This is a strange and wonderful week. Shit is happening fast. Shit is changing fast, and shit will go to hell quick if we all don’t get involved.
I didn’t intend this to be doom and gloom, but it just spilled out as I wrote. It’s time we all joined a motorcycle rights group or three and got our boots wet.
Here’s my code of the West: We live in the best of times. Our government needs to focus on the people, our freedoms and happiness not on trying to control everything or make everything safe as in Zero. It’s all about control and it won’t work, so let’s be happy and as free as possible.
There are more opportunities for happy than ever before, more events, more races, more run, more shows, you name it. There are more resources for building anything you want to ride. But we need to step up and support Freedom. And make sure to register to vote. It’s in the Code of the West… Let’s hit the news.
The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.
HANG ON!–The 16th Annual David Mann Chopperfest will be held Sunday, December 8, 2019 at the Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura, CA from 8am – 4pm.
In addition to the motorcycle show, we’ll have a custom bike builder display featuring world class bike builders, the “David Mann & Friends” Motorcycle Art and Culture Exhibit, hundreds of motorcycle vendors, a new and used motorcycle parts swap meet, food, 805 Firestone beer and live music.
Plus there is a $2500 cash prize for Best of Show bike and $500 for best Knucklehead, Panhead, Shovelhead, Antique and David Mann Memorial thanks to the generous support of Ross Brown Motorcycle Attorneys.
The “If you build it they will come” All Brand Motorcycle Show will feature 22 classes of motorcycles from antique & old school to radical design. Check out the Chopper Fest website Bike Show link below for more details on all the classes and entering your motorcycle. If you have a bike that fits one of these classes please enter it, it’s only $40 and you get 1 admission and a David Mann Chopper Fest t-shirt. The trophy’s are amazing one of a kind pieces of art by Sonny Boy.
General Admission is $15, Military with ID $10, kids 12 & under Free
Bike Show Registration Form:
Register your bike online or download the bike show registration form. You can mail it in or send to sean@chopperfestival.com, 818.681.9719
Vendor and Swapmeet registration is now open. Vendor/Swapmeet forms can be downloaded by clicking the link below or at www.chopperfestival.com or you can call or email Sean to reserve your space. 818.681.9719, sean@chopperfestival.com. Sean, in addition to putting together one amazing Chopperfest art show, will be working with Tory on the vendors this year.
Click here for the vendor application form
**Attention returning vendors** – if you would like to reserve your same spot or move closer please submit application and payment by October 14th. After that date your space will be open to vendors on the waiting list wishing to move closer to the front of venue. Thank you.
See you there!
EASYRIDERS IS DEAD—I’M IN MOURNING–It’s official. I received a subscription refund (sort of) from Paisano Publications the parent of Easyriders magazine. What I received was a gift certificate to be used for Easyriders over priced ($40 t-shirt) merchandise plus $6 for shipping.
I’ve been a subscriber since late ‘70s. Editors Frank Kaisler, Keith Ball and Dave Nichols all great guys that lead a great team. Miraculous Mutha, great jokes and fiction where the biker always wins. Naked girls!! And the best bike builders in the country! I’ll never see those again. Not just Easyriders magazine, the motorcycle shows, the Rodeos, Boys and Girls support, VQ, In the Wind, Tattoo and other Paisano magazines.
I have an Easyriders watch! I even have a VQ money clip that even Dave Nichols doesn’t have!
I’ve had a bike on the cover of Easyriders and another featured in one of their other mags. And countless articles and ads when I was at CCI.
Where will I see bikes built by Dave Perewitz, Donnie Smith or Finch from the east and mid-west? I used to just stare at the creativity of Arlen Ness whom I would befriend later in life no less!
As I toil away on my sidecar, I’m asking myself “what’s the point?” It won’t be featured in Easyriders and photographed by the best motorcycle photographer ever (Michael Lichter). Sure, it’ll probably get photo’d by someone using an iPhone and end up in an on-line magazine. OOOHHH look guys at this screen of pictures of my many years of hard work!! Well hell, I could just send you pictures now and stop working.
Can you imagine the day when we are huddled around a glowing screen looking at a bike feature? It’s here! I’ll have nothing for my archives or my wall of a great picture of my hard work and imagination to look at while I work on another.
For years as a young man (in college no less) I read Easyriders and couldn’t wait for the next issue. I imagined someday of getting rid of my leaky triumph chopper and building a full custom that would get featured in Easyriders. Gazing at the features of Sturgis or Daytona, dreaming of the day I would attend. The magazine definitely fueled my imagination, my spirit of adventure and my drive to…well, get where I’ve got.
I didn’t have to wait for a computer to spool up. I could pull out an old copy and show you a small piece of some great work a bike builder had done and file that idea away for a future build. And most of all the editorial content that said we may be bikers but we don’t take anything seriously and especially ourselves.
I couldn’t stand looking at some of the copycat magazines that took themselves so serious with their tough guy attitude and parts-built feature bikes. While at CCI I refused to advertise in any of those magazines, because I was an Easyriders fan 10 years before joining CCI!
I’m sure Joe Teresi (owner of Paisano) has his reasons, and I’m not faulting him for his decision to sell to a group whom have let me know that Easyriders will be available on newsstands only, quarterly, and as a lifestyle magazine or a catalog. My hat’s off to all of the Easyriders staff for the years of entertainment that have provided this motorcycle enthusiast for over 40 years.
