “You won’t believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here at Hendrix that will teach our dog, Ole’ Blue how to talk!”

“That’s amazing,” his Dad says. “How do I get Ole’ Blue in that program?”

“Just send him over here with $1,000” the young Arkie says “and I’ll get him in the course.”

So, his Father sends the dog and $1,000.

About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.

“So how’s Ole’ Blue doing son?” his Father asks.

“Awesome, Dad, he’s talking up a storm,” he says, “but you just won’t believe this — they’ve had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!”

“Read!?” says his Father, “No kidding! How do we get Blue in that program?”

“Just send $2,500, I’ll get him in the class.”

The money promptly arrives. The Arkie and his girlfriend are able to buy enough marijuana to last the whole semester. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his Father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read. Even though he was always pretty much able to lie his way out of trouble, the Arkie asked his girlfriend to help him think of a really good lie to tell his Dad. She very quickly came up with a plan for him.

So she has him shoot the dog.

When he arrives home at the end of the year, his Father is all excited.

“Where’s Ole’ Blue? I just can’t wait to see him read something and talk!”

“Dad,” the boy says, “I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ole’ Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal, like he usually does”.

“Then Ole’ Blue turned to me and asked, so, is your Daddy still messing around with that little redhead who lives down the street?”

The Father went white and exclaimed, “I hope you shot that lying dog before he talks to your Mother!”

“I sure did, Dad!”

“That’s my boy!”

The kid married his girlfriend, they both went on to law school in Fayetteville, he became Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States, then she was appointed Secretary of State and is now running for President.



These beauties recently arrived from RideWright Wheels for a customer’s bike kit.
I just had to share… not only because they are unique, but also to illustrate how customizable our bike kits are for customers who want something different and cool .

Which Path Is For You?

You can build a Brass Balls Cycles kit bike, or we can build a Darwin Motorcycles custom production bike for you. The choice is yours. We’d love to help you achieve your bike dream goals.

How will you configure your bike? Which model speaks to you?

Customizable Bikes Kits

This is Phase 1 of our bike kit system. It’s a great place to start when building your bike.

Our bike kits are offered in 5 separate, customizable phases so customers can build as their time & budget allows.

For more information on our bike kits and how you can spec one out to your wants & needs, click here.

THE BIKERNET BAGGERS UPDATE— We had a brother once, Richard Kranzler, who was the co-editor of Bikernet Baggers. He passed on, but we are keeping the faith and his legacy alive by finishing his Bagger project with the Team at Paughco and lots of other pals in the industry.

Steve, at Paughco is reworking the front springer fender and developing a headlight system built into the Springer shock shield. Amazing. We will bring you regular, complete reports on Bikernet Baggers.

We are also working with two master leather workers on vintage styled saddlebags. But we need a handful of stock bagger parts, mostly brackets, but Tyler Ludlow, the new co-editor and the future rider of this scooter is keeping the list a secret. Steve took the time to work up the list and send parts manual images, but Tyler is keeping them to himself. Maybe if he waters the pages the parts will grow. It’s a mystery.

After a week of begging here’s what he told me, “Bikernet and Baggers team up for a high-mile retro build! And we’re looking for parts!”

Hey, that’s helpful, not!

If you have stock bagger parts and brackets in your shop, drop an email. Maybe, just maybe he’ll give you the list.


Team Lucas Rolls Out Of Summer nationals On Two Fastest Bikes In NHRA History– 

Every sport involving speed has its records and every time, every single time one of those records is broken it means that yet another barrier has been shattered.

But some barriers are more important than others and some barriers are so significant that their fall is remembered by fans for decades and even generations after the event itself. Decades and generations after the historic record being celebrated has itself been broken so many times that anyone running, driving, skiing or flying at the once “awesome” speed wouldn’t even qualify for any modern event.

Bannister’s four-minute mile in track and field, the 150mph mark going down at the Indy 500 by the one and only Rufus Parnelli Jones, , Kenny Bernstein’s “King of Speed” 300mph quarter mile in a Top Fuel Dragster, Craig Breedlove’s Spirit of America’s 600.601 mph land speed record at Bonneville in 1965.

In the National Hot Rod Association’s Professional Classes the next and perhaps, given changes in rules and the shortening of Nitro-fueled racing from one-quarter mile to 1,000 feet, the last major milestone to be conquered is the 200 mph barrier in Pro Stock Motorcycle racing.

Many have tried to top the highly resistant mark, but none have come closer than Team Lucas rider Hector Arana, Jr and his father and bike builder Hector Arana, Sr. Having come within a little brown Arana hair of beating the 200mph clock with a blistering 199.88mph quarter mile earlier this season in Charlotte, Arana, Junior arrived at last weekend’s Summernationals in Englishtown, N.J. in the saddle of the fastest motorcycle in NHRA history.

Also arriving with his six guns hip-slung low for business was Junior’s Dad, winner of the previous Mello Yello Series National Championship event in Atlanta. Arana, Sr. opened the shootout by piloting his Lucas Buell to a 199.37-mph qualifying pass shortly after unloading his bike from the trailer. Proving that youth must (sometimes) be served, Hector, Jr. almost immediately fired back with a slightly faster 199.37mph.

Which is where the weekend assault on that elusive 200mph barrier ended as rapidly rising temperatures on the partially repaved drag strip negatively affected traction for all four pro classes in the NHRA’s premiere series.

Needless to say neither Lucas driver was content pulling out with themselves and their team holding the three top speeds ever recorded in Pro Stock Motorcycle history.

“Breaking the 200-mph barrier is the last big accomplishment in our sport of drag racing,” Arana, Jr. said. “The first one who does it is going to be the one who goes down in history. They’re going to be the one who everybody remembers going 200 mph. You’re not going to remember the second one to do it, you’ll only remember the first one.

“It’s about having everything perfect,” he added. “You need to have the right combination, everything the motor wants. You need to have horsepower, of course, and with all that comes hard work and dedication. You’ve got to have all that in order to achieve that speed. And we’re going to try our hardest to be the team that gets it.”

