Bandit wrote an intro for you, but he’s having Wi-Fi issuesin the airports today. He’s on his way from Salt Lake City toMilwaukee for the Milwaukee Rally AMD/Harley-Davidson Custom and Ride-in Shows. I haven’t received a full report, but as of the last quickmessage, Bonneville was a bust for the 5-Ball Racing Team. “Bust is not the word, goddammit” Bandit said this morning. “We were highly successful on several fronts, but we didn’t set a record. We built a beautiful, unique motorcycle and took it to Bonneville. It worked and we made passes on the salt. In second gear we hit 66 mph, but discovered we needed gearing changes, and we ran out of time. I’ll tell you so much more next week.”
It’s been quiet here at the Headquarters, almost tooquiet. When I walk through the warehouse now, the only sound I hear isthe hum of the neon lights. All the tools scattered about and the metalshavings on the floor hardly tell the tale of the hustle that took place a weekago, and months prior to the guys leaving a week ago. They gave it hell; it should be one heck ofa story.
Here’s your news… —Nyla

2013 Exhibitor List Grows– Long-time and new exhibitors take advantage of earlyregistration for the 13th annual V- Expo in Cincinnati, OH.
Agoura Hills, CA— (Aug 21, 2012) The V-Twin Expo is thelargest dedicated trade show for the v-twin industry in the US. For over adecade, the Expo has been the location where new product releases take place,the spot to meet and connect with buyers, owners and managers of v-twin focusedbusiness as well as the centralized spot to see new industry trends first hand.
World-class exhibitors are what keep the serious dealerscoming to the V-Twin Expo— the place where the v-twin industry gathers eachyear to see and shop the latest new product. Early registration for the 13thAnnual V-Twin Expo is proving once again, if you’re into the v-twin business,the V-Twin Expo is the answer to your business needs. V-Twin Expo returningveterans like Drag Specialties, Arlen Ness, Lyndall Racing Brakes, HoppeIndustries, Baker Drivetrain, Roland Sands and Spectro Oils will complement newexhibitors like Strokers Dallas and UltraCool Systems. Additionally, duringpost show research, the Expo learned dealers are looking for specific itemsfrom exhibitors during their time at the Expo. Their requests were wellreceived by both the Expo and Exhibitors. In 2013, dealers will see and engagewith scheduled in-booth demonstrations, show floor-based seminars rooted indealer profitability as well as attendee only benefits.
The V-Twin Expo held at the Duke Energy Center in downtownCincinnati consistently attracts thousands of dealers from the US, Canada andaround the world. In 2013, new show hours will be Saturday, February 2 from8:00AM – 6:00PM and Sunday, February 3 from 9:00AM – 5:00PM. For more detailson show hours and to register as a v-twin dealer or exhibitor, please visit usat: Follow us online on Facebook at V-Twin Expo and onTwitter @VTwinExpoCincy.

The 2012 AMD World Championship downloadable press kit isnow available–In order to make sure we have your contact details correctand to allow you to request a DVD, there is a simple online form tocomplete before gaining access to the material. Completing the form willautomatically send you an email with a personalised direct link to thefiles. To avoid the horrors of FTP, this is just a simple web-baseddownload facility.
To complete the form, please go to:
I recommend downloading the “Press Releases, logos andgeneral information” (zip file, 122Mb) first. This contains thefull results, entry list with competitor contact email addresses, logosand general background information. A selection of each of the 43entered bikes’ high res photography (5 images zipped, each bike about25-30Mb in size) can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant thumbnailimage. Bikes are ordered by shop name in alpha order.

Gary Maurer had the Chop-In Block Bike at the Broken SpokeSaloon during Sturgis– I talked with him this morning and he will be getting intouch with the story.

Mikuni HSR42/45 Carburetor Genuine Rebuild Kit KHS-016– Mikuni’s popular HSR42/45 Flatslide Performance Carburetorsfor American V-twins have been on the market for a number of years now, and forsome older installations it may be time for a maintenance check, cleaning andrebuild. Mikuni’s HKS-016 Genuine Rebuild Kit for the HSR 42/45 Carburetor willmake sure you carb runs and performs like new again. Each Rebuild Kit containsall the necessary parts to rebuild one carburetor with all the needed gaskets,seals, and O-rings, plus specialty parts that may wear out or clog up with oldfuel over time like the float needle valve assembly, plus new float bowl screwsfor re-assembly.
Genuine Mikuni Component Rebuild Kits, as well asReplacement and Aftermarket Performance Carburetors, Fuels Pumps and all theirParts and Accessories are available from Mikuni American Distributors orthrough your favorite dealer. You can look up all the available Kits,Carburetors and Parts, along with Mikuni Distributors on website.

