The key to this warlord modification is aWWI TRENCH KNIFE, original about $200 plus. Bob T., being a knife collector, has a goddamn box full of of them.

Next ya need a RoadRat, Roberts kick pedal rod (it's longer than stock). He machines them from 304 stainless. (Road Rat Robrrts E-mail is RoadRatRoberts@webtv.net)

Stem from RoadRat.
Now dig out a7/16 Drill bit and pull off the brass bolster skull crusher and blade.
Drill out the brass knuckle, this is old brass and it's toughas nails. Go slow so you don't slip off center.

Thats it, remove the burrs around both end of the historic battle brass. Install the brass knucklebuster on the shaft. “I also put a cotter key through the nut,” Bob said, “just to play it safe.”

Put it all together and you're ready to break your ankle.”Don't forget the caution sticker,” Bob hollered at me. “Warning- -do not attempt to kick this fucker over with wet boots!”

If you're interested in buying a knife, contact Bob T. at r.tron@verizon.net

Watch for the next Bob T. jockey shift tech using this knife handle.