* A drunk was in front of a judge. The judge says, “You’ve been brought here for drinking. “The drunk says, “Okay, let’s get started.”

* Why do Jewish divorces cost so much? They’re worth it.

* Why do Jewish men die before their wives? They want to.

* The Harvard School of Medicine did a study of why Jewish women like Chinese food so much. The study revealed that the reason for this is because Won Ton spelled backward is Not Now.

*There is a big controversy on the Jewish view of when life begins. In Jewish tradition, the fetus is not considered viable until it graduates from law school.

–from HS Hamster

I’d call this old school, but the Harley is fairly new, however, the shoot was done at McGillin’s Old Ale House in Philadelphia, the oldest standing original Ale house in the United States.

Anyway, this time around I grabbed Kelly, new to modeling, wanted to give it a whirl. Must have been tough, what you can’t see is that there were about 300 people behind me watching her. I can only imagine the feeling. Well, for a first timer, she pulled it off.

Very cute, great setting, enjoy her in Bandit’s Cantina!

Director of Photography
Co-Editor Bandit’s Cantina

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT-0-Stop Obama’s Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech–
It’s happening again— President Obama is using his imperial pen and telephone to curb your rights and bypass Congress through executive action.

Even as news reports have been highlighting the gun control provisions of the Administration’s “Unified Agenda” of regulatory objectives (see accompanying story), the Obama State Department has been quietly moving ahead with a proposal that could censor online speech related to firearms.

This latest regulatory assault, published in the June 3 issue of the Federal Register, is as much an affront to the First Amendment as it is to the Second. Your action is urgently needed to ensure that online blogs, videos, and web forums devoted to the technical aspects of firearms and ammunition do not become subject to prior review by State Department bureaucrats before they can be published.

To understand the proposal and why it’s so serious, some background information is necessary.

For the past several years, the Administration has been pursuing a large-scale overhaul of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), which implement the federal Arms Export Control Act (AECA). The Act regulates the movement of so-called “defense articles” and “defense services” in and out of the United States. These articles and services are enumerated in a multi-part “U.S. Munitions List,” which covers everything from firearms and ammunition (and related accessories) to strategic bombers. The transnational movement of any defense article or service on the Munitions List presumptively requires a license from the State Department. Producers of such articles and services, moreover, must register with the U.S. Government and pay a hefty fee for doing so.

Also regulated under ITAR are so-called “technical data” about defense articles. These include, among other things, “detailed design, development, production or manufacturing information” about firearms or ammunition. Specific examples of technical data are blueprints, drawings, photographs, plans, instructions or documentation.

In their current form, the ITAR do not (as a rule) regulate technical data that are in what the regulations call the “public domain.” Essentially, this means data “which is published and which is generally accessible or available to the public” through a variety of specified means. These include “at libraries open to the public or from which the public can obtain documents.” Many have read this provision to include material that is posted on publicly available websites, since most public libraries these days make Internet access available to their patrons.

The ITAR, however, were originally promulgated in the days before the Internet. Some State Department officials now insist that anything published online in a generally-accessible location has essentially been “exported,” as it would be accessible to foreign nationals both in the U.S. and overseas.

With the new proposal published on June 3, the State Department claims to be “clarifying” the rules concerning “technical data” posted online or otherwise “released” into the “public domain.” To the contrary, however, the proposal would institute a massive new prior restraint on free speech. This is because all such releases would require the “authorization” of the government before they occurred. The cumbersome and time-consuming process of obtaining such authorizations, moreover, would make online communication about certain technical aspects of firearms and ammunition essentially impossible.

Penalties for violations are severe and for each violation could include up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million. Civil penalties can also be assessed. Each unauthorized “export,” including to subsequent countries or foreign nationals, is also treated as a separate violation.

Gunsmiths, manufacturers, reloaders, and do-it-yourselfers could all find themselves muzzled under the rule and unable to distribute or obtain the information they rely on to conduct these activities. Prior restraints of the sort contemplated by this regulation are among the most disfavored regulations of speech under First Amendment case law.

But then, when did the U.S. Constitution ever deter Barack Obama from using whatever means are at his disposal to exert his will over the American people and suppress firearm ownership throughout the nation?

Time is of the essence! Public comment will be accepted on the proposed gag order until August 3, 2015. Comments may be submitted online at or via e-mail at with the subject line, ‘‘ITAR Amendment—Revisions to Definitions; Data Transmission and Storage.”

Finally, please contact your U.S. Senators and Member of Congress. Urge them to oppose the State Department’s attempt to censor online speech concerning the technical aspects of firearms and ammunition. Use the “Write Your Lawmakers” feature on our website or call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 225-3121.

Are You Ready For Your Cut

5-Ball Leathers’ cuts are in. The Special Ops Vest is the Right Cut… We got them in and ready to ship. Comes with storage for all your valuables with gun pockets. These buffalo hide leather are boot tough and rattlesnake slick.

Here are a couple shots from a service job going back together. I thought you might dig seeing it in use. It’s aluminum and based on a JIMS tool for steel sprockets. Simple and effective.


Venture to Greene County, the Motorcycling Capital of the Catskills– The Great Northern Catskills of Greene County are home to newly designated motorcycle routes, breathtaking scenery and annual festivals, and adventure and entertainment for all riders.

This summer, the Catskills debut three motorcycle touring routes highlighting the area?s incredible scenery and smooth roadways. They are:

Mountain Clove Run winds for 80 miles toward mountain summits and scenic vistas. Pass through charming alpine towns, shop at country stores and enjoy views of Kaaterskill Clove, Kaaterskill Falls and more.

The Emerald Isle Tour travels for 58 miles through Greene County?s picturesque farmland, connecting to Cochrane Road, one of the most scenic routes in Greene County, and winding around charming towns with an Irish flair.

Grand Tour of the Catskills features 140 miles of epic riding. Twist around valleys and carve through mountain passes to enjoy the best of the Catskills from your bike.

