Vintage Road Racing Report From The Track


Heading into the Jennings race, I had an 11 point lead on Charly P (CP). We gridded up for the V1 / 350GP race…..I got off to my usual poor start. Steve-O on the 911 V1 bike was a rocket….gone….next was Royce Eaton, who at 73, appeared to be recovered from his recent high-speed crash at Roebling Road, and was running fast, with Doug Bowie in hot pursuit on his Ducati, Then CP.

Those three were in a heated battle, I decided we had several laps left, so I would hang out and see what flushes out of it. Royce was leading that pack, with CP next, and Bowie coming on strong….he got em, like Doug always does….CP started to fade, and I needed to get by before Doug and Royce got away.

This was the first time I really had Bowie even remotely in my radar…..I wanted some-a-ol-Dougie!….but CP was my immediate problem. I was underpowered to CP, and behind him on a very fast track…..this wasn’t going to be easy.


I paced him for most of a lap, and chose turn 9 for my pass. I set up in turn 8, a tight LH, and went wider than my normal line, putting me closer to the apex of turn 9, a RH….it was a race to the apex……I got my front wheel up to the front of CP’s motor….as he swept down, closing the door hard…..

Hard Contact!!!!…..screech….bang….at about 60MPH, I was rolling…dark / light / dark….slide…..ouch.


CP had stayed up, but my bike had barrel rolled numerous times….I had dents where the TOP of my bike had slid or bounced on the track!!!…parts flew off….it was a mess. Swingarm bent, possible frame bent, rear wheel bent….rider broken….rib # 7 in 2 places, knees, shoulders, fingers, etc….$300 helmet toast….great!

So there I sat, on the side of the track, knowing that instead of being 11 points ahead, I was now 4 points behind, hurt, had a twisted motorcycle….and another race in 6 days!….great move, bonehead….great move!

CP was fine, and so was his bike…..I was glad for that….I was also glad for the massage and painkillers from Russel's wife Lori…..jeez, maybe I should crash more often!….Lori was a great help, this is not gonna sound good, but I couldn’t even get undressed without her help!

So I’m thinking…..I’m screwed, done, cooked….no regional championship discount for next year, which would mean less races… looked grim…bonehead.


Chad and another friend come over Sunday to help me unload the bike. Remove the rear wheel, pull the pretzel that is the swingarm….nice…real nice….

Talladega was the next Saturday. On Tuesday I discovered my wheel was bent while attempting to get a tire mounted….just another addition to the junkpile!…and another obstacle to making Tally.

Doug called on Wednsday, I was dejected….”Charlie, you gotta make Tally, you can do it! You can still get the title, but you’ve gotta make this race, anything can happen!”

I said, “I just got back from the doctors, ribs are broke, bike is broke, It's Wed, race Sat, I’m done man”…


”Bullshit!” is all I heard….”you need to borrow a ride.”

I was reluctant to ask. I thought about how I would react if I was asked. I plunged ahead anyway. I spoke to Dean Middleton, who was not planning on racing Tally….but he could not bring himself to loan me what he called, “One of his grandchildren”…..what can I say to something like that?


So I was done. I started to come to grips with just riding over to Tally and helping Chad, who was taking his riders school in prep for his license. I started taking count of who was going, where we would set up, ridesharing, etc…..

I pinged another “New Guy”, James Walker form Sugar Hill, Ga…..he has built a beautiful Honda 350….is he going to Tally?…..Naaaa, can't afford it…..the wheels in my brain start turning….I had a full race credit in my wallet from earlier in the year, I offered it up to James….I would pay his way if he would let me ride his bike in the V1 race….

He said Yes….I was back in the hunt!!!!!…anything can happen!!

Saturday came, and I was hurting. James and I got to the track and pitted with Chad. We had troubles with James bike earlier in the year, and this would be his first practice since what we hoped were repairs…..he came in after practice with a shit-eatin grin….yeah baby! Things were goin' our way!


V1 start time….I double clutch the start (bad)….plus I ain't feelin too frisky….I’m here to make laps, finish the race, and score some points to fight another day….so I’m like dead last on the field.

I started to get used to the bike, and realize the pain wasn’t sooo bad…..I started climbing the ranks, Keith Bennett, Mike Wells….I could see Jack off in the distance….was that CP he was racing?…..YES, IT WAS!….. I saw the opportunity and NAILED the throttle…..I felt rejunivated!….I could actually GAIN points if I passed CP!….but I had to get by Jack first….not an easy task.

I set Jack up in the LH turn entering the back-straight….I got an excellent drive outta the corner and planted it…..I had CP in my sights!!!!

I passed him a half lap later…..his front brake had gone out….tough day for Ol' CP.


Doug was right….anything could happen!….Instead of giving up and throwing away my Championship…..I had actually closed the gap on CP!….there is a god I say!

Big thanx to James Walker for the ride….he has saved my butt twice this year….you da man JW!!!!

Then to top the day off…..James, who wasn’t even going to go racing that day….WON the 500GP race!!!….which paid $100 cash from Jacks sponsor!!… he went from not being able to afford it, to coming home with a win…..and money ahead!!!!…..and I saved my title hopes….it was a grand day!!!


Chads CB350 had been running bad all day… was time for his mock race, required to complete his school and get his license….1st call for the race and his bike was running on 1 cylinder….Dejection….everyone else was on the track running the 500GP / V2 race, except, Me, Chad, and CP’s son Jesse….

Jesse says “Heck Chad, just ride my SV”….both our jaws dropped….could we do it, did we have time?….I hopped on JW’s pitbike (JW saves the day again!)…streaked to the tower and caught WERA official Ed Bargy…told him of Chads woes, and asked about riding Jesse’s bike……”As long as its tech’d, you are good to go!”…..

The bike was official….I yelled (literally) to Chad “Get frikkin dressed, you are riding jesses SV!” Jesse and I got the bike ready, fueled, off the stand, Chad was fumbling with his gear….fired the bike….we made it, we made it!….Chad made 3rd call, and took the green flag….I could see the grin under his helmet.


We all stopped to celebrate at Outback Steakhouse, Myself, Keith, Jack, Doug, James, Tim Joyce (Jay Springsteen’s Teammate, yes, that Jay), Carl, CP and his two very fast sons Jesse and Max…..the food and beer flowed….Doug asked the waitress to sit on his lap…she got upset, and went and got her Manager….She came over to give us a talkin' to….so Doug asked her to sit on his lap too!!!!…..a good time was had by all….and we didn’t get kicked out!

Next stop is Nashville…..battle royal!

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