Easyriders and Paisano have been intertwined in my entire motorcycle life from the beginning all the way to my latest project where the ultimate goal was a feature in this preeminent publication. Now what?
I’m in mourning………
Ride Hard,
PS. I’m headed to Sturgis in 2020. If things go right – I’ll have to trailer my sidecar. Trailer…HA first time…and hopefully the last.
Miami officer suspended after video with models in lingerie–
MIAMI BEACH – Officials said a Florida police officer has been suspended after a video of him in uniform pretending to arrest three scantily clad models went viral.
The Miami Herald reported that Miami Beach police Officer William Beeker was placed on administrative duty Monday and suspended Tuesday.
Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales released a statement saying that it was disgusting that a representative of the Miami Beach Police Department would choose to participate in the distasteful video.
The video posted Monday of the models’ Instagram accounts received more than 2 million total views.
The video shows Beeker accompanying the handcuffed women toward the police headquarters. A second video shows the women thanking Beeker for letting them go as he sits on an ATV.
A message seeking comment from Beeker’s union wasn’t returned.
Senior Editor’s Note: Over the years we took a lot of photos of women and cops for Easyriders – Times have changed.
Should people be forced to be on juries?
Judge clears record of man jailed for missing jury duty
WEST PALM BEACH – A Florida man who spent 10 days in jail after he overslept and missed jury duty had his record cleared by a judge Monday.
Palm Beach County Circuit Judge John Kastrenakes rescinded his contempt finding against 21-year-old Deandre Somerville, writing that Somerville has been apologetic, “totally rehabilitated” and no longer needs to be on probation, news outlets reported.
“I know he now understands and respects our system of justice and the critical role jurors play in that system,” Kastrenakes wrote. “In conclusion, I do not want even a finding of contempt to be gleaned from a perusal of his background or record.”
Somerville served his 10-day jail sentence last month. Kastrenakes had initially also sentenced him to 12 months of probation and ordered him to perform 150 hours of community service. On Friday, the judge reduced those terms to three months of probation and 30 hours of community service.
Three days later, Kastrenakes vacated the probation sentence entirely, although he maintained that Somerville had been careless to not show up for jury duty on Aug. 21.
Somerville said he overslept and didn’t call the bailiff before heading straight to his afternoon job in an afterschool program at the West Palm Beach city parks department. His absence delayed the court by 45 minutes, according to court records.
Somerville, who had no previous criminal record, read a letter of apology in Kastrenakes’ court on Friday.
“As a result of my irresponsible actions, my life has been forever changed,” he said. “Everything I’ve gone through. I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”
Kastrenakes on Monday said he found Somerville’s apology letter to be “moving, sincere and heartfelt.”
–from Rogue
THE EVEL KNIEVEL MUSEUM IS NOW OPEN—Alicia Knievel Vincent told how her father had considered sites in Nevada, Montana and Florida, but still hadn’t decided when he passed away in 2007.
The Evel Knievel museum found a home next door to Historic Harley-Davidson in Topeka, Kansas. Credit goes to Lathan McKay, producer, actor who amassed the largest collection of Evel memorabilia. The other majority of the credit goes to the dealer/owner Mike Patterson.
The Evel Knievel Museum is located at 2047 SW Topeka Boulevard, Topeka Kansas.
FAKE NEWS: ELECTRIC BIKES—I love this one. In the Week Magazine they posted what the critics said about the 2020 Zero SR/F motorcycle.
Jalopnik.com called it outrageously fun. Car and Driver boasted about hot acceleration from zero to 60 in three seconds and a purported 319 mpg and a noisy rear wheel belt drive. Motorcycle magazine said it’s the best electric motorcycle on the market for $20,000 and sharp looking.
I ran into a couple of kinks in this program. First, it looks like any other sport bike. I’d give it a 2 for appearance, and then there’s the pothole in the center of the lane. The Zero factory call for 161 miles per charge, but only for city traffic. Car and Drive pointed out, “At a constant 75 mph, we could clock only 70 miles.”
Even the skinniest chopper, not meant for long runs can reach 100 miles. What good is any vehicle incapable of going 100 miles on a single charge. –Bandit
THE STRANGE LAW OF THE WEEK—In Australia you could be fined as much as $2,700 if you don’t walk your dog daily. So, what kind of surveillance is going to monitor that?– Bandit
–from the Week Magazine
Hey Bandit, just got a voucher from Easyriders for no more subscription. I can use it to buy, I guess left over swag. Better than nothing I guess.
Rogue: I received a brochure from Easyriders indicating that they were going to be a non-subscription/newsstand only quarterly magazine or catalog. They offered basic Easyriders hats, t shirts, hoodies and koozies at inflated prices with an order form for the product and absolutely no mention of a refund.
I started riding when I was 13 in a small rural community and with a license since I turned 16 (I’m 67 now) and have more biker wear than I can wear in a year’s time. The Easyriders T was priced at $40 and the hoodie at $70. (priced higher than H-D stuff).
I sent the following email requesting a refund. I’ll let you know the outcome.
To whom it may concern. I received the brochure today indicating that the new owners have shut down the monthly subscription of Easyriders magazine in order to go to a quarterly magazine at some newsstands (That I will not be likely to be able to find in my area). The brochure indicates a balance of $104.96 and a code of 105158.
