I've been riding and wrenching on Panheads since 1972 when I got my first 1950 EL. In 2000, I picked up a brand new Harley EFI Road King. I still have my old trusty ‘50 Pan but felt I needed a trusty cruiser to get me where I had to go reliably. I swore I wasn't going to get emotionally attached to the Road King, and for a few years I didn't.
The 5-year factory warrantee ran out this summer so I decided that it was time to get down and dirty with her. I didn't see anything new in the market place to make me want to trade her in and since she has proved reliable, it's customizing time!
We're gonna try and get her into the Panhead spirit by re-doing her in the scheme of an old Duo-Glide.
First thing we needed to do was change the look of the engine to fit the project.
Custom Chrome had the solution with their XZOTIC PAN-STYLE Rocker Boxes for Twin Cam 88 Models. CCI . Part # 02-017
Everything came in the box for the instillation except new gaskets for the lower rocker housing, (* I strongly recommend changing these gaskets since you'll have the heads already opened.)
I wanted this done right the first time, and since my area of expertise is Panheads and not the new-fangled T.C. engines, I took my ride and the kit up to Broadway Choppers in Schenectady, NY. Lee has a sterling reputation as an engine God and Ryan has been wrenching at Harley Dealerships for quite a few years before Lee snagged him for Broadway.
These were the guys I wanted working on my main transportation.
Custom Chrome recommends that you have the unit installed by a professional mechanic, but after seeing the operation, I think that anyone with the proper tools and basic wrenching knowledge can handle the job in an afternoon.
Here we go.

Here's what the bike looked like before we began with the original factory rocker boxes.

Everything was included in the kit (except the gaskets I mentioned earlier.)

Remove the seat and gas tank.

Remove the air filter unit.

Using a 7/16 box end wrench, loosen and remove the rocker cover bolts.

Rotate the rear wheel in 5th gear to be sure that the lifters are at the lowest point, or piston is at Top Dead Center of its compression stroke.

Carefully remove the rocker assembly.

Remove the lower rocker box covers.

Install the new gaskets and new Bottom Rocker Housing.Tighten down the bolts using blue locktite and torque down the bolts to 13 foot-pounds.

Re-install the rocker assembly. Torque the bolts down to 18 foot-pounds with a torque wrench.

Install new gaskets (included in the kit) and the new Panhead covers and retaining ring using the screws provided.

Repeat the same operation on the rear cylinder.

Replace the air cleaner

Replace the gas tank and seat and you're done.
The only modification we had to perform was to grind appx. 1/8 inch off the side of the washers that hold on the horn bracket.
The total time for the project was 3 hours including me slowing Lee and Ryan down to take the photos and ask stupid questions.
I love the look of a Panhead engine and my ‘50 EL has been running a little happier having a sweet looking bunkmate to share the garage with.Next project for the Road King: Installing a custom Goodson Air cleaner from http://www.shamrockfabrication.com .
Keep watching as we try to transform the 2000 Road King into a retro-looking Duo-Glide.

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