Find additional route details and descriptions on

Catskills Motorcycle Festivals for 2015:

Summer in Greene County provides a lush backdrop for many events and festivals, including the Diamondback Motocross race series. Scheduled for June 20-21, July 4-5, September 5-6, and October 10-11 at the East Durham track, the races are open to amateur competitors, and provide an ideal spectator sport, offering excitement and thrilling competition. Watch racers compete as they navigate high speed runs, jumps and twisting curves, or enter the competition and race to the finish line. Lodging and camping are available onsite.

In fall, the Catskills come alive with brilliant foliage and the roar of engines for two classic motorcycle rallies:

Catskill Mountain Thunder Motorcycle Festival ? Slated for September 17-20 at Blackthorne Resort in East Durham, this annual festival features stunt shows, rodeo games, live music, a vendor expo and a bike show with cash prizes. On-site lodging and camping are available, as well as free demo rides.
Color in the Catskills Moto Rally ? Scheduled for October 3 & 4 at Hunter Mountain, bikers will enjoy live music, food and beer, dirt and trail riding, vendors, Skyride tours, and guided rides on the Catskills winding roadways. Admission is free, and on-site lodging is available at the Kaatskill Mountain Club.

Find a variety of Greene County routes ideal for motorcycle riding, as well as nearby amenities and attractions at

Connect with the Catskills on Facebook, and on Twitter.

INK-N-IRON UPDATE– Join us Thursday June 11th for cocktails and live music aboard ship for the Ink-N-Iron Opening Party from 8pm-2am hosted by Tim Hendricks. Be among the FIRST to see the fine works of art from the Sullen Kulture Klash Art Show before the weekend masses. Admission is FREE!


Get your tickets online now before ticket prices go up at the door! Ticket prices at the box office are as follows:
3-Day Pass: $95 (vs. $80 Online)
Single Day Pass (Agest 18+): $55 (vs. $42.50 Online)
Single Day Pass (Ages 13-17): $25
Single Day Pass (Agest 8-12): $15
Children 7 & under FREE

In a very big way, the nation’s largest gun manufacturer, the manufacturer’s largest distributor, gun owners, and the NRA are going to be working together to get America moving in the right direction on Election Day 2016.

NRA’s American Rifleman membership magazine reports that for every new Ruger rifle, handgun and shotgun bought between the 2015 and 2016 NRA Annual Meetings, Ruger is donating $2 to the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). Additionally, Ruger’s largest distributor, Davidson’s, is donating $1 for every Ruger that it sells.

Ruger says that its goal is to donate $4 million to ILA, which over the next 17 months will be educating and activating Second Amendment supporters in the crucial 2016 elections. “The most important aspect in this cooperative effort between Ruger and NRA is that, coming out of the 2016 elections, we end up with a Congress and a president who respect and support our rights to own and use firearms,” said the company’s CEO, Mike Fifer. Progress of Ruger’s new campaign can be tracked on the 2015-16 Two Million Gun Challengepage of the website.

Ruger’s and Davidson’s announcements could hardly have come at a better time. Gun control supporters are reportedly enthusiastic about the candidacy of the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, who advocates licensing of gun owners, registration of new handguns, ballistic “fingerprinting” of new handguns, banning the possession of handguns by anyone under age 21, limiting handgun purchases to one per month, authorizing the Consumer Products Safety Commission to regulate the manufacture of firearms, and banning “assault weapons.”

The only drawback we can see here, we say with a wink, is that the two million gun challenge places an enormous gun-buying burden on the half dozen or so people who, according to gun control supporters, are responsible for all of the gun purchases in America.

While the anti-gunners console themselves with that delusion, those of us who have been thinking about a Mini-14, GP100, Hawkeye, or any of Ruger’s other top-quality offerings have an additional incentive to take the gun-buying plunge before May 20, 2016, when the NRA’s Annual Meeting begins in Louisville, Kentucky.

[page break]

BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL EDITOR HEADS HOME— I love to travel, but there’s nothing like heading home.

Why only one religion?

Harley shop in Chon Buri, Thailand.

Sunset at the beach

Good temple detail shot.

–Art Hall
Bikernet Supreme International Editor

Pound of Flesh Runs Out–
We were giving out 5 ‘Pound of Flesh’ prize packs. Seeing as though we just awarded Jason Arnold of CA the next prize pack we are left with only one. Who will be the next person to sign up and win? No money, No problems, No required “opinion poll”, No presentation to endure, No sales calls… just give us your e-mail and we keep you up to date and give you a chance to win. Flesh and time is running out.
-Lisa Jorgenson Staffer  

BRAND New Bikernet BAGGER Reader Comment!–

It’s really kind of sad that his dear brother, the last of all the Trevino boys was, and is never mentioned. Ricardo wanted more than anything to help out his family after his brother died. He was turned away, for nothing more than greed.

This is why he opened his own shop, not to compete, but to honor.

All of the Trevino boys were taught the trade by their Father, Noe Trevino, Founder of Trevino’s Talabartaria in Grand Prairie TX. They were each given a small portion of the business to do with what they wanted.

Rhea and Betty came to SD. Ric was a construction man for over 30 years, but always had the craft close to his heart, with a dream of eventually doing it again, and maybe…just maybe with his brother. When Rhea talked him into moving to the Hills, they talked many times about working together, and shortly before he passed they even talked about putting some of Rics carvings in his store. This would never come to pass.

The point is, no one is told the true history, no one even knows Rhea had brothers, (all taken tragically) and that Ric is the last boy living, or that Rhea had a new nephew, Quinton Noe Trevino born in 2011 that he would’ve loved so dearly!

Ric has worked the last 5 years struggling to make his store work, not compete, not be ugly. He has sent thousands of people to their store, without mention of any of the completely WRONG family drama!

He has been black balled, humiliated, had garbage thrown at his store and left in front of it, people telling him he’s ‘shaming’ his brother, never be invited to his brothers Poker Run Memorial Ride, but then asked to donate to it?!?!?…and so much more.

So WOW, what an AMAZING MAN! To go through all of this, and not give up. ALL of this and still speak well of his brother’s family. So if you want to interview an AMAZING ARTIST, and maybe give a little credit to the TREVINO FAMILY that DOES EXIST, that would always be welcomed!