I have been getting this publication since 1970 and, as you see by the amount of subscription credit, anticipated to do so for some time into the future. The only magazine I have subscribed to for several years. I am extremely disappointed at the direction that the magazine is now taking.
I have more T shirts, sweatshirts and hats than I could possibly need, and I have no relatives that would want any of the product since they don’t ride or like the biker lifestyle. As I do not want product you are offering I am asking for a refund of the full amount.
— Gary Weaver
The madness of Extinction Rebellion–This is an upper-middle-class death cult and we should ridicule it out of existence.
Yesterday, in London, I witnessed an eerie, chilling sight: I saw a death cult holding a ceremony in public.
The men and women gathered outside King’s Cross station and formed a circle. They swayed and chanted. They preached about End Times. ‘What will you do when the world gets hot, what, what?’, they intoned, conjuring up images of the hellfire they believe will shortly consume mankind. They sang hymns to their god – science. ‘We’ve got all the science / All that we need / To change the world / Hallelujah’, they sang, rocking side to side as they did so.
They demanded repentance. ‘Buy less, fly less, fry less’, said one placard. Catholics only demand the non-consumption of meat on Fridays, as an act of penance to mark the day of Christ’s death. This new religion demands an end to meat-consumption entirely, as penance for mankind’s sins of growth and progress.
And like all death cultists, they handed out leaflets that contained within them ‘THE TRUTH’. The leaflets foretell floods and fire: ‘We are in trouble. Sea levels are rising… Africa and the Amazon are on fire.’ The only word that was missing was locusts. They can’t be far behind these other ghastly visitations to sinful mankind.
And if you question their TRUTH? Then, like those heretics who were hauled before The Inquisition 500 years ago, you will be denounced as a denier. A denier of their revelations, a denier of their visions. ‘Denial is not a policy’, their placards decreed. Spotting me filming their spooky, apocalyptic ceremony, one of the attendees waved that placard in my face. A warning from the cult to a corrupted outsider.
–from Spiked.com
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TEXAS DEAL OF THE WEEK–So ended up with ‘07 Dyna FXDB, was on my way to Dallas to buy another one Sunday, but it sold the night before, which was okay, as I ended up taking the redhead to the ER.
She is okay though, but left her Monday morning to go get the ’07. She was there through Wednesday, then the 7-month-old grandson hit town Thursday. So, no motorcycle work yet
Had a friend up in Austin check this one out, some things he didn’t notice, but hopefully she’ll be okay at her new home? So far, the farthest I’ve ridden it was up the driveway. Already have Progressive black 412s and a new front rotor and pads.
Probably gonna go with a Thunderheader and it needs some bags like on that first Dyna. My daily commute is 130 miles round trip. Went to transfer the title this morning, forgot it wasn’t legal, so needs an inspection first.
AUCTION OF THE MONTH–$500,000 bid expected for vintage motorcycle at Barber auction
by: Chris Best
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WKRG)— There are so many vintage motorcycles at Barber Vintage Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham it’s almost mind-numbing. It’s the largest collection in the world. They literally have them stacked four stories high. And then there’s the basement. The display is awe-inspiring to anyone. But those who really know what to look for can spot the most rare bikes among the masses.
Saturday, Bonhams will be at the museum auctioning off one of the rarest of all, a 1959 Crocker Big Tank V-Twin. It’s expected to go for as much as half a million dollars. This is all happening during the Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival. About 85,000 motorcycle fans from across the globe are gathered in Alabama this weekend at the site.
1940 Crocker Big Tank V-Twin
Engine no. 40-61-114• Formerly owned by Crocker employee Elmo Looper
• From the last two years of Crocker motorcycle production
• One of fewer than 30 Big Tanks built
• Engine and transmission overhaul by Mike Lange
It’s not the only rare bike up for grabs. Here’s the full press release from Bonhams:
Crocker and Merkel among world’s most desired collectors’ motorcycles; Bidder registration now invited for sale hosted with Barber Vintage Festival
In anticipation of its second annual auction “Collectors’ Motorcycles at the Barber Museum,” Bonhams is very pleased to announce the consignment of two very rare and highly sought-after collectors’ motorcycles – a 1940 Crocker Big Tank and a 1910 Flying Merkel Twin.
1940 Crocker Big Tank and a 1910 Flying Merkel Twin Called the “Duesenberg of motorcycles,”
Crocker is the definitive American motorcycle – handmade, powerful and fast. Very much a Hollywood “hot rod” production bike, Crocker was created in and shaped by the culture of pre-war Los Angeles, California, by former Indian distributor Al Crocker. When it debuted, the upstart founder brazenly challenged world dominators Harley-Davidson, boasting of superiority. As the story goes, Al Crocker famously advertised that if any of his bikes were ever beaten by a stock Harley, he would refund the owner’s money. No refunds were ever requested.
As a bespoke machine, each Crocker was made to the specifications of its buyer. This expensive and time-intensive approach meant that quality remained high but output low. Total Crocker numbers never exceeded more than 125 units before World War II forced the firm’s closure, and today only around 50 of those units are accounted for, making Crocker motorcycles extremely rare.
After fading into relative obscurity for half a century, two major events transpired that vaulted Crocker to the consciousness of collectors worldwide. First, the Guggenheim Museum’s groundbreaking 1998 exhibit The Art of the Motorcycle prominently featured a Crocker (owned by famed auto collector Otis Chandler).
