The Ultimate Custom Paint Show

Perewitz paint show

If you’re not already planning on hitting Daytona Bike Week this year, make sure to check out the Perewitz Custom Paint Show. Sponsored by PPG PAINTS, the  event will take place at the exclusive Daytona Pavilion on Wednesday, March 11, 2015.

The show is open to any custom painted motorcycle or trike with a wide variety of classes based on type and style paint. And most importantly, a select team of custom painters will judge on paint only!

Best of show walks off with a cool $500 cash and a custom, one-of-kind Perewitz-painted trophy. 2nd place picks up $300 cash and sponsor supplied prize and 3rd pockets $100. Prizes with an estimated value in the thousands will be presented randomly throughout the event.

As word gets out about this first of its kind of event, the number of entries and sponsors is certain to explode. So, don’t miss out. Give Dave a call at 508-697-3595 and get your foot in the door early.



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