— Leslie Trevino     
Deadwood, SD


Monday is RIDE TO WORK DAY– This year’s annual Motorcycle and Scooter Ride to Work Day is Monday, June 15th.

The 24th annual Ride To Work demonstration can more than triple the number of riders on some roads. Most motorcycle and scooter clubs and organizations encourage riders to commute by scooter or cycle on this day. Riders seek employer recognition and support for this form of transportation and increased public and government awareness of the societally positive benefits of utility riding.

Adding motorcycles and scooters helps traffic flow better, according to Ride to Work, a non-profit advocacy organization. Studies have also shown that across the same distances, riders reach their destinations up to 20% faster than those using automobiles. Most motorcycles and scooters also consume less resources per mile than automobiles.

“Riding to work on this day is fun and highlights value of motorcycling. Riding is a form of personal mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and provides a broad range of public benefits,” stated Andy Goldfine, this year’s event organizer.

The Ride to Work website includes:

Useful tools and in-depth information about issues and programs.
An interactive forum to discuss Riding to Work.
An assortment of Ride to Work supporting merchandise.
A wholesale program available to dealers and retailers.
A photo gallery to show your Every Day Ride on the website.

Found a great picture of you.

–Billy Lane

Drivers don’t have to pay traffic tickets before contesting them, Judicial Council rules

USA FREEDOM Act Becomes Law, Enhances Privacy for Law-Abiding Americans–LOS ANGELES (KABC) —
The Judicial Council has banned county courts from requiring people to pay traffic fines before they can contest their tickets.

The unanimous vote on Monday came as state officials raised concerns that traffic fines and penalties are ensnaring minority and low-income residents. Fines have skyrocketed in California over the past two decades, and courts have grown reliant on fees as a result of budget cuts during the recession.

Many people don’t have the money to pay for the ticket that they want to contest. But if they don’t pay it up front, then the fines mount. What started at $100 gets add-ons to $490. Miss a payment, and it’s $800 plus. Soon you lose your license, then your car gets towed.

Traffic debt is a major reason many people drive without a license, according to Teresa Zhen, attorney with the South L.A. nonprofit New Way of Life.

But the courts can longer charge drivers before they contest the traffic ticket after the Judicial Council’s decision, which takes effect immediately. Courts are required to notify traffic defendants that they don’t have to make so-called bail payments in any instructions or other materials they provide to the public.

“I am proud of the rule that has been developed,” California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye said in a statement. “This is an important first step to address an urgent access-to-justice issue.”

The Judicial Council’s vote comes as Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed amnesty for residents who can’t afford traffic fines and penalties that have resulted in 4.8 million driver’s license suspensions since 2006.

Under Brown’s plan – unveiled last month – drivers with lesser infractions would pay half of what they owe, and administrative fees would be slashed from $300 to $50. Brown called the traffic court system a “hellhole of desperation” for the poor.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

–ABC and associated press

–from Rogue

LUCAS OIL MC Oil Stabilizer Hikes Performance Of All Oils, Even The Best– You know it, I know it, the whole two-wheeled world knows it. Motorcycle oil takes a real beating. Especially motorcycle oil used in air-cooled engines.

Especially motorcycle oil used in air-cooled engines when you’re riding through the Mohave Desert in mid-July and the red mark at the three-story high thermometer in the middle of Baker, California has topped out at 120.
Especially motorcycle oil when it’s called upon to drench drip-dried pistons and cylinder walls during a cold start after a bike’s been sitting for a few days.

Nobody understands more about the kind of beating MC oil takes under any and all circumstances than the engineers at Lucas Oil.

They’ve been studying on exactly what makes motorcycle oil fail, often taking an entire motor with it, for more than a quarter century. In that time they’ve crafted the world’s gold-standard oil for Harleys, metric bikes of all kinds and engine configurations, off road recreation and work vehicles and, dare we say it, passenger automobiles and trucks.

Lucas Motorcycle Oil simply doesn’t fail, but that doesn’t mean adding a can of Lucas Motorcycle Oil Stabilizer to your oil bag won’t produce results you’ll feel under your butt (higher performance) and in your back pocket (better mileage.) And if you are one of the unenlightened who hasn’t yet switched to one of Lucas’ High-Performance motorcycle engine oils, adding a shot of Lucas Motorcycle Oil Stabilizer to the oil you do use might just save you from needing an engine rebuild once the weather turns hot and you’re right smack dab in the middle of riding season.

OK, here’s the 25 words or less (actually 25 words and a lot more) version of What Makes Oil Go Away For Dummies.

Both extreme heat (and for that matter extreme cold) cause all lubricating and hydraulic fluids to become unstable. (Duh … that must be why Lucas called their additive a stabilizer.)

Water or other fluid-cooled motors tend to operate at a fairly constant temperature because they’re based on heat-exchange … the circulating fluid picks up heat from the exterior of the motor, cools itself off by running through a radiator and recirculates to pick up more heat. Use of thermostats and, sometimes, cooling fans normally keeps this constant temperature below that at which a good oil will start to break down.

Air-cooled engines also use heat exchanging to prevent oil breakdown … hot air is radiated away from the engine by cooling fins and exposed to and cooled by the hundreds of degrees cooler ambient air. Though usually effective, air-cooling cannot keep the oil circulating in the motor at anything like a constant temperature because of variables like the outside ambient temperature and the amount of cooling air being forced through the fins by the bike’s speed.

With an air-cooled scooter, sitting motionless at a red light or two in Baker on that 120-plus degree day can degrade the performance and life expectancy of even the best motor oils, with an average oil (say a good-quality oil intended for cars) it can lead to a catastrophic failure. As for cheapshit generic oils, don’t bother to even think about it … you wouldn’t have gotten as far into the desert as Baker no matter what direction you were riding in from.