Then, the seminal 2006 Legend of the Motorcycle Concours d’Elegancepresented Crocker as a featured marque with a record-breaking 20 examples on display. The attention provided by these two events – highlighting the marque’s unique history, success and rarity – suddenly made Crocker one of the most desirable and expensive motorcycles in the world. Since then, values of Crockers have increased by more than 500%.
The 1940 Crocker consigned to Bonhams’ sale is #4061-114, said to have been owned by Elmo Looper, former Crocker employee and the man who bought the spares and tooling from Crocker after the factory’s 1947 closure.
1910 Flying Merkel 884cc Twin
Flying Merkel of Ohio is the archetypal pioneering American motorcycle and represents all the attributes of desirability – innovation, high build quality, success in racing, low manufacturing numbers, short corporate lifespan, and few surviving examples. Produced in both single and twin-cylinder configurations, the scarce existing twins are today the most sought after. The 1910 v-twin to be offered by Bonhams has benefitted from an exhaustive and accurate concours-level restoration and is reported to run as beautifully as it looks.
Bidder registration is now invited for the October sale that’s to be held in conjunction with the world’s largest vintage motorcycle event – The Barber Vintage Festival – in Birmingham, Alabama. For more information, visit Bonhams.com/Barber.
Please be careful out there, and follow me on social media:
Chris Best is the News Director for WKRG. He’s a husband and father of four. He’s also a motorcycle enthusiast.
— Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc
adjective [flek-shoo-uhs]
full of bends or curves; sinuous.
How is flexuous used?
The searching stems are gently flexuous, belying their innate urge to reach up to the light.
… George Best corkscrewing his way past man after man on a flexuous run of perfect balance and improvised brilliance.
What is the origin of flexuous?
Flexuous comes straight from Latin flexuosus “full of bends or turns, winding,” an adjective derived from the noun flexus “an act of bending, turning, or swerving, or of turning a corner,” which in turn is a derivative of the verb flectere “to bend, curve, curl (the hair).” Further etymology of flectere is uncertain. Flexuous is not common in English; the word is used chiefly in zoology and botany.
Aeromach to Distribute QD Exhaust for Indian FTR in the USA–
Aeromach USA, LLC, a motorcycle parts manufacturer and distributor located in Charlotte, N.C., is pleased to announce they are the US distributor for QD exhaust for the new Indian FTR motorcycle. QD, is based in Vercelli, Italy, southwest of Milan.
“We are excited to add this line of quality products to our offerings for the new FTR motorcycle,” said Paul Aiken, owner of Aeromach. “We have been selling QD exhaust for the Indian Scout and when I met with the team from QD we immediately decided we needed to sell these beautiful Italian mufflers in the US and according to feedback from our customers they agree.”
The slip-on mufflers feature a carbon fiber heat shield and can be mounted directly to the factory resonator or with the available QD-70005 “cat-delete” pipe to remove the resonator. A reflash unit will follow shortly to reflash the bike’s ECU to compensate for the exhaust change when removing factory resonator.
Retail price for the QD-700012 and QD-70015 mufflers is $875, the QD-70005 Cat-Delete is $298. They can be ordered at many dealers in the US as well as online from Aeromach’s website www.aeromach.net
For more information contact:
Aeromach USA LLC
Paul E. Aiken, 800-990-9392
Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and Fish Window Cleaning is giving back. This month, the local FISH location will be giving away free window cleaning to the home of a local breast cancer fighter or survivor.
“It would have been especially hard for me to clean my own windows while undergoing treatment since upper body strength is needed. I was worn out, weak and in no condition for such a task and to climb ladders was out of the question, says Sheila, a breast cancer survivor. Just keeping up with daily cleaning tasks became almost impossible. It was really great how my friends, family and community rallied around to help me by providing meals and helping keep my house clean. A free window cleaning could really brighten up a breast cancer fighter’s day, for sure.”
Breast cancer treatment can be incredibly draining for women and FISH wants to help provide a fighter in our community with some relief. Often, breast cancer treatments are time-consuming, exhausting and/or painful. The last thing a woman undergoing treatment (or her family members) want to think about after a full day of treatments is keeping the house clean.
According to Psychology Today, a clean house can affect a woman’s mental health:
Women who live in a cluttered home were more likely to be depressed and fatigued.
Women who viewed their homes as restful or restorative were more likely to have a more positive mental outlook.
Cleanliness can help improve and support physical and mental health.
With one in eight women in the U.S. being affected by invasive breast cancer in her lifetime, there is a desperate need for more awareness, fundraising and support for families in need. This month, FISH is hoping to make a difference in our community.
To enter to win a free window cleaning, breast cancer fighters or survivors can be nominated through FISH’s website through a simple information form and a brief description of her breast cancer story. Nominations open on October 7 and will remain open through the end of the month. The winning home will be announced in early November.
*Please note there are participating locations across the country, so even if a loved one is fighting cancer outside your city – you can still possibly nominate them.
Malena Wilson
Glory Daze Motorcycle Show–
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania isn’t too from from Cleveland, Ohio where Lowbrow is based. Both share a gritty, industrial past.
This is evident in the venue for the first annual Glory Daze Motorcycle Show that took place in the historic Carrie Blast Furnace complex a few weeks back.