2013 Iron & Lace Calendar – Cool Customs and HotCenterfolds– The 2013 edition of the Iron & Lace Calendar features a16-month look at the world’s top custom motorcycles photographed by legendaryphotographer Jim Gianatsis featuring the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show’s CalendarBike Championship winners: Jim Giuffra and the AFT Customs Girls’ Best of Showwinner ‘Sentoh” based on a legendary Honda CB750, Ben Beck’s radical 1stPlace Street American V-twin Custom “Nitemare’, Ron Baldinado and PhilipLopez / Crown Customs 1st Place with their Sporty bobber “Nasty”, andHiroyuki Hirata / BB Group, Japan, wild 1st Place Pro Builder Class V-Twinwinner. There’s also a cool custom bobber named ‘Hot Shoe’ from Todd Silicato /, the show winning Lamb Engineering’s Gold Star Cafe Racer andmore!

The beautiful Calendar Kittens in Iron & Lace includesupermodel Shannon Baucom, centerfold models Camilla Chiniquy, Bree Daniels,Pepper, and sweet girls next door Taylor Gunnin, Sara Balint and Dana Mints allin in revealing lingerie! Here’s your chance to see why custom iron andbeautiful girls in revealing lace go so well together in Iron & Lace!
This Calendar couldn’t get any steamier without an”X” rating!
The 2013 PinUp Calendars including Iron &Lace Custom Bikes, Fast Dates Racebikes, and Garage Girls reveal a full 16months of the world’s top motorcycles with beautiful pin up models beginningwith September 2012. They are premium quality printed in full color on15x15-inch dull coated heavy art board and wire spiral bound with a hang clipfor easy wall display and page turning. Ask for them at you favorite motorcycledealer, distributed in the USA by Van Leeuwen and Mid-USA.

Samson Introduces the Legend Series “Cannons” for 2013Dressers and Road Kings– Brea, CA- Samson recently introduced their new “Cannons”exhaust, part of their Legend Series (two individual pipes on one side) formost Harley-Davidson Dressers and Road Kings. This high performance exhaustsystem has been designed and tuned to produce maximum horsepower, torque andawesome sound. Every exhaust manufactured by Samson is dyno tested before goinginto mass production for the ultimate in performance. The removable 2 ½”massive one-piece “full coverage” heat shields are pre-installed and the systemis ready to bolt on right out of the box.
Samson has over 745 different styles to choose from and theyhave all styles available for Harley’s new 2013 model lineup. Listen to eachexhaust on Samson’s website…
Additional Features and Benefits:
• Fits ‘95-2013 Harley Davidson Dresser or Road King models(Spacers-Drag Specialties Part # 1622-0243) for left passenger foot peg isrequired for the FLHX Road Glide and FLTRX Street Glide)
• O2 sensor ports accept O.E.M. / Aftermarket Sensors
• Two stepped high performance system produces up to 20%more horsepower
• Mounting hardware included
• Equipped with 1 3/4″ diameter x 10″ longremovable baffles
• Awesome deep tone (Listen to them on Samson’s website)
• Available in luxurious chrome or “sinister” black ceramic(special request)
• Limited 1 year warranty
• MSRP: $699.95
*$629.95 (*If ordering directly off of the internet)
• Don’t forget about viewers special 15%DISCOUNT…order direct from Samson and mention to qualify
Check out Samson Exhaust’s entire product line or contact them directly at (888) 572-6766; SamsonExhaust, 655 Tamarack Ave., Brea, CA 92821…email them at