Even when high oil temps don’t cause anything to go wrong with your motor immediately, they can significantly and permanently reduce your oil’s effectiveness and lead to increased and totally avoidable (avoidable if you use Lucas lubricants throughout your bike) engine wear. Why? For one thing, overheating destroys most of the essential “anti” — anti-wear, anti-foam, anti-rust, anti-oxidant – additives inherent in all oils that meet motorcycle manufacturers’ standards. Another insidious way that overheating compromises an oil’s future performance is by something the chemistry textbooks call “thermal decomposition of organic molecules.”

Truth is, if you want to know what that really means, you’ll have to ask somebody like a Lucas engineer. However, for our purposes, a simple definition is good enough: Oil starts to go south at lower temperatures after it has already been overheated a time or two.

“How” Lucas Motorcycle Oil Stabilizer solves all these problems is, of course, magic. Or, at least, it’s magic to anyone who hasn’t spent 25 years learning how to refine, blend, test and perfect petroleum lubricants. (For the record, the Stabilizer is an all-petroleum product and will not void your warranty when used as directed.)

“What” the Stabilizer does, on the other hand, is no secret at all. It blends with and works with your existing motor oil (it’s also great in primaries and gearboxes) to control heat and wear by increasing your oil’s resistance to overheating and loss of critical surface tension with moving parts, reducing friction (friction is the number one cause of heat buildup) and raising your oil pressure under even extreme operating conditions.

But wait, as the Ginsu knife hawkers like to say, there’s more. Lucas MC Oil Stabilizer also eliminates dry starts (the major cause of MC engine wear), slows blow-by, seals worn cylinders, makes cold starts easier, extends oil life up to 50 percent (in large part by making the oil more heat resistant) and increases power and gas mileage (thanks to its friction-reducing properties.) It even works hand in hand with synthetic oil, ATF and — ready for some hi-tech laxative, anyone? — mineral oil. Just kidding, folks, the Stabilizer is absolutely not for human – or even hardcore biker – consumption. Our guts simply don’t run hot enough for it.

One last thing. If you just can’t get through the rest of the day without a Manny, Moe and Jack fix, click on and watch the Pep Boys tell you how great this stuff is.

On Tuesday, the USA FREEDOM Act was signed into law– As we reported when the bill passed the House in May, this important legislation will bring to an end NSA’s mass, undifferentiated collection of telephone metadata under the USA PATRIOT Act. The NRA has opposed this broad surveillance program because of its potential to chill our members’ communication, particularly given the Obama Administration’s well-publicized antagonism against Second Amendment freedoms. We also noted that the availability of sophisticated means of analyzing the metadata to create detailed profiles of individuals could effectively create an end-run around federal prohibitions on firearm registries.

The PATRIOT Act provisions underlying the telephone metadata program had expired late on May 31. This gave impetus to passage of the USA FREEDOM Act, which reauthorized the intelligence community’s access to information, but with a variety of mechanisms to ensure collection of telephone metadata is more narrowly focused on legitimate national security concerns. Privacy advocates from across the political spectrum are hailing the Act’s passage as a historic, if measured, step toward ensuring the federal government is not given free rein to delve into the private lives of ordinary Americans.

The NRA is pleased that Americans’ concerns regarding overly-intrusive government surveillance have produced meaningful reforms. As ever, we will remain alert to any threats to Second Amendment rights, however they may appear.

All-star modern gospel collective Little Faith releases album of uplifting secular musical joy featuring contributions from longtime Whitney Houston collaborator

Little Faith is a unique gospel collective comprised of some of Los Angeles’s finest artists and musicians rallying together behind a universal, uplifting, and unifying message. Members of the group have played with a broad array of icons of classic and contemporary music, and come from wildly disparate beliefs systems, but they all agree on the sheer magnetism of the gospel idiom.

For their latest release, Eternity, out this fall, they welcome Whitney Houston musical director Michael Baker into the collaborative family. The resulting album is an engaging and irresistible set of songs delivered with an emphasis on gospel’s expressive power that eschews religious proselytizing in favor of spreading simple, secular musical joy.

Eternity boasts Little Faith’s strongest collection of traditional spiritual standards and original compositions in its three-album catalog. Standouts include the invigorating “All The People Shout,” the inspiring “Carry Me,” “Wade In The Water,” and the title track. Little Faith will be issuing videos for “All The People Shout” and “Carry Me.” The earthy, R&B-tinged “Wade In The Water” is a traditional song about freedom and civil disobedience.

Longtime Whitney Houston musical director Michael Baker produced Eternity and contributed the album’s moving title track, a song he’d written for Houston shortly before her tragic demise. Baker was a Little Faith fan that contacted the band and offered his services.

Little Faith features musicians who are confirmed atheists, devout Christians, and New Age seekers. Jack Maeby, the brilliant, veteran keyboardist who spent decades playing with such revered artists as Etta James, The Chambers Brothers, Solomon Burke and Darlene Love, first conceived the group in 2010. The female vocalist of Little Faith is the boundlessly talented Nadia Christine Duggin. Nadia has performed with Robin Thicke, Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff, Natalie Cole, Patti Labelle, Avril Lavigne, Taylor Hicks and the popular LA band West Indian Girl. Rounding out the group is Ray Wolffe, on vocals and guitar, who LA Weekly has called “the best unsigned singer out there”; in demand session singer and artist John Michael Knowles (City of Faith and Billy Tulsa); session drummer Jesper Kristensen, known as the “funky hound”; and award-winning songwriter and session mainstay Craig Ferguson, on guitar and pedal steel guitar.

For more information on Little Faith, please visit their website –

Pros 4 Vets Raffle Bike
We’ve teamed up with Pros 4 Vets to revive and raffle this original 1974 Honda CB750. It is in amazing condition. This highly sought after bike can be yours if you get the winning ticket. Only 2,000 tickets will be sold. $10 per ticket. All proceeds to go to
Click here to get your tickets

One more…cropping, tweaking, overlays, brighter, better version of Hamsters at Cooks.

–the most magnificent Falcon


LucidBrake Wireless Brake Light Makes Biking Safer –

No Installation or Wiring Needed!
Patent Pending LED Brake Light FLASHES at Slow & Stop Motions
100% Waterproof, Works on Bicycles, Helmets, Backpacks, & Other Surfaces

LucidBrake,, the smart LED lighting safer biking technology company, announced today that any bike-a-thon, triathlon, or other bicycle event raising money for a cause now has another way to raise money for their charity. If they sign up at and tell their bikers about LucidBrake, 20% of every order by their bikers will be designated for their charity.