Make your plans to attend the next one. See you there!
12 stages – 876 miles
D1 / Arrive in Negombo
You are met at the airport and taken 20 minutes by car to Negombo, a fishing port and coastal resort. After you settle in at the hotel, time for some beach- or pool-based R & R. From the shore, you can admire the flotilla of oruwas, traditional fishing boats whose square sails dance on the ocean.
D2 / Negombo – Kalpitiya – 68 miles
We begin the tour by heading north towards Kalpitiya peninsula, along a series of minor coastal roads and some tracks, passing through fishing villages. We reach a stretch lined by huge coconut plantations before they give way to shrimp farms. We fork off onto the peninsula and ride between the lagoon and the ocean.
D3 / Kalpitiya – Sigiriya – 118 miles
After around 18 miles of main road skirting the immense Karuwalagas lagoon, we cross a plain peppered with jungles, rice paddies, coconut plantations, mango groves and several lakes. We make a detour to visit the Ritigala ruins, a monastery that was abandoned many years ago, nestled in the heart of the jungle. Only when the imposing Lion Rock is dominating the reddish plains do we know that we’ve arrived in Sigiriya.
D4 / Sigiriya – 84 miles
Today, we have two options: we can visit either the ancient city of Polonnaruwa or Dambulla’s Buddhist cave temple. We ride along the edge of Minneriya National Park, where elephant sightings are common. After a break near Giritale tank, we head to Polonnaruwa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Alternatively, we can head to Dambulla and its astounding caves housing numerous Buddha statues.
your motorcycle tour expert
FROM THE BIKERNET™ GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATION TEAM—Seems we can blame the opioid crises on the DEA.
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) allowed a massive increase in the production of narcotic painkillers, the justice Department inspector general reported this week.
Overdose deaths increased by an average of 8 percent a year from 1999 to 2013 and a startling 71 percent per year from 2013 to 2017. Yet the DEA—which sets quotas for painkiller production in the U.S.—authorized a 400 percent increase for oxycodone between 2002 and 2013, and didn’t begin cutting back until 2017.
Drug companies, in turn pointed to the lenient DEA limits to justify the torrent of pills.
–from the Week Magazine
What Happened to Actual Cars— Automakers have made some big announcements this past year regarding cars—I’m talking about sedans, coupes and smaller runabouts that we have all owned in the past.
By guest writer Jim Millick
The car companies have decided to stop manufacturing most related models. The SUV (“sport” utility vehicle) and pickup trucks, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has lumped into a “light truck” classification, are taking over the auto industry.
How did it come to this?
For those of us who still drive actual cars, and other road users such as motorcyclists and bicyclists, we are at an increasing disadvantage, and less safe. Many times, someone driving an SUV does not even understand how big their vehicle is and will frequently crowd a smaller car without even knowing it. That’s why I like my horn.
Also, if you are in the blind spot of an SUV or pickup truck, the driver cannot see you with their invariably misadjusted mirrors, and you, the car driver, have to be ever-vigilant.
There are advantages to owning a car; they are generally cheaper to buy and operate because of better gas mileage. Also, cars are easier to park in tight spots and the home garage. Some cars even have nearly equal cargo space to the SUV’s popular brethren, the CUV (compact utility vehicle), e.g., a VW Golf vs. a Porsche Macan. Another plus for cars, sedans, and coupes—they are more efficient, smaller, lighter, more aerodynamic, and more comfortable to get into—you don’t feel as though you need a commercial driver’s license to drive them.
But gas is cheap, and so consumers have decided they can afford to lease, rent, or buy the more massive machines. Americans love big and new, whether it’s a house or vehicle, and they vote with their wallet. As critics have noted, this light truck designation is a government fiction desired by the Detroit automakers to protect their high-margin, high-profit vehicles from the more stringent rules cars must meet.
Peerless automotive designer Gordon Murray states that a vehicle’s manufacturing carbon footprint is directly proportional to its weight, something in which 4,500-6,000 lb. SUVs and trucks do not fare well.
We’re not even talking about their aerodynamic inefficiency and fuel consumption. Did you know it takes about seven years for fuel energy consumption to equal the energy used in the manufacturing of any vehicle?
The European Union measures carbon dioxide output across the board, and a vehicle doesn’t get an emissions waiver because of size. EU climate groups have called for SUV bans (which probably means cars are next on the list). Europeans might be in for an unwelcome surprise with their train tickets, though, since high taxes on gasoline and diesel directly subsidize rail transport.
Crew cab trucks (with four doors) were once the domain of railroad and utility companies. The no-towing, no cargo-carrying 4-door pickups now function as an expensive, high center-of-gravity sedan, not a truck. A ladder is needed just to climb in, too (or better yet, an expensive, factory optional, motorized running board).
Of greatest concern, of course, for the motorist driving in the forest of SUVs and trucks on the highway and streets, is safety. At least 90 percent of the information needed for driving is the visual observation of the road. If you can’t see around large, vision-obscuring objects, you are at a distinct disadvantage, making it much tougher to anticipate any potential issues ahead of you on the road.
This is especially difficult if one of these behemoths has darkly tinted windows. Parking lots can be frightening for owners with smaller cars—you have to hope for the best when you back up out of the parking space in between a darkly tinted SUV and a crew cab pickup, with the truck part higher than your car.
