I bought Wes White's Triumph 650 Rebuild DVD and watched the almost 4 hours today.
For you guys who don't know Wes, he runs Four Aces Cycle Supply in Pacoima, Califa and has been restoring and chopping Trumps for years and is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to restoring vintage British iron.
Wes walks you through the entire process of tearing down and rebuilding a 650CC Unit construction engine. It's somewhat similar to the British Hughie Hancox video but a lot easier to follow. Wes also tells you what friggin’ nuts and bolts are Witworth so you don't go nuts running to the hardware store and beating your head against the counter trying to match a bolt that doesn't exist on this side of the Atlantic pond.
Wes also gives you a few short cuts and easier ways to get things done than just following the shop manual and also improvises a few of the “Triumph Speciality Tools” , a big help.
The DVD sells for a mere $35.00 and is well worth the price when you consider the cost of not knowing not to clean out your sludge trap.
The DVD is avaliable at Or you can contact Wes at:Wes@fouracescycle.com Four Aces Cycle Supply
12734 Branford St # 16
Pacoima, Ca 91331
phone (818) 834-1060