“Bikers raising money for a cause this summer have a new friend. LucidBrake believes in safer biking AND doing good, so we are giving 20% of every designated order we receive this summer to biking fundraisers,” said LucidBrake inventor and Microsoft author John Craig. “Our SMART BRAKE makes bikers safer on the road. Prevention is 100% better than healing broken bones and repairing broken bikes. I have family members who ride. I care about them and want to make all families safer. What better way than giving to a good cause?”

LucidBrake for Safer Riding – Features Advanced Computer Circuitry

LucidBrake detects slowing and stopping motions using all 3 axes of acceleration (right/ left, up/down, backwards/forwards) filtering out road bumps, grades, angles, and normal cycling movements. LucidBrake is attached by press-on 3M fastener material, tough enough to hold up metal siding on buildings in extreme outdoor weather conditions — NO installation and NO wiring required!

LucidBrake’s 8 ultra-bright LEDs can be seen up to a ½ mile away at night and ¼ mile during the day so cars, other bikers, and pedestrians can see you braking, slowing down, or stopping, even at a distance. The 8 LEDs blink as you move and blaze solid when you stop (just like a car’s brake lights). Besides bikes, you can also use it on boats, jet skis, skateboards, wheelchairs, scooters, helmets, and even backpacks and more.

100% Waterproof – Works Underwater for Boating and Other Aquatic Uses

100% waterproof, the LucidBrake circuit board is completely encased in a special optically clear conformal coating recommended by Dow Corning engineers, so LucidBrake even works underwater for boating, biking in rain or snow, and other aquatic uses. This super-tough coating is used for solar energy projects, where long term exposure to ultraviolet light, intense heat and cold can take their toll.

LucidBrake is exclusively available for pre-order at or, priced at $79.95. For more information, see the website:

YouTube Videos:

–Karen Thomas /Eva Yutani
(631) 549-7575

HOLLISTER RALLY $75 VIP Package Price Has Been Extended– Only 5 more days for the Hollister Freedom Rally VIP Package for $75 ($145 Value) before the price goes up to $100 on Friday, July 12. Use Promo Code: HNL5 to save $5 off.
Click here for more information.


Vee Rubber Tire has developed a New Generation 21″ white wall tire that has been improved for better road wear, handling and load rating.

All Vee Rubber tires are DOT approved.

This tire has the wide white wall for an “old school” look on a low profile tire, perfect for todays builds. Compare its appearance to the competition.

Vee Rubber also manufacturer tires for some of the other brand names. So why pay more for the same tire.

Because of Vee Rubber’s confidence in this
” New Generation” tire they are offering one of the best warranties in the industry. 
So don’t delay, place your order today.

P# 562-7769594
F# 562-7769635

[page break]

Küryakyn XKürsion XW1.5 Roller Bag

Take your road trips to new heights with the all-new XKürsion XW1.5 Roller Bag, one of the most versatile bags in the XKürsion luggage line by Küryakyn.

Measuring in at 12” wide x 10” deep, the XW1.5 Roller Bag’s key feature is its expandable main compartment that allows the bag to extend from 17” to 26” in height for plenty of additional storage space when you need it. When expanded, the overall capacity nearly doubles to a whopping 3,120 cubic inches. Another feature unique to the XW1.5 Roller Bag is the removable shelf with a trio of different height adjustments that divides the towering main compartment into three tiers of customized cargo space. Rounding out the interior are padded electronics organizer pockets that can house up to a 17” laptop plus other devices, and there’s also a zippered mesh pocket for storing toiletries or other small items that you want to keep isolated from the main compartment’s load. The XW1.5’s internal structure adds rigidity to hold its shape whether collapsed or expanded.

Three large external zippered storage compartments located on the sides and front of the bag help organize the easy-access items. Once you’ve reached your destination, break out the integrated retractable handle and utilize the smooth-rolling wheels for easy portability.

Designed to mount on a luggage rack with sissy bar or on a passenger seat with sissy bar, the XKürsion XW1.5 is perfect for any type of getaway.

All XKürsion Bags Feature:

•Premium 1200 Denier Maxtura material that is UV and weather resistant
•Thermoformed construction for durability, shape retention and style
•Glove-friendly zipper pulls and ergonomically styled carrying handle
•Weatherproof zippers and rain cover
•Custom-designed anti-scratch D-rings with a unique rivet attachment provide ample mounting points
•Durable and adjustable mounting straps
•Unique shape designed specifically to fit the contours of any bike
•Reflect-a-light: Strategically placed reflective patches for increased visibility

CULTURAL REPORT, Empower and Enable– There are around 1750000 homeless people in the USA today. Factually 64,000 people, including 22,000 children, are homeless in New York City.

They are not illiterate
They are not unskilled
They are not stupid
Only a small percentage of them are handicapped physically or mentally
They are not corrupt or lazy

Remember, humans may fail and falter. There are excruciating circumstances in these people’s lives that has made them penniless and forsaken. It does not mean they are useless or that their lives have no meaning.

We want them to be taxpaying citizens.
Yes! We empower and enable these people to make a livelihood and get back into mainstream society as honorable tax paying citizens:

We don’t waste money on simply creating shelters or foodbanks.

We create Training Modules and identify homeless people who can immediately bounce back to normal life with the adequate vocational coaching.
Our money raised is for Training Materials and Basic Operational Costs only.

The Impact

Inspire one, inspire them all:
We change one life, which simultaneously affect another few lives connected to the person as family member or friend.

Our Successful Trainees recruit more people from below the poverty line to inspire them to achieve what they always dreamed of.

We have 50 Trainers with University Degrees and over 350 years of corporate work experience between them.

No individual left behind

None of the people we meet want to remain where they are. They all wish to evolve and grow and become a reliable productive citizen of America. We give them the tools and the techniques to get employed, get savings, get accommodation and get ahead in life.