The other safety piece is the crash impact—especially in a T-bone collision. The lower mass vehicle will often come out the worse in the deal, though any body-on-frame SUV or pickup will have demonstrably worse crash performance than a unibody vehicle, all other things being equal.
It may be bad for a car driver, but for the two-wheeler or pedestrian, it’s far more likely to be fatal. In the UK, a London lawmaker wants to restrict SUVs for this reason. The EU has “pedestrian friendly” impact standards for cars, believe it or not. The U.S. doesn’t bother with that wishful-thinking fiction, and it would be nearly impossible to do that with heavy-mass SUV and pickups, anyway.
After the numerous disadvantages, are there any pluses for the average car driver in this SUV-pickup trend? Not in a net way, but at least there are a few.
Parking spaces may become wider and longer, which means, though, there will be fewer of them—especially with the proliferation of road diets around the country. Having a wider and longer parking space could indeed lower the probability of careless door-dingers whacking your car’s flanks or perhaps hitting a bicyclist or scooter rider in a bike lane.
I found another unexpected development on a recent trip to California. Apparently, nobody wants “full-size” rental cars any more. This category of rental car was once the province of the most expensive tier, now dominated by—you guessed it—SUVs and crew cab pickups (along with vans). The full-size car now costs just one step up from the tiny penalty-box 3-cylinder import machine. Even an ordinary “compact car” rental costs more than the full-size car!
Passenger cars are becoming the minority vehicle on the road, which means their drivers need to be more vigilant than ever before.
If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of the SUV craze, including why they’re so popular, check out Malcolm Gladwell’s seminal work, “Big and Bad, how the S.U.V. ran over Automotive Safety.”
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author.
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LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK–2016 Harley Davidson FLS Softail Slim
ONLY $12,995.00
SEE IT HERE: https://www.lifestylecycles.com/default.asp?page=xPreOwnedInventoryDetail&id=4154549
This 2016 Slim (FLS) comes with an Air cooled, Twin Cam 103 High Output Engine with Sequential Port Fuel Injection as well as a 6 Speed transmission. Front suspension has 41.3 mm telescopic Shocks while the hidden, horizontal coil over suspension gives the bike it’s rigid appearance. The bike has a 5-gallon fuel tank.
This Charcoal Grey paint and “Blacked Out” Styling give this bike a fantastic look. The wheels are powder coated black with chrome spokes. Also “Blacked Out” are the Hollywood bars that date back to the 40’s. Front and rear bullet style turn signals, oil bag, headlamp cover and fuel tank console add to the great look of this Slim.
A chrome engine guard and saddle bag rails are also installed. The Slim weighs in at 706 pounds wet and offers the lowest seat height of 23.8″ out of the factory. With only 18,548 miles you have many miles and years left of enjoyable riding.
This FLS Softail Slim has only 18,548 miles!!!
It has a Vance & Hines black 2:2 short exhaust. Black 103 air cleaner cover and polished trans / cam covers, Vivid black Nacelle, Mustang seat and LED stop / turn / taillights in the back. LED license plate light and is side mounted. Sweet bike!!!
The paint is super clean!!! No scratches, No dings, No chips, No scuffs, this bike is EXCELLENT!!!
This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 100 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!
A RECOMMMENDATION TO THE STURGIS MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME–The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is indeed blessed to have such a wonderful facility shared with excellent staff & volunteers. It is indeed admirable that many types of motorcyclists & their machines are properly recognized.
Now you are about to “discover” that worthy to be formally inducted into the Sturgis motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is, “ The World’s Toughest Riders – The Iron Butt Association!”
Incredible feats of courage and stamina are to be shared. The proper preparation, unique improvising & declaration that, ”Angels are Real” will be revealed .
The testimony, personal bests & World records achieved by the 75,000 plus IBA members / achievements are staggering . Most of these seemingly miraculous feats —are unknown to the public, shielded from the media and held “tongue and cheek “with law-enforcement .
IBA riders are different, passionate and some would say possessed / crazy ! But might be said about all of us who celebrate,”the motorcycle way of life!”
The Sturgis Museum does a superb job in portraying the mystique and heritage of the wide variety of exceptional individuals and their machines .
Each person , cycle & artifact has ;
—stories to be told
—legacies to be shared
— lessons to be learned
—and Legends to be Lived !
A basic Trademark of the IBA is a 1000 miles traveled within 24 hours – called a “ Saddle Sore.” For many Bikers and Biker wannabes, this is bucket list goal . To document and have verified mileage in order to receive the IBA sticker, patch and license plate holder proclaiming, The Iron Butt Assoc. – The World’s Toughest Riders” — is pure Joy !
Some IBA’s don’t even get a second wind or runners type High until several of tanks of gas (sometimes in extreme – 1,000 mile -Saddle Sores) are runback to back!
Just last summer , two couples Bill / Deb Boyea & Tim/Joy Thiers completed their 1st Saddle Sore. For a rider & passenger to do this for the first Time, is very exceptional indeed! Their marriages became even stronger. Both couples are eager to pursue other IBA category’s.
Frank Boorn, a retired attorney & world motorcycle traveler —has just achieved last week , the 1,350,000 mile patch from the Harley Owners Group,” High Mileage Recognition Program. Feats by Frank are truly inspirational, especially for other retired attorneys like the founder of IBA ,”Michael Kneebone!”
