ULTIMATE BDL Pressure Plate



Lots of Options for Big Twins.

I stumbled into a meeting with Scott Murley, Steve Yatzke, the boss, and Grady Pheiffer from GH Marketing, in Scott’s new office digs next to the BDL R&D department. We started discussing new products and Bikernet techs.

The BDL family is exploding. BDL took on GMA brakes some time ago, but then they grabbed Jamar brakes and performance products for off-road vehicles, and most recently they took over hot rod blower systems and may end up building blowers for bikes. Steve has a massive family history with machining and particular machine capabilities, like pulleys and rotors, so building parts for blowers fell directly into place.

“Our new facilities include our own aluminum foundry,” said Steve, “over 50 CNC mills and lathes, gear cutting department and a rubber manufacturing facility that includes our state of the art CAD design and rapid prototyping.”

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