Do more with less. Simple Management techniques applied in real life.

Build a Proud Citizen to build a Proud Nation

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help: Share this webpage and get the word out and make some noise about our campaign. Share this with other organizations working for the homeless rehabilitation
Never give up. Pain is temporary. Quitting is permanent.

–from Udey Dey
Bikernet India Bureau Chief

JIMS MOST AUSPICIOUS Tool of the Week– No. 968 Gasket Locator

When installing a new gasket on your primary case, getting the cover on without the gasket falling out of place can be a challenge. JIMS No. 968 Gasket Locator Tool is a great solution.

Thread two or three of the locators into the case, slide the gasket on, and install the cover. Once the cover is secure, remove the gasket locators and install the screws. It’s that easy.

These handy tools thread into ¼-20 screw holes and can be used for primary cover, air cleaner, cam cover, transmission end cover, and trap door gaskets.

For more info, contact JIMS at or call (805) 482-6913. You can also visit us on the web at You can also follow us on TwitterLinkedInInstagram, and Facebook.

We are making progress on the Salt Torpedo. The color is in process while Atomic is enjoying family time sitting in his Dad chair for movie night.

We also took a few moments in the back of our home to take a couple pictures of Atomic.

–SaraBelle, or Mrs. Atomic to you

SPEAKING OF SALT TORPEDO— Transmission cases arrived.

Just a quick note and a shot or two to let you know I got the goodies rounded up from Mancuso H-D in Houston. I’ll get them painted silver bead blast asap and do the JIMS fat-five gear set install. I assume the LUCAS guys are sending some assembly lube as well as gear oil? If so, I’ll hang on till I get it, if not I’ll use what I have on hand


If you are short on god given talent there is no short cut through practice. It is putting in the time until the action becomes second nature, instinctual. They say to master something you have to do it 10,000 times.

It is a commitment to do it, commitment to letting your body learn it as you twitch away in your sleep going through the motions. Those of us old enough remember waking in the night as we moved an imaginary joy stick guiding Pac Man around the endless mazes.

Where lots of people get caught up is trying to be perfect, expecting perfection the first time they do something. Minor flubs screech the process to a stop and they start from the beginning. Over and over they go – two steps forward, two steps back.

Instead if they continued on they might discover the pattern, the muscle memory as they work it through. Once finished than they can go back, anticipate that hard part, knowing that on the other side it will be easier until we stumble again.

Even within those practices, within the flaws you may find something new. Maybe it is a new sound; maybe it is inventing a new way to do something.

Many people think riding a bike is as simple as twisting the throttle and going; simple as riding a bike, but there is a lot more to it than what appears. The most dangerous person to a biker is himself. You can’t assume the others will see you, that everyone is a good driver. You MUST learn to anticipate them turning in front of you, even swerving at you. It is only until you put the time in behind the bars; getting to know the machine as well as yourself can you move on. So sit down and grit your teeth and put the time in to practice. It is the only way to make it easier and enhance your survival.

-bad Uncle Monkey

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS STILL OPEN– Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth

She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

–from Rogue and Jerry

2014 Triumph Thunderbird Commander, DEMO AND SIGN SALES EVENT! RECEIVE $2500 OFF MSRP OR 0% FINANCING FOR 72 MONTHS (OAC) PLUS FREE ACCESSORIES. CALL FOR DETAILS. – A strong, willing engine, refined chassis, powerful looks and broad riding position give our new Thunderbird Commander the power and presence to dominate any road. Based on our original Thunderbird, the Commander easily impresses riders and onlookers with its classic cruiser style, premium feel and the world’s largest capacity parallel twin engine.

And being a Triumph, it’s a cruiser that also gives you day-long comfort, practicality, character and, on top of all that, superb handling. There’s no compromise here.

Price: $15,699

It’s time for my annual pilgrimage to the Smoke Out in Rockingham, NC on June 19-20th. Come out and support the largest Chopper show on the East Coast.

All my rowdy friends along with The Horse Backstreet Chopper Magazine will be there. Plus, the music will get your engine revving.

The Koffin Kats cut their European Tour short so they could make Saturday night on the main stage. Here’s some licks form those crazy kats.

AUSTRALIAN CLUB NEWS, Yandina Seven trial should be aborted– Former Rebels motorcycle club member in the Aussie state of Queensland Mike Smith, says the upcoming trial of the ‘Yandina Seven’ should be aborted now that the anti-biker laws under which the men were charged are under review.

Mr Smith is the father of two of the men, father-in-law of another and “lifelong friend” of the others.

Five of the men were charged under the former Newman government’s Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment (VLAD) laws after CCTV footage captured them in the Yandina Hotel on November 1, 2013.

Under the laws, it is illegal for three or more people associated with criminal groups to meet in public places.

Another two men were charged in early 2014 after they were linked to being in the pub at the same time as the other men.

Mr Smith said 16 days had been set aside for the men’s trials with 160 professional witnesses to be called.

“Every time people have to go to court… it costs a lot of money and a lot of time it’s the people’s (public) money.’

He said the high-profile case had cost his son’s freedom. “One son spent nearly four months in jail for being in a pub for a couple of hours with his brothers and a couple of mates and he is still suffering to this day,” Mr Smith said.

“The laws are under review – why are we going to trial?”

“It’s a shame that the government now aren’t stepping in and saying ‘enough of the waste’.”

A spokesman for Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said she would “very soon” be announcing a taskforce that would review the VLAD laws.

The spokesman said the taskforce would include representatives from The Bar Association of Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and civil observers.

He said the government did not want the laws to be weakened, but said they could be better targeted and better thought out.

“We think they were rushed through,” the spokesman said.

He said the Attorney-General would not comment on cases before the courts.

Former Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said the Sunshine Coast community would not be fooled by the crocodile tears of the so-called Yandina Seven.

He said criminal gang laws introduced by the LNP were working.

“We have seen recently the first conviction under the LNP’s tough criminal gang laws,” Mr Blejie said.

“This has resulted in a criminal drug trafficker being removed from our streets and in jail for a long time.”