Mr. Poole’s priorities will be to assist states withimplementation of the highway safety programs authorized under the new federalhighway bill and to continue the organization’s national leadership on keyhighway safety issues, including drunk driving, occupant protection, distracteddriving and speeding.
Implementation of New Federal Highway Safety Programs
The recently-enacted federal highway bill known as MAP-21(Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century) provides states with neededresources to keep America’s roadways safe. Poole notes that, “The new lawprovides opportunities for states to qualify for additional federal funding byachieving certain performance goals or improving state laws. With so many newmembers in our Association, I want to make sure that GHSA continues to providetraining and guidance to help every state highway safety office understand howto achieve their goals.”
Key Issues
Poole notes that the “Big 3″ in highway safetycontinue to be drunk driving, occupant protection and speeding. He says,”Furthering progress in these three areas will have the most impact towardour goal of preventing roadway deaths and injuries.” GHSA will remain aleader in these areas by promoting proven-effective programs such as thenational Click It or Ticket seat belt campaign andthe Drive Sober or Get PulledOver drunk driving crackdown. Because excessive speed continues to be factor inalmost a third of all highway deaths, Poole explains, “GHSA will continueto focus attention on this challenging area of highway safety.”
Other Issues
Chairman Poole notes GHSA will focus on other key issues,including:
Distracted Driving – GHSA urges states to pass and enforcestatewide texting bans. Poole notes that the Association is encouraged by theresults of distracted driving enforcement demonstration projects in Connecticutand New York and looks forward to the results from similar projects inCalifornia and Delaware.
Motorcycle Safety – The Association has been a leader inthis area, reporting on state trends. GHSA supports a comprehensivestrategy of laws, training, licensing and education to address this vexing areaof highway safety.
Teen Driving – Earlier this year, GHSA reported thatafter years of progress, teen driving-related deaths were inching upward. Aspart of MAP-21, Congress is providing incentive money for states thatstrengthen their teen driving laws. GHSA supports this incentive as well as educationalresources such as Ford Driving Skills for Life to complement state graduatedlicensing laws.
Prior to his election, Mr. Poole was a member of theAssociation’s Executive Board since 2006, first as a regional representativeand most recently as Chairman of the Member Services Committee. He wasappointed to his position in Tennessee in 2006 by Governor Phil Bredesen andcontinues to serve in the administration of Governor Bill Haslam.
Poole was elected as GHSA’s 2012 Annual Meeting kicks off inBaltimore. The meeting, Public Health + Highway Safety: Saving Lives Together,takes place August 27-29 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Generalsessions and breakout workshops will explore highway safety from the publichealth perspective, focusing on how to apply public health successes to thefield of highway safety. It will also examine how highway safety professionalscan collaborate with the public health community to make highway safety a toppublic health priority. More information is online at

After almost 60 years, amazing new photos of theIndian-powered “Belly Tanker” surface at Wheels Through Time.
About two weeks ago, I got a call from a man named RobertRuzella from Ventura, California. Robert was the builder of the “BellyTanker” and recently saw the episode of American Pickers when Mike andFrank sold the machine to Wheels Through Time, whereupon he decided to give usa ring and share a little bit of history.
Robert is now in his 80s, and had a wealth of informationabout the early days of Hot Rodding in Southern California. He was able toshare most of the machines story, including his memories of winning the firsthot rod show it ever entered in 1953. He even mentioned that he had theoriginal trophy he won from that event. In total, we must have spent 30 or 45minutes chatting about not only the belly tanker, but cars and bikes general.It was more than a pleasure to talk with him, and I learned quite a bit fromour conversation.
About a week later, UPS walked in the front door with asurprise package from California.
Click here for more from Wheels Through Time.