Michael Kneebone has a keen insight that has initiated the Monumental IBA movement. The IBA has yet to be fully appreciated in its monumental impact upon the world of motorcycling.
Neither Michael nor Lisa Landry, who in many ways is Kneebone’s boss — would be good politicians. They are just too honorable and humble !
Please Emma and Sturgis MC Museum & Board of Directors, consider this to be an official nomination for the Iron Butt Association to be inducted into the Sturgis MC Museum/Hall Of Fame in August 2020 .
Pray to Live
Live To Ride –
God bless you all !!
–Dave Zien
former State Senator
Million “s” Mile Motorcycle Man
1716 63rd St.,
Eau Claire, WI
cell 715-829-9436
OLD TOWN REVIVAL–First year event in Cornelius NC. Great turnout lots of cool stuff to see.
–Paul Aiken
Aeromach Machining
BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE LIBRARY RE-OPENS–A desperate looking woman stood poised on the edge of a high bridge, about to jump off. An old homeless guy who was wandering by stopped and said, “Look, since you’ll be dead in a few minutes, and it won’t matter to you, how about a quickie before you go?”
She screamed, “NO! Bug off you filthy old bastard!”
He shrugged and turned away saying, “Okay then, I’ll just go and wait at the bottom.”
She didn’t jump.
Object lesson: Suicide counseling really does work!
–from El Waggs
The post on Harley-Davidson LiveWire received a lot of eyeballs on Bikernet Facebook Page. The LiveWire has not generated interest in prospective motorcycle buyers nor with Harley-Davidson Dealerships.
You can read the Blog Post here:
Harley struggles to fire up new generation of riders with electric bike debut
The post reached 1,725+ people on Facebook with 22+ comments, 12 shares and 56 reactions.
People on Facebook commented:
Mark Shubin – Good luck, the ones I work with find things tuff to do.
Robert Cook – I’m not speaking for most of us Harley riders, but I am guessing that some out there are feeling my pain in the direction that H-D is going. That PC BS electric thing is nonsense! And that is as nice as I can say about it.
Robert Nicholson – Not exactly my thing but Harley is a “for profit” business so they are trying new things to see what sells. As they learned with V-Rod, not everything they envision as the holy grail of motorcycles pan out. Companies sometimes come out with flops. Ford had it with the Edsel as an example. As far as the “electric” aspect of it goes, Chevrolet just announced the end of their Volt car production. Still way too many shortcomings to be a totally viable replacement for conventional internal combustion powered vehicles.
Kirk French – Especially when Eric Buell has one with much better range at a THIRD of the price. Harleys is 29k and Buell’s is 11k
Richard Thomas Lothian III – I don’t like the bike because It’s made for little people. I also think it’s overpriced by 10k. I’ve read they aren’t even on the same page as the competitors’ bikes for less money.
Kim Adair – Where’s the playing cards for the spokes?
ML Zimmermann – Nice bike but waaaay too expensive by $10,000.
Doug Quinn – Not really sure what Harley is thinking when they are struggling to sell $30k baggers, why they think a $30k electric motorcycle would be any different—SMH.
Mike Lea – That’s because they abandoned the real biker and started catering to the yuppies.
Jim Gianatsis – A great idea, poorly styled, with no riding range, and over-priced by $10,000. Why did they make it look like a sportbike for their Harley market. It should have looked more like the stylish Ducati Diavel cruiser.
David Sorrell – Well, it’s electric so….
Ronald D Price – LOL….. I guess they thought it would replace the Dyna….Fire up? They poored water on what was already on fire…
Jon Towle – It’s over, the fat lady has sang. The youngsters don’t like them, don’t understand it…..it’s sad, but it must be said…….
Michael Bradford – The zero is cheaper faster and better.
Mary Del Rio – An electric Harley? Seriously? Lolol bwaahaha
Arthur Hamilton – Shoulda built a cruiser style bike. That thing looks like a rice burner.
Bart Richards – Electric vehicles suck……
Kraig Richard – Read they were going to use a speaker to make noise so people will hear them… They should sample a Panhead wearing straight pipes.
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Editor Supreme
Bikernet Blog
MAXINE IN TEXAS–A photo of your grand daughter modeling with a Panhead and Justine’s brassier in Austin, Texas, “stunning!”
–Son Frank
VP Ball Empire
Senior Tattoo Specialist
Austin, Texas
Ohio Courts Could Block Public From Voting On Speed Cameras–Local judge to decide whether to intervene in election to protect speed cameras in East Liverpool, Ohio.
East Liverpool 2019 ballot
Ohio voters have spoken clearly in opposition to the use of speed cameras and red-light cameras over the past decade. Out of eleven times in which the use of automated enforcement was a ballot issue in the state, cameras only won once.
Columbiana County Common Pleas Judge Scott A. Washam could decide on Friday whether he will personally intervene in a local election to protect the speed cameras from the verdict of East Liverpool’s residents.
The city of over 10,000 has already printed ballots for the November 5 election asking the question, “Shall the proposed ordinance preventing the city of East Liverpool from using mobile speed enforcement vehicles and traffic law photo-monitoring devices in the city of East Liverpool be adopted?” The mayor is asking the court to shred those ballots and print a fresh batch without any mention of a referendum on the devices that generate $1 million in annual revenue for the city.