He said it was important to protect the community from illegal drugs.

The men’s trial will begin in Maroochydore Magistrates Court on July 29.


Late July, 1996, Beaverton, Oregon. We loaded Jim Bartlett’s show bike, a beautiful hand built Panhead, handcrafted from stem to stern. We loaded my hand built 10.008 sec, 98-inch Evo street bike as well as an assortment of Wheeler Work Stations.

The Sturgis Museum Director at the time offered a discounted 10×20 space, with the promise of a Wheeler Workstation in the future.

The future has arrived after a mere 19 years.

After many late night discussions the 5-Ball Racing Board overwhelmingly agreed to build at least one more original unit. While we were in the process of building the original design (in our spare time), we contacted a local sheet metal shop for ideas utilizing today’s technologies?

For this particular, original unit we elected to powder coat the 6061 aluminum structure the famous Asphalt Black (WORCO Powder in Long Beach). Attaching hardware is S/S Button head bolts with matching washers and speed nuts. We added a Pingel Wheel Chock from Biker’s Choice and two S/S eyebolts to attach tie downs. Safety is a good idea.

The top and bottom pieces are premium Marine grade plywood, sealed with a polyurethane coating over a light pecan finish. The center two pieces on the top are removable for easy access to the bottom side of your loved one, making service work or cleaning a breeze.

Monday evening, the 1st of June, the Team bubble wrapped the Museum destined showcase. The showcase was loaded in the back of my trusty Ranger for the 1,400 mile road trip.

After an easy two days on the road rolled into the perfect parking spot in front of the Sturgis Museum at 4:44 Wednesday afternoon. This is one of the only times I’ve seen empty streets in Sturgis. We decided to meet early Thursday morning to unload the showcase and roll in.

Friday just before noon John and Jill Parham arrived with their Crew from J & P Cycle delivering the freshly refurbished 50th Anniversary Sturgis Raffle Bike. John Reed was the Craftsman behind the rebuild and freshening.

The bike was easily loaded and secured. A promise from 19 years ago fulfilled with a donation to the Sturgis Museum from Bikernet’s 5-Ball Racing Team.

Thanks to Bikernet and 5-Ball Racing Team and all the opportunities at hand.

Read this piece the other day, “What is it that man can leave behind in this world that has a life beyond our own? ”

In the very near future we’ll roll out the first Diamond Deck Work Station/Showcase with an option list. Your ride on top, parts and tools in one spot, rolls around the shop and out of the way with ease.

We can add tools or parts pockets/with lids on the top for easy at hand access. Our Team can light the interior so that your parts are easy to see. We offer Unlimited possibilities ranging from your basic everyday Work Station to our top shelf, handcrafted Exotic Hardwood’s, Tooled Leather and more, for the ultimate showcase experience. All showcases are mounted on locking, swiveling, 400 lb casters.

Ride….Safe…..Fast and Ride Forever.

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

 ‘Sblood: zbluhd

1. Obsolete. a euphemistic shortening of God’s blood, used as an oath.


‘Sblood, but you will not heare me, / If ever I did dreame of such a matter, abhorre me.
— William Shakespeare (1564–1616), Othello, 1622


‘Sblood entered English in the late 1500s and is a euphemistic shortening of the interjection God’s blood.

June 10, 2015, New York, NY – This fall, iconic footwear brand Blundstone will debut its collaboration with world renowned motorcycle brand Ducati Scrambler to consumers with a limited edition boot as part of Ducati Scrambler’s official apparel and accessory collection to coincide with the release of the Scrambler bike. The Blundstone Ducati boot will be available in September both online at and at select retailers nationwide. A national campaign supporting the collaboration will be announced in July.

The Blundstone 800 boot in brown leather with olive green elastic gore paneling with yellow details was specifically designed for the collaboration and features a modern twist on Blundstone’s iconic boot. Both yellow and green can be seen throughout the entire Ducati Scrambler collection including bikes, apparel and accessories – making it recognizable wherever it’s seen.

Other features of the Blundstone 800 boot include custom stitching details on the gear shift protector and the Ducati Scrambler logo on one of the two classic Blundstone pull-tabs. Blundstone will produce 3,000 pairs of the limited edition boot to be sold through select key U.S. retailers, including Blundstone’s own ecommerce website this fall.

“Combining authentic heritage and contemporary style has been a constant throughout Blundstone’s history,” says International Sales Executive, Andrew Ross. “Since 1870, we’ve enabled people to go anywhere, do anything, and live life authentically. We’re very proud to have collaborated with Ducati Scrambler to bring this story to the riding world.”

A national campaign surrounding a Scrambler giveaway will launch September 1st. Consumers will have the chance to participate via Blundstone’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. More details to follow soon.

For more information, visit

STAINLESS STEEL WATCH HARDWARE NOW AVAILABLE– now stocking Stainless Steel watch hardware!

We are introducing a new line of stainless steel watch buckles & loops! You will find several styles that come in two finishes: stainless steel polished, and stainless steel matte. All items come in 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, and 22mm.

We have created a new category on our website labeled: Watch Buckles & Loops

Thank you everyone for all your requests! Hope you like the new hardware!

The Buckleguy Team

I’M SCRAMBLING— Today. Hell, I’m scrambling everyday. Next week I’m going to have the supreme pleasure of riding my new Indian to the Smoke Out. I owe you an article about the paint, and I will come back from the SmokeOut with a list of articles to complete.

But standing by is a wild article about creating this Salt Torpedo art with the Atomic Queen and her benevolent husband, Mr. Atomic.

I’m still working on collecting data from Wire Plus and BDL on Twevo engine configurations. The source of this piece is Bennett’s Performance where the action takes place.

I’m also still working on my article about the Scott Jacobs Family Art Complex in the mountains overlooking the Pacific just south of Camp Pendleton, California.

Ben Lambeouf, the Bikernet Advertising Director, and the President of EMD products USA, cut me some slack and took over the CV Carb rebuild.

There’s so much more heading your way on Bikernet and Bandit’s Cantina. Hang on, but in the meantime…

Ride Free forever!


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