The Transcontinental Motorcycle Cannonball Run II Schedule– Sturgis, South Dakota, August 26, 2012 – Lonnie Isam, Jr.,owner of Jurassic Racing in Sturgis, South Dakota, and promoter of theMotorcycle Cannonball Run II has extended an open invitation to the public tocome out to see the antique motorcycles and visit with the riders at variousstops along the way. At these hosted events, citizens will be able to meettheir favorite riders in person and share in the excitement by cheering thetravelers on as they make their way across these great United States.
The transcontinental Motorcycle Cannonball endurance ridefor pre-1930 antique motorcycles will get underway in Newburgh, NY on Friday,September 7 and will include riders from across the globe. With 75 entries from24 states, 11 countries and 4 continents, this historic run will indeed bewatched by the world as motorcycles of all marques tackle an arduous routeacross America.
Participants will ride vintage iron as they navigate thedifficult 3,954-miles route. A week into travel, riders will have a day ofrest, repairs, and some scheduled festivities in the well-known motorcycle townof Sturgis, SD on September 14. The ride is slated to conclude on Sunday,September 23 in San Francisco, California after the San Francisco PoliceDepartment’s Motor Division escorts the triumphant riders through the cityafter crossing the iconic Golden Gate Bridge for a Grand Finish at the DudleyPerkins Harley-Davidson dealership. The San Francisco Motorcycle Club, one ofthe oldest clubs in the nation, will escort the group.
A complete schedule of meeting locations can be viewed atthe Motorcycle Cannonball’s website
Motorcyclepedia Motorcycle Museum
Friday, September 7-GRAND START
Motorcyclepedia Motorcycle Museum
Newburgh, New York
7:00-9:00 a.m.
Sunday, September 9
Riders arrive at 6:30 p.m.
Harley-Davidson Museum
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sturgis Buffalo Chip® Repeats As Top Destination DuringAnnual Motorcycle Rally– Sturgis Buffalo Chip- Sturgis, S.D. (Aug 21, 2012) – TheSturgis Buffalo Chip® earns honors from rally attendees as top destinationduring the 72nd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. While other Sturgis venues andproperties struggled during the annual rally, The Sturgis Buffalo Chip® campresort and music festival achieved the largest attendance in its 31 yearhistory by a wide margin. With more onsite campers and more concert goers thenever before, visitors have proven the Sturgis Buffalo Chip® is the #1destination in Sturgis.

The 5th annual Legends Ride from Historic Deadwood to theBuffalo Chip® was once again a sell out. Participants joined icons from theworlds of motorcycling and entertainment such as Arlen, Cory and Zack Ness,Daredevil Robbie Knievel, film and TV star Kristi Swanson, 5X Olympian LloydEisler and legendary guitarist for the Classic Rock band Journey, Neal Schon,on this charity event that traditionally signals the start of the rally. Afterthe ride through the beautiful canyons of the Black Hills, Neal Schon andJourney rocked the Legend Riders with an unforgettable concert.

A dozen motorcyclists convicted of violating Virginia’smandatory helmet law had their convictions reversed by the state Court ofAppeals Tuesday. Three other bikers had helmet convictions affirmed.
The 15 defendants all were wearing headgear of some kindwhen they attended the 2011 Virginia Beach Bike Classic, but police claimed theriders’ helmets failed to meet the state’s standards. All 15 were convicted ingeneral district court and in circuit court.
On appeal, things got a little easier for some of theriders. The state acknowledged the lower courts were in error in 13 of the 15cases.
Virginia’s helmet law, Code §46.2-910, requires helmets tomeet any of three published standards but does not require any marks or labelsto show compliance. Ten of the convictions addressed in Bennett v. Commonwealthwere based solely on a lack of labeling, so those convictions were reversed.
One rider wore what a trooper described as a “toy” helmetwith a plastic chin strap held together with a key ring. The state argued thekey ring flunked one published standard, but the court of appeals panel saidthe state failed to rule out compliance with the other standards, so thatconviction also was reversed.
As often demonstrated in criminal cases, a defendant’s ownadmissions can be the strongest evidence for the state. In three cases, theriders admitted to a trooper that they knew their headgear was not the realdeal. One lid even had a label identifying it as a “novelty helmet,” not forroad use. For those three bikers, the trip to the Court of Appeals wasfruitless. Convictions affirmed.
The three-judge panel drew a fine line with one remainingbiker, however. The defendant told the trooper he knew his helmet was a noveltyhelmet – but that statement alone was not enough to establish it failed to meetany of the safety standards, the court held. That biker’s conviction wasreversed.
“My clients were happy,” said defense lawyer Matt Danielson,a member of a Richmond-based “motorcycle law group.”
Danielson said the helmet tickets stemmed from targetedenforcement at the Virginia Beach bike rally and not from a “protest ride” orany organized test of the Virginia law.
Danielson said his personal view is that adult riders shouldbe allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to wear helmets. He said 31states give riders that choice. “I think it’s about time Virginia comes intothat camp as well,” he said.
—By Peter Vieth

Hello From Art– A car/bike show this weekend in Huntingon Beach.
A fair mix of rat rods and motorcycles. There were more outside than inside though. This would be a good place for the “Born Free”guys. The restaurant is a long itme fixture in HB > 80 years !!