East Liverpool residents successfully gathered the number of signatures required to put the matter to a public vote two years ago, but the city refused to allow a vote because the proposed referendum contained a technical error. The ballot measure sought to cancel the previous speed camera legislation — Ordinance Number 53 — instead of Ordinance Number 17. The city changed the ordinance numbers a few months before the petition was filed. The initiative proponents sued for a chance to correct the text of the ordinance, but the appellate court last month rejected that idea.
“In this case, Citizens’ initiative petitions did not merely involve a de minimus error or a slight misstatement,” Judge David A. D’Apolito wrote for the panel. “Rather, the wrong legislation was cited.”
It falls to Judge Washam to decide whether the appellate court’s decision empowers him to intervene to block the public vote, or to allow the electoral process to play out. Texas courts have considered the question, and they decided in favor of allowing such votes to proceed, saying it was impossible to show “irreparable harm” in allowing a vote because there is no way to pre-judge whether the cameras would win or lose at the ballot box.
View the Houston case, the Arlington case and the Cleveland case. The California Court of Appeal in 2014 upheld what it called the constitutional right of Murrieta voters to decide on the red-light camera issue at the ballot box (view case). Likewise, the Fifth Circuit US Court of Appeals in 2012 sided with residents over the “well-funded and longstanding opposition of the mayor and city council” (view case).
From the Newspaper.com
I watched an interview with our Attorney General on the PBS news hour. The notion of Chinese survelliance was discussed with distain. Red-light cameras seem to follow a similar path and should be outlawed.—Bandit
Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride New York: Big City Ride for a Noble Cause–By Jacob Vaughan | All photos: Jacob Vaughan
When we set out to be a part of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) in New York City, we had no idea just how massive and thought out the event is. Tucker Sales Director Tom Owens loaded up his 2001 Triumph Bonneville and headed to New Jersey from Boston for the American Flat Track Meadowlands Mile. After Saturday night’s race, we unloaded and set out on our journey to the Big Apple. With the help of a local shop, I was able to ride in style with a 2019 Husqvarna Vitpilen 701 loaner. Not sure of what to expect, I threw on a pair of suspenders and a bow tie.
According to its website, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia, by Mark Hawwa. It was inspired by a photo of TV Show Mad Men’s Don Draper astride a classic bike and wearing his finest suit. Mark decided a themed ride would be a great way of connecting niche motorcycle enthusiasts and communities while raising funds to support the men in their lives. Together, DGR and The Movember Foundation work to tackle men’s health issues. The focus is on gentlemen who have been dealt a tough hand in life. In particular, they raise funds for cutting-edge research into prostate cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention programs, as part of its mission to support men’s health globally. The 2019 event consisted of 675+ rides in 110 countries, with over 114 thousand riders total worldwide. This year’s event raised over $7 million for the Movember Foundation. In total, DGR has raised over $26 million since its inception in 2012.
“… the smell of coffee filled the air on a beautiful morning. The crowd was dapper, with a New York high-fashion runway feel.”
Upon arrival just under the Brooklyn Bridge, Tom and I were greeted by the DGR hosts. They guided us where to park our bikes, and we made our way through the sea of vintage and modern bikes on the original cobblestone roads of Manhattan. Kickstands down, we walked around to take in the sights and sounds, the smell of coffee filled the air on a beautiful morning. The crowd was dapper, with a New York high-fashion runway feel. Everyone was all smiles, taking photos, and checking out all of the amazing vintage bikes. There were sidecars, vintage Triumphs, CBs, Yamahas, choppers, and Ducatis, as well as modern HDs and Urals. A pop-up barbershop was set up for clean cuts and merchandise to show off your support. British fashion designer and car collector Magnus Walker was also in attendance and rode alongside his girlfriend in a pretty sweet vintage sidecar. The ladies were also there in support of the cause, dressed up in their finest. Some rode on the back with their gentleman, and many rode on their own. After a quick group meeting, kickstands were up, and we were off.
Dozens of NYPD’s finest led the way on motorcycles, with the roads shut down on or route, and hundreds of people crowded along the sidewalks and on bridges taking photos and waving. It was pretty amazing to see that their smiles were just as big as ours. The pace varied; at times we slowed down to stop and exit as the 800+ bikes bottlenecked on the now open roads of NYC. Other times we weaved in and out of each other at 60 miles an hour. Pretty amazing to think we had free reign on New York’s most popular and ordinarily congested roads and to ourselves for a few hours. We wound our way over the Brooklyn and Queensboro Street bridges, up the FDR, down the West Side Highway, through Central Park, Columbus Circle and Grand Army Plaza, and down the FDR, ducking under the Manhattan Bridge. The weather couldn’t have been better.
Read the whole tamale at Tucker.com
WE GOTTA GO—But as soon as I get back, we are hosting a photo shoot at the headquarter to highlight our new leather products. Imogen (above) might be there.
Micah is back from the Race of Gentlemen and Greg Thiessen, from JIMS is getting married this weekend in Ojai. I’m going to Austin to check the action with my Son Frank.
James represented Bikernet at the Las Vegas Bikefest. We will have a report coming right up. Looked like a blast in the desert surrounded by all that neon.
I need to post Gene’s life and times story. Which I will try to wrap up tomorrow morning. We have a batch of interesting content coming your way.
In the meantime, ride fast and free, forever!