Nearly 700 XDA motorcycle drag racers on Maryland International Raceway quarter-mile
by XDA Media Staff
This past weekend nearly 700 XDA motorcycle drag racers ran down the Maryland International Raceway quarter-mile for the 28th annual Platinum General Services Spring Nationals.
With a beautiful weather forecast and racers eager to resume racing after two years of pandemic hurtles, the pits were jam-packed with racers ready to start the 2022 racing season.
Friday saw record turnouts with nearly 300 racers entered in test and tune. And with the rush to get the season started, the track was hit with multiple oil downs as racers continued to push performance limits. However, the MIR crew prevailed and kept the show moving along as racers put on a crowd-pleasing show.
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About XDA Racing
The Xtreme Dragbike Association (XDA) is an east coast motorcycle drag racing series with 700+ motorcycle racers competing at each event. Visit www.xdaracing.com for more information.