Here’s another entry from my blog: Buckshot’s BelligerentBiker Blog at:
Howdy, Madtown Mob! I told ya I’d let ya know what happenedto Reggie’s bike on the way to Sturgis. We’d gone for a 100 mile lunch ride outof Ketchum, Idaho, and when we got back to the hotel, she said it had spots ofoil on the fender. I checked it, and it was out of the breather. I fired it uand it sounded like shaking loose change in a bean can, and it’d lost a lot ofpower. I would’ve bet my last 20 bucks that it’d lost a lifter wheel. Not havinganyplace to work, or the tools to do the job, I put it back in the trailer andwe headed for Missoula, Montana with the group. When we got into Wyoming acouple of days later, I stopped at a dealer and had them tear it down, stillsure it was alifter. They pulled the lifters, cams, oil pump, and emptied thecam chest,finding… NOTHING! There was wear, but nothing that would cause thekind of noise it had. They suggested the balance shaft, but to check that, thecases would have to be split, so back in the trailer it went.
Laterthat day, we pulled into the hotel in Spearfish, and Reggie was so depressedshe was almost in tears. Our friend, Harlan Schillinger, told us to take it toDakota V-Twin, who are just 2 exits from the hotel. We asked them about justslapping it back together so she could ride it ‘til it blew, and they saidthey’d do it for about a third of the dealer’s quote. We dropped it off, andNick told us they would have it ready the next day, which was Sunday. Not onlydid they fix the noise, but their tech, John Hudson, stayed until 9:30 onSunday night to finish her trike so she could ride into Sturgis, and theydidn’t even charge us overtime! (I think the rear cam jumped a tooth retarded,but once it was apart, it was impossible to tell.)
Werode out to Deadwood, Mount Rushmore, The Full Throttle Saloon, the BuffaloChip, and all over Hell and didn’t have any more trouble. I’m going to replacethe cams with high performance bump-sticks, and throw in a new oil pump andhydraulic chain tensioners as soon as my wallet recovers from the trip, butuntil then, she’s still ridin’!

THE BEST WORDED PRO-GUN ARGUMENT I HAVE EVER READ– As the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against theChicago, IL Gun Ban, this man offered you another stellar example of a letter(written by a Marine), that places the proper perspective on what a gunmeans to a Civilized society.
Interesting take and one you don’t hear much. . . . . . Read this eloquent and profound letter and pay closeattention to the last Paragraph of the letter….
“The Gun Is Civilization” by Maj. L. Caudill USMC(Ret)
Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another:reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice ofeither Convincing me via argument, or force me to do your biddingunder threat of Force. Every human interaction falls into one of those twocategories, Without exception. Reason or force, that’s it. In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusivelyinteract through Persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of socialinteraction and The only thing that removes force from the menu is thepersonal firearm, as Paradoxical as it may sound to some.
When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. Youhave to use reason And try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate yourthreat or Employment of force.
The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-poundwoman on equal Footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree onequal footing with A 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footingwith a carload Of drunken guys with baseball bats.
The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, ornumbers between A potential attacker and a defender. There are plenty of people who consider the gun as thesource of bad force Equations. These are the people who think that we’d be morecivilized if all Guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes iteasier for a [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only trueif the mugger’s Potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or bylegislative Fiat–it has no validity when most of a mugger’s potentialmarks are armed.
People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automaticrule by the Young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exactopposite of a Civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can onlymake a successful Living in a society where the state has granted him a forcemonopoly.
Then there’s the argument that the gun makes confrontationslethal that Otherwise would only result in injury. This argument isfallacious in Several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are wonby the Physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury onthe loser.
People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don’tconstitute lethal Force, watch too much TV, where people take beatings andcome out of it with A bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethalforce easier works Solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the strongerattacker. If both Are armed, the field is level.
The gun is the only weapon that’s as lethal in the hands ofan octogenarian As it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn’twork as well as A force equalizer if it wasn’t both lethal and easilyemployable.
When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for afight, but Because I’m looking to be left alone. The gun at my sidemeans that I cannot Be forced, only persuaded. I don’t carry it because I’mafraid, but because It enables me to be unafraid. It doesn’t limit the actionsof those who Would interact with me through reason, only the actions ofthose who would Do so by force. It removes force from the equation… Andthat’s why Carrying a gun is a civilized act.
By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret.)
So, the greatest civilization is one where all citizens areequally armed And can only be persuaded, never forced.

Team HeadBlade & Capone Racing – Win, RU and fun times out West
Shaun Reno, AHDRA Pro Mod pilot for Team HeadBlade, andFrank Capone, of Capone Racing, riding multiple bikes including an AHDRA ProMod bike and a Rush Pro Gas bike earned some points and had some fun atthe AHDRA Oak Grove Choppers, Fast Bikes, Inc., Mulligans & MORENorthwest Nitro Nationals in Woodburn, OR.
According to Capone, “There were lots of very coolfans. These people were so excited and interested in our program. It’salways great to have folks ask such great questions and understand theanswers. We were runner up to Joey Thomson in Pro Mod, butwe reset 1/8th mile national mph record @ 132.10.”
“We won in the Rush Pro Gas class. It was aneventful day, we had mechanical issues on Sunday. Weird race, I’dlost to Croneburger but he hit the wall (might have hand surgery, but allin all he’s going to be ok) and was eliminated. Then In the finals, StanSheppards’ bike did not fire, I had a single.
Shaun Reno on Team HeadBlade qualified #2 but went outin the semi’s. However, Reno and Capone continue to move up in the points andit’s getting “that” time of the season when each pointhas value.
Capone’s team consists of Mark Godin, Richard Murray, CraigFisher, Lorne Buchanan and Katy Miller.
Capone Racing sponsors and friends supporting Capone’srecord breaking season include: G&G Engineering, DAS Performance, L.Buchanan Co., Gannos Machine, Energy One Clutches, Vanson Leathers and all thestaff at Capone Landscape.
Capone can be reached at:
Reno’s team includes his wife, Kim, and his crew chief,Ricky Stewart.
Special thanks to: HeadBlade, Inc., Hampton Roads HarleyDavidson, Energy One Clutches, SA (Steve Allstaedt) Racing
VALLEY OF FIRE & MOUTAIN OF SNOW Part 2– Touring Las Vegas on a Champion HD Ultra Trike By Gary Koz Mraz AKA The Triking Viking
The multi-shaded red and golden yellow sandstone cliffs androcks in the Valley of Fire are part of the Navajo Sandstone Formation that isfound throughout southern Nevada. Cagers and motorcycles get dinged ten bucksat the entrance (8 Bucks if you say you’re a LV resident); hope they don’t lookat your plates. The main paved road snakes past giant sandstone beehives andsculpted formations like the Seven Sisters. READ THE FULL STORY

CUBAN THUNDER: HARLEY-DAVIDSON IN CUBA– Harlistas find ways to keep their Harleys alive, By Tracey Eaton
Thousands of Harley-Davidson motorcycles once rumbled acrossCuba, but today only a few hundred remain nearly a half century after theisland’s last Harley dealership closed.
“They’re an endangered species,” said José Angel “Pipi” Pérez,a Cuban mechanic who restores Harleys. “They are disappearing.” But Cuba’shogs aren’t gone yet thanks to the remarkable efforts of a group known asHarlistas. Harlistas have kept their engines running despite decades ofhardship and economic isolation. READ THE FULL STORY
FROGMANS 1000HP TRIKE: Riding the Rocket II– “No dream was ever accomplished through compromise.” ~TimCotterill
Tim Cotterill, also known as Frogman, was born in Leicester,England, in 1950. He left school at the age of fifteen to complete a six-yearengineering apprenticeship and became intrigued with metalworking. Afterreceiving his degree in Mechanical Engineering at age 21, Tim began to feel adeep desire to own a motorcycle. At this time, the Hells Angels and “EasyRider” were heavily influencing the British motorbike scene and Tim enviedtheir custom chopped motorcycles and freewheeling lifestyles. READ THE FULL STORY

Motorcycle Media– Motorcycle Media from around the world were in attendanceduring the Sturgis Rally, me included and I would like to thank all those whohelped to make things run smoothly for me while there.
Depending on what type of media some of the news was thenext day, some during the week and in the case of the magazines probably 90days or better.
Almost everywhere I went I saw Sara Liberte and the Rally TVcrew and damn if they didn’t have all kinds of footage posted the next day.Gotta Luv Them. Shoot all day and edit all night and getting the job done.
Well when ya get done checking out Bikernet you can checkthem out to at